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K. Hen. 8 A proclamatiō by the King, agaynst the Gospellers. Bookes forbidden.

the Byshop of the diocesse, where they entend to preache, Curates in their parishes, Parsōs priuileged, and other by the law of the Churche onely except.

Also, that no mā wittyngly hereafter fauour, support, or mayntayne any person, whiche preacheth in forme aforesaid or maketh any such or like conuenticles & assembles, holdeth or exerciseth any scholes, maketh, writeth, or publisheth any such booke, teacheth, informeth, or styrreth þe people or any of thē, in any maner of forme, to the sayd errours. Moreouer that all and euery person and persons hauyng any bookes or writynges of any such errours, erroneous doctrine and opinion, do deliuer or cause to be deliuered effectually and actually, al and euery such bookes and writynges, to the Bpshops of the dioces, or to the ordinary of the place, within xv. dayes after thys proclamation pronounced. And in case any person or persons, of what estate, conditiō, or degree, soeuer they bee, do or attempt any thyng contrary to thys Acte and proclamation, or do not deliuer or cause to bee deliuered such bookes, within the tyme aforesayd, MarginaliaPenaltie.that euery Byshop in his dioces or Ordinary, shall cause that person or persons, and euery of them to bee arrested, in that behalfe diffamed or euidently suspected, and deteyne and kepe them vnder safe custody in theyr prisons, vntill such time, that the said persons & euery of thē, either haue purged them selues of the said errours, or els do abiure theyr sayd erroneous sectes, preachyngs, doctrines, or opinions, as the law of holy Church doth require.

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Farthermore, if any person by the law of holy Church be conuicted before the Byshop of the dioces or hys Cōmissaries in any case aboue expressed, that the sayd Byshop may kepe in prison, the sayd person or persons so cōuicted, as it shall seme best to hys discretion, after the greousnes or qualitie of the cryme, and farther, may set a fyne to be payd to the behoufe of the kyng, by the person or persons conuicted, as it shalbe thought conuenient to the sayd Byshop, hauyng respect to the greuousnes of the offence of the sayd person or persons: the sayd fyne to be certified by the Bishop, into the kings Eschequier, there to be leuyed to þe kynges vse, except in such cases in which by þe lawes of holy Church, the sayd persons conuict of heresies, ought totally to bee left to the secular iurisdiction.

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Also, if any person within thys hys realme of England or other hys dominions, be by sentence iudiciall cōuicted of the sayd preachyng and doctrines prohibited, erroneous opinions, scholes and informations or any of them, and before the Byshop or hys Commissary do abiure, accordyng to the forme of the lawes of holy Churche, MarginaliaExtrau. de hœret. Super eo.the foresayd erroneous sectes doctrines scholes or informations, or els bee pronounced by the Byshops or theyr Commissaries after theyr abiuration by them before made, to be relapsed, so that after the lawes of holy Churche, they ought to bee relinquished to the iurisdiction secular (wherin fayth is to bee giuen to the Byshop or his Commissaryes in that behalfe) MarginaliaShrieffes to be present at the sentence.then the Shriffe of the Countye, Maior, Shriffes, or Maior and Bayliffes of the same Cytie, towne, or borow, next vnto the sayd Byshop or Commissaryes, shalbe personally presēt in the sentence gyuyng by the sayd Byshop or Commissaries therunto required, and after the sayd sentence gyuen, shall receyue the sayd persons and euery of them, & put them to farther execution, accordyng to the lawes of this realme.

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Also, the Chauncellour, Treasurer of Englād, þe Iustice of þe one Bench & the other, Iustices of peace, Shriffes, Maiors, and Bayliffes of Cities and townes, and other Officers hauyng gouernaunce of people, whiche now be, or for the tyme hereafter shalbe, shall make othe in takyng theyr charge & ministratiō, to put theyr whole power and diligence, to put away and to make vtterly to ceasse, and distroy all maner of heresies and errours, commonly called Lollardies, within the precinctes of theyr offices and administrations, from tyme to tyme with all their power.

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Also they shall assiste the Byshops, and theyr Commissaries, and them shall fauour and maintaine as often tymes as that to do, they or any of them, shall be required by the sayd Byshops, or theyr Cōmissaries: So that the Bishops or theyr Commissaries, shall beare and pay the reasonable costes of the sayd officers and ministers, when & as often as they shall trauayle or ryde to arrest heretickes and Lollardes, or to assiste the sayd Byshops or Commissaryes by vertue of the kynges lawes and statutes.

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MarginaliaInquisition at Sessions.Moreouer, the Iustices of the kings Bench, Iustices of peace, & Iustices of Assise shal inquire at theyr Sessiōs and syttynges, of all those that hold any errours or heresyes, & who be theyr mayntayners, receptors, fauorers, and supporters, common writers of bookes, as also of theyr Sermons, scholes, conuenticles, congregations, and confederacies.

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Furthermore, if any person bee endicted of any of the poyntes aboue sayd, the Iustices of the peace haue power to award agaynst them A capias, and the Shriffes bee bound to arrest such persons so endicted, assoone as they may be found by them selues, or by theyr Officers. And for somuch as cognisaunce of heresie, errours, and Lollardies, apperteyneth to the Iudge of holy Churche, and not to the Iudge secular, the persons so indicted to be deliuered to the Byshops of the places or theyr Commissaries, by indenture betwene them to bee made within ten dayes after theyr arrest, or sooner if it can be done, therof to be acquite or conuict by the lawes of holy Churche, in case that those persons bee not indited of other thynges, wherof the knowledge appeareth to the Iudges and Officers secular. In which case, after they be acquite and deliuered afore the Iustice secular of those thynges pertaynyng to the Iudge secular, that they bee conueyed in safegard to the ordinaries or theyr Commissaries, and to them to be deliuered by Indentures (as is abouesaid) there to be acquite or conuicted of the said heresies, errours and Lollardies (as is abouesaid) after the lawes of holy Church. Prouided that the inditementes be not taken in euidence, but for an information afore the Iudges spirituall, agaynst such indictes, but that the Ordinaries commence theyr proces, agaynst those indictes, in the same maner as no inditement had ben, hauyng no regard to such inditementes.

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Moreouer, that no maner of person or persons, of what estate, degree, or condition hee or they be, do from henceforth presume to bryng into this realme, or do sell, receiue, take or detayne any booke or woorke printed or written, whiche is made, or hereafter shall be made agaynst the fayth Catholicke, or agaynst the holy decrees, lawes and ordinaunces of holy Church, or in reproche, rebuke, or sclaunder of þe kyng, hys honorable counsaile, or hys Lordes spirituall or temporall. And in case they haue any such booke or worke, they shall, incontinent vpō the hauyng of them, bryng the sayd booke or worke to the Byshop of the dioces, without conceilment or fraude: or if they knowe any person, hauyng any of the sayd bookes they shall detecte them to the sayd Byshop, all fauour or affection layd apart, and that they fayle not thus to do, as they will auoyde the kynges hygh indignation and displeasure.

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The bookes whiche in this proclamation generally are restrayned and forbidden, be afterward in the Register or more specially named by the Byshops. Whereof the most part were in Latin, as are aboue recited, and some were in English, as these and other partly also aboue expressed.

MarginaliaBookes in Englishe forbidden.
Ex Regist. Lond.
A disputation betwene the father and the sonne.
A booke of the olde God and new.
Godly prayers.
The christian state of Matrimonie.
The burying of the Masse.
The summe of Scripture.
Mattens, and Euensong, vij. Psalmes, and other heauē-
ly Psalmes, with the commendations, in Englishe.
An exposition vpon the vij. chapter of the first Epi-
stle to the Corinth.
The Chapters of Moses, called Genesis.
The Chapters of Moses, called Deuteronomos.
The Matrimonie of Tyndall.
Dauides Psalter in Englishe.
The practise of Prelates.
Hotlulus animæ in Englishe.
A. B. C. agaynst the Clergie.
The examination of William Thorpe. &c.

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Although these bookes withall other of the like sorte by the vertue of this proclamation were inhibited to all English men to vse or to read: yet licence was graūted before, to Syr Tho. More by Tonstall Byshop of
