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1205 [1205]

K. Hen. 8. The examination and submisßion of Iohn Tewkesberye.

this Iohn Tewkesberie was brought before them. After certaine articles being repeated vnto hym, the Bishop of London brought out before hym a certaine booke called the wicked Mammon, askyng hym whether the booke was of the same impression & making, as was his booke that he had solde to others. Who aūswered and sayd, it was the same. Wherupon the Bishop of London asked him agayne, whether the booke conteined the same errors or no. Who aunswered agayne, saying, I praye God, that the condempnation of the Gospell & translation of the Testament, be not to your shame, and that ye bee not in peryll for it: for the condempnation of it, and of the other is all one. Farther he sayd, that he had studied holy scripture by the space of these. xvii. yere, and as hee may see þe spottes of his face through þe glasse, so in readyng the new Testament he knoweth the faultes of his soule. Further, he was examined vpon certaine pointes and articles, extracted out of the sayd boke of the wicked Mammon, as followeth.

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MarginaliaArticles extracted out of the boke of the wicked Mammon.
His opinion of Antichrist.
Antichrist no outward thing, but a spirituall thing.
FYrst that Antichrist is not an outward thyng, that is to saye, a man that should sodenly appeare with wonders, as your forefathers talked of hym, but Antichrist is a spirituall thing. Wherunto he answered and sayd that he findeth no fault in it. Agayne it was demaunded of hym touching tharticle whether faith only iustifieth a man. To this he said, þt if he should looke to deserue heauen by workes, he should do wickedly, for workes followe faith, and Christ redemed vs all with the merites of his passion.

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That the deuill holdeth our hartes so hard, that it is impossible for vs to consent to Gods lawe. To that he aunswered, that he fyndeth no fault in it.

MarginaliaNo man iustified by merites.That the law of God suffereth no merites, neither any man to be iustified in the sighte of God. To that the answered, that it is plaine enough cōsidering what the lawes is, and he sayth, he findeth no ill in it.

MarginaliaThe law requireth things to our flesh vnpossible.That the lawe of God requireth of vs thinges impossible. To that he aunswered, that the lawe of God doth cōmaund, þt thou shalt loue God aboue al thinges, & thy neyghbours as thy selfe, which neuer man could doe, & in that he doth fynde no faulte, in his conscience.

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MarginaliaNo law to the iust man.That as the good tree bryngeth forth fruyte, so there is no lawe put to hym that beleueth and is iustifyed through faithe. To that he answered and said, he fyndeth no ill in it.

All good workes muste be done without respect of any thyng, or any profit to bee had therof. To that hee aunswered, it is truth.

Christ with all his workes did not deserue heauen. To that he aunswered, that the text is true as it lieth, and fyndeth no fault in it.

MarginaliaThe Saintes be frends, how and to whom.Peter and Paule and Saintes that be dead, are not our frendes, but their frendes whō thei did helpe whē they were alyue. To that he sayd, he findeth no il in it.

Almes deserueth no rewarde of God. To that he aunswered, that the texte of the booke is true.

MarginaliaThe deuill not cast out by mans merites.The deuill is not cast out by merites of fasting or prayer. To that he aūswered, thinking it good inough.

MarginaliaThe law worketh not in vs the loue of God.We can not loue except we see some benefite & kyndnes, as long as we lyue vnder the lawe of God onlye, where we see but sinne and damnation, and the wrath of God vpon vs, yea where we were dampned afore we were borne. We can not loue God, nor can not but hate him as a Tyrāne, vnrighteous, and vniust, & flee from hym, as dyd Caine. To that he aunswereth and thinketh it good and playn enough.

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MarginaliaMan by nature is condemned.We are dampned by nature, as a toode is a toode by nature, and a Serpēt is a Serpent by nature. To that he aunswered it to be true as it is in the booke.

Item, as concerning the article of fasting. To that he aunswered and sayd, the booke declareth it selfe.

Euery one man is a Lorde, of what soeuer another man hath. To that he answered, what lawe can be better than that, for it is plainely mente there.MarginaliaHe meaneth by communication, not by vendication: and yet this poynt semeth to be falsely gathered.

Loue in Christe putteth no difference betwixt one and another. To that he answered and sayd, it is playn enough of it selfe.

As concerning the preachinge of the worde of God, and washinge of dishes, there is no difference, as concerning saluation, & as touching the pleasing of God. To that he aunswered saying, it is a plaine text, and as for pleasing of God, it is all one.

That the Iewes of good intent and zeale put Christe to death. To that he answered, that it is true, and the text is playne inough.MarginaliaFor if they had known the lord of glory, they would not haue crucified him.

The sectes of Saint Fraunces, S. Dominick, and others be dampnable. To that he aunswered and sayd, S. Paule repugneth agaynst them. MarginaliaLoe, here is no Scripture broughte to refell these opinions, but onely authoritie to expresse them.Which articles being so obiected and answere made vnto them by Iohn Tewkesberie, the said Bishop of London asked hym whether he wold continue in hys heresies and errours aboue rehearsed, or renounce and forsake them. Who answered thus: I pray you reforme your selfe, and if there by anye errour in the boke, let it be reformed: I thinke the boke be good inough.

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Further, the Bishop exhorted hym to recant his errors. To the which the said Iohn Tewkesberie aunswered as is aboue written: to witte, I pray you reforme your self, and if ther be any error in the booke, let it be reformed, I thinke it be good inough. Which thing being done, þe Bishop appointed him to determine better with him self agaynst to morowe, in the presence of M. Iohn Cox, vicar general to the Archbyshop of Canterbury, M. Galfride Warton, Rouland Philips, William Philow, & Robert Ridley, professors of diuinity.

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MarginaliaAn other apearance of Iohn Tewkesbery.The. xiij. day of April, in the yeare of oure Lorde aboue said, in the chappel within the pallace of London, before Cutbert bishop of London, with hys assistance, Nicolas Bishop of Elye &c, Tewkesberie agayne appeared and was examined vpon the articles drawē out of the boke, called the wicked Mammon, as followeth. First, Christ is thine and all hys dedes be thy deedes: Christ is in thee and thou so knit in hym inseperablye: neyther canst thou be dampned, except Christ be damned with thee, neither canst thou be saued except Christ hee saued with thee. To this hee aunswered, that hee found no fault in it.

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MarginaliaWe are not saued by other mens prayers.Itē, we desire one an other to pray for vs. That done, we must put our neighbor in remēbraūce of his duty, and that we trust not in his holines. To this he aunswered: take ye it as ye will, I will take it wel enough.

MarginaliaAlmes whom and how farre it profiteth.Itē, now seest thou what almes meaneth & wherfore it serueth. He that seketh with his almes, more then to be mercifull: to be a neighbour, to succour his brothers nede: to do his dutie to his brother: to geue his brother that he ought him: the same is blynd and seeth not Christes bloud. Here hee aunswereth, that he findeth no fault throughout al the boke, but that al the boke is good, and it hath geuen him great confort and light to his conscience.

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MarginaliaGod to be serued and worshipped only, as he commaundeth: otherwise not.Itē, that ye do nothing to please God, but that he cōmaunded. To that he aunswereth and thinketh it good, by his truth.

Itē, so God is honored on all sides, in that we count him rightuous in all his lawes and ordinances. And to worship him otherwise then so, it is idolatrie. To that hee answereth that it pleaseth him well.

Thexamination of these Articles beinge done, the Bishop of London did exhort the sayde Iohn Tewkesberie to recant his errors abouesayd: and after some other cōmunication had by þe bishop with him, the said Bishop dyd exhort hym again to recant his errors, and appointed him to determine with him selfe against the next Session, what he would doe.

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MarginaliaIoh. Tewkesbery submitteth himselfe.IN this nexte Session he submitted hym selfe and abiured his opinions and was enioyned penance, as foloweth, which was the. viij. of May.

In primis, that he should kepe wel his abiuration vnder paine of relaps. Secondly, that the next Sonday folowing in Paules church in þe open processiō, he should
