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1158 [1158]

K. Henry. 8. Persecution of simple men within the dioces of Lincolne.

Persecuters.Persecuted.The Causes.

MarginaliaRobert West, accused.Doctour
lour to
of Londõ

Rob. West
Priest of S.
At Londõ.
an. 1529.

Agaynst this Robert West
Priest it was obiected  
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Foxe's source for this account is almost certainly a now lost court-book of Bishop Cuthbert Tunstal of London. Robert West was also - according to a record not consulted by Foxe - charged with eating meat on Friday and having committed adultery (London Metropolitan Archive, DL/C/330, fo. 175v).

, that he
had commēded Martin Luther,
and thought that hee had done
well in many thynges, as in ha
uyng wife and children. &c.
Item, for saying that, where
as the Doctours of the church
haue commaunded Priestes to
say Mattens and Euensong,
they had no authoritie so to do:
For the whiche hee was abiu-
red, & was enioyned penaūce.
Ex Regist. Lincol.

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MarginaliaIohn Ryburne, accused.Doctour

At Rysse-
an. 1530.

It was testified  
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There is no corroboration of Foxe's account of John Ryburn.

Iohn Ryburne, by hys sister Eli-
sabeth Ryburne beyng put to
her othe, that she commyng to
him vpon the Assumptiõ euen,
found him at supper with but-
ter and egges: and beyng byd
to sit down and eate with him,
she aunswered, that it was no
conuenient tyme then to eate.
To whom he sayd agayn, that
God neuer made such fastyng
dayes, but you (quod he) are so
farre in Limbo Patrū, that you
can neuer turne agayne. And
in further comunication, when
she said, þt she would go on pil-
grimage to the holy Crosse at
Wendouer, he sayd agayn, that
she did nought: For there is ne
uer a steppe (sayd he) þt you set,
in going on pilgrimage, but
you go to þe deuill: and you go
to the Church to worshyp that

the Priest doth hold aboue his head, whiche is but bread,
and if you cast it to the mouse, he will eate it: and sayd
that he would neuer beleue, that the priest hath power to
make his Lorde.
Item, it was testified by an other sister named Alyce
Ryburne, that she being with her brother in a closse, called
MarginaliaA prophesie.Brymmers Closse, heard him say these wordes: That a
tyme shall come that no eleuation shall bee made. Wher-
unto she aunsweryng agayne, asked: and what seruice
shall we haue then? He sayd: that seruice, that we haue
now. Furthermore the sayd Iohn Ryburne was accused
vpon these wordes, saying: that the seruice of the Church
was nought, because it was not in Englishe: For, sayd
he, if we had our Pater noster in English, we would say it
ix. tymes, agaynst once now. &c. Ex Regist. Lincol. fol. 300.

MarginaliaSister agaynst brother: wife agaynst husband.¶ Note here out of the recordes of the register, that
in this examination of Iohn Ryburne, first his ij. si-
sters, then his owne wife, and at last his owne father
were called before Iohn Longlãd, bishop of Lincolne,
and compelled by othe to depose agaynst him.  
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Note Foxe's concern to underscore how Bishop Longland's investigations of heresy subverted family ties and values. He also does this in Book 7.

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MarginaliaIohn Eton & Cecilie hys wife.Iohn Long
land By-
shop of

Iohn Eton
Cecilie his
At Roshe-
an. 1530.

Iohn Eton, and Cecylie hys
wife of the parishe of Spyne,
were detected  
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There is no corroboration for Foxe's account of the Eatons; although the identity of Thomas Lound, who is mentioned in it, can be verified.

by Richard Ry-
burne that they were marked
of certeine in the parishe on the
Sonday then last past, in the
sacryng tyme, to holde downe
their heades, and would not
looke vpon the Sacrament.
Item, in the feast of exalta-
tion of the holy Crosse, when
the belles did ring solemly, be-
twene Mattens & high Masse,
for saying in a butchers house,
what a clamperyng of belles
is here?
Item, the sayd Iohn Riburne
was detected of Richard his fa-
ther for saying these woordes:
The Priestes do naught, for
they should say their seruice in
Englishe, that euery man may
know it.

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PersecutersPersecuted.The Causes.

Item, for these wordes speaking to one of his sisters:
The Sacramēt of the aultar, is not, as they take it to be.
MarginaliaA prophesie.But if it be, as I trust, we shall see none of them holden
vp, one of these dayes, ouer the priestes head. &c.
Item, for saying, þt the bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ
hath made satisfaction for all ill dedes, that were done, or
should be done, and therfore it was no nede, to go on pil
grimage. It was also layd to his charge, and cõfessed by
hym selfe, that he had Iesus Gospels in Englishe, and
that he was present in the house of Iohn Taylor, when one
Iohn Symondes read to them a lecture out of the Gos-
pel, of the Passion of Christ, the space of ij. houres.
Item, for saying, that Images were but Idoles, and
it was Idolatrie to pray to them.
For saying moreouer, that at sacryng tyme, he kneled
downe, but he had no deuotion, nor beleued in the Sacra
ment. Item, that the Popes authoritie and pardon can
not helpe mans soule, and it was but cast away money,
that is giuen for pardon: For if we aske pardon of our
Lord Iesus Christ, he will giue vs pardon euery day.
Thomas Lound Priest  
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Thomas Lound attended the conventicle held in John Taylor's house and Bishop Longland ordered his arrest on 11 November 1530 (Lincolnshire Archives Office, Register 26, fo. 180v).

, who had bene with Luther ij.
yeares, beyng afterwarde cast in the Flete at London,
was a great instructor of this Iohn Ryburne.

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MarginaliaIohn Simondes, accused.Iohn Lõg-
land By-
shop of

Iohn Sy-

It was layd agaynst  
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Bishop John Longland ordered the arrest of John Simonds for his participation in the conventicle held at John Taylor's house (This is copied into Bishop Longland's register; Lincolnshire Archives Office, Register 26, fo. 180v).

Symondes, for saying, that men
do walke all day in Purgatory
in this world, and when they
depart out of this world, there
is but ij. wayes, either to hell
or to heauen.
Item, he sayd that Priestes
should haue wyues.
It was reported by the con
fession of þe sayd Iohn Symõdes:
MarginaliaEx eod. regist. fol. 323.that hee conuerted to hys doc-
trine viij. Priestes, and had
holpen ij. or iij. Friers out of
their orders.

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MarginaliaDiuers accused for hearing the Scriptures red in Englishe.Iohn Lõg-
land By-
shop of

Hawkes of
Hawes of
Iohn Tay-
Herme of
Commentary   *   Close

A writ ordering the arrest of 'Richard Field' for leading a conventicle in John Taylor's house in Speen, Hertfordshire on 11 November 1530 is copied into Bishop Longland's register (Lincolnshire Archives Office, Register 26, fo. 180v). Whether Foxe's version of Field's name - Nicholas instead of Richard - and his version of the place where the conventicle was held - Hitchenden instead of Speen - was due to these variants appearing in his source or simple mistranscription will never be known. There is no evidence that this is the same 'Field' as the individual who was Barnes' disciple.

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Clerke the
Hawkes of
an. 1530.

These persons  
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Orders for the arrest of Thomas Hawkes, John Taylor, John Hawkyns (not Hawks as in Foxe), Richard Field, Thomas Clerk and William Hawkes on charges of attending a conventicle at John Taylor's house on 11 November 1530 are copied into Bishop Longland's register (Lincolnshire Archives Office, Register 26, fo. 180v). The names of William Wingrave, Thomas Hearn and Richard Dean do not appear on these orders; they were probably arrested later.

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with other,
were examined, excommunca
ted, and abiured, for beyng to-
gether in Iohn Taylors house at
Hichenden, and there hearyng
Nicolas Field of Londõ to read
a parcell of Scripture in Eng-
lish to them, who there expoū-
ded to them many thynges:
MarginaliaEx Regist. Longland. fol. 311.That they whiche went on pil
grimage, were accursed:
That it booted not to pray
to Images, for they were but
stockes made of woode, and
could not helpe a man:
That God almightie byd-
deth vs worke as wel one day,
as an other, sauyng the Son-
day: for sixe dayes he wrought,
and the seuenth day he rested:
That they neded not to fast so
many fastyng dayes, except the
Imbring daies: for he was be-
yond the Sea in Almanie, and
there they vsed not so to fast,
nor to make such holydayes.
Item, þt offeryngs do no good,
for they haue them, that haue
no nede thereof. And when it
was aunswered againe by one
that they mainteyned Gods
seruice: nay, sayd Nicolas, it
mainteineth great houses, as
Abbeys and other.
Item, that men should say
their Pater noster, and Aue Ma-
ria, in English, with the Crede,
and declared the same in Eng-
Item, that the Sacrament of the aultar was not, as
it was pretended, the fleshe, bloud, and bone of Christ:
but a Sacrament, that is, a Typicall signification of hys
holy body.

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