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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the Frenche Martyrs.

Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

ly, he was once offered in Sacrifice, and also is sittyng
MarginaliaNaturaliter.Naturaliter, that is, naturally, at the right hand of his fa-
MarginaliaSupernaturaliter, or subscriptiue.ther: but Supernaturaliter, & subscriptiue, that is, superna-
turally, we sacrifice þe same, without reiteration. Superna-
turaliter, we Sacrifice him: but that Sacrifice is but one-
ly disguised, to vnderstand that he is conteined vnder
that curtine, and whytenes, whiche you see.
The Martyr.
MarginaliaThe disguised sacrifice of the Papistes.Syr this I say, that such a disguised Sacrifice is a dia-
bolical Sacrifice, and this you may take for a resolution.
The Doctor.
And how is your beliefe touchyng the holy Supper?
The Martyr.
That if it bee ministred vnto me by the minister, in
such vsage, as it hath bene left of Christ & his Apostles,
MarginaliaThe body of Christ spiritually receaued in the Sacrament.preachyng also the worde purely withall, I beleue that
in receauyng the materiall bread and wyne, I receaue
with lyuely fayth, the body and bloud of Iesus Christ,
The Doctor.
MarginaliaCorporally.Say, corporally.
The Martyr.
No Syr, for his wordes be spirite and life, and let
this content you.
The Doctor.
What say you? is it lawfull for a Priest to mary?
The Martyr.
MarginaliaMatrimonie of ministers.I beleue it to be lawfull for hym in such sorte, as the
Apostle sayth: Who soeuer hath not the gift of continencie,
let hym mary: For it is better to mary, then to burne. And if
this do not content you, further you may read what he
writeth of Bishops and Elders. 1. Timot. 3. and Tit. 1.
And thus the Doctors affirmyng that hee denyed
priesthode, gaue him leaue to departe, saying, God haue
mercy on you. So be it, said he.

After this, about 22. of October, the sayd Rebezies
and Fridericke Danuile, were brought vp to a chamber in
the Castle, to be racked, to the intēt they should vtter the rest
of the congregation. In the which chamber they found three
Counsellers, who thus began with them: Lift vp thy hand.
Thou shalt sweare by the Paßion of Iesus Christ, whose
Image here thou seest, shewyng him a great marmouset there
painted in a paper. &c. Whereunto Rebezies aunswered:
Monsieur I will sweare to you by the Paßiō of Christ, which
is written in my hart. Why doest thou not swere to vs, sayd
the Counsaillers, as we say vnto thee? Because (sayd he) it is
a great blasphemie agaynst the Lord. Then the Counsellers
read their depositions, and first beginnyng with Rebezies,
sayd: will thou not tell vs the truth, what companions thou
knowest to be of this assemble? Rebezies named, as he did be
fore, Grauelle, Clinet (which were already burnt) and Iohn
Sansot. To whom they sayd, that the Courte had ordayned,
that if he would geue no other aunswere but so, he should bee
put to the torture or racke: and so was he commaunded to
be stripped to his shyrt, hauyng a Crosse put in his hand, and
beyng byd to commend him selfe to God, and the virgin Ma
ry: but he neither would receaue the crosse, nor cōmend him
self to the virgin Mary, saying, that God was able enough
to garde him & to saue him out of the Lyons mouth: and so,
MarginaliaThe Martyrs racked.he beyng drawen and stretched in the ayre, he began to crye:
Come Lord, & shew thy strēgth that mā do not preuaile. &c.
But they cryed, Tell truth, Fraunces, and thou shalt bee let
downe. Neuertheles he continued still in his Inuocation and
prayer to the Lord, so that they could haue no other worde,
but that. And after they had thus, long tormented hym,
the Counsellers sayd: wilt thou say nothyng els? I haue no-
thyng els, sayd he, to say. And so they commaunded him
MarginaliaThe constancie of these be loosed, and be put by the fire side. Who being loosed, sayd
to them, Do you handle thus the poore seruauntes of God?
And the like was done to Fridericke Danuile also, his cōpa-
nion, of whom they could haue no other aunswere (who at
the same tyme was also very sicke) but as of the other. So
mightely did God aßiste and strengthē his seruaunts, as euer
he did any els, by their owne letters and confeßion as doth
appeare. Ex litteris Francis. Rebez. in Crisp. lib. 6.
These constant and true Martyrs of Christ, after they
returned from the torture, vnto their felowe prisoners,
ceased not to thanke and prayse the Lorde for his aßistance.

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Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaBrotherly compassion.Fridericke did sigh oftētimes, & being asked of his felowes
why he so did, hee sayd it was not for the euill that he had
suffered, but for the euils that he knew they should suffer af-
terward. Notwithstandyng (sayd he) be strong brethren, &
be not afrayde, assuring your selues of the ayde of God, which
hath succoured vs, and also will comfort you. Rebezies with
the racke was so drawen and stretched, that one of his shoul-
ders was hyther then the other, and his necke drawen on
the one side, so that he could not moue him selfe: and ther-
fore desiryng his brethren to lay him vppon his bed, there he
wrote his confeßion, which hether to we haue folowed. When
MarginaliaThe comfort of Gods Sainctes.the night came, they reioysed together, & cōforted thē selues
with meditatiō of the life to come, & contempt of this world
singing Psalmes together, till it was day. Rebezies cryed
twise or thrise together, away from me Satan. Friderick
beyng in bed with him, asked, why hee cryed, and whether
Satan would stoppe him of his course? Rebezies sayd, that
Satan set before him, his parentes, but by the grace of God,
(sayd he) he shall do nothyng agaynst me.
The day next folowyng, they were brought once or twyse
before the Counsellers, and required to shew, what felowes
they had moe, of the sayd assemble. Which when they would
not declare, the sentence was read agaynst them, that they
should bee brought in a dong carte, to Maulbert place, and
there hauyng a balle in their mouthes, to be tyed, ech one to
his poste, and afterward to be strangled, and so to be turned
into ashes.
Afterward came the Friers and Doctors, Demochares,
Maillard and other, to cōfesse thē, & offeryng to thē a Crosse
to kisse, which they refused. Thē Demochares by force made
Rebezies to kisse it, whether he would or no: crying to them
moreouer, that they should beleue in the sacramēt. What, said
Fridericke, will you haue vs to plucke Christ Iesus out from
the right hand of his father? Demochares said, that so many
of their opinion had suffered death before, & yet none of thē
all, euer did any miracles, as the Apostles and holy Martyrs
did. Fridericke asked them, if they required any miracle. No
sayd they, and so stoode mute, saue onely that Demochares
prayed them to consider well what they had said vnto them.
MarginaliaDoct. Mallard gageth his soule.Maillard also added, that he woulde gage his soule to be
damned, but it was true. Fridericke aūswered, that he knew
it was contrary.
At last beyng brought to the place of execution, a Crosse
agayne was offered them, which they refused. Then a Priest
standing by, bad them beleue in the virgin Mary. Let God,
sayd they, reigne alone. The people standyng by, ah mischie-
uous Lutherane, sayd they. Nay, a true Christian I am, sayd
he. When they were tyed to their stakes, after their prayers
made, when they were byd to be dispatched: one of thē cōfor-
tyng the other, sayd, be strong my brother, be strong: Satan
away from vs. As they were thus exhortyng, one standyng
MarginaliaIohn Morell was afterward, sayd: These Lutherans do call vpon Satā. One Iohn Mo-
rell (whiche afterward dyed a Martyr) then standyng by at
libertie, aunswered: I praye you let vs heare (sayd he) what
they say, and we shall heare them inuocate the name of God.
Wherupō the people lystened better vnto thē to harkē, as well
as they could, what they sayd: they crying still as much as
their mouthes being stopped could vtter, Aßiste vs O Lord:
MarginaliaThe death and Martyrdome of Ribezies and Danuile.and so they rendryng vp their spirites to the handes of the
Lord, did consummate their valiaunt Martyrdome. Ex
Crisp. lib. 6.

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¶ After the Martyrdome of these two abouesayd, the in-
tention of the Iudges was to dispatche the rest, one after an
other in like sorte, and had procured already proces agaynst
xij. or xiij. ready to be iudged. But a certaine Gentlewoman
then prisoner amongst them, had presented causes of excep-
tions or refusals agaynst them, wherby the cruell rage of
the enemyes was stayed, to the moneth of Iuly folowyng. In
the whiche meane tyme, as this persecution was spread into
MarginaliaThe Suitzers make supplication to the French kyng, for the Martyrs.other countreys, first the faithfull Cantons of the Suitzers,
perceauyng these good men to bee afflicted for the same do-
ctrine whiche they preached in their Churches, sent their
Ambassadours to the king, to make supplication for them.

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