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1321 [1321]

K. Henry. 8. The disputation of Lambert before the king.

clare vnto the people, the causes of thys present assemblye and iudgement.

MarginaliaThe oration of Doctor Day.The whole effect of hys Oration tended in a maner, to this poynt: That the kyng in this Session would haue all states, degrees, Byshoppes and all other, to be admonished of hys will and pleasure, that no man should conceaue any sinister opiniō of hym, that now þe authoritie and name of the Bishop of Rome beyng vtterly abolished, he would also extinguishe all Religion, or geue libertie vnto heretickes to perturbe and trouble the Churches of England, without punishement, wherof he is the head: and moreouer that they should not thinke, that they were assembled at that present, to make any disputation vpon the hereticall doctrine, but onely for this purpose, that by the industry of him and other Byshops, the heresies of this man here present (meanyng Lambert) and the heresies of all such lyke, should be refuted or openly condemned in the presence of them all. Whē he had made an ende of hys Oratiō, the kyng standyng vp vpon hys feete leanyng vppon a cushion of white cloth of tissue, turnyng hym selfe toward Lambert with his browes bēt, as it were threatning some greuous thing vnto hym, sayd these words: MarginaliaThe kinges wordes to Lambert.Hoe good felow, what is thy name? Then the humble Lambe of Christ, humbly knelyng downe vppon hys knee, sayd: My name is Iohn Nicolson, althoughe of many I be called Lambert. What (sayd the kyng) haue you two names? I would not trust you hauyng two names, although you were, my brother. Lambert. O O most noble Prince, your Byshops forced me of necessitie to chaūge my name. And after diuers Prefaces and much talke had in this maner, the kyng commaunded hym to go vnto the matter, and to declare hys mynde and opinion what hee thought as touchyng the Sacrament of the aultar.

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MarginaliaLambertes oration to the king.Then Lambert begynnyng to speake for hym selfe, gaue God thankes whiche had so inclined the hart of the kyng, that he hym selfe would not disdayne to here and vnderstand the cōtrouersies of Religiō: MarginaliaThe crueltie of Bishops noted.for that it hapneth oftentymes, thorow þe cruelty of the Byshops, that many good and innocent men in many places are priuily murthered and put to death without þe kynges knowledge. But now for so much as that high and eternall kyng of kynges, in whose handes are the hartes of all Princes, hath inspired and stirred vp the kynges mynde, that he hym selfe wilbe present to vnderstand the causes of his subiectes, specially whom God of hys diuine goodnes hath so abundantlye endued with so great giftes of iudgement and knowledge, he doth not mistrust, but that God will bryng some great thyng to passe through hym, to the settyng forth of the glory of hys name.

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Then the kyng, with an angry voyce, interruptyng his Oration: I came not hether (said he) to heare mine owne prayses thus paynted out in my presence, but briefly go to the matter, without any more circumstance. This he spake in Latine.

But Lambert beinge abashed at the kinges angrye wordes, contrary to all mens expectation, stayd a while consideryng whether he might turne him selfe in these great straites and extremities.

MarginaliaThe king fierce vpon Lambert.But the king being hasty, with anger & vehemency sayd: why standest thou still? Aunswere as touchynge the Sacrament of the Altar, whether doost thou saye, that it is the body of Christ, or wilt denye it? And with that worde the king lifted vp his cappe.

Lambert I aunswere with S. Augustine, that it is the body of Christ, after a certeyn manner.MarginaliaQuodam modo 1. after a certeyne maner.

The King. Answere me neither out of S. Augustin, neyther by the authoritye of anye other, but tell me playnly, whether thou sayest it is the body of Christ, or no? These wordes the king spake agayne in Latine.

Lambert. Then I deny it to be the bodye of Christ.

The King. Marke well, for now thou shalt be condemned euē by Christes own words: Hoc est corpus meū.

MarginaliaThe Archbishops reasons.Then he commaunded Thomas Cranmer, Archbyshop of Caunterburye to refute his assertion: who first making a short Preface vnto the hearers, beganne his disputation with Lambert, verye modestlye, sayinge: Brother Lambert, lette thys matter be handled betwene vs indifferentlye, that if I do conuince this your argument to be false by the Scriptures, you will wyllingly refuse the same: but if you shall proue it true by the manifest testimonyes of the Scripture, I do promise, I will willinglye embrace the same.

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MarginaliaThe Archbishopes argument.The argument was this, taken out of that place of the Actes of þe Apostles, where as Christ appeared vnto S. Paul by the way: disputing out of that place, that it is not disagreable to the word of God, that the body of Christ maye be in two places at once, which beinge in heauen, was sene vnto S. Paule the same time vppon earth: and if it maye be in two places, why by the like reason, may it not be in many places?

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In this manner the Archbyshop began to refute the second argument of Lambert, which as we haue before sayd, was written and deliuered by the sayd Lambert, vnto the preacher: For the king had first disputed against his first reason.

MarginaliaLamberts aunswer to Cranmers obiection.Lambert aunswered vnto this argument, sayinge: that the Minor was not thereby proued, that Christes body was dispersed in two places, or more, but remayned rather still in one place, as touchinge the maner of his body. For the Scripture doth not say, that Christe being vpon earth did speake vnto Paul: but that sodenlye a light from heauen dyd shyne rounde about hym, and hee falling to the grounde, heard a voyce saying vnto hym: Saule, Saule, why dost thou persecute me? I am Iesus whome thou persecutest. &c.MarginaliaAct. 9. Here this place doth nothing let but that Christ sitting in heauen, might speake vnto Paul, and bee heard vpon earth, for they whiche were with Paule verely heard the voice, but did see no body.

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MarginaliaThe Archbishops replie.The Archbishop on the contrary part, sayd: Paule him selfe doth witnesse. Act. xxvi. that Christe did appeare vnto him in the same vision.

MarginaliaAunswere to the replie.But Lambert againe sayd, that Christ did witnesse in the same place, that he would againe appeare vnto hym, and deliuer hym out of the hands of the Gentiles: Notwithstanding we read in no place, that Christ did corporally appeare vnto him.

Thus, when they had contended about the conuersion of S. Paule, and Lambert so aunswearing for hym self, that the king semed greatly to be moued therwith, and the Bishop hymself that disputed, to be entangled, and all the audience amased: MarginaliaThe hastye impudency of the bishop of Winchester.then the Bishop of Winchester, which was appointed the vj. place of the disputation, fearing lest the argument shoulde bee taken out of his mouth, or rather beynge drowned with malice agaynst the poore man, without the kinges commaundement, obseruing no order, before the Archbishop had made an end, vnshamefastlye kneled downe to take in hand the disputation, MarginaliaThe reason of Stephen Wint.alleaged a place out of the xij. Chapter to the Corinthians, where S. Paul sayeth: Haue not I sene Iesus? And agayn in the. xv. Chapter: He appeared vnto Cephas, & afterward vnto Iames, then to all the Apostles, but last of all, he appeared vnto me as one borne out of due tyme. &c.Marginalia1. Cor. 15.

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Hereunto, Lambert aunswered, he dyd nothinge doubte but that Christ was sene, and did appeare, but he did denye that he was in two or in diuers places, according to the manner of the bodye.

MarginaliaWint. replieth.Then Winchester agayne, abusing the authority of Paule, repeateth the place out of the second Epistle to the Corinthians and. v. Chapter: And if so be, we haue knowen Christe after the fleshe, nowe henceforth knowe we hym so no more. &c.Marginalia2. Cor. 5.

MarginaliaLambert aunswereth to Wint.Lambert, aunswered, that this knowledge is not to be vnderstanded according to the sense of the body, and that it so appeared sufficiently by S. Paule, which speakyng of his owne reuelation, sayeth thus: I knowe not whether in the bodye or without the bodye, God knoweth,
