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1377 [1377]

K. Henry. 8. Olde Euidences declaring the auncientnes of Priestes Mariage.

In cuius rei testimonium huic præsenti scripto sigillum meum apposui: His testibus, Petro de VValepol, VVilliel. VVastell, Hugone VVastell, Ricard Bercar, Henrico Maneysin, Ioanne Bercar, Roberto de Ponte, VVilliel. Picot, & alijs.

¶ An other Euidence touchyng the same.

An other like instrument, for priestes mariage.
SCiāt præsentes & futuri quòd ego Mathæus de Ratclifde dedi, cōceßi, & hac præsenti carta mea confirmaui Henrico de Denardiston Clerico & Aliciæ vxori eius, hered. & aßignat. dict. Henrici, vnam peciam terræ arabilis cum omnibus suis pertinent. siue habeatur plus siue minus, prout iacet in villa de parua Bradley in cāpo vocato Cronudonbrede inter terram Ricar. de Hanuyle ex vna parte, & terrā dict. Henrici de Denardiston ex alia parte, & vnum caput abuttet super viam vocatam Lebreddich, & aliud caput super terram Ricarde Hanuyle antedict: Habend. & tenend. prædictam peciam terræ cum omnibus suis pertinent. de capitali Domino feodi, & cuicunq; vel quibuscunq; prædictus Henr. predictam perciā terræ cum omnibus pertinent. dare, vendere, vel aßignare voluerit, liberè, quietè, iure, benè, in pace hereditariè in perpetuū: faciēdo capitali Domino feodi seruitiæ inde de iure debita et cōsueta. MarginaliaThis present day the 18. of Nouember, an. 2567, are accomplished since the making and dating of thys deede, the full number of 253. yeares & odde dayes, as by the accompt shall plainly appeare.Et ego prædict. Mathaus & heredes mei prædictā peciam terræ cū omnibus suis pertinēt. (vt prædictū est) prædict. Henr. & Aliciæ, hered. & assignat. dict. Henr. contra omnes gentes vvarrantizabimus in perpetuum. In cuius rei testimonium huic præsenti cartæ sigillū meū apposui: His testibus, Ricarde Hanuyle, Ioanne de Stonham, Ioanne Godfrey, VVilliel. VVastel, Clement. de Bures, & alijis. Datū apud paruā Bradley de Lune in quindenæ Sancti Michaelis. Anno Regni Regis Edvvardi filij Regis Edvvardi, octauo.

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¶ An other Euidence touchyng the same.

An other Euidence.
SCiant præsentes & futuri quòd ego Ricar. de Louerhall de parua Bradley, dedi, conceßi, & præsenti carta mea confirmaui Henr. de Denardiston Clerico & Aliciæ vxori eius, & hæred. dict. Henr. vnam peciam terræ meæ arabilis siue habeatur plus siue minus, prout iacet in villa de parua Bradley in campo vocato Peperfeld, inter terrā Hērici Cosin ex vna parte, et terrā Tho. Bercar ex alia parte, vno capite abuttante super croftā VVilliel. Attegrene, & alio capite super le Ouerhallmede: Hæbend. & tenend. dictam peciam terræ cum omnibus pertinent. de capitali Domino feodi, prædict. Henr. & Aliciæ & hered. dict. Henr. cuicunq; et quibuscunq̀ dicta peciā terræ dare, vendere, vel aßignare voluerint, liberè, quietè, iure, benè, in pace, hereditariè, in feodo & in perpetuū: faciēdo eidē capitali Domino feodi seruitia inde de iure debitæ et cōsueta. Et ego prædict. Ricar. et hered. mei prædict. peciā terræ prædict. Hēnrico et Aliciæ et hered. dict. Henr. & suis aßignat. contra omnes gentes vvarrantizabimus in perpetuum. In cuius rei testimonium huic præsenti cartæ sigillum meum apposui: His testibus, Ricar. de Hanuyle, Ioanne Godfrey, Ioanne de Stonhā, VVillel. Attegrene, Roberto Petipas, VVillel. Aleyne, & alijs. Datum apud paruam Bradley die dominica proxima post festum Paschalis. Anno Regni Regis Edvvardi filij Regis Edvvardi, decimo.MarginaliaBy the date hereof thys deede should be written in K. Edwardes dayes the 2. an. 1317. which is much about 200. yeares after Anselme.

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¶ An other Euidence touchyng the like matter.

An other Euidence to the like effecte.
SCiant præsentes & futuri quòd Ego Clement de Clopton, conceßi, dedi, & hac præsenti carta mea confirmaui Ioanni de Rosco de Coulynges Clerico & Basiliæ vxori eius et hæredibus prædict. Ioānis, tres acras terræ cū omnibus suis pertinentijs in Coulynges, siue sit ibi mæius siue minus, prout simul iacent inter terrā domini Roberti de Aspall ex parte vna, & terram quondam Ioannis le Pogeys ex alia, vno capite abuttante super viam communem, & alio super terrā quondam prædict. Ioannis Pogeys: Habend. & tenend. prædict. tres acras terræ cum omnibus suis pertinent. prædict. Ioanni & Basiliæ & hered. prædict. Ioannis de capitalibus Dominis feodi illius per seruitiæ inde debitæ & de iure consueta. Et ego prædictus Clemens & heredes mei prædictis Ioanni & Basiliæ & hered. prædict. Ioannis totam prædictam terræ cum omnibus suis pertinentijs contra omnes gentes in perpetuum vvarrantizabimus. In cuius rei testimonium, huic præsenti chartæ sigillum meū apposui: His testibus, Thoma de Caldbekes, Ricar. Farevvell, Ioanne de Schelford, Roberto Godfrey, Rogero le Porter, & VVilliel. le Panmer. Datū apud Coulynges die dominica proxima post festum Sancti Lucæ Euangelistæ. Anno Regni Regis Edvvardi filij Regis Edvvardi, tertiodecimo.Marginalia¶ An. 1320.

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MarginaliaThese 7. Euidences remaine in þe handes of M. Joh. Hunt to be seene.☞ All the originals of these seuen seuerall peeces of Euidences, the true copyes whereof are here before inserted and last recited, at this present (videlicet) this 24. of Nouember in the yeare of our Lord. 1567. are in the custodye and do remayne among the Euidences and writynges of Iohn Hunter of Esse aliâs Ashen, in the County of Essex Esquier, and are perteinyng and belōgyng to his Manor of Ouerhall, alias Parua Bradleye aforesayde, in the County of Suffolke. At whose handes they are easely at this present and long tyme (I trust) after the writyng of this historie, shall remayne to be sene, of good recorde, if any man either be desirous of the sight therof, or doubtfull of the troth of the same.

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Although these Instrumētes and Euidences aboue here specified, bee of them selues euidente and playne enough, so þt no mā cā reasonably obiect any thyng to þe contrary: MarginaliaObiection concerning the worde Clericus resolued.yet to stoppe þe mouthes of all such wrāglers & cauillers, who beyng satisfied with no truth, wil here peraduenture take some occasion vpon this word Clericus, so oftentymes named in these Euidences aforesaid, to obiect þt this word may as wel be takē for other, as for Priestes: therfore, to preuent the cauillyng obiections of such, this shalbe briefly to reply therunto, that in the cōmon lawes of this realme, in all giftes or feofmētes made to any spirituall person (vnlesse he be some graduate of diuinitie in the scholes) the sayd spirituall person is named by no other terme, but by the worde of Clericus: as by diuers places, as well in the printed bookes, as in old Registers and writynges of the lawyers, as well of þe common law, as Statute law, remaineth in recorde very euident to be seene. Some speciall notes wherof as well for the ease of the reader in the searche of the same, as also for the further satisfiyng of some, who peraduenture shall wante the bookes, I thought good here to exhibite & specifie in forme and tenour as hereafter foloweth.

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¶ Certeine speciall notes out of the lawes cocernyng this worde Clericus, how it is taken amongest the Lawyers.

MarginaliaIn Statut. de Martebridge. an. 52. Henr. 3. cap. 27.SI Clericus aliquis pro reatu vel crimine aliquo, quod ad Coronā pertineat, arestatus fuerit & postmodum per præceptum Domini Regis in Ballium traditus, vel replegiatus ex titerit, ita quòd hi quib9 traditus fuerit in Balliū eum habeant corā Iusticiarijs, non amercientur de cætero illi quibus traditus fuerit in Ballium, nec alij plegij sui, si corpus suum habeat coram Iusticiarijs, licet corā eis propter priuilegium clericale respōdere noluerit, vel nō potuerit propter Ordinarios suos.

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¶ An other note.

MarginaliaArticuli Cleri, An. 9. Edw. 2. in fine Cap. 8.Rex & antecessores sui a tempore cuius contrarij memoria nō existit, vsi sunt quōd Clerici suis immorātes obsequijs, dum obsequijs illis intēderint, ad residentiam in suis beneficijs faciendam minime compellantur, nec debet dici tendere in præiudicium ecclesiasticæ libertatis quòd pro Rege & republica necessarium inuenitur.

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¶ An other note.

MarginaliaIn eisdem articulis in fine Cap. 15.Clericus ad ecclesiam confugiens pro felonia, pro immunitate ecclesiastica obtinenda, si asserit se esse Clericū, regnum non compellatur abiurare, sed legi regni se reddens, gaudebit ecclesiastica libertate, iuxta laudabilem consuetudinem regni hactenus vsitatam.

¶ An other note.

MarginaliaIn cap. 16.Appellatori in forma debita tanq̃ Clerico per Ordinarium petito libertatis ecclesiasticæ beneficio, non negabitur ecclesiæ priuilegium.

But what needeth many of these argumentes for this proufe? The Statutes & law bokes of this realme are very full of them in diuers and many places: besides the Presidentes for the forme of giuyng of benefices, wherof none are capable but such as are spiritual men and of the Clergy, MarginaliaClericus in the lawe euer taken for a priest.wherein they are not called or termed by any other title or terme in the Latin toung, then Clerici, for the most part, not in the kynges own graunte or his Lord Chauncellours, or any other subiectes of his, as very wel appeareth both by diuers old writtē Presidentes which haue bene shewed vnto me, and also by the formes of presentations collected and set forth for the instruction of such as are ignoraunt or not very perfite in the order of them, in a printed booke called The Booke of sundry Instrumentes  

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This a reference to one of the numerous editions of the 'Book of Precedents'.

. In which forme in the said booke the wordes in the kynges graūt be these: Rex &c. ad ecclesiam Parochialē de N. vestræ diocæsis modo per mortem vltimi incumbentis ibidē vacantē, & ad nostram donationem pleno iure spectantem, dilectum Capellanum nostrum A. B. Clericum, intuitu charitatis vobis præsentam9, & mandamus vti dictū A. Capellanū nostrum ad præfatam ecclesiam admittere, eumq; Rectorē eiusdem instituere, cum suis iuribus. &c. But if the presentation bee from a Knight or a Gentleman, then it is in this sort.

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A. B.