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1226 [1226]

K. Hen. 8. A Table of Persons abiured, with their Articles.

Persons abiured,with their Articles.

MarginaliaEx Registro Lond.Robert
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An unnnamed glazier did pennace at Paul's Cross on 22 October 1531('Two London Chronicles', ed. C. L.. Kingsford in Camden Society Miscellany XII, third series 18 [London, 1910}, p. 5). This was probably Goldstone.


Hys Articles: That men should pray to
God onely, and to no Saintes. That Pil-
gremage is not profitable. That mē should
gyue no worshyp to Images. Item, for
saying, that if hee had as much power as
any Cardinall had, he would destroy all the
Images that were in all the Churches in

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Staple, Ser
uyng man.

Hys Articles: For hauyng the Testamēt
in Englishe, the v. bookes of Moses, the
practise of Prelates, the summe of Scrip-
ture, the A. B. C. Item, about the burnyng  
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James Bainham was the youngest son of Sir Alexander Bainham, who was the head of the most prominent family in the Forest of Dean and who had been sheriff of Gloucestershire five times. James Bainham's mother was the sister of William Tracy. On the Bainham family, see Caroline Litzenberger, The English Reformation and the Laity: Gloucestershire, 1540-1580 (Cambridge, 1997), pp. 30-31.

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of Baynham, for saying: I would I were
with Baynham, seyng that euery man hath
forsaken hym, that I myght drinke with
hym, and he myght pray for me. Item, that
he moued Henry Tompson to learne to read
the new Testament, callyng it the bloud of
Christ. Item, in Lent paste when hee had
MarginaliaEatyng of egges made fyshe, hee dyd eate egges, butter, and
cheese. Also about vi. weekes before M. Bil-
ney was attached, the sayd
Bilney deliuered
to hym at Grenewich, iiij. new Testamēts
of Tyndals translation, whiche he had in his
sleue, and a boget besydes of bokes, whiche
boget hee shortlye after rydyng to Cam-
bridge, deliuered vnto Bilney. &c. Item, on
Fridayes he vsed to eate egges  
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The eating of eggs, like the eating of meat, was traditionally forbidden on Fridays.

, & thought,
that it was no great offence before God. &c.

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The sentence of life imprisonment against Tomson was severe, but it is confirmed by a contemporary chronicler ('Two London Chronicles', ed. C. L. Kingsford in Camden Society Miscellany XII, third series, 18 [London, 1910], p. 5).


Hys Articles: That whiche the Priest
lifteth ouer hys head at the sacryng tyme, is
not the very body of Christ, nor it is not
God, but a thyng that God hath ordayned
to be done.
This poore Tompson, althoughe at the
first he submitted hym selfe to the Byshop:
yet they with sentence condemned hym to
perpetuall prison.

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Wetzell of

Hys Articles: That he cared not for go-
ing to þe church to heare Masse, for he could
say Masse as well as the Priest. That hee
would not pray to our Lady, for she could
do vs no good. Item, beyng asked if hee
would go heare Masse, hee sayd hee had as
leue go to the galowes, where the theeues
were hanged. Item, beyng at S. Marga-
ret Patens  
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In the following incident, Wetzell was mocking the large rood at St Margaret Pattens, a popular image, particularly venerated by London sailors.

, and there holdyng hys armes
a crosse, he sayd to the people, that hee could
make as good a knaue as hee is, for hee is
made but of woode. &c.

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Man, Ser-
uyng man.

Hys Articles: There is no Purgatory.
The Pope hath no more power to graunt
pardon then an other symple Priest. That
God gaue no more authoritie to S. Peter,
then to an other Priest. That the pope was
a knaue, and hys Priestes knaues all, for
suffryng hys pardons to go abroad to de-
ceaue the people. That S. Thomas of Can
terbury is no Sainct. That S. Peter was
neuer Pope of Rome.
Item, hee vsed commonly to aske of
Priestes where he came, whether a man
were accursed if he handled a chalyce or no?
If the Priest would say, yea: then would he
replye agayne thus: If a mā haue a shepes
skynne on hys handes, meanyng a payre of
gloues, he may handle it. The Priestes say-
ing yea: well then (quoth he) ye will make
MarginaliaPriests set more by a payre of gloues, thē by a lay mans hā beleue, that God put more vertue in a
shepes skynne, then hee dyd in a Christen
mans hand, for whom he dyed.

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Henry Fel

Hys trouble was, for hauyng these
bookes in Englishe: A proper Dialogue
betwene a Gentleman, and a husbandman.
The Somme of Scripture. The Prologue
of Marke. A written booke conteynyng
the Pater noster, Aue Maria, and Credo in En
glishe. The x. Commaundements, and the
xvi. conditions of Charitie.

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Persons abiured,with their Articles.

Rob. Coo-
per, Priest.  
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Robert Cooper (or Cowper) was rhe rector of Hanwell, Middlesex. He later became chaplain to Edward VI, and, while a fellow at Corpus Christi, he had been tutor to Matthew Parker, the future archbishop of Canterbury (Venn, sub Cowper, Robert).


Hys Article onely was this: for saying
that the blessyng with a shoe sole  
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Cooper was charged with saying that a blessing from a person waving a shoe in the was of equal benefit as a blessing from a bishop.

is as
good as the Byshops blessyng. &c.


Hys Articles were, for speakyng a-
gaynst auriculare confession, and Priestly
penaūce, and agaynst the preachyng of the


Hys opinion: That the Sacrament of
the aultar is not the body of Christ in flesh
and bloud, and that there is a God, but not
that God in fleshe and bloud in the forme of

Grace Pal-

Witnes was brought agaynst her by
her neighbours Iohn Rouse, Agnes his wife,
Iohn Pole of S. Osithes, for saying: Ye
MarginaliaAgaynst bearing of Palmes.vse to beare Palmes on Palme Sondaye:
it skilleth not whether ye beare any or
not, it is but a thyng vsed, and neede
not. Also ye vse to goe on Pilgrimage
to our Ladye of Grace, of Walsyngham,
and other places: ye were better tarye
at home, and giue money to succour me and
my children and other of my poore neigh-
bours, then to go thether: for there ye shall
fynde but a peece of tymber paynted, there
is neither God nor our Lady. Item, for re-
pentyng that she did euer lyght candels be-
fore Images. Item, that the Sacrament
of the aultar is not the body of Christ: it is
but bread, whiche the Priest there sheweth
for a tokē or remēbraaūce of Christes body.

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Philip Bra
sier of Boke

Hys Articles: That the Sacrament hol-
den vp betwene the Priestes handes, is not
the body of Christ, but bread, and is done
for a significatiō. That confession to a Priest
nedeth not. That Images be but stockes &
stones. That Pilgremage is vayne. Also
for saying that when there is any miracle
done, þe priestes do noynte the Images, and
make men beleue þt the Images doe sweate
in labouryng for them, and with the offe-
rynges the Priestes fynde their harlots.

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Ioh. Fayre-
stede of
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This is very probably the Henry Fasted who, in 1534, tried to disseminate evangelical books in Colchester and who reported his efforts, as well those who resisted them, to Thomas Cromwell (L&P VII, p. 170).

Hys Articles: For wordes spoken a-
gaynst Pilgremage, and Images. Also for
MarginaliaA prophesie.saying these woordes: that the day should
come, that men shall saye: cursed bee they
that make these false Gods, meanyng I-

Bull of
Much had-
ham, Dra-

MarginaliaThree confessions.Hys Articles: That there bee iij. confes-
sions. One principall to God: an other to
hys neyghbour, whom hee had offended:
and the thyrd to a Priest: and that without
the two first confessions, to God, and to his
neighbour, a man could not be saued. The
thyrd confession to a Priest, is necessary for
counsaile to such as bee ignoraunt and vn-
learned, to learne how to make their cfōes-
sion with a contrite heart vnto God, and
howe to hope for forgiuenes: and also in
what maner they should aske forgyuenes
of their neighbor, whō they haue offended.
&c. Itē, for saying, that Luther was a good
man. Item, that hee reported, throughe the
credence & reporte of M. Patmore Person of
MarginaliaA welspryng where Wickleffes bones were burned.Hadhā, that where Wickleffes bones were
brent, sprang vp a well or welspryng.

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Iohn Hay-
mond Mil-
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This may be the John Hammon of Enfield, Middlesex, who in 1538 wrote to Thomas Cromwell, complaining that his parish priest was persecuting him for reading the Bible aloud to others (L&P XIV, 2, pp. 349-50).


Hys Articles: For speakyng & holdyng
agaynst pilgremage and Images, and a-
gaynst prescribed fastyngdayes.
That Priestes & religious men notwith-
standing their vowes made, may lawful-
ly forsake their vowes, and mary. Item,
for hauing bookes of Luther, and Tyndall.

Rob. Lābe
a Harper.

His Article: For that he stādyng accursed
ij. yeares together, and not fearyng the cen-
sures of the popes Church, wēt about with
a song in the cōmendation of Mart. Luther.
