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K. Henry. 8. The aunsweres of Iohn Lambert, to the Byshops Articles.

or reconcilyng.

Also that the power wherby men are losed frō sinne, is not the Priestes power, you may know by þe vulgar saying, which is right true: yea & with leisure, I doubt not, but that I can shew the same in the Decrees which is thus: Solus deus remittit peccata. MarginaliaThis saying is takē out of Peter Lōbard, lib. and cited in the decrees.Onely God forgiueth and pardoneth vs of our sinnes. And this was preached at Paules Crosse the Sonday next after the Epiphany last, the Byshop of London sittyng by: the preacher speakyng after this forme, treatyng of this text: Ecce agnus dei qui tollit peccata mundi. MarginaliaIohn. 1.Behold the Lābe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world. In that, sayd the preacher, testimony is geuē, of Christ to be a Lambe, it is shewed that hee was an innocent mā. But in that it is sayd, that he taketh away the sinne of the world, is shewed that he was God, alleadgyng there for the confirmation of this part of hys purpose, the vulgare saying aboue sayd by me: Solus deus remittit peccata. And the same proposition, or an other equal with the same, vseth Chrysostome in an Homely that is made vpō this text of Math: Vocabitur nomen eius Iesus. &c. MarginaliaMath. 1.His name shalbe called Iesus: for hee shall saue his people frō their sinnes. Also S. Chrisostome in opere imperfecto, vppon this text: Væ vobis Scribæ & Pharisæi, qui clauditis regnum cœlorum. &c. MarginaliaMath. 23.Woe be vnto you Scribes and Phariseis, because ye shut vp the kingdome of heauen before men. &c. As neare as my remembraunce doth serue me: or els in some other place, but in the same booke (as I suppose) MarginaliaThe keyes of bynding and loosing are the word of God.hee affirmeth that the keyes of heauen are the worde and doctrine of God. This witnesseth moreouer S. Gregory (I trow) MarginaliaGrego. in his booke called Pastoralia, or els it is in an Epistle that he writeth, ad Episcopum Constantinopolitanum, in these wordes: Clauis appertionis est sermo correctoris, qui increpando, culpā detegit, quam sæpe nescit qui perpetrauit. The keye of losing is the word of the corrector, who in rebukyng, doth disclose þe fault, whiche many tymes he knoweth not that committeth the same.

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MarginaliaAmbrose.Saint Ambrose agreeyng to the same, sayth: Verbū dei dimittit peccata: The worde of God forgeueth sinne. But shall we then say, that Gods Ministers do not bynde and lose? MarginaliaHow ministers binde and lose.I say no, not as the authors of so doyng, but they do lose and bynde in lyke maner, as it is said of Paul in the Actes of the Apostles, where our Sauiour spake vnto him in this maner: I shall (said our Sauiour) deliuer thee frō the people and nations, vnto whō I send thee, that thou shouldest open their eyes, that they may be conuerted from darkenes to light. MarginaliaAct. 26.Here Paul is sayd to open the eyes of mens hartes. Albeit to speake properly, it is God that so doth: And therfore Dauid prayeth vnto hym: Reuela oculos meos: MarginaliaPsal. 119.Open mine eyes O Lorde. And in lyke maner it is spokē of Iohn Baptist in the i. of Luke: that he should go before Christ in the spirite and power of Helias, and turne the hartes of the fathers to their children, and the vnbeleuers to the wisedome of the rightwise. MarginaliaLuke. 1.Albeit to turne mens hartes, and to worke in thē, belongeth vnto God. But so vse we to speake Metonymice:MarginaliaMetonymiæ is a figure, when the name that properly belongeth to one, is inproperly transferred to an other thing. As if your Lordship had defined me to be excōmunicate, & therupon should send a cōmaundemēt to þe person of Knoll to declare þesame, þe people woulde say that þe person of Knoll proclaimyng your cōmaundement, had accursed me: but yet doth he not properlye curse me, but you rather, when hee in pronouncyng the same, doth your acte and commaundement, rather then his owne.

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MarginaliaPower in binding & losing, limited no more to one minister, then an other.Touchyng cases lymited to Priestes and Ministers, for losing frō sinne, or byndyng in the same, I do know no such thynges shewed in Scripture, whiche is the perfect way of our lyfe. Neither can any man (I suppose) shew by authoritie thereof, that one should haue more or lesse limited hym, then an other. And if you can or will thereby teach it me, I shall thanke you for your doyng, and pray God to acquite you.

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Concernyng enioynyng of penaunce, I knowe of MarginaliaInioyning of penaunce.none that men neede to admitte, nor you to put or enioyne the same, except it be renouation of lyuyng, in casting apart olde vyce, & takyng them vnto new vertue, which euery true penitent entendeth, or ought to entēd verily by the grace & assistence of our Sauiour Christ, to shew and performe.

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¶ Aunswere to the. 11. Article.

MarginaliaAūswer to the 11. article.
Sacraments whether they geue greace, or no.
Vnto the. xi. I saye, that grace is geuen vnto them, that duly receyue the Sacramentes of Christ and hys church, but whether by them or no, that I can not define: for God sendeth his grace where he pleaseth, either with them, or without them, and whē he pleaseth: so that it is at his arbitrement, how, and when. Moreouer, many a leude persone receyueth the sacraments, that are destitute of grace, to their confusion. So that I can not affirme, that the Sacramentes geueth grace: Yet in due receit of the Sacramentes, I suppose and thinke, that God geueth vnto thē grace that so taketh them, as he doth vnto all good, euen without them also.

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¶ Aunswere to the. 12. Article.

MarginaliaAnswer to the 12. article.Where as in your xij. article you do aske, whether all things necessary vnto saluation, are put in holy Scripture, & whether thinges only there put, be sufficient, & whether somethings vpō necessity of saluatiō, are to be beleued & obserued, which are not expressed in Scripture? this is the question, as great learned men haue shewed me, whom I do count my frends, sith the tyme I appeared at your lordships assignement before MarginaliaDoctor Lesse. M. Melling.maister Doctor Lesse, and maister Melling, with other in your chappel of Lambeth, when these questions were fyrst propounded: this (I say) is the question, which (as they told me) is the head and whole content of al other obiected against me. Yea this is both the helme and sterne of all together, and that whiche they contended right sore to impugne: but loue of the truth (wherewith in this poynte I reckened me wel fensed) woulde not suffer me to apply and yeld to their will, thinking, quòd sanctum est veritatem præferre amicitiæ: MarginaliaTruth to be preferred before frendship.that the truth ought to be preferred before al frendship and amitie: And also: Si dextra manus scandalizet, deberet prescindi & abijci: If the right hand offend, it ought to be cutte of and caste awaye.MarginaliaMath. 5.

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But touching an aunswere vnto this question, I suppose verily, that if I had S. Cirils workes by me,MarginaliaCyrillus in Ioannem. I should not neede to shew anye other aunswere in thys, then he hath shewed afore time, writyng vpon this saying of S. Ihon: Sunt & alia multa quæ fecit Iesus. There are many thynges moe which Iesus dyd. MarginaliaIohn. 21.Notwithstanding for so much as euery man at all seasons, can not haue what he woulde, and therfore must make other shift: such as he may, I say (as I suppose) the first part of your question to be verye true, and therefore to be affirmed: that is to wit, MarginaliaAll thinges necessary to saluation, conteined in scripture.that all things needefull for mans saluation, bee mencioned and shewed in holye scripture, and that the thinges only there put, be sufficient for the regiment of spirituall liuing & mans soule health. And in thus shall you finde both þe auncient Doctors standing with me: and moreouer, the suffrage of holy writte, whose authoritie is of most soueraigne and vnfallible stedfastnes.

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MarginaliaHierome.Loke what S. Hierome saieth vppon this verse: Dominus narrabit in scripturis populorum: The Lorde shall rehearse it, when hee wryteth vp the people.MarginaliaPsal. 87. S. Ambrose also in a treatise, De paradiso, doth shew likewyse, MarginaliaAmbros. lib. de paradiso.where he bringeth this text of Paul written in the. ij. to the Corinth. I am afeard least it may by some meane be brought to passe, that as the Serpent deceyued Eue thorow wilines, so your mindes maye be corrupt from the simple veritye that is in Christ. And also in his Commentaries vpon the Epistle to the Colloss. vpon this texte: In Christ Iesus is all treasure of wisdome. &c. and in other diuers places of the same worke.

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S. Chrysostome also in hys Commentaries vppon
