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K. Henry. 8. A treatise of Patricke Hamelton, called Patrickes Places.

MarginaliaPatrickes Places.weake Iewes) that he might be admitted to preach the pure
word of God. Notwithstandyng, as soone as the Chamber-
leyne and other Byshops of Scotland had perceaued that the
lyght beganne to shyne, whch disclosed their falsehode that
they conueyed in darkenes, they layde handes on hym, and
because he woulde not denye hys Sauiour Christ at their
instance, they burnt him to ashes. Neuerthelesse, God of
his bounteous mercy (to publishe to the whole world, what
a man these monsters haue murthered) hath reserued a little
treatise, made by this Patricke, which, if ye liste, ye may call
Patrickes Places: For it treateth exactlye of certaine com-
mon places, which knowen, ye haue the pith of all Diuinitie.
This treatise haue I turned into the English tounge, to the
profite of my nation: to whom I besech God to geue light,
that they may espye the deceitfull pathes of perdition, and
returne to the right waye which leadeth to lyfe euerlasting.


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¶ The doctrine of the law.

MarginaliaWhat the Lawe is.THe law is a doctrine that byddeth good, and forbid-
deth euill, as the Commaundementes do specifie,
here folowing.

¶ The x. Commaundementes of God.

MarginaliaA diuision of the Cōmaundementes.
Exod. 20.
1. Thou shalt worship but one God.
2. Thou shalt make thee no Image to worship it.
3. Thou shalt not sweare by his name in vayne.
4. Hold the Sabboth day holy.
5. Honour thy father and thy mother.
6. Thou shalt not kill.
7. Thou shalt not commit aduoutrie.
8. Thou shalt not steale.
9. Thou shalt not beare false wytnes.
10. Thou shalt not desire ought that belongeth to thy

¶ All these  
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This paragraph is added by Foxe.

Commaundementes are briefly comprised
in these two here vnder ensuyng.

MarginaliaThe loue of God.
The loue of our neighbour.
Math. 22.
Loue thy Lord God with all thyne hart, with all thy
soule, & with all thy mynd. This is the first, and great
Commaundement. The second is like vnto this, that
is, loue thy neighbour as thy selfe. On these two Com-
maundementes hangeth all the law & the Prophetes.

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¶ Certeine generall propositions proued by the Scripture.
¶ The first proposition.

MarginaliaThe first proposition.
1. Iohn. 4.
¶ He that loueth God, loueth his neighbour.

This proposition is proued. 1. Ioan. 4. If a man say, I loue
God, and yet hateth his brother, he is a lyer. He that loueth
not his brother whom hee hath sene, how can hee loue God,
whom he hath not sene?

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¶ The 2. proposition.

MarginaliaThe second proposition.
Math. 7.
Rom. 13.
¶ He that loueth his neighbour as him selfe, kepeth
all the Commaunndementes of God.

This proposition is proued. Mat. 7. Rom 13. what soe-
uer ye would that men should do to you, euen so do to them.
For this is the law and the Prophetes. Mat. 7.
He that loueth his neighbour, fulfilleth the lawe. Thou
shalt not commit aduoutre. Thou shalt not kill: Thou shalt
not steale: Thou shalt not beare false wytnes: Thou shalt not
desire. &c. and if there be any other Cōmaundement, all are
comprehended in this saying: loue thy neighbour as thy selfe.
Rom. xiij.MarginaliaRom. 13.
All the law is fulfilled in one word, that is, loue thy neigh
bour as thy selfe. Gal. v.MarginaliaGalat. 5.
¶ Argument.
He that loueth his neighbour, kepeth all the Com-
maundementes of God. Rom. 13. that loueth God, loueth his neighbour. 1. Iohn. 4.
Ergo, he that loueth God, kepeth all the Cōmaunde-
mentes of God.

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¶ The 3. proposition.
MarginaliaThe third proposition.
Iohn. 16.
¶ He that hath fayth loueth God.

My father loueth you, because you loue me, and beleue
that I come of God. Ioan. 16.
He that kepeth the Commaundementes of God, hath
the loue of God. that hath faith, kepeth the Cōmaūdements of God.
MarginaliaConclus.ra.Ergo, he that hath faith, loueth God.

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¶ The 4. proposition.

MarginaliaThe 4. propositiō.
Heb. 11.
¶ He that kepeth one Commaundement of God, ke-
peth them all.

This proposition is confirmed. Hebr. xi. It is vnpossible
for a man, without faith to please God, that is, to kepe any
one of Gods Commaundementes, as he shoulde doe. Then
whosoeuer kepeth any one Commaundement, hath fayth.
¶ Argument.
He that hath fayth kepeth all the Commaundementes
of God.
He that kepeth any one Commaundement of God,
hath fayth.
Ergo, he that kepeth one Commaundement, kepeth
them all.
The 5 proposition.

MarginaliaThe 5. propositiō.
The lawe requireth perfect obedience.
¶ He that kepeth not all the Commaundementes of
God, kepeth not one of them.
¶ Argument.

He that kepeth one Commaundement of God, ke-
peth all.
Ergo, he that kepeth not all the Commaundementes of
God, kepeth not one of them.
¶ The vi. proposition.

MarginaliaThe 6. proposition or assertion.¶ It is not in our power to kepe any one of the Com-
maundementes of God.
¶ Argument.
It is vnpossible to kepe any of the Commaundements
of God, without grace.
It is not in our power to haue grace.
Ergo, it is not in our power, to kepe any of the Com-
maundementes of God.

And euen so may you reason concernyng the holy Ghost,
and faith, for so much as neither without them we are able
to kepe any of the Commaundementes of God: neither yet
be they in our power to haue. Non est volentis necq̀ curren-
tis. &c. Rom. 9.
¶ The vij. proposition.
MarginaliaThe 7. propositiō.
The office of the law.
¶ The law was geuen to shewe vs our sinne.

By the lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne. Rom. 3. I
knew not what sinne ment, but throw the law. For I had not
knowen what lust had ment, except the law had sayd: Thou
shalt not lust. Without the law sinne was dead, that is, it mo-
ued me not, neither wyst I that it was sinne, whiche notwith
standyng was sinne, and forbidden by the law, Rom. vij.MarginaliaRom. 7.
¶ The 8. proposition.

MarginaliaThe 8. propositiō.¶ The law byddeth vs do that thing, which is vnpos-
sible for vs.
¶ Argument.
The keping of the Commaundementes is to vs vn-
The law commaundeth to vs the keping of the Com-
MarginaliaConclus.j.Ergo, the law commaundeth vnto vs, that is vnpossible.
¶ Obiection.

MarginaliaObiection.But thou wilt say, wherefore doth God byd vs do,
that is impossible for vs?
¶ Aunswere.

The lawe ordained to bring vs to Christe.
I aunswere, to make thee knowe, that thou art but
euill, and that there is no remedy to saue thee, in thyne
owne hand: and that thou mayst seke remedy at some
other, for the law doth nothyng els but cōmaunde thee

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¶ The doctrine of the Gospell.

MarginaliaLuke. 2.
Iohn. 4.
Luke. 2.
Rom. 5.
Rom. 4.
1. Pet. 1.
Apoc. 1.
Galat. 1.
Esay. 53.
1. Tim. 1.
1. Ioh. 3.
1. Tim. 2.
Rom. 8.
Coloss. 2.
1. Cor. 7.
1. Cor. 1.
THe Gospell is as much to say in our toung, as good
tydinges: like as these be, here vnder folowyng, and
such other.
Christ is the Sauiour of the world.
Christ is the Sauiour.
Christ dyed for vs.
Christ dyed for our sinnes.
Christ bought vs with his bloud.
Christ washt vs with his bloud.
Christ offred him selfe for vs.
Christ bare our sinnes on his backe.
Christ came into this world to saue sinners.
Christ came into this world to take away our sinnes.
Christ was þe price that was giuen for vs & our sinnes.
Christ was made debtour for vs.
Christ hath payd our debt, for he dyed for vs.
Christ made satisfaction for vs and our sinnes.
Christ is our rightuousnes.

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