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1147 [1147]

K. Henry. 8. M. Patrike Hamelton of Scotland, Martyr.

PersecutersMartyrs.The Causes.

Iohn Gre-
son, Prin-
cipall of
the blacke
Iohn Dil-
Wardē of
the graye
of Diui-
nitie, Cha
Iohn An-
nand, Cha
Frier A-
lex. Camp-
bell, Prior
of the
blacke fri
ers. &c.

At Saint
in Scot-
an. 1527.

learned Patrike increasing dai-
ly more & more in knowledge,
and inflamed with godlines,
at lēgth began to reuolue with
him self, touchyng his returne
into his countrey, being desi-
rous to importe vnto his coū-
trey mē, some fruite of þe vnder
stādyng, which he had receaued
abroad. Wherupon, persistyng
in his godly purpose, he tooke
one of the iij. whō he brought
out of Scotland, and so retur-
ned home without any longer
MarginaliaThe godly zeale of M. Hamelton towardes his countrey.delay. Where he, not susteining
the miserable ignoraunce and
blindnes of that people, after
hee had valiauntly taught and
preached the truth, and refelled
their abuses, was first accu-
sed of heresie, & afterward, con-
stantly and stoutlye susteinyng
the quarell of Gods Gospell,
agaynst the hyghe Priest, and
Archbishop of S. Andrew, na-
med Iames Beton, was cited to
appeare before hym, and hys
Colledge of Priestes, the first
day of March. an. 1527  
Commentary   *   Close

1528. Hamilton in fact answered the summons in mid-January 1528, was released after several days' discussions, and was rearrested about a month later, being burned on 29 February.

. But
he beyng not onely forward in
knowledge, but also ardent in
spirite, not tarying for þe houre
appoynted, preuēted the tyme,
and came very early in the mor
nyng, before he was loked for,
and there myghtely disputyng
agaynst them, when hee could
not by the Scriptures be con-
uicted, by force he was oppres-
MarginaliaThe Martyrdome and suffering of M. Patrike Hamelton.sed: and so, þe sentence of cōdem-
natiō being giuē agaynst him,
the same day after dyner, in all
þe hoate hast, he was had away
to the fire, and there burned,

the kyng beyng yet but a child, whiche made the By-
shops more bold. And thus was this noble Hamelton,
the blessed seruaunt of God, without all iust cause, made
away by cruell aduersaries, yet not without great fruite
to the Churche of Christ, for the graue testimonie of hys
bloud, left the veritie and truth of God, more fixed and
confirmed in the hartes of many, then euer could after be
pluckt away: in so much that diuers afterward stādyng
in his quarell, susteined also the lyke Martyrdome, as
hereafter (Christ willyng) shall appeare, as place and
tyme shall require.
In the meane season we thinke good to expresse here
his Articles, and order of his processe as we receaued thē
from Scotland, out of the registers.

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¶ The articles  
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As John Knox observed, 'the Articles for the which [Hamilton] suffered war bot of Pilgramage, Purgatorye, Prayer to Sanctes, and for the Dead, and such trifilles'. This set of articles, at least, does not appear to take cognizance of the more systematic Protestant doctrine taught in Patrick's Places. John Knox, The Works of John Knox, ed. David Laing, 6 vols (Edinburgh, 1846-64), vol. I p. 16.

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and opinions obiected against M.
Patrike Hamilton, by Iames Beton Arch-
byshop of S. Andrewes.

MarginaliaArticles out of the Registers.That man hath no free will.
That there is no Purgatorye.
That the holy Patriarckes were in heauen, before
Christes passion.
That the Pope hath no power to loose and binde: nei-
ther any Pope had that power, after S. Peter.
That the Pope is Antichrist, and that euery Priest hath
the power that the Pope hath.
That M. Patrike Hamelton was a Byshop.
That it is not necessarye to obteyne any Bulles from a-
ny Byshop.
That the vowe of the Popes religion, is a vowe of wic-
That the Popes lawes be of no strength.
That all Christians worthy to bee called Christians, do
know that they be in the state of grace.
That none be saued, but they are before predestinate.
Who soeuer is in deadly sinne, is vnfaythfull.
That God is the cause of sinne, in this sense, that is,
that hee withdraweth his grace from men, whereby they
That it is deuilishe doctrine, to inioyne to any sinner, a-
ctuall penaunce for sinne.
That the sayd M. Patrike him selfe doubteth, whether
all children departing incontinent after their Baptisme, are sa-

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PersecutersMartyrs.The Causes.

ued or condemned.
That auricular confession is not necessary to saluation.

These Articles aboue writtē, were giuen in, and layd
agaynst M. Hamelton, and inserted in their registers, for
the whiche also he was condemned, by them whiche ha-
ted him to death. But other learned men, which commo-
ned and reasoned with him, do testifie, that these Articles
folowyng were the very Articles, for the which he suffe-
MarginaliaHys articles, otherwyse more truely 1. Man hath no free will. 2. A man is onely iustified
by fayth in Christ. 3. A man, so long as he lyueth, is not
without sinne. 4. He is not worthy to be called a Chri-
stian, whiche beleueth not that he is in grace. 5. A good
man doth good woorkes: good woorkes do not make a
good man. 6. An euill man bringeth forth euill workes:
euill workes do not make an euill man. 7. Fayth, hope,
and charitie be so lynked together, that one of them can
not be without an other, in one man, in this lyfe.
And as touchyng the other Articles, whereupon the
Doctours gaue their iudgementes, as diuers do report,
he was not accused of thē before þe Byshop. Albeit in pri-
uate disputation, he affirmed & defended the most of thē.

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¶ Here foloweth the sentence pronounced
agaynst hym.

MarginaliaThe sentence agaynst M. Patrike Hamelton.CHristi nomine Inuocato: We Iames, by the mercy of
God, Archbishop of Saint Andrew primate, of Scotland,
with the counsail, decree, & authoritie of the most reuerend
fathers in God, and Lordes Abbottes, Doctours of Theolo-
gie, professors of the holy Scripture, and Masters of the Vni-
uersitie, assistyng vs for the time, sittyng in Iudgement, with-
in our Metropolitane Church of Saint Andrewe, in the cause
of hereticall prauitie, agaynst M. Patrike Hamelton, Abbot
or pensionarie of Ferme, being summoned to appeare before
vs, to aunswere to certein Articles affirmed, taught and prea-
ched by him, and so appearyng before vs, and accused, the
merites of the cause beyng ripelye weyde, discussed, and vn-
derstand by faythfull Inquisitiō made in Lent last passed: we
haue founde the same M. Patrike, many wayes infamed with
heresie, disputyng, holding, and mainteynyng diuers heresies
of Martin Luther, and his folowers, repugnant to our fayth,
Marginalia* Contemned by coūcells & Vniuersities, but here is no mention of the scripture.and which is already * condemned by general Councels, &
most famous Vniuersities. And he beyng vnder the same in-
famie, we decernyng before, him to be sommoned and accu-
sed vpon the premisses, he of euill minde (as may bee presu-
med) passed to other partes, forth of the realme, suspected &
noted of heresie. And beyng lately returned, not beyng ad-
mitted, but of his owne head, without licence or priuilege,
hath presumed to preache wicked heresie.
We haue found also, that he hath affirmed, published, and
taught diuers opinions of Luther, and wicked heresies, after
that he was summoned to appeare before vs and our coun-
cell: That man hath no free will: That man is in sinne so
long as he liueth: That children, incontinent after their bap-
MarginaliaNote here that these articles agree not with the articles in the Register before mencioned  
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However, they do agree closely with the articles numbered 1-7, above.

tisme, are sinners: All Christians that be worthye to be called
Christians, do know that they are in grace: No man is iustifi-
ed by workes, but by fayth onely: Good workes make not a
good man, but a good man doth make good workes: That
fayth, hope, and charitie, are so knit, that he that hath the
one, hath the rest, and he that wanteth the one of them, wan-
teth the rest, &c. with diuers other heresies and detestable o-
pinions: and hath persisted so obstinate in the same, that by
no counsaile nor perswasion, he may bee drawen therefrom,
to the way of our right fayth.
MarginaliaWolues in Lambes skinnes.All these premisses being considered, we hauing God and
the integritie of our fayth before our eyes, and following the
counsaile & aduise of the professors of the holy scripture, mē
of lawe, and others assisting vs, for the tyme: doe pronounce,
determine, and declare, the said M. Patrike Hamelton, for his
affirming, confessing, and maintayning of the foresayd here-
sies, and hys pertinacitie (they being condemned alreadye by
the church, generall councells, and most famous Vniuersities)
to be an hereticke, and to haue an euill opinion of the fayth,
and therfore to bee condemned and punished, lyke as we
condemne, and define hym to be punished, by this our sen-
tence definitiue, depriuing and sentencing hym, to bee depri-
ued of all dignities, honours, orders, offices, and benefices of
the church: and therfore doe iudge and pronounce hym to
MarginaliaMaister Patricke geuen to the secular deliuered ouer to the secular power, to be punished, and
hys goods to bee confiscate.
This our sentence definitiue, was geuen & red at our Me-
tropolitan church of S. Andrewes, the last day of the moneth
of February, an. 1527  
Commentary   *   Close


. being present, the most reuerēd fathers

in Christ, and Lordes, Gawand Byshop of Glasgow, George

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