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K. Henry. 8. The aunsweres of Iohn Lambert, to the Byshops Articles.

yet in such poyntes, although a man haue not a steadye belefe, he may be saued.

¶ Aunswere to the. 13. Article.

MarginaliaAnswer to the 13. article.To the. xiij. where ye do aske whether I beleue that purgatory is, and whether that soules departed be therin tormented & purged? MarginaliaA Purgatory in this world.I say that there is a Purgatory in this world, and that doth the scripture, and also the holy Doctours call the fire of tribulation, thorow which all christians shal passe, as testifieth Sainct Paul in the second Chap. of the ij. Epistle to Timoth. Whose testimony is full notable and true, albeit that fewe do knowe it, and fewer peraduēture will beleue it. Marke you the words (good people) and knowe that they be his, and not myne. They be thus: All that will godly liue in Iesu Chirste, shall suffer persecution. Marginalia2. Tim. 2.
The Purgatorye of Christians.
In thys purgatorye do I now recken my selfe to stand: God sende me well to perseuer vnto hys honour. Of thys speaketh also S. Peter in these wordes which perteyne to the instruction of all Christen people: Virtute DEI custodimini per fidem ad salutē, quæ in hoc parata est vt patefiat in tempore supremo: in quo exultatis nunc, ad breue tēpus, afflicti in varijs experimētis, si opus sit, quo exploratio fidei vestræ multo preciosior auro quod perit, & tamē per ignem probatur, reperiatur in gloriam & honorem. Marginalia1. Pet. 1.Ye (quod he) are preserued thorow the power of God by fayth, vnto saluation, which is prepared to be reueyled in the last tyme: wherin ye now reioyse, though for a ceason (if neede requyre) ye are sundrye wayes afflicted and tormented, that the trial of your fayth, being muche more precious then gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, myght be found vnto laude, glorie, and honour at the appearing of Iesus Christ. &c. Other Purgatory know I none, that you cā proue by scripture, vnlesse it be by one place of the same, which well examined, I trowe, shall make but litle against me, for the maintenaūce of any other then I haue shewed.

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But what soeuer be brought agaynst me, I trust that holy Doctors shal by theyr interpretatiō, sustayn the partet he which I do take vpon me, makyng aunswere for me sufficient, so that you shall saye, it is no new thing which I haue or shall speake: Yet that you should see euē now, somwhat written of auncient Doctours concerning the same, I shall shewe you what I haue read in S. Augustine: first in a sermon that he maketh De Ebrieate, in this wyse saying: Nemo se decipiat fratres: duo enim loca sunt, & tertius non est visus. Qui cum Christo regnare non meruit, cum diabolo absque vlla dubitatione peribit. MarginaliaNo third place by S. Austen.That is to say: Brethren, let no man deceyue himselfe, for there be two places, and the thirde is not knowen. He that with Christ hath not Marginalia* What our deseruing is. S. Augustine declareth before in the v. article, Fol. 1259.* deserued to reigne, shal without doubt perish with the deuill. In an other also that he maketh, De vanitate huius sæculi, it is sayed thus: Scitote vos, quòd cum anima à corpore auellitur, statim in paradiso pro meritis bonis collocatur, aut certè pro peccatis, in inferni tartara præcipitatur. Eligite modo quod vultis, aut perpetualiter gaudere cum Sanctis, aut sine fine cruciari cum impijs. MarginaliaNo Purgatorye.Which is thus to say: Know you that when the soul is departed from the body, it is incontinent, for his good dedes, put in paradise, or els throwen hedlong into the dūgeon of hel, for his sinnes. Choose you now what ye list, and purpose this while you be here in this life, either to ioy perpetually with Sainctes, or els to be tormented without ende among wicked sinners. Thus sayth holy Augustine.

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To make an ende, I hope surely that by the ayde of our Sauiour, I shall come to heauen and reigne with Christ, ere that I shall feele of any purgatory, beside that I haue and shal susteyne in thys lyfe. And he that beleueth not steadely any other to be, shal yet be saued aswell (and God woteth whether better of no, but I thinke no whit lesse) as such as teach the people or suffer them to bee taught, that in goyng from thys station to that, from one Altar to an other, they shall cause soules to be deliuered: yea, and aswell as suche as say, MarginaliaThe third part of sinnes forgeuen thē, that be buryed in a graye Fryers weede.that a man being buried in a graye Fryers frocke, shall so haue remissiō of the thyrd parte of his sinnes, as is graūted in a Bul vnto the sayd religion: and such like. MarginaliaAugust. in Enchiridio.For S. Augustin shall make with me in his booke called Enchiridion, after he hath confuted the opinion of some, that in the Church of Christe liuing in mischief vngraciously, taking therof no repentance, dyd yet falsly deeme that they shoulde be saued through the clensing of purgatory: where he conclndeth thus: Such a thing after this life to be (sayth he) is not vncredible, but whether it so be or no, a doubte may be therof moued or a question demaunded. The same wordes doth he againe recite in a booke called, Quæstiones ad dulciū, or dulcitiū, I wotte not wether he is called: and there hee intreateth þe same more copiously: & I would I might see þe place once againe.

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To this agreeth S. Paul writing thus to the Cor. Omnes nos manifestari oportet coram tribunali Christi, vt reportet quisque ea quæ fiunt per corp9, iuxta id quod fecit, siue bonum siue malum. Marginalia2. Cor. 5.For we must all appeare before the iudgemēt seat of Christ, that euery mā may receyue the thinges which are done in his bodye, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or euil. And againe, where he writeth vnto þe Hebrues, I trow it be said in this wise: Memores sitis vinctorū tanquā vna cum illis vincti: eorū qui affliginntur, veluti ipsi quoq; versantes in corpore: MarginaliaHeb. 13.Remember them that are in bondes, euen as though ye were bound with them: be myndfull of them which are in affliction, as if ye were also afflicted in the bodye.

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¶ Aunswere to the. 14. Article.

MarginaliaAnswer to the xiiij. article.
Praying to Sainctes.
To the. xiiii. where you aske whether holye Martyrs, Apostles, and Confessours departed from thys world, ought to be honored, called vpon, and prayed vnto? I aunswere as touching the honouring of thē, with the very wordes of S. Augustine in his boke De vera religione, in the last leafe, where he sayth thus: Non sit nobis religio cultus hominum mortuorum: Quia si piè vixerunt, non sic habentur vt tales quærant honores, sed illum à nobis coli volunt, quo illuminante lætātur Marginalia* Id est, eiusdem meriti cuius ipsi sunt participes.* meriti sui nos esse cōsortes: honorandi sunt ergo propter imitationē, non adorandi propter religionem. Si autem malè vixerint, vbiscumq̀ sunt, non sunt colendi. Agayne, a litle after the same, he sayth: Nam idipsum actum est temporali dispensatione ad salutē nostram, vt naturam humanam, ipsa Dei virtus & Dei sapientia incommutabilis & consubstantialis patri & cœternus, suscipere dignaretur, per quam nos doceret id esse homini colendū, quod ab omni creatura intellectuali & rationali colendum est: Hoc est, ipsos optimos Angelos, & excellentissima Dei ministeria velle credamus, vt vnū cū ipsis colamus Deum, cuius cōtemplatione beati sunt: neque enim & nos videndo angelum beati sumus, sed videndo veritatē, qua etiam ipsos diligimus Angelos, & his cōgratulamur. Nec inuidemus quòd ea paratiores, vel nullis molestijs interpedientibus perfruuntur, sed magis eos diligimus, quoniam & nos tale aliquid sperare à communi Domino iussi sumus. MarginaliaAngels would haue no Temples builded to them.Quare honoramus eos charitate, non seruitute: nec eis templa construimus. Nolunt enim se sic honorari à nobis, quia nos ipsi cum boni sumus, templa summi Dei esse nouerunt. Rectè itaque scribitur hominem ab Angelo prohibitum ne se adoraret, sed vnum Deum, sub quo ille esset & conseruus. Thus sayth S. Augustine, handling the same matter a litle after, more at large.

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The content of this vnto you I expounde that knowe no latin, for I couet that all persones shoulde knowe both my thought in this, and all maner of doyng, to the intent that of all persones I woulde haue true reporte and testimony, what soeuer shall betyde me. S. Augustine in these wordes would haue, MarginaliaMen departed are not to be worshipped.that we should worshyppe no men departed, bee they neuer so good and holy, for they seeke no suche honour, but would haue vs to worshyp God alone: no nor yet no

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