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1148 [1148]

K. Henry. 8. M. Patrike Hamelton of Scotland, Martyr.

PersecutersMartyrs.The Causes.

Byshop of Dunkelden. Iohn, Byshop of Brecham. William,
Byshop of Dunblanē. Patrike, Prior of Saint Andrew. Dauid,
Abbot of Abirbrothok. George, Abbot of Dunfermelyng. A-
lexander, Abbot of Caūbuskyneth. Henry Abbot of Len-
dors. Iohn Prior of Pittyrweme. The Deane, and Subdeane
of Glasgow. M. Hew Spens. Tho. Ramsay. Allane Mel-
drun, &c. In the presence of the clergie and the people.

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After the condemnation and Martyrdome of thys
true Sainct of God was dispatched, by the Byshops
and Doctours of Scotland, the rulers and Doctours
of the Vniuersitie of Louane hearing therof, receaued such
ioye and consolation, at the sheding of that innocent
bloud, that for the aboundaunce of hart, they could not
stay their penne, to vtter condigne thankes, applauding
and triumphing in their letters, sent to the foresayd By-
shop of S. Andrews, and Doctours of Scotland, at the
worthye and famous deseruinges of their atchiued en-
terprise, in that behalfe: as by the tenour of their sayd
letter may appeare, which here followeth.

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¶ The copie of a letter congratulatorie, sent from the
Doctours of Louane, to the Archb. of S. Andrewes
and Doctours of Scotland, commending them
for the death of M. Patrike Hamelton.

MarginaliaA letter of thankes, sent from Louane, to them of Scotland, for sheding the bloud of Patrike Hamelton.YOur excellēt vertue (most honourable Bish.) hath so de-
serued, that albeit we be farre distāt, both by sea & land,
without coniunction of familiaritie, yet we desire with all
our hartes, to thanke you for your worthye deede, by whose
workes, that true faith which, not long ago, was tainted with
heresie, not onely remaineth vnhurt, but also is more confir-
med. For as our deare frend M. Alexander Galoway, Cha-
non of Aberdon, hath shewed vs, the presumption of the wic-
ked hereticke Patrike Hamelton, which is expressed in this
your example, in that you haue cutte him of, whē there was
no hope of amendment, &c.
MarginaliaWhat ioye the papists make in spiling the bloud of Christians.The which thyng, as it is thought commendable to vs,
so the manner of the proceding was no lesse pleasaunt, that
the matter was performed by so great consent of so many e-
states, as of the clergie, nobilitie, and vulgare people, not
rashely, but most prudently, the order of lawe being in all
poyntes obserued. We haue seene the sentence which ye pro-
nounced, and alway doe approue the same, not doubting but
that the articles which be inserted, are erronious: so that
who soeuer will defend for a truth, any one of the same, with
pertinacitie, shoulde bee esteemed an enemie to the fayth, and
Marginalia* If ye could shew to what place of the scripture, we woulde gladlye heare aduersary to the holy * Scripture. And albeit one or ij. of
them appeare to be without errour, to them that will con-
sider onely the bare wordes: as (for example) good
workes make not a good man, but a good man worketh good
workes, yet there is no doubt but they conteine a Lutheran
sense, which, in a maner, they signifie: to witte, that workes
done after fayth, & iustification, make not a mā the better,
nor are worthye of any reward before God. Beleue not, that
this example shall haue place onely among you, for there shall
be among externe nations, which shall imitate the same. &c.
Certeinly, ye haue geuen vs great courage, so that now we
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The papal bull of foundation was issued in 1413, confirming an episcopal charter of 1411.

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Hector Boece's Scotorum historia (Paris, 1527) was also Foxe's source for the burning of Paul Craw.

MarginaliaThe vniuersitie of S. Andrewes was founded about the yere of our Lorde 1416. in the reigne of K. Iames the first, who brought into Scotland, out of other coūtreyes, 8. Doctors of Diuinitie, and 8. Doctours of Decrees, with diuers other.
Hect. boet. lib. 16. cap. 17.
acknowledge your Vniuersitie, which was founded according
to the example of our Vniuersitie of Louane, to be equall to
ours, or ells aboue: and would God occasion were offered of
testifying our mindes toward you. In the meane time, let vs
labour with one consent, that the rauening Wolues may be
expelled from the shepefolde of Christ, while we haue tyme.
Let vs studie to preach to the people more learnedly hereaf-
ter, and more wisely. Let vs haue Inquisitours, and espyers
of bookes, contayning that doctrine, especially that is brought
in frō farre countreys, whether by apostatiue Monkes, or by
Marchauntes, the most suspected kinde of men in these
dayes. It is sayd  
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This was indeed a truism amongst Scots, unshaken by the (admittedly marginal) presence of Lollardy in fifteenth-century Scotland: see, for example, The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. II (1814), p. 295.

, that since Scotland first embraced the
Christian fayth, it was neuer defiled with any heresie. Perse-
uer therfore, being moued therunto by the example of Eng-
land, your nexte neighbour, which in thys most troublous
tyme, is not chaūged, partly by the working of the bishops, a-
Marginalia* He meaneth Fysher B. of Rochester, who wrote against Oecolampadius & Luther, and at length was beheaded for treason.mong the which * Roffensis hath shewed him self an Euan-
gelicall Phænix, and partlye of the king, declaring him selfe
to be an other Matthias of the new lawe, pretermitting no-

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Persecuters.Martyrs.The Causes.

MarginaliaK. Henry. 8. is here a Matthias, when he maketh with you, but when he put downe the pope & hys Abbeyes, then ye make hym an hereticke.thing that may defend the lawe of hys realme. The which,
of your most renoumed king of Scotland will follow, he shall
purchase to him selfe eternall glorye. Further, as touching the
condigne commendation, due for your part (most reuerend
Byshop) in thy behalfe, it shall not bee the least parte of
your prayse, that these heresies haue bene extincte sometimes
in Scotland, you being Primate of Scotland and princi-
pall author therof: Albeit that they also which haue assisted
you, are not to be defrauded of their deserued prayse, as the
reuerend Byshop of Glasgow, of whose erudition, we haue
here geuen vs partly to vnderstand: and also the reuerend
Byshop of Aberden, a stoute defender of the fayth, together
with the rest of the Prelates, Abbottes, Priors, and profes-
sours of holy Scripture. Let your reuerend fatherhode tak
thys litle testificate of our duetie toward you, in good parte,
whom we wishe longe and happelye well to fare in Christ.
From Louane, an. 1528. April. 21.

By the Maisters and professors of Theo-
logie in the Vniuersitie of Louane,
yours to commaunde.

☞ In this Epistle of the Louaniane Doctours, I shall not
nede (gentle reader) to note vnto thee, what a pernicious thyng
in a common wealth, is blynde ignoraunce, when it fal-
leth into cruell hartes. Which may well bee compared to a
sword put in the handes of one, that is both blynd & madde. For
as the blynd mā, hauyng no sense to see and iudge, knoweth not
whom he striketh: so the madde man, beyng cruell and furi-
ous, hath no compassion in sparing any. Wherupon it happeneth
many tymes with these men, as it did with the blynd furious
phariseis, that as they hauyng the sworde of authoritie in
their handes, in stede of malefactours and false Prophetes,
slue the true Prophetes of God, and at last crucified the kyng
of Glory: so these Catholicke Louanians and folowers of their
Messias of Rome, take in their hands the sword of iurisdiction,
who neither seyng what to spare, nor caryng whom they smite,
vnder the stile & pretense of heretiques, murther and blaspheme
without mercy, the true preachers of the Gospell, and the holy
anointed of the Lord.

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But to returne to the matter agayne of M. Hamelton,
here is moreouer to be obserued, as a note worthy of me-
morie, that in the yeare of the Lord. 1564. in the which
yeare this present history was collected in Scotland, there
were certeine faythfull men of credite then alyue, who
beyng present the same tyme, when M. Patrike Hamelton
was in the fire, heard him to cite and appeale the blacke
Frier called Campbell,  
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John Knox's parallel but independent account describes how Alexander Campbell's accusation arose from a betrayal of personal trust, and alleges that Campbell died 'in Glaskow, in a phrenesye, and as one dispared.' John Knox, The Works of John Knox, ed. David Laing, 6 vols (Edinburgh, 1846-64), vol. I p. 19.

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that accused him, to appeare be-
fore the hygh God, as generall iudge of all men, to aun-
swere to the innocencie of his death, and whether his
accusation was iust or not, betwene that, and a certeine
day of the next moneth, which he there named. Moreo-
uer by the same witnes it is testified, that the sayd Frier
MarginaliaA maruelous example of Gods iust punishment vpon the accuser and persecuter of M. Hamelton.dyed immediatly before the sayd day came, without re-
morse of conscience, that he had persecuted the Innocent.
By the example whereof diuers of the people the same
time, much mused, and firmely beleued the doctrine of
the foresayd M. Hamelton, to be good and iust.

MarginaliaA treatise of M. Patrike Hamelton, called Patrikes Places.Hereunto I thought good to adioyne a certein godly &
profitable treatise  
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Patrick's Places

While attending the University of Marburg in 1527, the Scottish evangelical Patrick Hamiliton was persuaded by François Lambert, the head of the theological faculty there, to publish a set of propositions on works and justification by faith that Hamiliton had written for public debate. These were printed as the Loci communes. Patrick's Places is the title which John Frith gave to his translation of the Loci communes. This translation was printed in Antwerp around 1531 (STC 12731.4). Frith's version proved quite popular and three further editions of it were printed from 1532 until 1549 (STC 12731.6-12732). But Patrick's Places enjoyed even greater popularity through being printed as part of other widely disseminated works, including primers, John Knox's History of the Reformation in Scotland and, from 1570 onwards, the Acts and Monuments.

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Foxe's plans for publishing Patrick's Places had apparently been brewing for some time. Surviving among Foxe's papers in Emmanuel College, Cambridge, is a manuscript title page for what was presumably a copy-text for a new edition of Patrick's Places (ECL, MS 262, fo. 60r-v). The manuscript title-page states at the bottom that it is 'Newly imprinted in London' in 1566. The remainder of the complete text of Patrick's Places occurs further on in the manuscript (ECL, MS 262, fos. 72r-81r). Its text is clearly marked up in preparation for printing and also contains revisions of the text in Foxe's handwriting. Obviously Foxe intended to produce an edition of Patrick's Places in 1566, but, for some unknown reason, changed his mind. Instead of printing the work as an independent tract, he incorporated it into the Acts and Monuments. The version of Patrick's Places printed in the Acts and Monuments, however, is significantly different from both the Emmanuel College, Cambridge manuscript version and, more importantly, from Frith's version. Although Foxe preserved Frith's preface, he recast the format of the work, changing what was basically a catechism into an academic disputation. All of the syllogisms are Foxe's additions. And he appended a set of 'brief' interpretative notes at the end of the tract, thus doubling its length. These notes discussed the distinction between the law and the gospel which anticipated the longer discussion of this in Foxe's Sermon on Christ Crucified (1571). Thomas S. Freeman

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of the sayd M. Patrike Hamelton, writen
first by him in Latine, and afterwarde translated by Iohn
Fryth into Englishe, which he nameth Patrikes Places,
not vnprofitable in my mynde, to be sene and read of all
men, for the pure and comfortable doctrine conteined in
the same, as not onely by the treatise it self may appeare,
but also by the preface of the sayd Iohn Fryth, prefixed be-
fore, whiche also I thought not inconuenient to inserte
with the same, as here foloweth.

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¶ A brief treatise of M. Patrike Hamelton, called
Patrikes Places, translated into Englishe by Iohn
Fryth, with the Epistle of the sayd Fryth, pre-
fixed before the same, as followeth.
¶ Iohn Fryth vnto the Christian reader.  
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This is the preface from Frith's 1531 edition of Patrick's Places, reprinted - unlike much of the rest of the edition - with complete fidelity to the original.

MarginaliaThe preface of Iohn Fryth before Patrikes Places.BLessed be God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, which
in these last dayes and perillous tymes,  
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This passage is an explicit reference to 2 Timothy 3: 1. It is an interesting indication of Frith's placing Hamilton's work in an apocalyptic context.

hath sturred vp in

all countreys, witnesses vnto his sonne, to testifie the truth
vnto the vnfaithfull, to saue, at the least some from the snares
of Antichrist, which leade to perdition, as ye may here per-
ceaue by that excellent, and well learned young man, Patrike
Hamelton, borne in Scotland, of a noble progenie: who to
testifie the truth, sought all meanes, & tooke vpō him priest-
hode, (euen as Paul circumcised Timothye, to wynne the

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