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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the Spanishe Martyrs.

Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaIsabell Strada, Martyr.
Iane Valesques, Martyr.
The In
of Spain.

Iane Va-

In the xviij. and xix. place,
stoode Isabell de Strada, and
Iane Valesques, both dwellyng
in Pedrosa, whiche likewise
were condemned to bee burned,
and all their goodes confiscate.
MarginaliaA Smith, Martyr.
A Smith.

A certein workemā of white
yron, or smith, for interteinyng
assembles in his house, and for
watchyng with them, receaued
also with them, the like sentēce,
to lose both life and goodes, for
the Gospels sake.
MarginaliaA Iewe burned.
A Iewe.

With these also was ioyned
a Portugale, named Goncalo
Vaes of Lisbone, whiche was
borne a Iewe, afterwarde Bapti-
sed, & thē returned agayn to hys
Iudaisme: who for more shame to
the other, was put also in the
same tale & number, as the two
theeues were ioyned with Christ,
and was also with thē condēned
to be burned, & his goods seased.
MarginaliaDame Iane de Silua, condemned for an hereticke.
Iane de

After these, was called Dame
Iane de Silua, wife to Iohn de
Biuero, brother to Doctour Ca-
calla: To whom it was enioyned
to beare a mantell all her life, for
penaunce, and token of her tres-
pas, and all her goodes confiscate.
MarginaliaLeonore de Lisueros.
Marina de Saiauedra.
Daniell Quadra, condemned to perpetuall prison.

de Lisue-
ros, wife
of Huez-
de Saia-

In like maner was called for,
Leonore de Lisueros, wife of the
foresaid Antonie Huezuelo, bat-
cheler of diuinitie.
Item, Marina de Saiauedra,
wife of Cysueras de Sareglio.
Item, Daniell Quadra borne
at Pedrosa: All which iij. per-
sons were pronounced heretickes
and condemned to do penaunce
in perpetuall prison, with their
mantels, and confiscation of all
their goodes.
MarginaliaDame Mary de Royas, enioyned penaunce.
Mary de

Dame Mary de Royas, sister
of Marques of Royas, because
she was in a cloyster, and was
come of a good house, was ther-
fore iudged to beare her mantell
to the towne house, and all her
goodes confiscat.
MarginaliaAntonie Dominicke, enioyned penaunce.

Antonie Dominicke, de Pedro-
sa beyng then brought out, was
iudged and condēned to iij. yeres
penaūce in prison, for his heresie,
clothed with the mātell of yelow,
and all his goods confiscate.
MarginaliaAntonie Basor an English man, enioyned penaunce.
Basor, an

Last of all was produced An
tonie Basor, who for that he was
an Englishe man, he was iudged
to beare his mantell of yellow, to
the towne house, in penaunce for
his crime, and incontinent was
thrust into a cloyster for one
yeare, to the entent hee myght
there be instructed in thge catho-
licke ordinaunces of the Churche
of Rome, as they be called.

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PersecutersMartyrsThe Causes.

After these sentences beyng thus pronounced, they
whiche were condemned to be burned with the coffin of
the dead Lady, and her picture vpon the same, were com-
mitted to the secular magistrate, & to their executioners,
whiche were commaunded to do their endeuour. Then
were they all incontinent taken, and euery one set vpon
an asse, their faces turned backeward, with a great gari-
son of armed souldiours, vnto the place of punishement,
whiche was without the gate of the towne called Del
MarginaliaXiiij. Martyrs in Spain, burned.When they were come to the place, there were xiiij.
stakes set vp of equall distance one from an other, wher-
unto euery one seuerally beyng fastened, accordyng to
the fashion of Spayne, they were all first strangled, and
then burned, and turned to ashes, saue onely Antonie
Huezuelo, who for somuch as hee had both within and
without the prison, vehemently detested the popes spiri-
tualtie, therfore hee was burned alyue, and his mouth
stopped from speakyng. And thus these faithfull Christi-
ans, for the veritie and pure worde of God, were led to
death, as sheepe to the shambles: who not onely most
christianly did comforte one an other, but also did so ex-
hort all thē there present, that all men merueiled great-
ly, both to heare their singular constancie, and to see their
quiet and peaceable end.
It is reported that besides these aforesayd, there re-
mayned yet behynd, xxxvij. other prisoners, at the sayd
towne of Valledolid, reserued to an other Tragedie and
spectacle of that bloudy Inquisition. Ex quinta parte Mar-
tyr. Gallice Impress. pag. 474.

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* Furthermore, whereas the story of the sayd Inquisition
beyng set out in the Frenche tongue, doth reken the number of
the Martyrs, aboue mentioned, to be thyrty: and yet in particu-
lar declaration of them, doth name no more but xxviii. here is
therfore to be noted, that eyther thys nūber lacked ij. of thyrty:
or els that ii. of the sayd companie were returned backe without
iudgement, into the prison againe.

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¶ And thus much for this present, touchyng the pro-
cedyng of the Churche of Spayne, in their Inquisition
agaynst the Lutherans, that is, agaynst the true and
faithfull seruauntes of Iesus Christ. Albeit there be o-
ther countreis also besides Spayne, subiecte vnto the
same Inquisition, as Neaples, and Sicilie: in whiche
kyngdome of Sicilie, I heare it credibly reported, that
euery thyrd yeare are brought forth to iudgement and
execution, a certein number after the like sort of Chri-
stian Martyrs, some tymes xij. some tymes vi. some
tymes more, and some tymes lesse. Amongest whom
MarginaliaA Christian Martyr burned in Sicilie.there was one, much about the same yeare aboue men
tioned. an. 1559. who commyng from Geneua,
vnto Sicilie, vppon zeale to do good, was at last layd
hande of, and beyng condemned the same time,
to the fire, as hee should take his death, was offered
there of the hangman to be strangled, hauing the corde
ready about hys necke: but he notwithstandyng, refu-
sed the same, and sayd that he would feele the fire: and
so endured hee, singyng with all hys might vnto the
Lord, till he was beriued both of speach and life, in the
middest of the flame: such was the admirable constan-
cie and fortitude of that valiant souldiour of Christ, as
is wytnessed to me by hym, whiche beyng there present
the same tyme, did both then see that whiche he doth te-
stifie, and also doth now testifie that he then saw.

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¶ Now it remayneth further, accordyng to my pro-
mise, in lyke order of a compendious Table, to com-
prehend also such Martyrs, as suffered for the veri-
tie and true testimonie of the Gospell, in the
places and countreys of Italie: which
Table consequently here next
ensueth to be declared.

A Table