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1208 [1208]

K. Henry. 8. The examination of Iames Baynham.

MarginaliaAunswere.To which he aunswered on this wise: My litle children, I write this vnto you, that you sinne not. If any man do sinne, we haue an Aduocate with the father, Iesus Christ the iuste, and hee is the propitiatiõ for our sinnes, and not onely for our sinnes, but also for the sinnes of the whole world. And further, vppon occasion of these wordes: Omnes sancti Dei orate pro nobis, beyng demaunded what hee ment by these woordes, MarginaliaOmnes Sancti dei.Omnes sancti, he aunswered: that hee ment them by those that were alyue, as S. Paule did by the Corinthians, and not by those that be dead: for he prayed not to thē (he sayd) because he thought that they which be dead cannot pray for him. Item when the whole Churche is gathered together, they vse to pray one for an other, or desire one to pray for an other, with one hart: & that the will of the Lord may be fulfilled & not ours: and I pray, sayd he, as our Sauiour Christ prayed at his last houre: Father, take this cuppe frõ me if it be poßible, yet thy will be fulfilled.

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Marginalia3.Thirdly, he was demaunded whether hee thought that any soules departed were yet in heauen or no.

Soules departed.
To this he aunswered and said: that he beleued that they be there as it pleaseth God to haue them, that is to say, in the faith of Abraham, and that herein he would commit him selfe to the Church.

Marginalia4.Fourthly, it was demaunded of hym, whether hee thought it necessary to saluation, for a man to confesse hys sinnes to a Priest.

Confession and remissiõ of sinnes.
Wherunto his aunswere was this: that it was lawfull for one to confesse and knowledge his sinnes to an other. As for any other cõfeßiõ he knew none. And further he said, that if he came to a Sermon, or any other where, whereas the worde of God is preached, and there take repentaunce for his sinnes, hee beleued his sinnes forthwith to be forgiuen of God, and that he neded not to go to any confeßion.

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Marginalia5.Fiftely, that he should say and affirme, that the truth of holy Scripture hath bene hydde, and appeared not these viij. hundreth yeares, neither was knowen before now.

MarginaliaAunswere.To this he sayd: that he ment no otherwise, but that the troth of holy Scripture was neuer, these viij. hundreth yeares past, so playly and expressely declared vnto the people, as it hath bene within these six yeares.

Marginalia6.He was demaūded further, for what cause holy Scriputre hath ben better declared within these six yeres, then it hath bene these viij. hundreth yeares before.

The truth of the scripture, long yd.
Wherunto he aunswered: to say playnlye, he knew no man to haue preached the worde of God sincerely and purely, and after the vayne of Scripture, except  

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In the 1583 edition, Foxe omitted this favourable reference to Edward Crome. For Foxe's increasingly unfavourable view of Crome, see Susan Wabuda, 'Equivocation and recantation during the English Reformation: the 'subtle shadows' of Dr. Edward Crome', Journal of Ecclesiastical History 44 (1993), pp. 328-9.

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M. Crome, and M. Latimer, and sayd moreouer, tha the new Testament now translated into English, doth preach & teach the worde of God, and that before that tyme, men did preach but onelye, that folkes should beleue as the Churche did beleue, and then if the Churche erred, men should erre to. Howbeit the Churche, sayd hee, of Christ can not erre: MarginaliaTwo churches.and that there were ij. Churches, that is, the Church of Christ militãt, and the Churche of Antichrist, and that this Churche of Antichrist may and doth erre, but the Churche of Christ doth not.

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Marginalia7.Seuenthly, whether he knew any person that dyed in the true fayth of Christ, since the Apostles tyme.

MarginaliaAunswere.He sayd: He knew Bayfild, and thought that hee dyed in the true fayth of Christ.

Marginalia8.Eightly, he was asked what he thought of Purgatorie and of vowes.

He aunswered: If any such thyng had bene moued to S. Paul of Purgatory after this life, he thought Saint Paul would haue condemned it for an heresie. And whē he heard M. Crome preach and say, that he thought there was a Purgatory after this life, hee thought in his mynd that the sayd M. Crome lyed, and spake agaynst his conscience, and that there were a hundreth moe, whiche thought the same as hee did: saying moreouer that he had sene the confeßion of M. Crome in Print, God wott a very folish thyng, as he iudged.

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MarginaliaVowes.And as concernyng vowes, he graunted that there were lawfull vowes as Ananias vowed Act. 5. for it was in his owne power, whether he would haue sold his posseßion or not, and therfore hee did offende. But vowes of Chastitie, and all godlynes is giuen of God by his abundãt grace, the which no mã of hym selfe can kepe, but it must be giuen him of God. And therfore a Monke, Frier, or Nunne, that haue vowed the vowes of religiõ, if they thincke, after their vowes made, that they cã not kepe their promises that they made at Baptisme, they may go foorth and mary, so that they kepe after their mariage, the promise that they made at Baptisme. And finally he concluded, that hee thought there were no other vowes, but onely the vowe at Baptisme.

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Marginalia9.Ninthly, he was demaunded whether Luther being a Frier, and takyng a Nunne out of religion, and afterwarde marying her, did well or no, and what he thought therein.

MarginaliaAunswere.He aunswered: that he thought nothyng. And when they asked hym, whether it was letchery, or no. He made aunswere, he could not say so.

Marginalia10.As concernyng the Sacrament of annelyng, beyng wylled to say his mynde:

Extreme vnction.
He aunswered and sayd: It was but a cerimonye, neither did hee wotte what a man should be the better for such an oylyng and annoyntyng. The best was, that some good prayers he saw to be sayd thereat.

Marginalia11.Likewise, touchyng the Sacrament of Baptisme, his wordes were these:

The sacramēt of baptisme.
That as many as repent, and do on them Christ, shalbe saued: that is, as many as dye concernyng sinne, shall lyue by fayth with Christ. Therefore it is not we that liue after that, but Christ in vs. And so whether we lyue, or dye, we are Gods by adoption, and not by the water onely, but by water, and fayth: that is, by keepyng the promise made. For ye are kept by grace and fayth, sayth S. Paule, and that not of your selfe: for it is the gift of God.

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Marginalia12.He was asked moreouer of Matrimony, whether it was a Sacrament or not, and whether it conferreth grace, beyng commaunded in the olde law, and not yet taken away.

His aunswere was: that Matrimonie is an order or law, that the Churche of Christ hath made, and ordeyned, by the whiche men may take to them wemen and sinne not.

Marginalia13.Lastlye, for hys bookes of Scripture, and for hys iudgement of Tyndall, because he was vrged to confesse the troth, he sayd:

Readyng of bookes, forbidden.
That he had the new Testament translated into the Englishe toungue by Tyndall, within this moneth, and thought he offended not God in vsing and kepyng the same, notwithstandyng that he knew the kinges proclamation to the contrary, & that it was prohibited in the name of the church at Paules crosse. But for all that, he thought the word of god had not forbyd it: confeßing moreouer, that he had in his keping within this moneth, these bookes: the wicked Mammon, the Obedience of a Christen mã, the practise of Prelates, the aūswere of Tindall to Tho. Mores Dialogue  

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These are all works by William Tyndale.

, the boke of Frith agaynst Purgatorye, the Epistle of George Ore, aliâs George Clerke:  
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This is George Joye, the evangelical author.

addyng furthermore, that in all these bokes he neuer saw any errours. And if there were any such in them, then if they were corrected, it were good that the people had the sayd bookes. And as concernyng the newe Testament in English, he though it vtterly good, & that the people should haue it, as it is. Neither did he euer knowe (sayd he) that Tyndall was a naughty felow. And to these aunsweres hee subscribed his name.

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This examination (as is sayd) was the 15. day of December.

MarginaliaM. Baynham submitteth him selfe.The next day folowyng, whiche was the 16. day of December, the sayd Iames Baynham appeared agayn before the Byshop of London, in the foresayd place of Syr Tho. More at Chelsey, where, after the guyse and forme of their procedynges, first hys former Articles with his aunsweres were agayne repeted, and his hãd brought forth. Whiche done, they asked him whether he would persist in that which he had said, or els would returne to the Catholicke Church from whēce he was fallen, & to the which he might be yet receaued, as they sayd: addyng moreouer many fayre intysing & alluring wordes, that he would recõcile him self, saying þe time was yet that he myght be receaued: the bosome of

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