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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the Frenche Martyrs.

Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

The Doctor.
MarginaliaThe differēce betwene the Lord, and our Lord.See how you, & all such as are of your company, sim-
plye name þe Lord, without putting to the pronoune our.
So may the deuils well call the Lorde, and tremble be-
fore his face.
The Martyr.
The deuils call the Lord in such sorte, as the Phari-
seys did, when they brought the adulteresse before hym,
and called him, Maister: yet neither attended they to his
doctrine, nor intended to be his Disciples: Whose case, I
trust, is nothyng like to ours, whiche knowe and con-
fesse (as we speake) him to be the true Lord withall our
hart, so as true Christians ought to do.
The Doctor.
MarginaliaThe Church.I know you hold well the Churche to bee, where the
worde is truly preached, and the Sacramentes sincerely
ministred, according as they are left of Christ, and his ho
ly Apostles.
The Martyr.
That do I beleue, and in that will I lyue and dye.
The Doctor.
Do not you beleue, that who soeuer is without that
Church, can not obteine remission of his sinnes?
The Martyr.
Who soeuer doth separate him selfe from that Church,
to make either sect, part, or diuision, can not obteyne as
you say.
The Doctor.
MarginaliaTwo churches.Now let vs consider two Churches, the one wherein
the worde is rightly preached, and Sacramentes admi-
nistred accordingly, as they be left vnto vs: The other
wherein the word and Sacramentes be vsed contrarily.
Whiche of these ij. ought we to beleue?
The Martyr.
The first.
The Doctor.
Well sayd. Next is now to speake of the giftes geuen
to the sayd Church: as the power of the keyes, confession
for remission of sinnes, after we bee confessed to a Priest.
Also we must beleue the vij. Sacramentes in the same
Churche, truly administred, as they be here in the Chur-
ches of Paris, where the Sacrament of the aultar is mini-
stred, and the Gospell truly preached.
The Martyr.
Syr, now you begyn to halt. As for my part, I do not
receaue in the Church, moe then ij. Sacraments, which
be instituted in the same, for the whole communaltie of
MarginaliaPower of the keyes.Christiās. And as cōcernyng þe power of þe keyes, & your
MarginaliaConfession.confession, I beleue, that for remission of our sinnes, we
ought to go to none other, but onely to God, as we read
1. Iohn. 1. If we confesse our sinnes, God is faithfull and iust,
to pardon our offences, and he will purge vs from all our ini-
quities. &c. Also in the Prophet Dauid, Psal. 19. and 32. I
haue opened my sinne vnto thee. &c.
The Doctor.
Should I not beleue that Christ, in the time of his A-
postles, gaue to them power to remitte sinnes?
The Martyr.
The power that Christ gaue to his Apostles, if it bee
well considered, is nothyng disagreyng to my saying:
And therfore I began to say (which here I confesse) that
the Lord gaue to his Apostles to preach the word, and
so to remitte sinnes by the same worde.
The Doctor.
Do you then denye auricular confession?
The Martyr.
Yea verely, I do.
The Doctor.
Ought we to pray to Saintes?
The Martyr.
I beleue, no.
The Doctor.
Tell me that I shall aske: Iesus Christ beyng here
vpō the earth, was he not then as well sufficiēt to heare
the whole world, & to be intercessor for all, as he is now?
The Martyr.
The Doctor.
MarginaliaIntercession of Sainctes.But we finde, that when hee was here on earth, his
Apostles made intercession for the people, and why may
they not do the same as well now also?

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Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

The Martyr.
So long as they were in the worlde, they exercised
their ministery, and prayed one for an other, as nedyng
humane succours together: but now they beyng in Pa-
radise, all their prayer that they make, is this: that they
wish that they which be yet on earth, may atteine to their
felicitie: but to obteine any thyng at the fathers hande,
we must haue our recourse onely to his sonne.
The Doctor.
If one man haue such charge to pray for an other, may
not he then be called an intercessour?
The Martyr.
I graunt.
The Doctor.
Well thē, you say there is but one intercessor. Wher-
upon I inferre, that I being bound to pray for an other,
neede not now to go to Iesus Christ, to haue him an in-
tercessor, but to God alone, setting Iesus Chrsit a part:
and so ought we verely to beleue.
The Martyr.
You vnderstand not Syr, that if God do not beholde
vs in the face of his owne welbeloued sonne, then shall
we neuer be able to stand in his sight. For if he shall loke
vpō vs, he can see nothyng but sinne. And if the heauens
be not pure in hys eyes, what shall be thought then of
man so abhominable and vnprofitable, which drincketh
iniquitie, lyke water, as Iob doth say?
Then the other Frier seyng his felowe to haue nothyng to
aunswere to this, inferred as foloweth.
The Doctor.
Nay (my frend) as touching þe great mercy of God, let
that stand, & now, to speake of our selues: thys we know,
that God is not displeased with them whiche haue theyr
recourse vnto his Saintes.MarginaliaNote thys blasphemous doctrine, which maketh Sainctes equall intercessors with Christ.
The Martyr.
Syr, we must do, not after our own wylles, but accor
dyng to that which God willeth & cōmaundeth. For thys
is the trust that we haue in hym, that if we demaunde any
thyng after hys will, he will heare vs. 1. Iohn. 5.
The Doctor.
As no man cōmeth to the presence of an earthly king or
prince, without meanes made by some about hym: so, or
rather much more, to the heauenly kyng aboue. &c.
The Martyr.
To this earthly example, I will aunswere with an o-
ther heauenly exāple of the prodigall sonne: who sought
no other meanes to obteyne hys fathers grace, but came
to the father him selfe.
MarginaliaWorshipping of Sainctes.¶ Then they came to speake of adoration, whiche the sayd
Rebezies disproued by the Scriptures. Act. 10. 13. 14.
Apoc. 19. 22. Heb. 10. 14. 12. Where is to be noted, that
where the Martyr alleged the 12. to the Heb. the Doctors
aunswered, that it was the 11. chap. when in dede the
place is neither in the xi. nor in the xij. But in the 14. chap.
of the Actes. So well seene were these Doctors in their
The Doctor.
MarginaliaThe presence of Christ in the hoste.Touchyng the Masse, what say you? Beleue you not,
that when the Priest hath cōsecrated the hoste, our Lord
is there as well, and in as ample sorte, as hee was han-
gyng vpon the Crosse?
The Martyr.
No verely. But I beleue, that Iesus Christ is sitting
at the right hand of his father, as appeareth. Hebr. 10.
1. Cor. 15. Colos. 3. and therfore (to make short with you)
MarginaliaMasse.I hold your Masse for none other, but for a false and a
counterfeyted seruice set vp by Satan, & reteined by hys
ministers, by the whiche you do anihilate the precious
bloud of Christ, and his oblation once made, of his owne
body: and you know right well, that the same is suffici-
ent, and ought not to be reiterated.
The Doctor.
You deceaue your selues in the worde reiteration: for
we do not reiterate it so as you do thinke, as by example
I will shewe. You see me now in this religious garmēt,
but if I should put vpon me a souldiours weede, then
should I be but disguised, and yet for all that, I should
remaine the same still, within my doublet, that I was
before, in my Friers weede. So is it with the Sacrifice.
We confesse and graunt that Naturaliter, that is, natural-

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