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1157 [1157]

K. Henry. 8. Persecution of simple men, within the dioces of Lincolne.

PersecutersMartyrs.The Causes.

but fixyng his trust and care in the Lord, did let them say
MarginaliaThomas Hardyng put in litle ease the Byshops prison.what they would. Thus at last they sent hym to the By-
shops prison called litle ease, where he did lye with hun-
ger and payne enough, for a certeine space: till at length
MarginaliaTho. Harding condemned.the Bishop sittyng in his tribunall seate like a potestate,
condemned him for relapse, to bee burned to ashes, com-
mittyng the charge and ouersight of his Martyrdome to
Rouland Messinger, Vicar of great Wickham. Which Rou-
land, at the day appoynted, with a rable of other lyke to
him selfe, brought father Hardyng to Chesham agayne.
Where the next day after his returne, the sayd Rouland
made a Sermon in Chesham Churche, causing Thomas
Hardyng to stand before hym, all the preachyng tyme:
Whiche Sermon was nothyng els but the mainteinyng
of the Iurisdiction of the Byshop of Rome, and the state
of his Apostolicall Sea, with the Idolatrie, phantasies &
traditions belongyng to the same. When the Sermon
was ended, Rouland toke him vp to the hygh aultar, and
asked whether he beleued, that in the bread, after the con
secration, there remayned any other substaunce, then the
substaunce of Christes naturall body borne of the virgin
Mary. To this Thomas Hardyng aunswered: The Arti-
MarginaliaThe fayth and confession of Tho. Hardyng.cles of our belefe do teache vs, that our Sauiour Christ
was borne of the virgine Mary, & that he suffered death
vnder Pilate, and rose from death the thyrd day: that hee
then ascended into heauen, and sitteth on the ryght hand
of God, in the glory of his father.
Thē was he brought into a mans house in þe towne,
where he remained all night in prayer, and godly medi-
tations. So the next mornyng came the foresayd Rou-
land againe, about x. of the clocke, with a cõpany of billes
& staues, to lead this godly father to his burnyng. Whõ
a great number both of men and wemen did folow. Of
whom many bewayled his death: and contrary the wic-
ked reioysed therat. He was brought forth, hauing thrust
in his handes a litle Crosse of woode, but no Idoll vpon
MarginaliaThe paciense death & Martyrdome of Tho. Then he was cheyned to the stake, desiryng the peo-
ple to pray for him, and forgyuyng all his enemyes and
persecuters, he commended his spirite to God, and tooke
his death most paciently & quietly, liftyng vp his handes
to heauen, saying: Iesus receaue my spirite.
When they had set fyre on hym, there was one that
threw a byllet at hym, and dashed out hys braynes. Of
what purpose hee so did, it is not knowen, but as it was
supposed, that he might haue xl. dayes of pardon, as the
proclamation was made at the burnyng of Williã Tilse-
worth aboue mentioned pag. 917. whereas proclamation
MarginaliaXl. dayes of pardon for bringing fagots to burne good men.was made the same tyme, that whosoeuer did bryng a
fagot or a stake to the burnyng of an hereticke, should
haue xl. dayes of pardon. Wherby many ignorant people
caused their children to beare byllets and Fagottes to
their burnyng.
In fine, when the sacrifice and burnt offeryng of this
godly Martyr was finished, and he brent to ashes, in the
Dell, goyng to Botley, at the North end of the towne of
Chesham, Rouland the Ruler of the rost, commaundyng
silence and thinkyng to send the people away, with an
Ite missa est, with a loude voyce sayd to the people these
wordes, not aduisyng belyke what his tõgue did speake:
Good people, when ye come home, do not say that you
haue bene at the burnyng of an hereticke, but of a good
true Christian man, & so they departed to dyner, Rouland
with the rable of other Priestes much reioysing at the
burnyng of this good man. After dyner they went to
Churche to euensong, because it was Corpus Christi euē,  
Commentary   *   Close

I.e., 1520. Foxe was misled by the fact that the Coventry annals dated events by mayoral years which commenced in Easter.

where they fell to singyng and chaūtyng, with ryngyng,
and pypyng of the Organes. Well was hee that could
reache the hyest note: So much did they reioyse at this
good mans burnyng. He should haue bene burned on
the Ascension euen, but the matter was referred vnto the
euen of Corpus Christi, because they would honour theyr
bready Messias with a bloudy sacrifice. Thus Thomas
Hardyng was consumed to ashes, hee beyng of the age of
lx. yeares and aboue. Ex testimonio scripto ciuium Amer-

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¶ I finde in the recordes of Lincolne, about þe same
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Here Foxe is drawing on a now lost courtbook of Bishop John Longland of Lincoln.

and in the same countrey of Buckynghamshyre,
in the which the foresaid Thomas Hardyng did suffer,
that diuers other for the lyke doctrine, were molested
and troubled, whose names with their causes, here vn-
der folow.

PersecutersThe persecuted.The Causes.

MarginaliaAlyce Doly, accused.Elisabeth

Mistres A-
lyce Doly.  
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Alice Doyly had married three times; first to a John Wilmot, the second time to William Cottesmere, a member of an important gentry family and the third time to Thomas Doyly, the head of one of Oxfordshire's most ancient gentry families. By the time of her third marriage her moveable goods alone were estimated at £1000 (Andrew Hope, 'Lollardy: The Stone the Builders Rejected?' in Protestantism and the National Church in Sixteenth Century England, ed., Peter Lake and Maria Dowling [Beckenham, 1987], pp. 8-10). Alice would be investigated again for heresy (whether as a result of this testimony or on later charges is unknown) but there is no record of her being convicted

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Elizabeth Wyththil beyng
brought before Doctour Lon-
don, in the personage at Staun-
ton Harcourt, and there put to
her othe, deposed agaynst Ma-
stres Alyce Doly, her mastres,
that the sayd M. Doly speakyng
of Iohn Hacker of Colmanstret  
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John Hacker was an extraordinarily influential Lollard with a long career; see J. A. F. Thomson, The Later Lollards, 1414-1520 for details. Hacker would be arrested in London in 1527 and in 1528, he would abjure and give the names of over 40 other Lollards to the authorities (1563, p. 418 and BL, Harley 421, fos. 11r-14r).

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in London waterbearer, sayd
that he was very expert in the
Gospels, and all other thyngs
belõgyng to diuine seruice, and
could expresse & declare it, and
the Pater noster in Englishe, as
well as any Priest, & it would
do one good to heare hym: say-
ing moreouer, that she would
in no case, that this were
knowen, for hurting the poore
man, commaunding moreouer
þe said Elizabeth, that she should
tell no man hereof, affirmyng
at the same tyme, that the fore-
sayd Hacker could tell of diuers
Prophesies, what should hap-
pen in the realme. Ouer and
besydes, the forenamed Elisa-
beth deposed, that the sayd M.
Doly her mastres shewed vn-
to her, that she had a booke,
whiche helde agaynst pilgre-
mages: and after that, she cau-

sed Syr Iohn Boothe person of Britwell, to read vppon a
booke, which she called Legenda aurea, and one Saintes
MarginaliaAgaynst pilgrimage.lyfe he read, which did speake agaynst pilgrimages, and
after that was read, her mastres said vnto her: loe daugh
ter, nowe ye may heare as I tolde you, that this booke
speaketh agaynst pilgremages.
Furthermore, it was deposed agaynst Maistres
Doly by the sayd Elizabeth, that she beyng at Syr Wil-
liam Barentens place, and seyng there in the closet,
MarginaliaAgaynst Images.Images new gilded, sayd to the sayd Elizabeth, looke
here be my Ladye Barentens Gods. To whom the sayd
Elizabeth aunswered agayne, that they were set for remē-
braunce of good Saintes. Then sayd she, if I were in an
house where no Images were, I could remember to
pray vnto Saintes, as well as if I did see the Images.
Nay sayd the other, Images do prouoke deuotion. Thē
sayd her mastres, ye should not worshyp that thyng
that hath eares, and can not heare, and hath eyes and
can not see, and hath mouth and can not speake, and hath
handes, and can not feele.
Item, the sayd M. Doly was reported by the sayd par-
tie, to haue a booke cõteining the xij. Articles of þe Crede,
couered with bordes, and a red coueryng: also an other
blacke booke, whiche she set most price by, whiche booke
she kept euer in her chãber or in her coffer, with other di-
uers bookes. And this was about the yeare of our Lord
1520. Ex Registro Lincol.

¶ Note here, good reader, in this tyme, whiche was
aboue 46. yeares a go, what good matter here was to
accuse and moleste good wemen for.  
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Here Foxe is highlighting the triviality, at least in his eyes, of the offences charged against Alice Doyly.

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MarginaliaRoger Hachmã, accused.William
Smith of
stoke, in

At North-
stoke in
an. 1525.

Agaynst this Roger Hache-
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There is no corroboration for Foxe's list of the charges against Hachman.

it was layd by depositi-
ons brought in, that he sittyng
at the Church Ale, at North-
stoke, said these wordes: I will
neuer looke to be saued, for no
good dede that euer I did, nei-
ther for any that euer I will
do, without I may haue my
saluation by petition, as an
outlaw shall haue hys pardon
of the kyng, and sayd, that if
he might not haue hys salua-
tiõ so, he thought he should be
loste. Ex Regist. Lincol.

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