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1286 [1286]

K. Henry. 8. The kinges Articles and Iniunctions, for reformation of the Church.

tie, then vpon any other dayes. And sith the Sabboth day was vsed & ordeined, but for mans vse, & therfore ought to geue place to the necessitie and behoufe of the same whensoeuer that shall occurre, much rather any other holyday institute by man: It is therefore by the kynges highnes authoritie as supreme head in earth of the Churche of England, with the common assent and consent of the Prelates and Clergy of this hys Realme, in conuocation lawfully assembled and congregate, amongest other thynges decreed, ordeined and established:

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MarginaliaFeastes of dedication to be kept all vpon one day.First, that the feast of dedication of Churches shall in all places through out this Realme, be celebrate and kept on the first Sonday of the moneth of October, for euer, and vpon none other day.

MarginaliaChurch holy dayes forbidden.Itē, þt the feast of the patron of euery Church within this Realme, called cōmonly the Church holyday, shall not frō hence forth be kept or obserued as a holyday, as heretofore hath bene vsed, but that it shalbe lawfull to all and singular persons resident or dwellyng within this Realme, to go to their worke, occupatiō or mistery and the same truly to exercise and occupy vpon the said feast, as vppon any other woorke day: except the sayd feast of Churche holyday be such as must bee elles vniuersally obserued and kept as a holyday by this ordinaunce folowyng.

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MarginaliaHolydayes in haruest tyme put downe.Also that all those feastes or holydayes, whiche shall happen to fall or occurre either in the haruest tyme, whiche is to be counted from the first day of Iuly, vnto the xxix. day of September, or els in the terme tyme at Westminster, shall not be kept, or obserued from hēceforth as holydayes, but that it may be lawfull for euery mā to go to his worke or occupation vpon the same, as vppon any other worke day: excepte alwayes the feastes of þe Apostles, of the blessed Virgin, & of Saint George: and also such feastes as wherein the kynges highnes Iudges at Westminster doe not vse to sit in Iudgement. All whiche shalbe kept holy and solemne of euery mā, as in time past, haue ben accustomed: Prouided alwayes that it may be lawfull vnto all Priestes and Clerkes aswell seculare as regular, in the foresayd holydayes now abrogate, to sing or say their accustomed seruice for those holydayes, in their Churches: so as they do not the same solemnly nor do ryng to the same after the maner vsed in hygh holydayes, ne do cōmaunde, or indicte the same to bee kept or obserued as holydayes.

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MarginaliaFoure offering dayes.Finally that the feastes of þe Natiuitie of our Lord, of Easter day, of the Natiuitie of S. Iohn the Baptist, and of S. Michaell the Archaungell shalbe from hence forth counted, accepted, and taken for the foure generall offeryng dayes.

MarginaliaEaster Terme.And for further declaration of the premisses, bee it knowen that Easter terme beginneth alwayes þe xviij. day after Easter day, reckening Easter day for one, and endeth the Monday next following the Ascension daye.

MarginaliaTrinitie Terme.Trinitie terme begynneth alwayes the Wedensday next after the Octaues of Trinitie Sōday, and endeth the xi. or xij. day of Iuly.

MarginaliaMichaelmas Terme.Michaelmas terme begynneth the ix. or x. day of October, and endeth the xxviij. or xxix. day of Nouember.

MarginaliaHilary Terme.Hilary terme begynneth the xxiij. or xxiiij. day of Ianuary and endeth the xij. or xiij. day of February.

In Easter terme, vpon the Ascension day: in Trinitie terme, vppon the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptiste: in Michaelmas terme, vpon Alhalow day: in Hilarye terme, vppon Candlemas daye, the kynges Iudges at Westminster, do not vse to sit in iudgement, nor vpon any Sonday.

After these Articles and Iniunctions thus giuē out by the kyng and his counsaile, then folowed moreouer (as tyme serued) other Iniunctions moe, concernyng Images, reliques, and blynd miracles, and for abrogatyng of Pilgremages deuised, by superstition, & mayn-teyned for luker sake, also for the Pater noster, Crede, and Gods Commaundementes, and the Bible to bee had in Englishe, with diuers other pointes moe necessary for Religion. The wordes of whiche Iniunctions here also ensue.  

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These Injunctions were not issued by the King or Convocation, but by Thomas Cromwell, in his capacity as Vicegerent. It went beyond any previous orders in its programme of Christian education, involving the co-operation between laity and clergy, and its idealistic that the Lord's Prayer, Apostle's Creed and Ten Commandents be provided in English and memorized by everyone. Particularly ambitious was the provision that every parish priest provide a copy of the Bible in Latin and English (This provision, mandating that every parish priest should provide a copy of the Bible in Latin and English by 1 August 1537, does not appear in certain manuscript copies of the Injunctions or in STC 10084.7. As a result it has often been denied that Cromwell's 1536 Injunctions contained this order, but this belief has been refuted; see Richard Rex, Henry VIII and the English Reformation (Basingstoke, 1993), pp. 185-6 and Margaret Bowker, 'The Henrician Reformation and the Parish Clergy' in The English Reformation Revised, ed. Christopher Haigh (Cambridge, 1987), p. 76 n. 8. The idea was somewhat impractical; at the time the only complete printed English language Bible was that produced by Matthew Coverdale and it did not have official approval). Foxe notably prints the full text of this document without emendations.

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¶ Other Iniunctions geuen by the authoritie of the kynges hyghnes to the Clergie of this his Realme.

MarginaliaOther Iniunctions.IN the name of God, Amen. In the yeare of our Lord God. 1536. and of the moste noble reigne of our soueraigne Lorde Henry the eyght, kyng of England & of France, defendour of the faith, Lorde of Ireland, and in earth supreme head of the Church of England, the. xxviij. &c. I Thomas Cromwell knyght, Lorde Cromwell, keper of the priuie Seale of our sayd soueraigne Lord the kyng, and vicegerent to the same, for and concernyng all hys iurisdiction Ecclesiasticall within thys Realme, to the glory of almightie God, to the kinges highnes honour, the publike weale of thys Realme, and increase of vertue in the same: haue appoynted and assigned these Iniunctions ensuing, to be kept and obserued of the Deane, Persons, Vicares, Curates, and Stipendaries, resident or hauing cure of soules, or any other spirituall administration within this Deanrye, vnder the paynes here after limited and appointed.

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The first is, that the Deane, Persons, Vicares, and other hauing cure of soule anye where within this Deanry, shal faithfully keepe & obserue, & as farre as in them may lye, shall cause to be keept and obserued of all other, all and singular lawes and statutes of thys Realme, made for the abolishyng and extirpation of the bishop of Romes pretensed and vsurped power and iurisdiction within this Realme, MarginaliaConfirmation of the kinges spuremacie.and for the stablishment and confirmation of the kynges authoritye and iurisdiction within the same, as of the supreame head of the Church of England, shall to the vttermost of theyr wit, knowledge & learning, purely, sincerely, and without anye colour or dissimulation, declare, manifest, and open, by the space of one quarter of a yeare now next ensuing, once euery Sondaye, and after at the leastwise, twise euerye quarter of a yeare, in their sermones and other collations, MarginaliaAgaynst the Popes primacie.that the Bishop of Romes vsurped power and iurisdiction, hauinge no establishment, nor ground by the law of God, was of moste iuste causes taken away and abolished, and that therfore they owe vnto him no manner of obedience or subiection, & that the kinges power is with in his dominion, the hyghest potentate and power vnder God, to whome all men within the same dominion, by Gods commaundement, owe most loyaltie and obedience afore and aboue all other potentates in earth.

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Item, whereas certain Articles  

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I.e., the Ten Articles: in the Convocation of 1536 there was a sharply abridged version of the Ten Articles and the first attempt at defining the doctrines of the newly established Church of England. This is published by Foxe earlier in this chapter. The total document is rather more traditional in its orientation that Foxe's version: notably it defended the real presence of Christ's body and blood in the Sacrament and it gave (an admittedly qualified) approval of prayers for the souls of the dead.

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were lately deuised and put forth by the kinges highnesse authoritye, and condescended vpon by the Prelates and Clergy of thys his Realme in conuocation (where of part were necessary to be holden and beleued for our saluation, and the other part do concerne and touch certain laudable ceremonies, rites, and vsages of the Church, meete and cōuenient to be keept and vsed for a decent and politike order in the same) MarginaliaThe kinges Articles to be read to the people.the sayd Deane, Persones, Vicares, and other Curates, shall so open and declare in their sermons and other collations, the sayd Articles vnto them that be vnder theyr cure, that they may playnlye knowe and discerne whiche of them be necessary to be beleued and obserued for their saluation, and which be not necessary, but onely do concerne the decent and politike order of the said Church, according to suche commaundement and admonition, as hath bene geuē vnto them heretofore, by the authority of the kings highnes in that behalfe.

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Moreouer, that they shall declare vnto al suche as be vnder their cure, the Articles likewise deuised, put forthe and authorised of late, for and concerning the abro-
