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wherfore (sayd they O Emperour) do you punish in Peter that opinion which is in al vs? Why is that accoūted in him an offence, that al we confesse, we are of that fayth, religion and iudgement that he is of. Therefore he commaunded them to be brought forth, and almost with like paynes to be tormented as Peter was, and afterwardes hanged. Euseb. Rufini lib. 8. cap. 6. MarginaliaAnthimus bishop of Nicomedia wyth a great multitude of martirs headed and
Lucianus the elder of Antioche martyrs
After whō Anthimus the bishop of Nicomedia, after he had made a notable and worthye confession, and bringing wyth him a great and goodly company of Martyrs, was beheaded. These men being thus dispatched, the Emperour vaynly thought that he might cause the rest to do what euer him listed. To this ende came Lucianus the Elder of the congregation of Antioche, and was martyred after he had made his Apologie before the Emperour. Eusebius. lib. 8. cap. 13.

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MarginaliaSerena wife of Diocletian Emp.
Hermanus also that monster, caused Serena the wyfe of Dioclesian the Emperour, to be martyred for the Christian religion: so muche dyd the rage of persecution vtterly forget all natural affectes. MarginaliaEulāius
Other Martyrs of Nicomedia doth Nicephorus in his. 7. booke and 14. chap. recite, as Eulampius & Ewlampia, Agapen, Irenea, Chionia, and Anastacia, vnder Illyricus chiefe officer, were bound hand and foote to a post and brent. Vincentius. lib. 12. cap. 66. And also Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 6. mencioneth such an other like matter ful of horror and griefe. Ther assembled together in their temple manye Christian men to celebrate the memory of the natiuity of Christ, of euery age and sorte some: Ther Maximianus thinking to haue bene geuen a very fyt occasion to execute his tyranny vpon the poore Christians, sent thither such as should burne the temple, the doores beyng shut and closed round about. Thither came they wyth fire, but first they commaunded the Cryar with a loude voyce to cry, that who so euer would haue lyfe, shoulde come out of the temple, and doo sacrifice vpon the next alter they came vnto of Iupiter, and vnles they would do this, they should al be brent with the temple. Then one stepping vp in the temple, answered in the name of all the rest with great courage and boldnes of mynde, that they were all Christians, and beleued that Christ was their onely God and king, and that they would do sacrifice to him, wsth his father & holye Ghost, and that they were now al ready to offer vnto him. MarginaliaTwentye thousande Martyrs burnt together in one churchWyth these wordes the fire was kyndled and compassed about the temple, and there were brent of men, wemen and children vicies mille, that is. 20000. MarginaliaMartyrs of Arabia.There were also in Arabia very many Martyrs slayne with axes, as Eusebi. lib. 8. cap. 12. There was in Phrigia a Citye, vnto which the Emperour sent his edictes, that they should doo sacrifice to the Gods, and worship Idoles, all which Citizens, the Maior himselfe, the Questor, and chiefe Captayne confessed that they were all Christians. MarginaliaMartyrs in a certayn city of Phrygia brent wyth the whole city.The Citie vpon this was besieged and set on fire, & all the people. Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 11. MarginaliaMartyrs of Melitina in Armenia.In Melitina, a regiō of Armenia, the Bishops and Elders was cast in prison. Eusebius eodem cap. 6. In Arabrace a region neare adioyning to Armenia Eustratius was martyred as Nicephorus declareth. lib. 7. cap. 14. MarginaliaEustratius of a persecutor made a martyr.
Ex Nicephoro lib. 7. cap. 14.
This Eustratius was that country man borne, and very skilful in the Greeke toung, executing by the Emperours cōmaundement, the shirifes office at Licia in the East, which also did execution ther vpon the Christians, and was a Scribe of great estimation called Ordinis Ducalis. This man beholding the marueilous constancie of the Martyrs, thirsted with the desire of martyrdome, for that he had priuelye learned the Christian religion. Therefore he not abydyng for other accusers, detected himselfe, and worthelye professed that he was a Christian, openlye execrating the madnes and vanitie of the wycked Ethnickes. He therfore being caryed away, was tyed vp, being first most bitterly beatē. After that he was partched wt fire, beyngput vnto his bowels, and thē basted with salt and vineger, and lastly so scotched & bemangled with the shards of sharpe and cutting shels, that his whole body semed to be al one continual wound, how be it by Gods great goodnes afterward he was restored to the first integritie. After this he was caryed awaye to Sebastia, where with his companiō MarginaliaOrestes
Orest he was burned. At that tyme also suffered MarginaliaEugenius
bishops and martyrs in Egipt
Eugenius, Auxentius, Mardarius. Nicep. lib 7. cap 14. And in no lesse wyse raged this persecution throughout al Egipt: wher Eusebius in his. 8. booke, & 13. chap. maketh mētion of Peleus and Nilus martirs and bishops in Egipt. But at Alexandria especiallye were declared most notable conflictes of Christian and true constant martyrs that suffered, which Phileas the bishop of Thumitane describeth as after (God willing) shalbe declared. In this persecution of Alexandria, the principal that then suffered was MarginaliaPetr9 bishop of Alexandria
bish & martyr.
Peter, the byshop of Alexandria, with the Elders of the same, most woorthy Martyrs, as Faustus, Didius, and Ammonius, also Phileas, Hesichius, Pachuninus, & Theodorus, which al were bishops of the Congregations within Egipt, and besides them many other both famous and singular men. MarginaliaThe Christian souldiours and Martirs of ThebesThe whole legion of Christian soldiors which lay at Thebes in Egipt, vnder the Christian Captaine Mauritius, when they would not obey the Emperours commaundemēt and decree touching the worshipping of Images, were tythed to death once, and then again. And at last through the exhortation of Mauritius, died altogether lyke constant Martyrs Vincentius in speculo. lib. 13. cap. 2. MarginaliaThe Christian souldiors and bishops in Antino.
Likewise at Antino diuers Christian soldiours, notwithstanding they wer seriously disswaded, suffered death together, and amongest whō were Ascla. Philemon, and Appolinius, ibidem cap. 50. and also in the other partes of Aphrica and Mauritania was great persecution, as Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 6. Also in Sammium, of which place Chronieon maketh mention, and Marginalia79. Martyrs.Scilia, where were. 79. Martyrs slayne, for the profession of Christ, as writeth Henricus de Erfordia.

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MarginaliaThe persecutiō in Europe.Now let vs come vnto Europe, Nicephorus in hys 7. booke, and. 14. chap. sayth, that at Nicopolus in Thracia the Martyrs were in moste miserable and pityfull wyse handled, where Lysia had the execution thereof. MarginaliaEuphemia.In Chalcedone suffered Euphemia, vnder Priscus the Proconsul. Vincentius lib. 12. cap. 77.

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Henricus de Erfordia sayth that at Rome, Iohannes and Crispus, being Priestes, had the execution of the Martyrs. And at Boemia Agricola and Vitalis, Vincētius lib. 12. cap. 49. And at Aquileia the Emperour commaunded euery man to kyll the Christians. Vincentius lib. eodem. cap. 58. and amongest those martyrs he maketh mention of Felices, and Fortunatus. Reginus also writeth, that in other places of Italy the persecution became great, as at Florentia, Pergamus, Neaples, Campania, Beneuentus, at Venusa in Apulia, and in Thussia, and Henricus de Erfordia saith also at Verona. MarginaliaPersecution in Fraunce.In Fraunce doubtles Rictionarus apointed to that office, played the cruel helhound, of whose great crueltye agaynst the Christians, many histories are full. MarginaliaVictor.
At Mediolanus suffered Victor. And at Massilia, Maximianus set forth hys decree, that eyther they should all do sacrifice to the Gods of þe Gentils, or els be al slaine with diuers kindes of torments. Therfore many martyrs ther dyed for the glory of Christ. Antonius & Vincētius lib. 12. cap. 2. MarginaliaLucianus
In Beluacus suffered Lucian.

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MarginaliaThe persecutiō in Spayne.
Eulalia, Adula, Vincētius, Sabina, Christina, Lencadia, Martyrs.
18. Martyrs in Spayne.
Vincentius and Reginus wryte of many places in Hispayne, where was great persecution, as at Emerita, where suffered Eulalia, of whō more followeth hereafter, and Adula, where also suffered Vincentius, Sabina, and Christina. At Toletum suffered Lencadia the virgin, at Cesarea Augusta, wher were put to death. 18. beside a great number of other martyrs, which suffred vnder Decianus the Gouernour, which afflicted wyth

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