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K. Hen. 8. Instructions to the kinges Oratours at Rome, for the Cardinall to be Pope.

ecute without exception, as by their wisedomes shalbe thought conuenient, so alwayes as it bee done with such circumspection, as may be apparaunce of good frute to ensue. And semblablie they bee furnished with letters, aswell to the Colledge of Cardinals in generall, as to thē all that be lyke to be present in particular: whiche they shall nowe deliuer to the best furtheraunce and auauncement of their purpose, not sparyng to declare vnto them the liberalitie of the sayd Lord Legate of Yorke, the substaunce that he is of, the assured assistaunce that he shall haue of these Princes and their confederates, wherby he shalbe able aboue any other that they can deuise, to rewarde, promote, auaūce, and recompence his frendes to the vttermost,MarginaliaWell byd, and lyke a good chapman. assuryng thē that these ij. Princes will not faile also highly and in þe best sorte, to consider their gratitudes, with any thyng that they may excogitate to their profites and promotions, or any of their frendes. So þt by this meane, & with such good pollicitatiōs grounded vpon a lefull, honorable, & iust cause, & not vpon any corrupt or indue intent, to cōduce things, to sinister purpose, MarginaliaThou must imagine here, good reader, to bee no corruption, but honorable pollicitation.the kyngs sayd Oratours, by their good policies shall attayne the perfite and sure good will of a great many of them, and by that way shall with good dexteritie, combyne and knytt those, whiche will adhere hereunto, in a perfite fastnes & in an indissoluble knot, firmely to sticke and hold together, without variation or declinyng from their purpose, for any persuasiō, practise, or meane, that can be made to the contrary. Whiche thyng surely to be prouided, and such a knot of xx.xviij. or at the least if it may be, of xvi. Cardinals to be had, is in any wise expedient. For they persisting in their determination, shall not faile to impeche, that no aduerse parte can haue a ful number to make a due and lawfull election. And yet they beyng founde in a constantnes to this good purpose, shall by litle and litle allure and bryng other vnto them, so as the residue perceyuing so great a towardnes, and fearing a sufficient nomber Marginalia* To acceede, that is, to come.* to accede without thē, and therby the election to passe agaynst their willes, shall percase be the more prone & ready to come vnto that partie: wherunto nothyng should of reason sooner moue them, then the very respect to the infinite goodnes, that therby to them selues in particular, and the vniuersall Churche and religion in generall, is apparaunt to ensue.

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MarginaliaAn other shift if the worste fail.Neuertheles, if leauyng the directe waye, they will be abused with any other incantations, or for priuate ambition persist in contendyng for them selues, then is it euident, they search nothyng more then the ruine of the said Sea Apostolicke. In whiche case other wayes be to bee deuised, and their Marginalia* That is, not due.* indue demeanour to be remedied and resisted. For this cause, and to be sure in all euentes, the kings sayd Oratours shall by their wisedomes finde the meanes to haue some fast and sure persons in the Conclaue, such as may not onely practise and set foorth thynges there to the purpose, but also geue such knowledge outwarde, as the kynges sayd Orators, may therby the better know how to order their procedynges. And amongst other, it is thought that Monsieur de Vaulx, one of the Frenche Ambasadours, (whom the French kyng hath commaunded expresly to further this matter, by all the meanes to hym possible) should be one to enter the sayd Conclaue, not as an Ambassadour, but as the Minister of some Cardinall, frend of the French kyng. And semblablie Syr Grogory de Cassalis, who for hys wisedome, conduit, language, acquayntaūce, & other good qualities, may do excellent good in that behalfe.

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And in this matter it is to be considered, that since this election in the person of the sayd Lord Legate of Yorke, by one way or other suffreth no negatiue,MarginaliaThe case of the Cardinal must haue no negatiue: so eger he is of his game. albeit the kynges highnes trusteth þt the same shall haue his course directly: yet if for lacke of grace or entendement, there should be any dispaire therof, other wayes be to be prouided. And for that cause, to shewe the sayd Orators secretly, there is a protestation passed by the Cardinals being in England & in Fraunce, accordyng to a copie, MarginaliaSecret thretenings to the Cardinals to cause them to co consent with Cardinal Wolsey.whiche the sayd Oratours shall receiue herewith, which is and shalbe kept secret, vnles then by the indue procedyng vsed in the election, the same shall nede to be published. So that the kynges sayd Oratours now aduertised therof, shall note for a speciall ground, that if it shall appeare that the election cā not be had in the person of the sayd Lord Legate of Yorke, the hande and nomber vnite and knit together to the kynges deuotion in findyng none other remedy, must be instructed before hand in that case, to persiste in their determination, and when tyme shalbe, by reason of such dispaire, to protest, groundyng the same their protestation vpō such respectes, as can not lacke to be introduced for the auoyding of the extreme daungers by the pertinacitie & wilfulnes of the aduerse Cardinals, imminent to the ruine of the Churche, and of all Christen-MarginaliaPromise against the Cardinals, if they will not condescend to the Cardid of Yorke.dome: whiche protestation may before hand be couched and deuised by the sayd M. Steuen Gardiner, and by the policie of the sayd Monsieur de Vaulx and Syr Gregory, bee set forth in tyme conuenient: and thereupon, the Cardinals of the kinges and the Frenche kynges adherentes, to departe the Conclaue, wherby, repayring to other sure place, they with the residue of the Cardinals absent, may procede to such an election, as may bee to Gods pleasure, the weale of hys Churche, & faith, and of all Christendome, any election that thus by pertinacitie may ensue at Rome, notwithstandyng.

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MarginaliaNote these procedings in chusing Popes.And to the entent the Cardinals may be the better animated to finishe the sayd election to the kynges desire, the kynges sayd Oratours shall, as they see good, offer them a presidie of ij. or iij. M. men to be in the Citie of Rome, for the time of the same election, whiche if they will accepte, the sayd Oratours shall see furnished, takyng money by exchaunge and otherwise, for their entertaynement, as shalbe requisite. Which money or any other, that they shall take for conducyng this the kynges purpose, shalbe truly repayd, Marginalia* Search here thy Dictionaries, good reader, for thys eloquence passeth my intelligence.with * inpesse and all requisites as they shall assigne. And semblablie, lest terrour or drede of the Imperials in Naples, should induce the Cardinals to any errour, the Frenche kyng hath ordeined, that Seignior Renzio, shal lie in a presidie, betwene the armye of Naples, and the Citie of Rome, like as the Vicecount of Turein is also commaunded to lye on the other side, and semblablie the Venetians. So that by those meanes, not onely they shalbe out of all feare of the Imperials, but also in the more deuotiō of these two Princes, whiche shall much conferre to the kyngs purpose, and emboldē the Cardinals fauoryng the desire of these ij. Princes, both to persiste in their deliberation, and also in tyme of extreme dispaire, to protest and departe, as is aforesayd.

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And because nothyng should withdrawe the mindes of the Cardinals frō this purpose, who percase might thincke that the sayd Lord Legate of Yorke beyng elected, would not repayre to þe Cout of Rome, but Marginalia* 1. Demorari, that is to say, tary or abyde.* demore in Auinion or some other place out of Italy, the kynges sayd Ambassadours shall remoue all such suspicion, by ij. euident argumentes and reasons. MarginaliaThe fyrst reason.One is, that the sayd Cardinall of Yorke auaunced to that dignitie, must therby leaue all other his promotions, and consequently should bee dispurueyed of any habitation, place, or conuenient liuing, if remaining in an other straūge coūtrie, he should differre to come vnto Rome, where should be the place of his Sea, and entire lyuing. Wherfore it were farre from reason, to thinke that he which hetherto for his estate, hath liued in such abundance, should be so Marginalia* Pusillanime, 1. Pusillo animo, that is, weake harted.* pusillanime for this promotiō, to bryng hym selfe into codigne penurie and pouertie, or to liue in place priuate, to the hinderaunce of his honor, profite, or reputation. MarginaliaThe secōd reason.Secondlye, the thyng principally mouyng hym to bee contented at these Princes requestes, to chaunge his state present, is the feruent zeale he hath to expone his study, trauaile, labour, substaūce, wit bodye, bloud, & life in the quarell of Gods Churche, faith, and of Christendome, whiche is to high an exception and a grounde to bee taken, to remayne and lye in a corner or priuate place: but that rather then he would suffer so high an exception to bee founde in him, he would expone all that he might do: MarginaliaThis Cardinall dreameth that he is Pope alreadye.who hauing the assistaūce of these ij. Princes, should not faile (God willing) to passe directly to his Sea, with honor & comfort vnto all Italie, and the discourage of the partie, that would bee aduerse therunto: And therefore the Cardinals should not nede to feare of any such thyng, but might bee well assured to haue his presence there to their comforte, in all celeritie and diligence possible.

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MarginaliaThe Cardinall casteth all his nettes to catche the triple crowne.Furthermore, to the intent the kynges sayd Ambassadours maye haue all the frendes that may bee to this purpose, expedient it shalbe, that they with the Venetians, the Florentines, the Duke of Ferrare, and all other, whō they shall thincke good to wynne vnto their partie, vseþe wayes that may best conduce therunto. And amongst other, forasmuch as they whiche depended vpon the Cardinall De Medices, shall doubt in this case to be reiecte, the kynges sayd Oratours shall inculke vnto them the singular deuotion and speciall fauour that the said Lord Legate of Yorke, hath alwayes borne vnto their familie, assuryng them that hee will take them in no further distance of entire loue, then they were with Pope Leo, Clement, or any other. MarginaliaTwo faces in one Cardinalls hatte.And semblablie, they shall put the Florentines in comforte of the exclusion of the gouernaunce of the sayd familie De Medices in Florence, and of their enioyng of their libertie: likewise, puttyng þe Cardinals in perfect hope of recouerie of the patrimonies of the Church: to containe the Venetians in good trust of a reasonable way to be taken for Saruia and Rauēna, to their contentement: and also to shewe the Duke of Far-

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