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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the Frenche Martyrs.

Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

The Doctor.
Whiche thinke you to be the true Churche, the churche
of the Protestantes, or the Churche of Paris?
The Martyr.
I recognise that to be the true Church, where the Gos
pell is truly preached, & the Sacramētes rightly admi
nistred, so as they be left by Iesus Christ, & his Apostles.
The Doctor.
And is the Church (thinke you) of Geneua such a one
as you speake of?
The Martyr.
I so iudge it to be.
The Doctor.
And what if I do proue the contrary, will you be-
leue me?
The Martyr.
Yea, if you shall proue it by the Scripture.
The Doctor.
Or will you beleue S. Austin, and other holy Doc-
tors innumerable?
The Martyr.
Yea, so they dissent not frō the Scripture and the word
of God.
The Doctor.
MarginaliaThe church.By the authoritie of S. Austin, the Church is there,
where is the succession of Byshops: whereupou I frame
this argument.
There is the Church, where is the perpetuall succes-
sion of Byshops.
In the Church of Paris, is such succession of Bishops.
Ergo, the Churche of Paris is the true Churche.
The Martyr.
To your Maior I aunswere, that if S. Austin meane
the succession of such as are true Byshops in dede, which
truely preache the Gospell, and rightly administer the
Sacramentes, such Byshops I suppose to be at Geneua,
where the Gospell is truelye preached, and Sacra
mentes duely ministred, and not in the Churche of Paris.
But otherwise, if S. Austin meane the succession of
false Byshops, such as neither preache nor minister ac-
cordyng to Gods worde, so is the same in no wise to be
The Doctor.
Caluin is there by his own thrustyng in, and onely by
the chusing of the people.
The Martyr.
And that soundeth more for him to be of Gods diuine
election, for somuch as by him the Gospell of God is
preached truely: and from this no man shall bryng me.
After this disceptation, the ix. of the same moneth, came
agaynst him, an other Doctor with two Sorbonistes, who
bringing forth a scrole out of his besome, pretended, that a
certaine scholer comming from Geneua, made his confeßion,
wherin was contained, that in receauing of the bread and
wine, the body and bloud of Christ is receaued reallye. Wher-
upon they demaunded of him, whether he would receaue the
same confeßion.
The Martyr.
Whatsoeuer I haue sayd vnto you, that will I holde.
MarginaliaReally.And as touchyng this word really, I know right well þt
they of Geneua do not take it for any carnall presence, as
you do: but their meaning is, to exclude thereby onely a
vayne imagination.
The Doctor.
I meruaile much, that you so refuse the worde really,
and vse onely spiritually, seyng that Caluin him selfe
doth vse the same worde really.
The Martyr.
Caluin meaneth therby no other thyng, but as we do.
The Doctor.
MarginaliaConfession auricular.What say you by confession auricular?
The Martyr.
The same that I said before, to Monsieur Lieutenant,
that is, that I take it for a plantation not planted by
God in his worde.
The Doctor.
The Almanes in their confession, whiche they sent to
our kyng to be approued, haue these wordes: Confessio-
nē auriculare non improbamus, est enim Euangeliū secretū:
That is, we do not reiect auricular cōfessiō, for it is a gos-

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Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

pell secrete and priuye. And also Melancthon in his booke
of common places, doth call it Euangelium secretum.MarginaliaMelancthon in his common places, speaking of the popishe confession, which cōsisteth in the enumeratiō of sinnes, sayth that it is a snare of conscience, & agaynst the Gospell, and otherwise maketh there no mention of Euangelium secretum: no more doth the cōfession of the Almaines.
An other tyme, the sayd Fridericke was called agayne
before the Lordes, the xx. of the said moneth, where they did
nothyng, but demaund of him certaine questions, where hee
was borne, and whether he had heard in his countrey at Ole
ron, that M. Gerard the Byshop there, did sing Masse. Yea
sayd he. And why do not you also (sayd they) receaue the
same? He aunswered, because he did it to reteine and kepe
his Bishopricke. The Martyr, for lacke of paper, could pro-
cede therein no farther.

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¶ The examination of Fraunces Rebezies.

MarginaliaThe examination of Rebezies.Rebezies had three sundry examinations: The first with
the Lieutenant ciuill: the second with the Presidents & the
Counsaillers: the third with the Friers. First the Lieute-
naunt inquiryng of his name, countrey, and parentes, asked
whether he was at the communion, whether he receaued
with them the bread and wyne, and whether he was serui-
ture to M. Nicolas Cene, Seniour of the Cōgregation. Wher-
unto he sayd, yea. Also whether hee was a distributer of the
tokens, wherby they were let in, that came. That he denyed.
MarginaliaThe second examination.Then was he brought into the Counsaile chamber, before ij.
Presidentes, and xxv. Counsaillers, who after other questiōs
about his countrey, and parentes, demaunded whether hee
was taken with them in the house. He aūswered: Yea. What
he had to do there? To heare the worde of God, and to re-
ceaue with them. Who brought him thether? Him self. Who
there he knew? No man. How he durst or would enter, know-
yng no person there? Truth it was (sayd he) that he knew
there ij. or iij. Who were they? M. Grauelle, Cinet, and Iohn
Sansot, feyning that name of him selfe. Whether he knewe
the preacher? That he denyed. Whether he allowed the acte
there done to be good? Yea. VVhether he did not better like
to resorte vnto their beautified temples, to heare Masse: or
whether he did not take the Masse to be an holy thyng,
MarginaliaMasse.and ordained of God? He aunswered agayn contrary, be-
leauing that it was a great blasphemie agaynst God, and a
seruice set vp of the deuill. Whether he did not acknowledge
MarginaliaPurgatorye.Purgatorye? Yes, that Purgatorye, which is the death and
Paßion of Christ, which taketh away the sinnes of the whole
worlde. The death of Christ is the principall (said they)
but thou must also beleue another. Alas (said he) can we ne-
uer content our selues with the simplicitie of the Gospell, but
man alwayes will be puttyng to, somthing of his own brayne?
In so many places of the Scripture we see the bloude of
MarginaliaIohn. 1.
Apoc. 5.
Heb. 9.
Esa. 43.
Iesus Christ to bee sufficient, as Iohn. 1. Apocal. 5.
Heb. 9. Esa. 43. Where the Lord him selfe sayth. That
it is he, who for his own sake, putteth awaye our
iniquities. &c. And S. Paule also sayth, that God was
in Christ, reconcilyng the world vnto him selfe. &c.Marginalia2. Cor. 5.And contrary, when they obiected the wordes of the para-
ble. Mat. 5. Thou shalte not come out till thou hast
MarginaliaMath. 5.payed the last farthyng: To this he aunswered that the
wordes of that parable had no such relation, but to matters
ciuile: and this worde (vntill) meaneth there, as much as
neuer. After that, he was charged there by one, for rea-
ding the bookes of Caluin, Bucer, and Bullinger. The Pre-
sident asked, if he were not afrayde to be burned, as were the
other before, and to bring his parentes into such dishonour.
He aunswered, that he knewe well, that all whiche would
lyue godly in Christ Iesus, should suffer persecutiō:Marginalia2. Tim. 3.and that to him either to lyue or to dye, were aduauntage
in the Lorde. And as touchyng his parentes, Christ (sayd
he) doth premonishe him selfe, That whosoeuer lo-
ueth father or mother more then him, is not wor-
MarginaliaMath. 10.thye to be his. &c. Iesus Maria, sayd the President,
what youth is this now a dayes, whiche caste them selues so
hedlong into the fire? and so was he commaunded away.
MarginaliaThe thyrd examination.Thirdly he was brought before Benet, Maister of the
Doctors of Sorbone, and an other called Iacobin, the 14. of
October, where as he chauncyng tro speake of the Lorde, the
Doctor began thus to obiecte, as foloweth.

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