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K. Henry. 8. A treatise of M. Patricke Hamelton, called Patrickes Places.

Marginalia1. Cor. 1.
Ephe. 2.
Rom. 5.
1. Cor. 3.
Coloss. 2.
1. Ioh. 1.
Christ is our sanctification.
Christ is our redemption.
Christ is our peace.
Christ hath pacified the father of heauen for vs.
Christ is ours and all his.
Christ hath deliuered us from the law, from the deuill,
and from hell.
The father of heauen hath forgeuen vs our sinnes, for
Christes sake. Or any such other, like to the same, which
declare vnto vs the mercy of God.

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¶ The nature and office of the law,
and of the Gospell.

MarginaliaRom. 3.
Iohn. 1.
Rom. 7.
Coloss. 1.
Rom. 4.
Act. 14. 20.
Deut. 27.
Luke. 2.
Rom. 7.
Ephe. 6.
THe law sheweth vs our sinne.
The Gospell sheweth vs remedy for it.
The law sheweth vs our condemnation.
The Gospell sheweth vs our redemption.
The law is the worde of Ire.
The Gospell is the worde of grace.
The law is the worde of dispayre.
The Gospell is the worde of comforte.
The law is the worde of vnrest.
The Gospell is the worde of peace.

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¶ A disputation betwene the lawe and the Gospell,
where is shewed the difference or contrariety
betwene them both.

MarginaliaThe cōtrarye operation of the law, and of the gospell.THe lawe sayth, paye thy dette.
The Gospell sayth, Christ hath payd it.
The lawe sayth, thou art a sinner, despayre and thou
shalt be dampned.
The Gospell sayth thy sinnes are forgeuen thee, be
of good comforte, thou shalt be saued.
The law sayth, make amendes for thy sinne.
The Gospell saith, Christ hath made it for thee.
The law sayth, þe father of heauē is angrie with thee.
The Gospell sayth, Christ hath pacified hym with
his bloud.
The law sayth, where is thy rightuousnes, goodnes,
and satisfaction.
The Gospell sayth, Christ is thy rightuousnes, thy
goodnes, and satisfaction.
The law sayth, thou art bounde and obliged to me, to
the deuill, and to hell.
The Gospell sayth, Christ hath deliuered thee from
them all.

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¶ The doctrine of Fayth.

MarginaliaThe doctrine of fayth.FAith is to beleue God, lyke as Abrahā beleued God,
and it was imputed vnto him for rightuousnes.
To beleue God, is to beleue his word and to recount
it true that he sayth.
He that beleueth not Gods worde beleueth not God
hym selfe.
He that beleueth, not Gods worde hee counteth hym
false and a lyer, and beleueth not that he may and will
fulfill his word, and so he denieth both the might of God,
and God hym selfe.

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¶ The 9. proposition.
MarginaliaThe 9. propositiō.¶ Faith is the gift of God.
MarginaliaMaior.Da.Euery good thyng is the gift of God.
MarginaliaMinor.ri.Fayth is good.
MarginaliaConclus.j.Ergo, fayth is the gift of God.
¶ The 10. proposition.
MarginaliaThe 10. propositiō.¶ Fayth is not in our power.
MarginaliaMaior.Da.The gift of God is not in our power.
MarginaliaMinor.ri.Fayth is the gift of God.
MarginaliaConclus.j.Ergo, fayth is not in our power.
¶ The 11. proposition.
MarginaliaThe 11. propositiō.¶ He that lacketh fayth, can not please God.

¶ Without fayth, it is impossible to please God. Rom. 14.
All that commeth not of fayth, is sinne, for without fayth
can no man please God. Heb. 11.

MarginaliaAn argument called Inductio.He that lacketh fayth, trusteth not God: he that trusteth
not God, trusteth not his worde: he that trusteth not his

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worde, holdeth him false and a lyer: he that holdeth hym
false and a lyer, beleueth not that he may do that he promi-
seth, and so denyeth he, that he is God.
Ergo, a primo ad vltimum, he that lacketh fayth, can not
please God.

If it were possible for any mā to do all the good dedes
that euer were done, either of men or aungells: yet being
in this case, it is impossible for hym to please God.
¶ The 12. proposition.

MarginaliaThe 12. proposition.¶ All that is done in fayth, pleaseth God.
¶ Right is the worde of God, and all hys workes in fayth.
Psal. 33.
Lorde thine eyes looke to fayth: that is as much to say,
as Lorde thou delightest in fayth. Iere. 5.
¶ The 13. proposition.
MarginaliaThe 13. proposition.¶ He that hath fayth, is iuste and good.
¶ Argument.
He that is a good tree, bringing forth good fruite, is iust
and good.
MarginaliaMinor.ri.He that hath fayth, is a good tree bringing good fruite.
MarginaliaConclus.j.Ergo, he that hath fayth is iuste and good.
¶ The 14. proposition.

MarginaliaThe 14. proposition.¶ He that hath fayth, and beleueth God, can not dis-
please hym.

MarginaliaInductio.He that hath fayth, beleueth God: he that beleueth
God, beleueth his worde: hee that beleueth his woorde,
wotteth well that hee is true and faythfull, and may not lye,
knowyng that he both may and will fulfill his worde.
Ergo, a primo ad vltimum, he that hath fayth, can not
displease God: neither can any man doe a greater honour
to God, then to counte hym true.
¶ Obiection.

MarginaliaObiection.Thou wilt then say, that theft, murther, aduoutrie,
and all vices, please God.

MarginaliaAunswere.Nay verelye, for they can not be done in fayth: for a
good tree beareth good fruite. Math. 7. 12.
¶ The 15. proposition.
MarginaliaThe 15. proposition.
A definition of fayth.
Heb. 11.
¶ Fayth is a certeintie or assurednes.

¶ Fayth is a sure confidence of thinges which are
hoped for, and certeintie of thinges which are not seene.
Heb. 2.
The same spirite certifieth our spirite, that we are the
children of God. Rom. 8. Moreouer, he that hath fayth,
wotteth well that God will fulfill hys worde. Wherby it ap-
peareth, thath fayth is a certeintie or assurednes.

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¶ A man is iustified by faith.

MarginaliaIustification by fayth.ABraham beleued God and it was imputed vnto him
for rightuousnes. Rom. 4.
We suppose therefore that a man is iustified by fayth
without the dedes of the law. Rom. 3. Galat. 2.
He that woorketh not but beleueth on hym that iu-
stifieth the wicked, his fayth is counted to hym for right
wisenes. Rom. 4.
The iust man lyueth by his fayth. Abac. 2. Rom. 1.
We wotte that a man is not iustified by the deedes of
the law, but by the fayth of Iesu Christ: and we beleue in
Iesu Christ, that we may bee iustified by the fayth of
Christ, and not by the dedes of the law. Galat. 2.

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¶ What is the fayth of Christ.

MarginaliaFayth in Christ, what it is.YHe fayth of Christ is to beleue in hym, that is, to be
leue his worde, and to beleue that he will helpe thee in
all thy neede, and deliuer thee from all euill.
Thou wilt aske me, what worde? I aunswere, the
He that beleueth in Christ, shalbe saued. Mark. 16.
He that beleuth the sonne, hath euerlastyng lyfe.
Ioh. 3.
Verely I say vnto you, hee that beleueth in me, hath
euerlastyng lyfe. Ioh. 6.
This I write vnto you, that you beleue on the sonne
of God, that ye may knowe how that ye haue eternall
lyfe. 1. Ioh. 5.

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