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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the Spanishe Martyrs.

Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaXXX. Christian prisoners broughte before for counsel of the Inquisition.An. 1559. Maij, 21. In the towne of Valledolid, where
c?monly the counsell of the Inquisition is wont to be kept, the
Inquisitors had brought together many prisouers, both of high
and lowe estate, to the number of xxx. also the coffin of a
certein noble woman, with her Picture lying vpon it, which
had bene dead long before, there to receaue iudgem?t & sen-
tence. To the hearing of whiche sentence, they had ordeined
MarginaliaThree the sayd towne, iij. mightye Theatries or stages. Vpon
MarginaliaThe ceremoniall pompe of the Spanishe Inquisition.the first was placed Dame Iane, sister to king Philippe, and
chief Regent of his realmes: also Prince Charles, king Phi-
lippes sonne, with other Princes and States of Spayne. Vpon
the other scaffold mo?ted the Archbishop De Seuille, Prince
of the Synagoge of the Inquisitors, with the Counsell of the
Inquisition: also other Bishops of the landes, and the kinges
counsaile with them.
After that the Princes, and other spirituall iudges, and
counsellers were thus sit in their places, with a great garde of
Archers, and Halberdiers, and harnissed souldiours: with
iiij. Herauldes also of armes, geuing their attendance to the
same, and the Earle of Buendia bearyng the naked sworde,
all the market place where the stages were, beyng enuiro-
ned with an infinite multitude of all sortes of the worlde
there standyng, and gasing out of wyndowes, and houses to
heare & see the sentences & iudgementes of thys Inquisiti?:
then after all, were brought forthe (as a spectacle and tri-
umphe) the poore seruauntes and witnesses of Iesus Christ, to
the number (as is aforesayd) of thirty, clothed with their
MarginaliaThe Spanish Mantell of S. Benet of yellow color with red crosses both before & behinde, called Sanbenito.Sanbenito, as the Spaniardes do call it, which is a maner of
vesture, of yellow cloth comming both before them and be-
hind them, spangled with read Crosses, and hauyng burning
Cierges in their handes: also before them was borne a Cruci-
fixe couered with blacke linen cloth, in token of mournyng.
Moreouer, they which were to receaue the sentence of death,
had Miters of paper vp? their heads, which the Spanyardes
call Coracas. Thus they being produced, were placed in their
order, one vnder an other, according as they were estemed cul
pable: So that first of all, stode Doct. Cacalla, an Austin fri-
er, a m? notable & singular in knowledge of diuinitie, prea-
cher sometyme, to Charles the v. Emperour, both in hygher,
and lower Germanie.
These thinges thus disposed, then folowed a Serm?, made
by a Dominicke Frier, whiche endured about an houre. Af-MarginaliaThis Dominicke was M. Melchior Cano.
ter the Sermon finished, the Procurator generall, with the
Archbishop, went to the stage, where the Princes and no-
bles stode, to minister a solemne othe vnto them, vpon the
Crucifixe painted in the Massebooke: the tenour of which
MarginaliaThe oth geuen to the princes by the Inquisiton of Spayne.othe was this: Your Maiesties shall sweare, that you will fa
uour the holy Inquisition, and also geue your consent vnto the
same: and not onely that you shall, by no maner of way, hin-
der and impeache the same, but also you shall employ the vt-
termost of your helpe and endeuour hereafter, to see all them
to bee executed, whiche shall swerue from the Churche of
Rome, and adioyne them selues to the secte of the Lutheran
heretickes, with out all respecte of any person or persons, of
what estate, degree, qualitie, or condition soeuer they be.
And thus much for the first article of the othe. The sec?d wasthis, as foloweth.
Item, your Maiesties shall swere, that you shall con-
straine all your subiectes, to submitte them selues to the
Churche of Rome, and to haue in reuerence all the lawes
and commaundementes of the same: and also to geue your
ayde agaynst all them, whosoeuer shall hold of the heresie of
the Lutherans, or take any part with them.
In this sort and maner, when all the Princes and states,
euery one in their degree, had receaued their othe, then the
Archbishop liftyng vp his hand, gaue them his benediction,
saying: God blesse your highnesses, and geue you long lyfe.
This solemne Pageon thus finished, at last the poore captiues
and prisoners were called out, the Procurator fiscall, or the
Popes great Collectour, first beginnyng with Doctour Ca-
calla, and so procedyng to the other in order, as here vnder
in this Table foloweth, with their names, and their iudge-
mentes described.

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Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaDoct. Cacalla, a frier Augustine, preacher sometyme to Charles. v. Martyr.The In-
of Spaine
great Col
lector, or
tor fiscall.
shop of
of Val-
of Or?se.

a Frier

Before the Popes great Pro-
ctor or Collector fiscall, first was
called forth Doctour Austin Ca
calla. This Doctor was a Frier
of Austins order, and Priest of
the town of Valledolid, and prea
cher sometymes to the Emperour
Charles the v. a m? wel acco?ted
of for his learnyng. Who for that
he was thought to be as the stan
derbearer to the Gospellers (wh?
they called Lutherans) and prea
cher and Doctor vnto th?, ther-
fore beyng first called for, was
brought from his stage, nearer to
the Proctor fiscall, there to heare
the sentence of his condemnati?:
which was, that he should be de
graded, and presently burned, &
all his goods confiscate, to the pro
fite and aua?cement of Iustice.
MarginaliaFrances de Biuero priest, and brother to Cacalla, Martyr.
de Biue-
ro, Priest
of Valle-
dolid, &
brother to
the fore-
sayd Ca-

The second prisoner and next to
Doctor Cacalla, that was called,
was Frances de Biuero his bro-
ther, Priest also of Valledolid,
who receaued likewise the same
sentence of condemnation. And
to the intent he should not speake
any thyng to the preiudice, or a-
gainst the abuse of the sacrate In
quisition, as he before had done
both within and without the pri
son, with much boldnes, and also
because he was much fauored of
the people: to the end therfore,
that no commotion should come
by his speaking, his mouth was
so stopped and shut vp, that hee
could not speake one worde.
MarginaliaDame Blanch sister to them, Martyr.
de Biue-

The third, was Dame Bl?che,
sister to the other two aforesayd,
agaynste whom also was pro-
nounced the like sentence, as vp?
her brethren before.
MarginaliaIohn de Biuero, brother to the same, Martyr.
Iohn de

The fourth, was Iohn de Bi-
uero, brother to the same kinred,
who was also iudged an here-
ticke, and condemned to perpe-
tuall prison, and to beare his
Sanbenito all hys lyfe longe:
whiche is an habillement of dis-
MarginaliaDame constance de Biuero, an other sister, Martyr.
Dame C?stance
de Biue-
ro, sister
to the same

Dame Constance de Biuero
was the fift, sister to the other
before specified, and wydowe of
Ferdin?do Ortis, dwelling some-
tyme, at Valledolid: who was
also condemned with the like sen
tence with her brethren, to bee
MarginaliaDame Leonore de Biuero, mother to these Martyrs aboue, burnt after her death.
The coffin
with the
dead corps
of Dame

The sixt thunderbolt of con-
demnation, was thundered out
agaynst a poore coffin, with the
dead corps, of Dame Leonore de
Biuero, mother to these aboue
named, beyng her selfe the sixte,
& beyng already dead long be-
fore, at Valledolid. Aboue her cof
fin was her picture layd, which

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