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Actes and Monuments of the Church.

MarginaliaPeace graunted to the Church.terrified by the exāple of his father, did remoue, at least did moderat þe persecution stirred vp by þe edictes of Valerian his father, directing forth his imperial proclamation, the tenor wherof proceedeth after this effect, as is to be sene in Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 13. Emperour and Cesar, Publius Licinius Galienus, Pius Fortunatus, Augustus, vnto Dionysius, to Pinna, and to Demetrian and to al other the like bishops. The bountiful benignitie of my gift, I haue wylled and cōmaunded to be proclaymed throughe the whole worlde, to the entent that suche which are deteyned in banishment for discipline sake, may safelye returne home agayne, from whence they came. And for the same cause I haue here sent to you the example of my rescript, for you to peruse and to inioy, so that no man so hardy to vexe or molest you. And this which you may now lawfully enioy, hath ben long since by me graunted. And therfore for your more warrant in the same, I haue committed the examplar hereof to the custody of Aurelianus Cyrenius my chief Stuarde, where you maye fet the coppye to see at your pleasure.

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MarginaliaAn other graūt of Galienus vnto the Christen byshops
An. 263.
This mandate aboue prefixed did Galienus send to Dionysius Alexandrinus, and to other Bishops as is premised. An other rescript also the said Emperour sent to other Christian bishops, permitting to them full liberty to receaue agayne their wont places, where they wer wont to associate together, called of thē Coimiteria

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By this it maye appeare that some peace was then graunted vnder this Galienus, to the church of Christ: albeit not so, but that same there were whyche suffered. MarginaliaMarinus,
Ex Euseb. lib 7. cap. 15.
Among whom was one Marinus mentioned in Eusebius. lib. 7. This Marinus beyng a warriour and a noble man in Cesarea, stoode for the dignitye of a certain order, which by all order of course was next to fal vpon him by right, had not the enuious ambitiō of hym that should follow next him, supplanted him both of office, and lyfe. For he accused him to be a Christian, and therfore sayd that he was not to be admitted vnto their offices, which was against their religion. Whereupon Achaius then being Iudge, examined him of his fayth, who finding him to bee a Christian in deede, and constantly to stande to his profession, gaue him. iij. houres to deliberate and aduise with hym selfe. MarginaliaTheotechnus bishop of Cesarea.There was at the same tyme in Cesarea a Byshop named Theotechnus, otherwyse called Theodistus, who perceiuing him to stand in doubtful deliberation and perplexity in him selfe, tooke him by the hande, and brought him into the house or church of the Christians, laying before hym a swoord (which he had vnder his cloke for the same purpose) and a booke of the new Testament, and so wylled him to take his free choyse, which of them both he wold preferre. The soldiour immediatly without delaye ran to the booke of the Gospel, taking that before the sword. MarginaliaMarinus animated by the byshop to dye.And thus he being animated by the byshop, presented himselfe boldly before the Iudge, by whose sentence he was beheaded, and died a Martyr. Euseb. ibid.

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MarginaliaAsyrius a ryche Senatour and Confessour.Whose body, he being dead, one Asyrius a noble Senatour of Rome, and a man very wealthye among the chiefe of that order (who the same tyme was there present at his martyrdome) tooke vp and bare vpon hys own shoulders, wrapping it in a rytch and sumptuous weede, and so honourablye committed it to the buryal. Eusebius. lib. 7, cap. 16.

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MarginaliaThe worke of Satan disapoynted by the praier of Asyrius.Of which Asyrius the sayd autor writeth moreouer this story, how that in the foresayd city of Cesarea, the Gentyles vsed there of an auncient custome to offer vp a certayne sacrifice by a fountayne syde, the which sacrifice by the working of the deuil, was wont sodaynly to vanish out of their eyes, to the great admiration of the inhabiters by. Asyrius seyng this, and piteyng the myserable errour of the simple people, lyfting vp hys eyes to heauē, made his praier to almightye God in thename of Christ, that the people might not be seduced of the deuil no lenger. By the vertue of whose prayer the sacrifice was sene to swymme in the water of the fountayne, and so the straunge wonder of that sight was taken away, and no such matter coulde be there wrought any more. Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 17.

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MarginaliaA myracle noted in Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 18.And because mention is made here of Cesarea, ther foloweth in the next chapter of þe same autor, a straūge miracle, if it be true, which he there reporteth, how that out of the same citye was the woman, which in the gospel came to our sauiour, and was healed of her bloodye issue. Her house being in this Citye of Cesarea, before the doore thereof was set vp a certayne pyller of stone, and vpon the pyller, an image was made of brasse, of a woman meekelye kneeling on her knees, & holding vp her hands, as one that had some sute. Agaynst þe which there was an other image also of a man proportioned, of the same mettall, cunninglye engrauen, in a shorte seemely vesture, and stretching forth his hand to the woman. MarginaliaA myraculous operacion of an herbe touching the hemme of Christs pycture to heal diseases.At the foote of which pyller grewe vp a certayne herbe of a straunge kynde, but of a more straunge operation, which growing vp to the hemme of his vesture, and once touching the same, is sayde to haue suche vertue, that it was able to cure al maner of diseases. This picture of the man (they say) represented the image of Christ. The history is written in Eusebius, as is sayde, the credite wherof I referre to the Reader, whether he wil think it true or false. If he thinke it false, yet I haue shewed hym myne autor: if he thinke it true, then must he thinke wyth all, that thys miraculous operation of þe herbe to procede neither by the vertue of the picture, MarginaliaNo vertue to be ascribed to pictures.nor by þe praier of the other, being both dombe pictures, & engrauē no doubt at þe tyme by the hand of Infidels: but to be wrought by some secrete permissiō of God his wysdome, eyther to reduce the Infidels at that tyme to the beliefe of the story, or to admonishe the Christians, to consider with them selues what strength and health was to be looked for onely of Christ, and no other aduocate, seyng the dombe picture engrauen in brasse, gaue his efficacie to a poore herbe to cure so manye diseases. This picture saith Eusebius, remained also to his time which was vnder Constantinus the great.

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MarginaliaDionysius bishop of Rome.As touching the lyne and order of the Romayne byshops hetherto intermitted, after the martyrdome of Xistus, aboue specified, the gouernment of that churche was committed next, to one Dionysius, about the yeare of our Lord. 266. who continued in the same the space of. ix. yeares as Eusebius saith, as Damasus recordeth but onely syxe yeares and. ij. monethes. Of his decretal epistles, because sufficient hath bene said before concerning that matter, I omyt to speake. MarginaliaFelix bishoppe of Rome and Martyr.After whom succeeded Felix, in the first yeare of Probus the Emperour, about the yeare of our Lorde. 280. who gouerned that church. v. yeares, and died as Platina saith, a martyr. MarginaliaEutychianus bishop of Rome & martyr.After him followed Eutychianus, and then MarginaliaGaius byshoppe of Rome and Martyr.Gaius, and both Martyrs, as the histories of some do recorde.

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About the tyme of these bishops, lyued Theodorus bishop of Neocesarea, who is otherwise called Gregorius Magnus, whom also Nicephorus for his myracles, calleth θαυματουργήν  

Latin/Greek Translations   *   Close
Priscus, Malachas, Alexander and remainder of eighth persecution: citation from Eusebius.
Foxe text Greek


Foxe text translation

Not translated.


John Wade, University of Sheffield

conjurer, juggler


An unusual form, not found in Liddell & Scott, whereas ???????????? is found.


Thus Galienus the foresayd Emperour raygned, as is declared, with his father Valerian. vij. yeares, after whose captiuitie hee ruled the Monarchie alone about. ix. yeares, with some peace and quietnes graunted to the Churche.

MarginaliaClaudius Emperour.
The dayes of this Galienus being expired, folowed Claudius a quiet Emperour, as most stories do record. Although Vincentius affirmeth that hee was a mouer of persecution against the Christians, and maketh mencion of. 262. Martyrs, which in his tyme did suffer: but because no such record remayneth to be found in Eusebius, who would not haue omitted some memorial ther

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of, if