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K. Henry. 8. Iohn Lamberts Articles, with his aunswers.

bedient and sturdy, from entring in to the church, and to suspende or let them from ministration of the sacraments of the same?

MarginaliaIustification.31. Whether faith onely without good woorkes, maye suffice vnto a man fallen into sinne after his baptisme, for his saluation and iustifying?

MarginaliaPriests mariage.32. Whether a Priest marying a wife, and that without the dispensation of the Pope, and begettyng also childrē of her without slaunder geuing, doe sinne deadly?

33. Item, whether a latyn Priest after he hath taken the order of priesthode, beyng sore troubled and styred with pricking of lust or lecherye, & therfore marying a wife for remedy of the same, do synne deadly?

MarginaliaPraying for Wicklieffe Hus and Hierome of Prage.34. Item, whether thou diddest euer praye for Iohn Wicklef, Iohn Hus, or Hierome of Prage condemned of heresie in the Councell of Constance, or for any of them sith they dyed, or whether thou hast done openly or secretlye any deedes of charitye for them, affirmyng them to be in blesse and saued?

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35. Item, whether thou hast recounted them or anye of them to be Saintes, and worshipped them as saintes?

MarginaliaGenerall Councels.36. Item, whether thou doest beleue, holde and affirme, that euery generall Councell, and the Councell of Constance also, do represent the vniuersall congregation or Church?

MarginaliaThe Councell of Constance.37. Item, whether thou doest beleue, þt the same thinges which the Councell of Constance (representinge the vniuersall Church) hath approued, and doth approue for the maintenaunce of faith, and soules health, that the same is to be approued and holden of all Christians?

38. Whether the condemnations of Iohn Wickleffe, Iohn Hus, and of Hierome of Prage, done vpon theyr persones, bookes, and documents by the whole generall Councell of Constance, were duely and ryghtfully done, and so for such, of euery catholyke person, they are to be holden?

MarginaliaIohn Wicklieffe, Iohn Hus and Hierome of Prage.39. Whether thou beleuest, that Iohn Wickleffe of England, Iohn Hus of Boheme, and Hierome of Prage, were heretickes & for heretickes to be named, & theyr bookes & doctrines to haue ben & now be peruerse, for the which bokes and pertinacie of their persons, they are condemned by the holy Councell of Constance, for heretickes?

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40. Item, whether thou beleue or affirme, that it is not laufull in any case to sweare?

MarginaliaTo sweare.41. Whether thou beleue that it is laufull at the cōmaundement of a iudge, to make an othe to say the truth, or any other othe in case conuenient, and that also for purgation of infamie?

MarginaliaThe number of Sacraments.42. Item, whether a Christian persone despising the receite of the sacramentes of confirmatiō, extreme vncsion, or solemnising of matrimony, do sinne deadly?

MarginaliaThe power of Peter.43. Itē, whether thou beleue, that S. Peter as Christes vicar, haue power vpon earth to bynde and lose?

44. Item, whether the Pope ordinatly chosen for a tyme, his proper name being exprest, be þe successor of S. Peter?

MarginaliaThe power of the Pope.45. Item, whether thou hast euer promised at any tyme by an othe, or made any confederacie or league with any persone or persones, that you would alwayes holde and defende certaine conclusions or articles, semynge to you and your accomplices, ryght and consonant vnto the faith, and that you certifie vs touching the order & tenour of the sayd opinions and conclusions, and of the names and surnames of them that were your adherentes, and promised to bee adherent vnto you in this behalfe?

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¶ The aunswere of Iohn Lambert to the first Article.

MarginaliaAnswer to the first Article.VNto your first demaunde wherin you do aske, whether I was suspect or infamed of heresie, I aūswer þt I am not certain what all persons at all seasons haue deemed or suspected of me, peraduenture some better, some worse, MarginaliaThe speache of the people diuers and as the opiniō of the people was neuer one, but thought diuersly of all þe famous Prophetes, & of the Apostles, yea, and of Christ him selfe: as appeareth in S. Iohn, how, MarginaliaIohn. 7.when he came into Hierusalem in the feast called Scenopegia, anone there arose vpon him a great noyse, some saying that he was a very good man, other sayd nay, and called hym a seducer, because hee lead the people frō the right wayes of Moyses law, into errour. Seyng therfore that all men could not say wel by Christ, which is þe author of veritie & truth, yea, the very truth it self, & likewise of his beste seruantes: what should I nede to regarde, if at some tyme, some persō for a like cause should suspect of me amisse, & euill reporte of me. Seyng moreouer it is sayd in þe Gospell. Væ vobis cū laudauerint vos omnes homines, &c. MarginaliaLuke. 6.
Prayse of the world not to be regarded.
Woe be to you whē all men speake well of you: for so did their fathers to the false Prophetes. If therfore at any season such infamie was put vpon me, I am glad that I haue so litle regarded the same, that now I haue forgotten it. And though I did remember any such, yet were I more then twise a foole to shewe you thereof: for it is written in your owne lawe: Nemo tenetur prodere seipsum: MarginaliaNo man bound to bewray himselfe.No man is bounde to bewray him selfe. But this I ensure you, I was neuer so charged with suspiciō or infamie of this crime, that I was therfore at any time, conuēted & reproued afore any iudge, afore that I was troubled for these causes, for whiche I was at the first put into your handes: and of them seyng you could not proue me faultie, I wonder why you would neuer yet pronounce me quite and innocent, according as I haue euen lowly desired of you, and required full instantly the same. But lettyng those passe, you haue imagined new matters to chardge me with, wherein I thinke certeinely, that you could no more haue proued me culpable, then you did in the first: that is to wit, no whit culpable in neither, had it not bene that by longe imprisonment you enforced me to tell what I thought in them, whiche I haue and will frely do: and that in differently considered, I suppose shall not deserue any sore punishement, vnlesse you will beate the truth, wherunto I hope it shall not disagree.

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¶ Aunswere to the 2. Article.

MarginaliaAnswere to the second Article.To your second demaūd, where you do inquire whether euer I had any of Luthers bookes, & namely sith they were condēned, & how long I kept thē, & whether I haue spent any study in thē? I say that in dede I haue had of thē, & that both before they were condēned, & also sith, but I neither will ne can tel you, how long I kept thē: but truth it is þt I haue studied vpon thē, & I thāke God þt euer I so did: MarginaliaThe profite of Luthers bokes.For by thē hath God shewed vnto me, and also to an huge multitude of other, such light, as the deceiuable darkenes of them (I beseche God amend it) that name them selues (but amisse) to be þe holy Church, cannot abyde. And that appeareth euidently, for they dare not stand to any triall. He coueteth aboue all thynges, as all his aduersaries do well know, that all his writynges, & the writinges of all his aduersaries might be translated into all languages, to the intent that all people might see and know, what is sayd of euery parte, wherby men should the better iudge what the truth is. And in this me thinketh hee requireth nothyng but equitie, for the law would haue no body condēned, ne yet iustified, vntill his cause were both heard and knowen.

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MarginaliaOuer riche prelacie.But the contrarye parte, I meane our ouer riche prelacie, whiche is so drowned in voluptuous lyuing that they can not attende to studye Gods Scripture ne preach the same, whiche should be the principall parte of theyr office, abhorre this fashion (albeit it is right indifferent & full of equitie) no lesse then they do abhorre death. MarginaliaPopishe doctrine will abide no triall.And no maruell, for doubtles if it so could be obteyned, that the writynges of all parties might be openly seene and conferred, MarginaliaThe facing doctrine of the papistes.we should soone see their sleighty dealyng and facyng doctrine, with all other cloked abusion, lightly ouerthrowne: MarginaliaTriall and reading of bokes free in Germanye.As appeareth well in Almaine, for there bee the bookes of euery partie seene openly and translated in the vulgare language, that all people may see and read vpō them: and so vppon the sight of the bookes, they lightly folow the true light of Gods worde, refusing the horror of darkenes and false doctrine, wherby before, they haue ben seduced from the right teachyng and way shewed in the Bible. And this is done, not of an hūdreth ne of a thousād, but generally of whole Cities and countreys, both high and low, few or none except.

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MarginaliaWhy Luthers bokes be restrayned of popishe prelates.But our Prelates seyng this, and that their dealyng should, if this light were set vp, soone be detect and discouered, haue sent out cōmaundementes, that if any persons shall aduenture to keepe any such bookes, they shal-
