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1142 [1142]

K. Henry. 8. The cōposition & agreement betwene the Prince of Sauoy, & the Waldoys.

Thirdly, that they should pay a raunsome to the souldiers, for certeine of their men, whiche they had taken.

Fourthly, that they should assemble and preache no more as they were wont to do.

Fiftely, that the Duke would make Fortresses at his pleasure, in all that countrey, with other like thinges.

MarginaliaThe supplicatiō to the Duches.The people made humble request in this their last supplicatiō, that it would please the sayd Duches to giue the Duke her husband to vnderstand, how that these conditions were straunge & rigorous. And as for their partes, althoughe they had good triall of their Ministers, that they were good mē and fearyng God, of sound doctrine, of good life, & honest conuersation, yet neuerthelesse they were contented so to do, if hee would giue leaue to some of them to remayne: requestyng this, that it might bee permitted vnto them to chuse some other good Ministers in their places, before they departed, lest that their Churches should remaine without Pastors.

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MarginaliaThe cōditions wherunto the Waldoys dyd agree & consent.Concernyng the Masse and other ceremonyes of the Churche of Rome, if the Duke should cause thē to be ministred in their parishes, they neither would, nor coulde withstand the same, & for their part, they would do no iniurie or violence to those that should minister them or be present therat: notwithstandyng they besought him, that they might not be constrayned to be present them selues, at the ministration thereof, or to paye any thyng to the maintenaunce of the same, or els to yeld either fauour or consent therunto.

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As touchyng the raunsome, whiche was demaunded of them for their prisoners, consideryng the extreme pouertie that they were in, and the great calamities and damages which they had suffered, it was to thē a thyng vnpossible. Yea if his highnes were truly informed what losse they had susteined, by burnyng, spoylyng and sackyng of their houses and goodes, without all mercie or pitie, he would not onely require of them no such thyng, but, as a gracious and merciful Prince, he would succour and supporte them, that they might bee hable to mainteine their poore families, whom they nourished (as they were bounde to do) to the seruice of God, and their sayd Lord and Prince: and therfore they desired that it might please him, that their poore brethren remainyng in captiuitie and prison, and such as were sent to the Galleys for the profession of their religion, might spedely be deliuered, and set at libertie.

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As for their assembles and preachings, they were contented that they should be kept onely amongest them selues, in their accustomed places and in other Valleys aforesayd, where any assemble of the faithfull should bee, which were desirous to heare þe preaching of the Gospel.

Touchyng the Fortresses, for as much as by those whiche were already made, they had suffred great molestations and troubles, as well concernyng their goodes, as also their religion: they were assured that if he should builde vp newe Fortes, they should neuer be hable to abyde the troubles, miseries, & calamities, that would folow thereupon, and therefore they most humbly desired the sayd Duchesse to be so good and gracious vnto them, as to obteine of þe Duke, that he would accept their persons in the stede of Fortes: and that, seyng those places were by nature and of them selues stronge and well fortified, it might please their sayd lord the Duke, to receiue them into his protection and safegard: and by the grace and assistance of God, they would serue him them selues for such Walles, and Fortes, that he should not neede to builde any other. And because many of those whiche dwelt neare about thē, had robbed & spoiled thē, not onely of their houshold goodes and such other thynges, but also driuen away their cattell: that it might please hym to giue them leaue to recouer the sayd goods, by the way of Iustice, and to bye agayne that whiche the souldiers had sold, & that for þesame price, for þe which it was solde.

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Brieflye, they also besought their sayd Lord, that it might please him to bee so gracious vnto them, as to graunt them a confirmation of all their franchises, immunities, and priuileges, as wel generall, as particular, giuē vnto them, as wel by him, as by his predecessours: and likewise of those whiche, as well they, as their anciters had bought of their Lordes, and to receiue them as his most humble and obedient subiectes, into his protection and safegarde.

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And because in tyme past, in the stede of good and spedy Iustice, all iniquitie was committed by those that had the administration of Iustice in their Valleys: and for as much as their purses were emptied and punished rather then the malefactours: that it might please hym to giue order, þt such Iustice might be done amongest them, wherby þe wicked might be punished with all seueritie, and the innocēt defended and mainteined in their right.

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Finally, for as much as diuers of this poore people, (beyng astonished at the comming of the armie, and fearyng lest they should, not onely bee spoyled of all their goodes, but also they, with their wiues and children, bee vtterly destroyd) made promise against their cōsciences, to lyue acording to the traditions of þe Church of Rome: they were maruelously troubled & tormented in spirite, & did nothyng but languish in that distresse. MarginaliaTorment of conscience in sliding from the truth.Wherfore they humbly besought the sayd Duches, to take pitie vppon them, and to obteine that they might not bee compelled to do any thing agaynst their conscience: and moreouer, that it might please the Duke to permitte them, to lyue in libertie and fredome of conscience: also, that all their poore brethren, banished for the cause of religion, might returne home to their houses: and that all confiscations & penalties made agaynst thē, might be abolished. And for their part they promised to giue all due reuence and honor to God and his holy word, and to be true and faithfull subiectes to their Lord and Prince, yea more then any other. Vnderneath the sayd supplication, there was written:

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Your faythfull & humble subiectes, the
poore afflicted of the Valleys of Lu-
serne, Angrongne, S. Martin, & Perouse,
& generally al the people of the Waldois,
which inhabite the countrey of Piemont.

After that this supplication was vewed & read of the said Duches, she so persuaded with the Duke, that aunswere was made with these conditions declared in these Articles folowyng.

¶ Conclusions and Articles lastly agreed vpon, betwene the right honorable Lord of Raconis, on the part of the Dukes highnes, and them of the Valleyes of Piemont called the Waldoys.

MarginaliaThe composition and agrement vpon conditions betwene the Duke, and the Waldoys.THat there shall shortly be made letters Patentes by the Dukes highnes, MarginaliaPardon the whiche it maye appeare that hee hath forgiuen and pardoned them of the Valleys of Angrongne, Boby, Villars, Valquichard, Rora, Taileret, La Rua de Bonet borderyng vpon Tour, S. Martin, Perouse, Roccapiata, S. Barthelemew, and all such as haue aided them: of all such faultes as they haue committed, as well in bearyng armour agaynst his highnes, as agaynst the Lordes and certeine other Gentlemen, whom he reteined and kept in his protection and safegard.

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MarginaliaSermons and congregations permitted.That it shalbe lawfull for them of Angrongne, Boby, Villars, Valguichard, Rora, (members of the Valley of Luserne) and for thē of Rodoret, Marcele, Maneillan, and Salsa (members of the Valley of S. Martin ) to haue their congregations, Sermons, and other ministeries of their Religion, in places accustomed.

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MarginaliaThe parishe of Villars.That it shalbe lawfull for them of Villars (members of the Valley of Luserne) to haue the same, but that onely, vntill the time that his highnes doth build a Forte, in the same place. But whilest the sayd Forte is in buildyng, it shall not be lawfull to haue their preachyngs & assembles within the said precinct of the place, but it shalbe lawfull for thē to build a place for that purpose, nere at hand, where they shall thinke good, on that side towardes Boby. Neuertheles it shalbe permitted to their Ministers to come within the precinct aforesayd, to visite the sicke, and exercise other thinges necessary to their Religion, so that they preache not, nor make any assemble there.

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MarginaliaThe parishe of Tailleret, La Rua de Bonet.It shalbe also permitted to thē of Tailleret, La Rua de Bonet borderyng vppon Tour, to haue their Sermons and assembles in places accustomed, so that they enter not for that purpose, into the rest of the confines of Tour.

MarginaliaThe Valleys of Luserne, & S. Martin.That it shall not bee lawfull for the sayd members of the Valleys of Luserne and S. Martin, to come to the rest of their borderers, nor any other part of his highnes dominion: nor to haue their preachynges, assembles, or disputations, out of their own borders, hauyng libertie to haue them therin. And if they bee examined of their faith, it shalbe lawfull for them to aunswere, without daunger of punishement, in body or goodes.

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MarginaliaThe parishe of Perouse.The like shalbe lawfull for them of the Parishe of Perouse, which at this present are fled because of the sayd Re-
