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1230 [1230]

K. Henry. 8. Persons abiured. Notes concerning Bayfildes accusation.

Peter Fenne Priest.
Iohn Turke.
Robert Best.
Williā Raylond of Colchester.  
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William was a tailor of Colchester and one of the leaders of the local network of Lollards; see BL, Harley MS 421, fo. 19r and Strype, EM I, 1, pp.117-20 and 124-32.

Henry Raylond his sonne.
Marion Mathew, or Westden.

and his wife.
M. Forman bacheler of Diuini-
tie Person of Hony Lane.  
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Thomas Forman, the rector of All Hallows Honey Lane was one of the leading evangelicals in London and one of the capital's most popular preachers. He was also the head of a network disseminating heretical books in London and Cambridge (Susan Brigden, London and the Reformation [Oxford, 1982], pp. 112-115).

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Robert Necton.
Katherine Swane.  
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Of Colchester. See Strype, EM I, 1, pp. 121, 129 and 133.

Masters Cowbrige, of Colch.

MarginaliaAl these in this table were troubled & abiured, an. 1527. 1528.Robert Wygge.
William Bull.
George Cooper.
Ioh. Toy, of Saint
Richard Foster.

of London.

Dorothe Long.  
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Of St. Giles, Colchester; see BL, Harley MS 421, fo. 19r and Strype, EM I, I, p. 116.

MarginaliaThys Parker was abiured 24. yeares before thys.Thomas Parker.  
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See BL, Harley MS 421, fo. 19r and Strype, EM, I, I, pp. 121, 129, 132-3 and I, 2, p. 54.

Alyce Gardiner.
Iohn Tompson.
Ioh. Bradley, and
and his wife.
of Colchest.
Wydow Denby.  
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Of Colchester. See Strype, EM, I, 1, p. 129 and BL, Harley MS 421, fo. 30r.

Robert Hedill, of Colchester.
William Butcher, whose fa-
thers graund father was bur-
ned for the same Religion.  
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Edmund Tyball was John's brother and a churchwarden in Richard Foxe's church (Richard Foxe was the parish minister of Steeple Bumstead, Essex. He was a leading proponent of evangelical views in his parish and later informed on other evangelicals as part of his abjuration (BL, Harley MS 421, fo. 28r)). He would later abjure and denounce a number of Lollards in Colchester and its environs (Bl, Harley MS 421, fo. 28r-v; Strype, EM I, 1,p. 135 and I, 2, p. 56).

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Abraham Water, of Colchest.

Sebastian Harrys, Curate of
Ex Regist. Lond.
Iohn Hubert of Estdoneland  
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Of East Donyland, ESSex. The case against the Huberts wasdismissed and they did not abjure (BL, Harley MS 421, fos. 19r and 30r).


¶ All these in this table contey-
ned, were troubled & abiured
an. 1527. and 1528.  
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Foxe's presentation of this material makes it appear that the Wilys were accused of all the charges listed and abjured in 1528. However, John Wily, the elder, possessed a copy of the examinations of William Thorpe and John Oldcastle, a work which was not printed until 1530. The date of 1532 is also given by Foxe in his account of the Wilys. The most likely explanation is that the Wilys wereaccused and abjured in 1528 and were charged again in 1532. The articles Foxe lists are from 1532.

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MarginaliaPersons abiured.
Ioh. Wyly the elder.
Catherine Wyly, hys
Ioh. Wyly, hys sonne.
Christian Wyly, his
W. Wyly, hys sonne.
Magaret Wyly, his
Lucye Wylye,
Agnes Wylye,
ij. younge gyrles.
An. 1532.

These viij. persons were accused,
an. 1532. for eating potage & flesh-
meate fiue yeare before, vpon S.
Iames euen.
Also an other time, vpō S. Pe-
ters euen, as Catherine Wyly did
lye in childbed, þe other wiues, wt
the ij. gyrles, were found eating
altogether of a brothe made with
the forepart of a racke of Mutton.
Itē, the foresayd Iohn Wyly the
elder, had a Primmer in English
in hys house, and other bookes.
Also, he had a younge daughter
of x. yeres olde, which could render
by hart þe most parte of þe 24. chap.
of S. Mathewe: also coulde re-
hearse without boke, þe disputatiō
betwene the clarke and the Frier.
Itē, the sayd Iohn Wyly had in
hys house a treatise of William
Thorpe, and Syr Iohn Oldcastell.

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¶ A note of Richard Bayfide, aboue mentioned.

MEntion was made before of Richard Bayfilde Monke of Burye, pag. 1161. who in these perilous dayes, amongest other good Sainctes of God, suffered death, as ye haue heard, but how and by whom he was detected, hath not bene shewed: which now in searching out of Registers, as we haue found, so we thought good here to adioyne the same with the wordes and confession of the same Edmund Peerson which detected hym in maner as followeth.  

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The account of how Richard Bayfield (the articles charged against Bayfield, his answers to them, the sentence of degradation imposed on him and the letter to the mayor and sheriffs of London, are taken from a now lost court book of Bishop John Stokesley) was arrested almost certainly came from the same courtbooks that were Foxe's source for his main account of Bayfield. The fact that this account of Bayfield was not joined to the main narrative of Bayfield's narrative is an indication that Foxe's search through the diocese of London records was being made while the 1563 edition was being printed.

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¶ The accusatiō of Edmund Peerson agaynst Bayfilde.

MarginaliaThe accusation of Edmund Peerson, agaynst Richard Bayfilde.The xxij. day of September at iiij. of the clocke at after noone, the yeare of our Lord. 1527. Syr Richard Bayfilde sayd that my Lord of Londons Commissarye was a playne Pharisey, wherfore he would speake with hym, and by hys wholesome doctrine hee trusted in God, hee should make hym a perfecte Christen man and me also, for I was a Pharisey, as yet, he sayd.

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Also he sayd, that he cared not and if the commissarye and the Chauncellour heard him both, for the Chauncellour, he said, was also a Pharisey, & trusted to make hym a Christen man.

Also he sayd, he was entreated by hys frendes, and in maner cōstrayned to abide in the Citie against hys will, to make the Chauncellour and many moe, perfecte Christen men, for as yet many were Phariseis, and knew not the perfecte declaration of the Scripture.

MarginaliaCommendation of Bilney & Arthur.Also he sayd, that M. Arthur and Bilney were and bee more purer and more perfecter in their liuing to God, then was or is the Commissarye, the Chauncellour, my Lorde of London, or my Lorde Cardinall.

Also he sayd, that if Arthur and Bilney suffer death in the quarells and opinions that they be in, or holde, they shall be Martyrs before God in heauen.

Also he sayd, after Arthur and Bilney were put cruelly to death, yet should there be hundrethes of men, þt should preache the same that they haue preached.

Also he sayd, that he would fauour Arthur and Bilney, he knewe theyr liuing to be so good: for they dyd weare no shyrtes of lynnen cloth, but shyrtes of heyre, and euer were fasting, praying, or doing some other good deedes: and as for one of them, what soeuer he haue of money in hys purse, hee will distribute it for the loue of God, to poore people.

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Also he sayd, that no man should geue laude nor praise in no manner of wise, to no creature, nor to no Sainct in heauen, but onely to God. Soli Deo honor et gloria. I. MarginaliaTim. 1.To God alone be all honour and glorye.

MarginaliaThe godly courage of Rich. Bayfild.Also he sayd, ah good Syr Edmunde, ye bee farre from the knowledge and vnderstandyng of the Scripture, for as yet ye be a Pharisey with many other of your companye: but I trust in God I shall make you and many other moe, good and perfecte Christen men ere I depart from the Citie, for I purpose to read a common lecture euery daye at S. Fosters church, which lecture shall bee to the edifying of your soules that be false Phariseis.

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Also he sayd, that Bilney preached nothyng at Wylsedone, but that was true.

MarginaliaThe peoples offrings bestowed vpon harlots.Also he sayd, that Bilney preached true at Wylsedone, if he sayd þt our Ladyes crowne of Wylsedone, her rings and beades that were offered to her, were bestowed amongest harlots, by the ministers of Christes Church: for that haue I seene my selfe, hee sayd, here in London, and that will I abyde by.

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Also he sayd, he dyd not feare to cōmen and argue in Arthur and Bilneys opinions and articles, and if it were with my Lorde Cardinall.

Also he sayd, that he woulde holde Arthur and Bilneys opinions and articles, and abide by them that they were true opinions, to suffer death therfore: I knowe them (sayd he) for so noble and excellent men in learnyng.

Also he sayd, if he were before my Lord Cardinall, hee would not let to speake to hym, and to tell hym that hee hath done nought in prisoning of Arthur & Bilney, which were better disposed in theyr liuinges to God, then my Lord Cardinall, or my Lord of London, as holy as they make them selues.

Also hee sayd, my Lorde Cardinall is no perfecte nor good man to God, for he keepeth not the Cōmaundementes of God: MarginaliaThe Cardinals showes.for Christ (he sayd) neuer taught him to followe riches, nor to seeke for promotions nor dignities of this world, nor Christ neuer taught him to weare shooes of siluer and gilte set with pearle and precious stones, nor Christ had neuer ij. crosses of siluer, ij, axes, nor piller of siluer and gilte.

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Also he sayd, that euery priest myght preach the Gospell without licence of the Pope, my Lorde Cardinall, my Lord of London, or any other man. And that would he abyde by, & thus he verified it as it is written. Mark. 16. Euntes in mundum vniuersum predicate euangelium omni creaturæ.  

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Mark 16: 15.

Christ commaunded euery priest to goe forth throughout all the world and preache the worde of God, by the authoritie of this Gospell, and not to runne to the Pope, nor to no other mā for licence, and that would he abyde by, he sayd.

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Also he sayd: Well Syr Edmund, say you what you will, and euery man, and my Lorde Cardinall also, and yet will I saye and abyde by it, my Lord Cardinall doth punishe Arthur and Bilney vniustlye, for there be no truer Christen men in all the worlde liuing, then they two be, and that punishment that my Lorde Cardinall doth to them, he doth it by might and power, as who saye, thys may I doe, and thys will I do, who shall say nay, but he doth it of no iustice.

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Also, about the xiiij. day of October last paste at iij. of the clocke at after noone, Syr Richard Bayfilde came to S. Edmundes in Lūbardstreete, where he found me Syr Edmund Peerson, Syr Iames Smyth, & Syr Myles Garnet, standing at the vttermost gate of the personage, and Syr Edmund sayd to Syr Richard Bayfilde: how many Christen men haue ye made since ye came to the Citie? Quoth Syr Richard Bayfilde, I am come euen now to make thee a Christen man, and these two other gentlemen with thee, for well I know ye bee all iij. Phariseis, as yet.

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