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1287 [1287]

K. Hen. 8. Iniunctions by the kinges authoritie.

gation of certayn superstitious holy daies, according to the effect and purport of the same Articles, & perswade their parishoners to keepe and obserue the same inuiolably, as thinges holsome, prouided, decreed, and established by common consent and publike authoritye for the weale, commodity, and profite of all this Realme.

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MarginaliaImages abolished.Besides this, to the intent that all superstition and hipocrisie crepte into diuers mennes hartes, maye vanishe awaye, they shall not set forth nor extoll any Images, Reliques, or miracles, for anye superstition or luker, nor allure the people by any intreatments, to the pilgrimages of any Saincts, otherwise then is permitted in the Articles lately put forthe by the authority of the kynges maiestie, and condescended vppon by the Prelates and Cleargye of this his Realme in conuocatiō, as though it were proper or peculiar to that sainct, to geue this cōmodity or that, seing all goodnes, health, and grace, ought to be both looked and asked for, onely of God, as of the verye author of the same, and of none other, for without him it can not be geuen: MarginaliaPilgrimages forbidden.but they shal exhorte aswel their parishoners, as other pilgrims, that they do rather applie them selues to the keeping of Gods commaundements, and fulfilling of his workes of charitie, perswading them that they shall please God more by the true exercising of theyr bodely labour, trauaile or occupation, and prouidyng for their families, then if they went about to the said pilgrimages: and it shall profit more theyr soule health if they doe bestowe that on the poore and needye, which they woulde haue bestowed vppon the said Images or reliques.

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MarginaliaPrayers in the mother tonge.Also in the same their sermons and other collations, the Persons, Vicares, and other Curates aforesaid, shall diligentlye admonishe the fathers and mothers, maisters and gouernours of youth, being within theyr cure, to teach or cause to be taught, theyr children and seruauntes euen from theyr infancye, the Pater noster,  

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I.e., the Lord's Prayer.

the Articles of our faith, and the ten commaundements in theyr mother tongue, & the same so taught, shal cause the said youth oft to repeate and vnderstand. And to the intent this may be the more easily done, the sayd Curates shall in theyr sermons deliberatlye and plainly recite of the sayd Pater noster, articles, or commaundements, one clause or article one daye, and an other an other daye, till the whole be taught and learned by litle and litle, and shall deliuer the same in writinge, or shew where printed bookes conteynyng the same, be to be solde to thē that can reade, or will desire the same: and therto that the sayd fathers and mothers, masters and gouernours do bestowe theyr children and seruaūtes euen from theyr childehode, eyther to learnyng, or to some honest exercise, occupation, or husbandry, MarginaliaFor bringing vp of youth in some arte or occupation.exhorting, counsailing, and by al the wayes and meanes they maye, as well in theyr sayd sermons and collations, as other wayes, the sayed fathers, mothers, maisters, and other gouernours beyng vnder theyr cure and charge, diligentlye to prouide and foresee, that the sayd youth be in no manner wyse kepte or brought vp in idlenes, lest at any tyme afterward, they be dryuen, for lacke of some mysterye or occupation to liue by, to fall to begginge, stealing, or some other vnthriftines, for asmuch as we may daily see, through slouth and idlenes, diuers valiaunt men fal, some to begging, and some to thefte and murther, which after brought to calamity and misery, impute a great parte therof to their frendes & gouernours, which suffred thē to be brought vp so idlely in their youth, where if they had bene educated and brought vp in some good literature, occupation, or mysterye, they should (being rulers of their own family) haue profited as wel thē selues, as diuers other persons, to the great commoditye and ornament of the common weale.

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Also that the sayd Persons, Vicares, and other Curates, shal diligently prouide, that the Sacraments and Sacramentals be duelye and reuerentlye ministred in theyr parishes. And if at any tyme it happen them, o-MarginaliaPlacing of good vicares and Cuartes.ther in any of the cases expressed in the statutes of thys Realme, or of speciall licence geuen by the kynges maiesty, to be absent from their benefices, they shall leaue theyr cure, not to a rude and vnlearned person, but to an honest, well learned, and expert curate, that maye teach the rude and vnlearned of theyr cure, wholsome doctrine, and reduce thē to the right way, that they do not erre: and alwayes let them see, that neither they nor their vicars do seke more theyr own profite, promotion or aduauntage, then the profit of the soules that they haue vnder their cure, or the glory of God.

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MarginaliaEuery parish to prouide a Bible in Englishe.Item  

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This provision, mandating that every parish priest should provide a copy of the Bible in Latin and English by 1 August 1537, does not appear in certain manuscript copies of the Injunctions or in STC 10084.7. As a result it has often been denied that Cromwell's 1536 Injunctions contained this order, but this belief has been refuted; see Richard Rex, Henry VIII and the English Reformation (Basingstoke, 1993), pp. 185-6 and Margaret Bowker, 'The Henrician Reformation and the Parish Clergy' in The English Reformation Revised, ed. Christopher Haigh (Cambridge, 1987), p. 76 n. 8. The idea was somewhat impractical; at the time the only complete printed English language Bible was that produced by Matthew Coverdale and it did not have official approval.

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, that euery person or proprietary of anye parish Church within this realme, shall on this side þe feast of S. Peter ad vincula  
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I.e., by 1 August 1537.

next comming, prouide a booke of the whole Bible both in Laten and also in English, and laye the same in the queere for euery man that wil, to loke and read theron, and shall discourage no man from the reading of any part of the Bible either in Laten or English, but rather comfort, exhort, and admonish euery man to reade the same, as the very word of God, and the spirituall foode of mans soule, whereby they may þe better knowe their dueties to God, to their soueraigne Lord the kyng, and theyr neyghbour, euer gentilly and charitably exhorting thē, that vsing a sober and a modest behauiour in the reading and inquisition of the true sense of the same, they do in no wyse stifly or egerlye contend or striue one with an other, about the same, but referre the declaration of those places that be in controuersie, to the iudgemēt of them that be better learned.

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MarginaliaPristes not to haunt Alehouses.Also the sayed Deane, Persones, Vicars, Curates, and other priests shal in no wise at any vnlawfull time, nor for any cause then for their honest necessitie, haunt or resort to any Tauernes or Alehouses, and after their dynner and supper, they shall not geue them selues to drincking or riot, spending their time idlely, by day or by night, at tables or cardes playing, or anye other vnlawfull game: but at suche tymes as they shall haue such leasure, they shall reade or heare somewhat of holy Scripture, or shall occupye them selues with some honest exercise, & that they alwaies do those things which appertaine to good congruence and honesty, with profit of the common weale, hauinge alwayes in mynde, that they ought to excel all other in puritie of life, and should be example to all other, to liue well and christianlye.

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MarginaliaPersons not resident, to pay the xl. part to their parishes.Furthermore, because the goodes of the Church are called the goodes of the poore, and in these daies nothing is lesse seene thē the poore to be susteined with the same, all Persones, Vicares, Prebendaries, and other beneficed men within thys Deanry, not beyng resident vpō their benefices, which may despend yerely. xx. pound or aboue, eyther within thys Deanry or els where, shall distribute hereafter yearly amōges their poore parishoners or other inhabitantes there, in the presence of the church Wardens, or some other honest men of the parish, the. xl. parte of the frutes and reuenewes of theyr saied benefices, lest they be worthelye noted of ingratitude, which reseruing so manye partes to them selues, can not vouchsafe to enpart the. xl. porcion thereof, amongst the poore people of that parishe, that is so frutefull and profitable vnto them.

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MarginaliaEuery beneficed mā worth a hundreth pounde, to fynde a scholer at the vniuersitie.And to the intent that learned men maye hereafter spring the more, for the executing of the said premisses, euery person, Vicar, Clerke, or beneficed man within thys Deanry, hauyng yearly to spend in benefices or other promotions of the Church, an C. poundes, shall geue competent exhibition to one scholer, and for as many C. poundes more as he may dispend, to so many scholers more shall geue like exhibition in the vniuersitye of Oxford or Cambridge, or some Grammer schole, which after they haue profited in good learning, may be parteners of theyr patrones cure and charge, aswell in preaching, as otherwise in the execution of theyr offices, or may when nead shalbe, otherwise profit the cōmon wealthe with theyr counsell and wisedome.

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