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K. Henry. 8. The aunsweres of Iohn Lambert, to the Byshops Articles.

Paule declaring this saying: Omnis scriptura diuinitus inspirata. &c. Marginalia2. Tim. 3.The whole Scripture geuen by inspiration of God &c. MarginaliaChrysostomus in Epist. Paulii. & in opere imperfecto.And in his booke called Opus imperfectum, I wote not precisely vpon what text, but there you shall finde, MarginaliaThe preacher must not swerue eyther on the right hand, or left, from the expresse word of God.that he woulde haue a true preacher of Gods law, not sweruing therefro, neyther vppon the right hand, neither vpon the left, but keeping thereafter, according to the teaching of Salomon: for he that should therunto adde or withdrawe, should enterprise, as saith Chrysostome, to be wiser then God. These or els such like words doth he say. I will be deemed by the booke brought forth, because my remembraunce can not retaine perfectly all such thinges.

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MarginaliaCyprianus ad Cecilium fratrem.S. Cyprian maintaineth wel the same, in an Epistle that he writeth ad Cecilium fratrē. Whiche I would to God were in English, that all men myght learne the deuoute goodnes in it conteyned. In the same hee teacheth clearly, how we ought to heare Christ onely and hys learnyng, not regardyng ne attendyng to the traditions of men: like as he doth also in many other places. And this agreeth wel with Scripture, MarginaliaScripture how many names it hath.which is called þe worde of saluation: the administratiō of rightwisenes: the word of truth, yea & the truth it self: MarginaliaThe word sufficient for all our direction.the rodde of direction: our spiritual foode: the spirituall sword that we ought to fight wt agaynst all temptations & assaultes of our ghostly enemies: the seede of God: þe kingdome of heauen, and keyes of the same: the power of God: the lyght of the world, which who so foloweth, shall not be ouercome with darkenes: the lawe of God, hys wisedome, and Testament. MarginaliaScripture sufficient to saluatiō without any other addition.Of whiche wordes & such like, euery one will geue matter of substātial argumēt, that we folowyng the same doctrine onely, shall haue sufficient safeconduict to come vnto the inheritaunce promised, albeit none other wayes or meanes were annexed with the same. And certeine I am, that in this blessed doctrine of Christ is taught, howe we ought to do truth and mercy, whiche is all that we nede to do, as testifieth the Psalme, in these wordes: Vniuersæ viæ domini misericordia & veritas. &c. MarginaliaPsal. 25.All the wayes of the Lord are mercy and truth. And agayne, the Prophet willyng vs to do as he did, saith in this maner: Adhæsi testimonijs tuis domine, noli me confundere. MarginaliaPsal. 118.I haue cleaued to thy testimonies, O Lord, cōfound me not. In like maner the sayd whole Psalme warneth vs. Yea all þe Scripture byddeth vs sticke fast to the stedye and true word of God: saying, that he is verax, & viæ eius veritas: omnis autē homo vanitas & mendax: For he is true, & all his wayes are truth: but all men are vayne & lyers. For that is þe sure foundation, which cā not faile them, that ground therupon: as reporteth Christ: Euery one (sayth he) that heareth my wordes, and doth them, is lyke to a wise mā, that buildeth vpon a sure foūdation. MarginaliaMath. 7.And there ought to bee none other foundation to Christen men, but onely the vndoubted truth of Iesus, to buyld our faith vpō, & direct our lyuing therafter, as sheweth S. Paul saying: Fundamentū aliud nemo &c. Other foundation can no man lay, then that which is layd, which is Iesus Christ. Marginalia1. Cor. 3.And lykewise in the Epistle, vnto the Ephesians, where he sayth: Iam non estis hospites & aduenæ, sed conciues sanctorum, & domestici dei. &c. MarginaliaEphes. 2.Now ye are no more stranngers and foreners, but Citizens with the Saintes and of the housholde of God.

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MarginaliaEphes. 4.And in the same Epistle S. Paul dilatyng Christes beneficence, sheweth, howe that hee ordayned in the Churche, diuers officers, to the edifiyng of Christē people, that hee calleth Christes body, vntill all we may come vnto the vnitie of fayth, whiche commeth by folowing of one doctrine, whiche is Christes, wherby we may grow to be perfect men, and that we should not be here lyke to children caryed about with euery wynd of doctrine, by deceite and wilines of men that study to deceyue vs.

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In lyke forme doth he warne vs in the Epistle to the Hebrues, that we should not be caried about as the wynde, with diuers and straunge doctrines, but conti-nue in that, whiche euer continueth lyke and all one, agreable for all men in all partes, & that at all tymes: MarginaliaThe inconstancie and variablenes of mens constitutions.not beyng chaungeable as mens constitutions be, whereof looke what one doth counsayle and ordeyne to bee of effect, an other anulleth the same, accordyng as mens myndes do alway alter, and are full vnstedy. MarginaliaThe popes lawes were neuer wholy receiued of all men.Neither do such pertayne vnto all men, for the Grekes with other (whom the Pope, ne none of hys people will yet denye to be of Christes Churche) will in no condition admitte such, neither for men to lyue after them, nor to beleue them as pertaynyng to their fayth: But they alow well the doctrine that perseuereth euer one, and is vnmutable, as sheweth S. Paul, saying: Iesus Christ yesterdaye, and to daye is all one: and so euer shall bee. MarginaliaHebr. 13.He is white bread without any sower leuen of Pharisaicall traditions: verity without guile: light without any darknes: the very straight way, that hath neither hooke ne croke. Frō this ought not we to turne, neither vpō one hand, ne other, vnlesse we will go from him that is our felicitie and anker of safetie.

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But what should I more entreate of this, except I would recite all Scripture, which in euery part is full of admonitions, exhortyng and warnyng vs to cleaue fast vnto this way, which is þe doctrine of the Gospell? which God I besech him graunt vs all, both to know and loue, takyng heede that in no wise we be seduced therefro, by lawes and doctrines of men. Looke also in the ij. chap. to the Colossians, and the Epistle of Timothe & Titus. So that I conclude, in holy Scripture to be contayned sufficiently inough of doctrine, for the regiment and saluation of our soules. MarginaliaThe chiefe article obiected against Ioh. Lambert.And this because learned men do call the head Article layd agaynst me: I would that all men should well note it, and recorde my saying therin hereafter, what soeuer shal betyde of me: for the truth is so in dede, that hereupon hangeth the sūme of all. Therfore I shall recite it once agayne. MarginaliaDoctrine in holy scripture sufficient to saluation of christenmens soules.I say that in holy Scripture, the doctrine there onely contayned, is sufficient for þe saluation of Christen mēs soules. God geue vs grace we may know it, to builde our fayth stedfastly vppon the same in workyng thereafter.

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MarginaliaVnwrittē verities.As touchyng the latter part of your question, I say that there are many thyngs both to be obserued and to be beleued, that are not expressed in Scripture: as the Ciuill lawes of Princes, and comminalties ordeyned for Ciuill regiment of the body, and all other, so that they bee not hurtfull to fayth or charitye, but helpefull to the same, I recken that we ought to keepe them, not onely for feare of punishment, but also for conscience sake, although such ordinaūces be not expresly and particularly in Scripture expressed: for they are generally therin conteyned and spoken of.

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MarginaliaWhat this word expressed meaneth in scripture.Moreouer, if you meane by this word expressed, that whiche in Scripture is clearly shewed out, and appeareth euidently to euery reader or hearer that hath but a meane vnderstanding, so I do affirme that there are some thynges whiche a man ought to beleue, although they be not of him expresly vnderstand: As I haue euer beleued, that the virgine Mary was and is a perpetuall virgine, and that the same might be gathered by the Scripture. But if by this worde expressed, you meane comprehended, or conteyned (as me thinke the mynde of hym that wrote the demaunde should be, so that hee meaneth by this question, thus: MarginaliaWhether any thing be to be beleued necessarily to saluation, which is not contayned in scripture.whether any thyng ought to be obserued and beleued, which is not conteined in Scripture, and that vpon necessity of saluation) then I saye, that there is nothyng neither to bee obserued, ne to bee beleued vppon necessity of saluation, whiche is not contayned in Scripture, and mentioned in the same, either generally or specially. Yet I do not denie but other thinges are to be beleued, as I beleued that Doct. Warham was Bishop of Caunterbury, ere euer I saw your Lordshyp: and I beleue that I knew verely, who was my father and mother, albeit I had none intelligence whē they begot me, & such like: and

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