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1227 [1227]

K. Henry. 8. A Table of Persons abiured, with their Articles.

Persons abiured,with their Articles.

Ioh. Hew-
es, Draper.

His Articles: For speaking agaynst Pur
gatory, and Thomas Becket. Item, at the
towne of Farnsham, he seyng Edward Fren-
MarginaliaAgainst kneeling to the crosse.sham kneling in the strete to a Crosse caried
before a corse, asked to whō he kneeled? He
sayd, to his maker. Thou art a fole (said he)
it is not thy maker, it is but a peece of cop-
per or woode. &c. Item, for these woordes:
Masters ye vse to goe on pilgremage: it
were better first that ye looke vppon your
poore neighbours whiche lacke succour. &c.
Also, for saying that hee heard the Vicar of
MarginaliaMuch baudery in Pilgrymage.Croydon thus preache openly: That there
is as much bawdrie kept by goyng in Pil-
gremage to Wilsedone or Mowsswell, as
is in the stewes syde. &c.

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This Patmore was brother to M. Patmore
person of Hadhā  
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Susan Brigden has persuasively argued that the twoThomasPatmores were, in fact, the same person and that Patmore while still vicar ofMuch Hadham, became free of the Drapers's Company (Susan Brigden, Londonand the Reformation [Oxford, 1989], p. 206). She suggests that the purpose ofthis was to remain incognito and that the Drapers were chosen because of a significant evangelical presence in their membership. But Patmore's purpose may simply have been to acquire London citizenship. And the Drapers's Company may have been chosen beecause his father had been a member of the company.

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, who was prisoned in Lol
lardes tower for mariyng a Priest, & in the
same prison cōtinued 3. yere. This Patmore
was accused by diuers witnesses, vpō these
Articles: That hee had as leue pray to yon-
der hunter, pointyng to a mā paynted there
in a stayned cloth, for a peece of fleshe, as to
pray to stockes that stand in walles, mea-
nyng Images. Itē, þt men should not pray
to Saintes, but to God only: for why shuld
we pray to Sainctes (sayd he) they are but
MarginaliaThe truth of scripture a long time kept from vs.blockes, & stockes? Item, that the truth of
scripture hath ben kept frō vs a lōg tyme &
hath not appeared till now. Itē, cōmyng by
a tree wherin stode an Image, he tooke a-
way the waxe  
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I.e., the candles.

which hanged there offered.
Item, that hee regarded not the place whe-
ther it was halowed, or no, where he shuld
be buryed after he was dead. Also, in talke
with the curate of S. Peters, hee defended
that Priestes might mary.
This Patmore had long hold with þe Bi-
shop of London. First he would not sweare
infamia non præcedente  
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I.e., he would not stipulate to the charges against him nor answer them unless his accusers were produced.

Then he would ap-
peale to the kyng, but all would not serue.
He was so wrapt in þe Bishops nettes, that
he could not get out, but at last he was for-
ced to abiure, and fined to the king an C. l.

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MarginaliaA note.* Note in the communication betwene this Patmore, and the priest of S. Peters, that where as the Priest obiected agaynst hym (as is in the Register) that Priestes haue lyued vnmaryed, and without wyues these xv. hundreth yeares in the Churche: MarginaliaThe papists say falsely that priests haue bene vnmaryed these 1500. yeares.he and all other such Priests therin say falsly & deceaue the people, as by story is proued in this volume, that priestes here in Englād, had wiues by the law within these v. hundreth yeares & lesse.

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Smith Mai
ster of Arte
of Gunvvell
Hall in Cā-  
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Foxe only mentions a crucial fact later in his narrative: Smith was Patmore's curate and Benmore his maidservant. Patmore's activesupport, if not outright instigation, of this marriage was necessary.

bridge, and
Benore his

This Symon Smyth & Benore hys wife were
þe parties, whō M. Patmore Person of Had-
hā aboue mentioned did marry, & was con-
demned for the same to perpetual prisō. For
the whiche Mariage, both the sayd Symon,
& Benore his wife were called to examina-
tion before the Byshop, and he caused to
make the whole discourse of all his doings,
how, and where he maried. Then, after hys
Mariage, how long he taryed, whether hee
went beyond sea, where he was, and with
whom. After his returne, whether hee resor
ted, how he lyued, what mercery ware hee
occupyed, what fayres he frequented, where
he left his wife, how he caryed her ouer, and
brought her home agayn, and how she was
found. &c. All this they made him confesse,
& put it in their Register. And though they
could fasten no other crime of heresie vpon
him, but onely his mariage: yet callyng
both him and her beyng great with childe
to examination, they caused thē both to ab-
iure and suffer penaunce.

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This Tho. Patmore a good man, was he þt
maried the foresaid M. Smith, & Ioane Benore
his mayde together (as is sayd) vppon the
consent and earnest request of the parties.
For this godly acte hee susteined long tra-
uaile in þe bishops court, being many times

Persons abiured,with their Articles.

Person of

examined of his conscience, whether a priest
might mary a wife without offēce to God.
Wherin he stucke a great whyle & appealed
to þe king. Whē þt would not helpe, he requi-
MarginaliaPriests to know how Priestes Mariage could
be proued heretical by the Scripture. Then
Foxford the Byshops Vicare, the great per-
secutor, alleagyng generall Councels & de-
termination of the Churche, still was vpon
him with his interrogatories, askyng whe-
ther hee would abiure or heare the sentence
read. Hys aunswere was, that hee beleueth
the holy Churche, as a Christen man doth,
and it passeth his capacitie, and desireth to
be instructed, and if the Scripture do teach
it, he wil beleue it: and he doth not know by
Scripture the contrary, but that a Priest
may mary a wife, but by the lawes of the
Church he thinketh þt a Priest may not ma-
ry. But þe Chauncellour still asked, whether
a Priest might mary wtout offense to God.
At length he graūted that Priest might not
mary without offense to God, because the
Churche hath forbyd it, & therfore a Priest
can not mary without deadly sinne.
MarginaliaRemember here (good reader) to amend the place aboue pag. 1161. where is sayd that Patmore dyed in Lollardes Tower.Item, an other Article was obiected to
him, for saying that hee did not set a bottell
of hay by the Popes curse. But at last hee
submitted him selfe after much adoe, & was
abiured and after condemned to perpetuall
prison. Neuertheles I fynde in the Regi-
sters, that after iij. yeares, hee was released
out agayne by the Bishop.

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Iohn Row
der, a Frēch

This man for byndyng, bying, and dis-
persing of bookes inhibited, was enioyned
beside other penaunce, to goe to Smithfield
with his bookes tyed about hym, & to cast
them in the fire, and there to abyde till they
were all brent to ashes.

a Dutche
man of An-

This man, for sellyng certeine new Te-
mentes in Englishe to Iohn Row afore-
MarginaliaChristopher a bokeseller dyed in prison.sayd, was put in prison at Westminster, and
there dyed.

W. Nelson

His crime was, for hauyng and biyng
of Peryman certeine bookes  
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Apparently Periman was also selling heretical books.

of Luther, Tyn-
dall, Thorpe. &c. and for readyng and peru
sing the same, cōtrary to the kynges procla-
mation: for the which he was abiured. He
was Priest at Lith.

Tho. Eue
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Eve is listed inaccurately in the first edition of the Acts andMonuments as the parish clerk of Much Hadham (1563, p. 419).


His Articles: That the Sacrament of
the aultar was but a memory of Christes
Passiō. That mē were fooles to go on Pil-
gremage, or to set any candle before Ima-
ges. Item, it is as good to set vp staues be-
fore the Sepulchre, as to set vp tapers of
waxe. That Priestes might haue wiues.

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Rob. Hud-
son of S.

MarginaliaA dogge offered to S. Nicolas Bishop.His Article: On Childermas day  
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The feast of the Holy Innocents (28 December).

(saith þe
Register) he offered in Paules Churche at
offeryng time, to the child bishop  
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It was the custom for a boty to be chosen to officiate as bishop to the services held on the feast of the Holy Innocents. The boy received small gifts and was sometimes referred to as St. Nicholas (who was the patron saint of children).

(called S.
Nicolas) a dogge for deuotion (as he sayd)
and meant no hurte, for he thought to haue
offered a halfepenye or els the dogge, and
thought the dogge to be more better then a
halfepeny, and the dogge should rayse some
profite to the childe: and sayd moreouer it
was the tenth dogge. &c. Ex Regist.

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Hewet Ser

His crime: That after the kynges pro-
clamation he had and read the new Testa-
ment in Englishe: Also the booke of Iohn
Fryth agaynst Purgatory. &c.

Kyry Ser-

Hys Article: That hee, after the kynges
proclamation, had and vsed these bookes:
the Testament in Englishe, the Some
of Scripture, a Primer and Psalter in
Englishe hydden in hys beadstraw at Wor
