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K. Henry. 8. A Table of Spanishe Martyrs.

Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

The In-
of Spain.

de Biue-
ro, the
of these a-

was also condemned with her
dead corps, to bee burned for an
hereticke: And yet I neuer heard
of any opinion, that this picture
did hold, either with, or agaynst
the Churche of Rome. This good
mother, while she liued, was a
a worthy mainteiner of Christes
Gospell, with great integritie of
lyfe: and reteined diuers assem-
bles of the Saintes in her house,
for the preachyng of the word of
God. In fine, her corps and I-
mage also beyng brought before
the Fiscal, was condemned lyke-
MarginaliaThis good mother, with her children, burned by Antichrist, resembled to the mother with her vij. children, burned in the booke of Machabees.wise (as the mother with her vij.
children in the booke of Macha-
bees) to be burned for a Lutherā
hereticke, and all her goods to be
seased, to the behouffe of the supe
riour Powers, and also her house
vtterly to be rased & cast down
to the ground: and for a memo-
riall of the same, a Marble stone
appointed there to bee set vp in
the house, wherin the sayd cause
of her burnyng should bee en-
MarginaliaM. Alfonse Perez, Martyr.
Priest of

In the seuenth place was con
demned Master Aflonse Perez
Priest of Valence: first to be de-
graded, and after to be burned as
an hereticke, and all his goodes
likewise confiscate and seased, to
the behouffe of the Superioritie.

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MarginaliaThe degradation of Doc. Cacalla, Frances his brother, & Alfonse.☞ When these vij. aforesayd had receaued their sen-
tence, then the Byshop of Valence, in his pontificalibus,
caused Doctour Cacalla, Frances his brother, and Aflonse
Perez, to bee apparelled and reuested in priestly vesture.
Whiche done, he tooke from them, first the chalice out of
their handes, and so all their other trinkets, in order, ac-
cordyng to their accustomed solemnitie. And thus they
beyng degraded, and all their priestly vnctions takē frō
their fingers, also their lippes and their crownes rased,
so were their yellow habites of Sanbenito, put ouer their
shoulders agayne, with their Miters also of paper vpon
their heades. This done, Doct. Cacalla began to speake,
praying the Princes and the Lordes, to geue him audi-
MarginaliaDoct. Cacalla not suffered to speake.ence: but that beyng not graunted to hym, he was rude-
ly repulsed, and returned agayne to hys standyng. One-
ly thus much he protested clearely and openlye, that his
fayth, for whiche he was so handled, was not hereticall,
but consonant to the pure and cleare worde of God. For
the whiche also hee was preste and ready to suffer death,
as a true Christian, and not as an hereticke: Besides ma
ny other worthy sentences of great consolation, whiche
he there vttered in the meane space, while the Iudges,
were busie in their sentences, agaynst the residue of the

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MarginaliaDon Peter Sarmiento knyght, condemned for a perpetuall prisoner.The In-
of Spain.

Don Pe-
ter Sar-
knight of
the order
of Alcan-

The eight, that was brought
before the foresayd Fiscall, was
Don Peter Sarmiento knight of
the order of Alcantara, dwellyng
at Valence, and sonne of Mar-
ques de Poza, who was pronoū-
ced an hereticke, and iudged to
beare the marke and habite of
dishonour all his lyfe, and con-
demned to perpetuall prison,
with the losse of his order, and
of all his goods: To whom more-
ouer it was enioyned neuer to
weare any more golde, siluer,
perles, or any pretious stone a-
bout him.

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Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaDame Mencia, wife of Don Peter, condemned for a perpetuall prisoner.The In-
of Spain.

wife of the
sayd Don

Ninthly after him, was called
Dame Mencia de Figneroa, wife
of the foresayd Don Peter Sar-
miento. Who likewise beyng pro
clamed for an hereticke, was con
demned to the same punishment,
as her husband was.
MarginaliaDon Louys de Roxas, condemned to beare a Sanbenito.
Don Louys de
sonne and
heire of the
de Poza.

Next after her, was called &
brought out, Don Louys De Ro-
xas, sonne & heyre of the Mar-
ques de Poza, who being also de-
clared an hereticke, for the great
sute and labour whiche was
made for him, was condemned
onely to beare hys Sanbenito,
vnto the towne house, and hys
goodes to be confiscate.
MarginaliaDame Anne Hēriquet, iudged as an hereticke to beare a Sābenito.

After whom, in the xj. place,
folowed Dame Anne Hēriques,
daughter of the Marques Al-
canszes, & mother to the forena-
med Marques de Poza, and wife
to Lorde Alfonsus de Fonseca:
Who in like sort, was declared an
hereticke, and cōdemned to beare
her Sanbenito, to the towne
house, and her goodes to bee con-
MarginaliaChristofer Dell, Martyr.
fer Dell.

Christofer Dell Citizen of
Samora, was the twelfe: who af-
ter he was declared an hereticke,
was iudged to be burned, and his
goodes to be seased.
MarginaliaChristofer de Padilla, Martyr.
fer de Pa

The lyke sentence was also
geuen vppon Christofer de Pa-
dilla, Citizen of Samora.
MarginaliaAntonie de Huezuello, Martyr.
de Heuz-

The xiiij. was Antonie de Huez-
uello baccheler of diuinitie, dwel
ling at Toro. Who after he was
proclamed hereticke, & his goods
confiscate, was condemned to be
burned, and moreouer had hys
mouth stopped, for that he should
not speake, and make confeßion
of his faith, vnto the people.
MarginaliaKatherin Romain, Martyr.
rine Ro-

Then folowed Katherine Ro
main, dwelling in Pedrosa, cal-
led from her standyng: who re-
ceauyng the like sentence, was
condemned to be burned, and all
her goodes confiscate.
MarginaliaFrances Errem, Martyr.

The xvi. was Frances Er-
rem, borne in Pegnaranda, whō
they condemned to be burned a-
lyue, and all her goodes likewise
MarginaliaKatherin Ortega, Martyr.
rin Or-

After hym succeded in the
next sentence of Martyrdom, Ka
therin Ortega dwelling in Valle-
dolid, daughter of Hernādo Pia-
zo Fiscall, and widowe of Cap-
taine Louys, pronounced with
the other, to be an hereticke: and
for somuch as shee was rekened
to be a Scholmastres to the rest,
she was iudged to be burned, and
her goodes confiscate.

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