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1304 [1304]

K. Henry. 8. The aunsweres of Iohn Lambert, to the Bishops Articles.

therby saluation (meanyng thereby, to such as beleue) it is the might or power of God: for it is written (sayth he) by the Prophet Esay: that God aforetyme sayd he would destroy the wisedome of the wise, and the vnderstandyng or learnyng of the learned would he throw away and dispise.

This Prophecie alleged, Paul thought to be authoritie sufficient to dissuade the Corinthians from the folishe affiaunce, vaynglorye or opinion that they had in men, whom they peraduenture euer highly estemed for their offices, or solemne titles. So that he procedeth forth in this same: Where are ye now (quoth he) the worldly wise, the Scribes,Marginalia1. Cor. 1. that is to say, Doctours and such other lyke officers. MarginaliaThe wisdome of this world cōfounded.Hath not God shewed the wisedome of the world to be foolishe and vnsauery? for after that by the wisedome of God (which is shewed in Scripture, I suppose) the world hath not studied to know God by wisdome, it hath pleased God now to saue them that beleue, thorow the foolishnes of preaching. MarginaliaWhy the Gospell is called folish preaching.He calleth þe word of God foolishe preachyng, not because it was foolishe, for afore hee called it godly wisedome, but he spake after the opinion of them, that set litle or nought thereby, estemyng it as Esopes Cocke did the precious stone, and as swyne do pearles.

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After long proces in the same matter, he concludeth thus: Brethren (sayth he) you see your callyng, how that not many wise men after the fleshe, are called to the beliefe of the Gospell, nor many mighty men, ne many of noble parentage: but those that be fooles after the estimatiō of the world, hath God chosen to confounde the wise. &c.

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Therfore, I say (as I sayd afore) that, thankes be to God, albeit I am (as I shewed before) voyde of such great prudencie that other bee well indued with, yet I see partly how their great reasons be not very substanciall, whereby they contend by the treatie of reason, when authoritie fayleth them, to shewe, that we ought to pray to Sainctes departed, for to be Mediatours for vs to Christ. And amonge other, this is one, that they leane much vpon, bryngyng it forth so vsually that common people, well nigh altogether harpe vpō the same: Some fauoryng it, other contrarywise estemyng it of no value.

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MarginaliaObiection to proue inuocation of sainctes, taken out of reason.The reason is this: If when one should desire to come to the speach of our soueraigne to obtayne some bowne of him, nede it were first to purchase the fauour of hys chamberlaynes or some lyke officers to bryng hym to the kynges presence, for els hee may watch long in vayne, vntill he be full a cold, ere that he shall speake with his grace, and much lesse is he lyke to obtayne his petitiō. In lykewise it fareth (as they say) betwixt God and vs: of whom if we should purchase any benefite, we must first breake vnto the Sainctes departed, makyng them our frendes to go betwixt God and vs, as Mediatours, and intercessours. MarginaliaAnswere to the obiectiō wherein is declared that God and an earthly king are not to be conferred.But such (with theyr leaue I would speake it) I thinke are deceyued, in that they ressemble God and the king together. For though the kyng be a full gracious Prince (as I heare by common reporte he is) yet he is not in graciousnes to bee conferred with God: and though hee were as gracious as myght be, yet hath not he the knowledge whiche is in God, for God knew of all thinges before the begynnyng of the worlde, and is euery where, to see, not onely our outward dealyng, but also all secrete thoughtes of all mens hartes, so that he nedeth no Mediatours to enforme hym of our desires, as the kyng doth neede: And he is so full of infinite mercy, that I may as lightly or as soone obtayne of hym that is for my behoufe, as I should wynne by praying holy Sainctes to be intercessours to hym for me.

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MarginaliaNo comparison betwen God and an earthly king.Therfore, I passyng such apparaunt reasons, take me to the ensample of antiquitie, I meane of the Patriarkes, Prophetes, and the Apostles, and authoritie of Scripture, whiche teach that we neede not to feare, but may boldly resort vnto Christ him self & his holy father, for so much as he byddeth vs in these wordes and other lyke, so for to do, saying: MarginaliaMath. 11.Come vnto me all ye that trauaile, are vexed, & sore charged, & I will refresh & ease you. Marke howe hee biddeth vs resorte vnto him selfe, and that without feare. For hee and hys father whiche are all one, geueth abundantly of all goodnes, vnto all men, and vpbrayd no body for their vnworthynes. MarginaliaThe Lord only to be sought vnot with prayer.But if we entende to obtayne of hym, we must, all doubtfulnes (as I sayd afore) put a part, with a sure cōfidence of hys mercy, aske of hym that we would haue. So that I leaue vnto other, what they lust to do, praying Iesu, that we all may lust for that, that is most pleasing to hym.

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But I thincke, concernyng my selfe, that accordyng to Christes owne commaundement, I may, without any doubt castyng, resorte in all encombraūces, to seeke ease therof, euen vnto him selfe, and to his blessed father. Therfore he byddeth vs, whē we should pray, to say after this fashion: Our father that art in heauen. &c. MarginaliaGod in might, mercy, and knowledge incomparable.For there is no creature ne creatures, that euer were or be, þt hath more, nor so much neither of might, wherby commeth habilitie to geue helpe: ne of mercy & tendernes, whiche should make them willyng in proportiō agreable with habilitie: ne of knowledge, that should teache to minister both the other, as is our Lord God: which not onely is almighty, all mercifull, and all wise: but also infinite in all these glorious properties, MarginaliaMight, mercy, knowledge, how, when and whom to that vndoubtedly hee cā, will, & knoweth best how to releue and succour vs in all necessity and anguishe: vnto whō be honour without end for euer. Amen.

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One thing yet I will shew you in this case, of which thyng I was once aduertised by a great learned man, who (as I suppose) now is liuing. I wil not name him, lest I should perhaps cause any displeasure to bee conceyued agaynst hym thorow my relation. The thyng was this: MarginaliaThe saying of a learned man.
Sainctes are to be prayed to, when God is not able or will not heare vs.
I wil (quoth he) pray vnto Sainctes, but that shalbe, whē I thinke that God, either cā not, or wil not geue me my petition. But that (as I shewed in the cōuocation house)  

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This is a reference to an earlier examination of Lambert before Convocation in 1531.

shall neuer be, I hope. And therefore it is to me nedeles to seeke any further about, stāding in such trust and beliefe, as I hope I haue found vppon Gods sure promise.

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¶ Aunswere to the 15. Article.

MarginaliaAnswer to the xv. article.To the xv. Article, where you doe demaund whether the Sainctes in heauen, as Mediatours, pray for vs? I say, that I beleue Sainctes in heauē do pray for vs: for I suppose they know that all men generally liuing vpō earth, be wrapped in manifold miseries, like as they also were, their soules being imprisoned within their bodyes beyng mortall. MarginaliaSainctes know no particular miseries on earth.Albeit I thincke they knowe not what particular miseries men vpon earthy be entangled and clogged with, as sheweth Augustine, or els some other (as I thincke rather) vnder hys name in a certain worke, saying in this wise. MarginaliaSainctes in heauen whether they pray for vs.Ibi sūt spiritus defunctorum, vbi non vidēt quæcunque aguntur aut eueniunt in ista vita hominū. Quomodo ergo vident tumulos suos aut corpora sua, vtrū abiecta iaceant, an sepulta? Quomodo intersunt miseriæ viuorū, cum vel sua ipsi mala patiantur si talia merita contraxerunt, vel in pace requiescant, vbi mala nulla nec patiendo nec compatiendo sustineāt, liberati ab omnibus malis quæ patiendo & cōpatiendo cū hic viuerent, sustinebāt. The sūme hereof is, that soules departed, feele nor know of no particular miseries susteyned of men lyuyng in this world, wherby they shoulde nede to take either pacience, or els cōpassion after their deceasse. Yet for somuch as they know in general, that all men lyuyng are clad with frailtie, & their charitie is not minished after they bee hence departed, but increased, therfore I beleue verely that they do pray for vs as peticioners, but not as Mediatours, so farforth as I cā see. MarginaliaOne Mediatour, and what a Mediatour is.For Scripture vseth to speake but of one Mediator, which I thinke, signifieth a maker of peace or atonemēt betwixt God the father, & man. Record I take of Paul, which. 1. Timo. 2. sayth: Marginalia1. Tim. 2.Vnus est deus, vnus est & mediator dei & hominū, homo Christus Iesus, qui dedit semetipsum redemptionem pro omnibus. Eras-

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