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1161 [1161]

K. Hen. 8. The storye of Cardinall Wolsey. The sacking of Rome.

that he neded not to take any payne, in so much that the charge of all things was cōmitted vnto him: whereat many men smiled to see his great folly & presumption.

MarginaliaHampton court geuen to the kyng.At this tyme the Cardinall gaue the kyng the lease of the Manor of Hampton Court, which he had of the L. of S. Iohnes, and on which he had done great coste. Therfore þe kyng agayne of his gentle nature, licenced him to lie in his Manor of Richmonde, and so he laye there certaine times. But whē þe cōmon people, & specially such as were K. Henry the vij. seruauntes, saw the Cardinal kepe house in þe royal Manor of Richmond, which K. Henry the vij. so much estemed, it was a maruaile to here, how they grudged saying: See a butchers dogge lye in þe Manor of Richmond. These with many other opprobrious wordes, were spoken against the Cardinall, whose pride was so hye, that he regarded nothyng: yet was he hated of all men.

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MarginaliaThe Cardinall ruffling in matters and warres of Princes.And now to expresse some parte of þe rufflyng practises & busie intermedlings of this Cardinall in Princes warres, first here is to be noted, that after long warres betwene England and Fraunce 1524. (in the which warres, kyng Henry takyng the Emperours parte agaynst Frances the Frenche kyng, had waged with his money, þe Duke of Bourbon, & a great part of the Emperours armie, to inuade and disturbe certeine partes of Fraunce) MarginaliaFraunces the French kyng taken happened that the French kyng cōmyng with his armye toward Millan, at the siege of Pauia, was there taken by the Duke of Bourbon, and Viceroy of Neaples, and so led prisoner into Spaine.

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Here note by the way, that all this while, the Cardinall helde with the Emperour, hopyng by him to be made Pope: but when that would not bee, hee went cleane from the Emperour, to the Frenche kyng, as (the Lord willyng) ye shall heare

MarginaliaThe French kyng prisoner a yeare and a halfe.After this victorie gottē, and the French kyng being taken prisoner, who remayned in custodie about a yeare and halfe: at length through great labour and solicitatiō, as wel of other, as namely of the Cardinall, and kyng Henry, an order was taken, and conditions propounded betwene the Frenche kyng and the Emperour, among which other diuers conditions, it was agreed, that they should resiste the Turkes, and oppresse the Lutheranes: and so was the kyng set at libertie, leauyng behynde him, his ij. eldest sonnes, for pledges: MarginaliaThe Pope absolueth the French king from his othe.But shortly after he reuoked his othe, beyng absolued by the Byshop of Rome, and sayd, that hee was forced to sweare, or els he should neuer haue bene deliuered. Whiche was. an. 1526. Pope Clement vii. seyng the Frenche kyng restored to libertie, and mysdoubtyng the puisance and domination of the Emperour in Italie so nere vnder his nose, absolueth the Frenche kyng from his othe: also ioyneth together a confederacie of Venetians and other princes agaynst the Emperour, bearyng great hatred agaynst all them, that any thyng fauored þe Emperours part, especially the familie of Columna in Rome, whiche familie was then Imperiall, & therfore to shew his hatred against thē, he said to Pompey Cardinall of the same familie, in threatnyng wordes, that he would take away his Cardinals hatte. MarginaliaThe aunswere of the Cardinall to the Pope.To whom it was aūswered agayn of the Cardinall, that if he so did, he would put on a helmet, to ouer throwe the Popes triple crowne. Whereby it may appeare, here by the way, what holynes and vertue lyeth in the Pope and Cardinals in that Catholicke Sea of Rome.

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MarginaliaThe Pope styrreth vp warres.Thus the false Pope, vnder the lying title of holynes, was the father of much mischief and of great warres, whiche after ensued. For the Duke of Bourbon and other of the Emperours Captaines, hauyng intelligence of the Popes purpose and confederacie, gathered their armye together, and after much bloudshed & fighting, about Millan, Hawde and Cremona, at length they approched and bent their siege agaynst Rome, and after iij. sharpe assaultes obteyned the Citie with the whole spoyle therof: where also they besieged the foresayd Pope, with his Cardinals, in the mounte of Adrian and tooke hym prisoner. an. 1527. As touchyng þe cause of the besiegyng of Rome, now ye haue heard: for the maner of taking of Rome, and of the Pope, the order thereof is thus described in Hall, and other.

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¶ The sacking of Rome, and taking of Pope Clement.

MarginaliaThe taking of Rome.
Ex Paralip. Abbat. Vrsp.
THe Emperours armye departyng from Florence, to the Citie of Seynes, where they lost their ordinaunce, tooke counsaile there to go to Rome, and so much they trauailed by nyghte and daye, commonly passing xl. myle, day and night (their good wil was such) that the vi. day of May, with banners displayed, they came before the Citie of Rome beyng Saterday, the same day: & on Sonday þe Romanes made Bulwarkes Rampiers, and other defences, and layde ordinaunce on the walles, and shot at them without, fiercely.

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MarginaliaThe Duke of Bourbon.The Duke of Bourbon determined that it was not best to lye still without, and bee slayne with ordinaunce, consideryng that they were all naked people, and without great ordinaunce: wherefore he determined to take the chaunce and to geue the assaulte, and so manfully they approched the walles betwene the Burgo nouo and old Rome. But the Romaines valiauntly defended them with handgunnes, pykes, stones, and other weapons, so that the enemyes were fayne to retreite. Then the Romaines were glad, and set many fayre banners on their Towers and Bulwarkes, and made great shoutes: which seing the Duke of Bourbon, cryed to a new assaulte. Then the Drumslades blewe and euery man with a ladder mounted: MarginaliaThree assaultes agaynst Rome.and at first encounter, agayne the Romaines put them a litle backe: Whiche the Duke of Bourbon perceiuyng, cryed: God and the Emperour. Then euery mā manfully set on. There was a sore fight, many an arrowe shot, and many a mā felled, but at last the Emperours men got the wall: and betwene euery assaulte fell a myst, so that they within, could not see what part they without would assayle, whiche was profitable to the Emperours partie. At the three assaultes were slayne iij. C. Switzes of the Popes Garde. MarginaliaThe Duke of Bourbon wounded.In this last assault was the Duke of Bourbon striken in the thygh with a handgunne, of the whiche hee shortly dyed in a Chappell of S. Syst, whether his souldiers had brought him: and this chaunce notwithstandyng, the armye entred into Rome, and tooke the Popes Palace and set vp the Emperours armes.

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The same day, that these three assaultes were made, Pope Clement passed litle on the Emperours armye: MarginaliaThe Pope curseth hys enemyes.for he had accursed them on the Saterday before, and in his curse he called the Almaines Lutherans, and þe Spaniardes Murreynes or Mores: and when he was hearyng of Masse, sodeinly þe Almaines entered into þe Churche, and slue his Garde and diuerse other. MarginaliaThe Pope flyeth.He seyng that, fled in all hast by a preuye way, to the Castle of S. Angell: & all they that folowed hym that waye and could not enter, were slayne, and if he in that fury had bene taken, he had ben slayne. The Cardinals and other Prelates fled to the Castle of S. Angell, ouer the bridge, where many of the common people were ouerpressed & troden down, as they gaue way to the Cardinals and other estates, that passed toward the Castle for succour.

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MarginaliaThe Cardinals besieged.The Cardinal of Senes, of Sefaryne, of Tudertine, of Iacobace & of the Valle, taryed so long, þt they could not get to the Castle for the multitude of people: wherfore they were compelled to take an other house, called the Palace of S. George, where they kept them selues for a while, as secretly as they might. You must vnderstand, through the Citie of Rome, runneth a famous Ryuer, called Tyber: and on the one side of the Ryuer stādeth þe Castle of S. Angell, or the Borough of S. Angell: and the other side is called Burgo Nouo, or the New Borough. This Bridge is called, the Bridge, of

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