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Actes and Monuments of the Church.

then with scourges were tried, after that vpon the gibbet were tormented, and rubbed with lyme: then were scorched vpon the firy gridyron, at last were cast to the wylde beastes, who being not touched of them, finallye with the sword were beheaded. Vincent, Erford.

In Symela a citie in Italie, vnder the Alpes, one Pontius being there apprehended, by the commaundement of Claudius the Presidēt, was hanged first vpon the racke, then was cast to the wilde beasts, of whom he being nothing hurt, was after committed to the fire. And finallye neyther touched therewith (if the storye of Vincentius be true) was headed by the riuers side, and his bodye throwne into the flood, wher immediatly the same houre, the foresayd Claudius, with his assistent Anabius, were taken with the wicked spirites, by whom they were so miserablye vexed, that they bytte of theyr tounges, and dyed.MarginaliaEx Vincēt. lib 12. cap. 77.
Ex Bergomē. lib. 8.
Erford. lib. 6. cap. 27.

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Zenon also bishop of Verona, is sayd also in the same persecution to sustayne martyrdome.

MarginaliaBergomensis reproued.

Moreouer, in the same citie of Alexandria aforesaid, Bergomensis in his. 8. booke, writing of the story of Valerianus Emperour, maketh mēcion of Philippus, bishop of the sayd sea of Alexandria, who (as he saith) was vnder the said Valerian beheaded. But that is not to be found in any approued story, nor standeth with þe truth of tyme that any such Philip then was bishop of Alexandria, or anye other, except onelye Dionysius. After whom next succeeded Maximus, who remayned. xviij. yeares, and after him Theonas. &c. So that by the auncient recordes of old writers it appeareth not that Philippus or any other of that name was bishop of Alexandria, during this time signified by Bergomensis.

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MarginaliaEx Antonino part. 1. cap. 6.Although in some other later writers, as Equilinus, Antoninus, & Bergomensis, I finde a certayne history of one Philippus President of Alexandria about the same time of Valerian and Galienus, directed by the Emperour and Senate of Rome, to gouern those quarters, wher he was at length conuerted to the Christian faith, & after made priest or bishop, as they saye, of Alexandria, but that not to be so, the testimony of auncient writers doth refell. MarginaliaThe storye of Philippus and Eugenia.The history of this Philippus wytnessed in our latter chronicles is this: Philippus beyng promoted to the Presidentship of Alexādria, came down with his wife Claudia, and hys. ij. sonnes, Auitus, and Sergius, and wyth hys daughter named Eugenia, of the which Eugenia a long history full of straunge and prodigious miracles is writtēof Antoninus and other, wherof many thinges I wyll cut of, and briefly touche the effect of the story, leauing to the iudgement of the reader the credit of myne autors, as he shal see cause.

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This Eugenia daughter of Philippus, being of singular beuty, & diligently brought vp by her parents in the study of science & learning, was by occasion of hearing the Christians, reduced and brought to Christianitye, with two other Eunuches her scholfellowes called Prothus and Hiacynthus: with whom she taking counsail, vpon the occasion, whether to auoyde the daunger of persecution, or refusing to marry with a Pagane, vnknowing to her parentes and friendes dyd flee awaye, and because the more boldlye she myght resort to heare the readinges of Helenus then an aged bishop, and of others, MarginaliaEugenia leauīg her parentes, changeth her selfe into a mās apparel.chaunged her selfe into a mans apparel, and named her selfe Eugenius, vnder the which name she was at length admitted vnto a certayne Monastery, or a societie of Christians in the Suburbes of Alexandria (although I hardly beleue that any monastery of Christians was then in the Suburbes of Alexandria permytted) wher also at last for her excellency of learning and vertue, she was made head of the place. Here by the wai I omit the myracles of the foresayd MarginaliaHelenus bishop of HierapolisHelenus (bishop as the story sayth of Hierapolis) howe he caried burnyng coales in hys lap, and how he aduentred him selfe to goin the burning fire, to refell wicked Zereas a Pagane, remayning in the same vnburned. Here also I omyt the careful search of her parentes for her, and of the answer of the Pythonysse againe vnto them, that she was taken vp to the heauen among the Goddesses. I omyt moreouer the myracles done by the sayde Eugenia, in healing the diseases and sicknesses of suche as came to her. &c. The story proceedeth thus: Among other whyche were by this Eugenius cured and restored, there was a certaine Matrone of Alexandria named Melancia, who after shee had vsed the helpe and acquaintaunce wyth Eugenius, supposing her to be a man, fell into inordinate loue, seeking by all meanes how to accomplish the lust of her cōcupiscence. In so much that in her dayly visiting of her, at length she began secretely to breake her minde, and to entise her to her leudnes. Eugenius contrary exhorted her to vertue and honestye, shewing her the miseries of this life, & the perill of that folly. MarginaliaEugenia accused of Melancia.Melancia seing þt by no meanes she would be allured, nor by force drawen to her desire, & fearing moreouer, þt she in detecting of her, wold bring her to shame, begīneth first to make an outcrye of Eugenius, declaring howe that she went about corruptly to deflour her, and so presented her accusation before Philippus the President, as well against Eugenius, as also against the rest of that company. This matter being hearde, and the woman well knowen, the crime beganne to seeme suspicious, and so much the more, because it was obiected againste the Christians. By reason whereof Eugenius with her felow Christians was now not onelye in great hatred, but also in daunger of present death and destruction. Then Eugenius purging her selfe and her honesty, although with sufficient probation, yet notwithstanding perceauing that it could take no place, what soeuer she sayde, and seing no time nowe to dissemble anye lenger, for the daunger as well of her own selfe, as specially of her brethren, which troubled her more: desired of the Iudge place and time to make manifest to him the truth, and so shewed her selfe what she was, and howe she was his daughter, the other to be Prothus and Iacinthus the two Eunuches, her scholfellowes, vttering moreouer to him and to her brethren the cause of her departing from them. MarginaliaEugenia knowen of her parentsAt the narration whereof Philippus her father, and her twoo brethren commyng to the knowledge of her, conceaued no litle ioye in receauing their Eugenia agayne, whom they thought had bene lost. No lesse gladnes was among the people, to see the euidence of the matter so plainly to try out the truth of the one, and the falsenes of the other. MarginaliaFalse accusation conuicted.Whereat the malignant accuser was with double shame confounded, fyrst for her dishonesty falsly cloked, secōdly for the vntruth of her accusation openly detected. Bergomēsis addeth moreouer, þt the said accuser was stricken presētly wt lightning. Thus Eugenia trying her honesty to her parents and friendes, not onely was receaued of them again, but also by the grace of the Lord working with her, in space of time did wyn them to Christ. MarginaliaPhilippus by hys daughter conuerted vnto Christ.Wherby Philippus the father of her by nature, nowe by grace was begotten of his owne daughter to a more perfect lyfe, and whom once he thought to haue bene lost, not onely he found again, but also with her found his own soule, and his own life, which before he had lost in dede. MarginaliaPhilippus
This Philippus (saith the story) was made afterward bishop of Alexandria, and ther suffered martyrdome. Concerning whose martyrdome I denye not but it maye bee true: but that he was bishop of Alexādria that cā not be admitted, as is before sufficiently proued out of Eusebius and other auncient Historicians.

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Likewise it is sayd, that Eugenia after the martyrdome of her father, returning to Rome with Prothus and Iacinthus, by occasion of cōuerting Basilla (who should haue bene maried to a Pagan husband, & was
