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1410 [1410]

K. Henry. 8. Doct. Barnes, Garret, and Hierome, Martyrs.

MarginaliaThe Sermon of D. Barnes replying to Winchester.This sermon of Steuen Winchester finished, Doct. Barnes who was put of from that sonday, had hys daye appoynted, which was the third Sonday  

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29 February 1540.

next ensuing, to make hys Sermon: who taking the same text of the Gospell which Gardiner had done before, was on the contrary side no lesse vehement in setting forwarde the true doctrine of Christian religion, then Winchester had done before in plucking men backward from truth to lyes, from sinceritie to hipocrisie, from religion to superstition, from Christ to Antichrist. In the processe of which sermon he proceeding, and calling out Steuen Gardiner by name to auswere him, alluded in a pleasant allegory, to a Cockfight, terming the sayd Gardiner to be a fighting Cocke, & him self to an other, but þe Garden Cocke (he said) lacked good spurres, obiecting moreouer to the sayd Gardiner, and opposing hym in his Grammer rules, thus saying: that if hee had aunswered him in the schooles, so as he had there preached at the crosse, he would haue geuen him sixe stripes: declaryng furthermore, what euyl herbes this Gardiner had set in the Garden of Gods scripture. &c.

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MarginaliaSteuen Gardiner cōplayneth to the kyng of Doctour Barnes.Finally, with this Sermon Gardiner was so ticled in the splene, that he immediately went to the kyng to complayne  

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This admitted fact is the only solid evidence linking Gardiner to Barnes' subsequent execution.

, shewing how he beyng a bishop and a Prelate of þe realme, was hādled & reuiled at Paules crosse.

Whereupon the king geuing to much eare to Gardiners griefe, was earnestly incensed agaynst Barnes, and with many high wordes rebuked hys doinges in his priuy closet, hauing with him the Earle of Southhampton which was the L. Wrysley, & the Maister of the horse, which was Anthony Browne, D. Cockes, & D. Robynson. MarginaliaThe king displeased agaynst Barnes.Vnto whō when Barnes had submitted himself: Nay sayd the kyng, yeld thee not to me, I am a mortall man, and therewith rysyng vp, and turnyng to the Sacrament, and putting of his bonet, sayd: yonder is the Maister of vs all, author of truth, yealde in truth to him, and that truth will I defend, & otherwyse yeld thee not vnto me. Much adoe there was, and great matter layd agaynst Barnes. In conclusion this order was takē, that Barnes should go apart with Wynchester, to conferre and commō together of their doctrine, certayne witnesses beyng thereunto appoynted, to bee as indifferent hearers, MarginaliaD. Cockes and Doct. Robinson Arbiters betwene D. Barnes & Steuen Gardiner.of whom the one was Doctor Cockes, the other was Doctor Robinson, with two other also to them assigned, which shoulde be reporters to the king of the disputation. At the first entrye of which talke, Gardiner forgeuing him (as he sayth) all that was past, offered hym þe choyse, whether he would aunswer, or oppose, which was the Fridaye  

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5 March 1540.

after that Barnes had preached.

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MarginaliaThe question betwene D. Barnes & Steuen Gardiner.The question betwene them propounded, by Gardiners narration, was this: Whether a man could do any thing good or acceptable, before the grace of iustification, or not? Which question rose vpon a certayne contention which had bene betwene them before. For Barnes had affirmed, that albeit God requyreth of vs to forgeue our neighbour to obtayne forgeuenes of hym: MarginaliaGod forgeueth vs first, before we forgeue our neighbour.yet he sayd that God must forgiue vs fyrst, before we forgeue our neyghbour: For els to forgeue our neyghbour were sinne by the text  

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Romans 14:23 (not Romans 15, as in the marginal note).

that sayth: All that is not of fayth, is synne. &c. MarginaliaRom. 15.Thus the matter being propounded, Gardiner to proue the contrary, MarginaliaGardiners reporte.came foorth with his argumentes two or three, to the which argumentes (sayth Gardiner) Barnes could not aunswer, but desired to be spared that night, & the next morning he would answere hys argumentes. MarginaliaDisputation betwene Barnes & Gardiner.In the morning Gardiner with the hearers being agayne assembled, D. Barnes, according to the appointment, was present, who then went about to assoyle hys argumentes. To hys solutions Gardiner agayne replyed. And thus continued they in this altercation by the space of two houres. MarginaliaSteuen Gardiner in hys preface to George Ioye.In the ende of this Cockfight Wynchester thus concludeth hys glorious tale, and croweth vp the triumph, declaring how Barnes besought him to haue pity of hym, to forgeue hym, and to take hym to be hys scholer, MarginaliaSte. Gardiner offereth to Doct. Barnes xl. pounde a yeare.whom then the sayd Winchester (as he confesseth hym selfe) receauyng, not as his scholer, but as hys companion, offered to hym a portion out of hys lyuyng, to the summe of. xl. l. a yeare. Which if it bee true, as Ste. Gardiner hymselfe reporteth, why then doth this glorious Cockatrise crowe so muche agaynst Barnes afterward, and cast hym in the teeth, bearyng all the worlde in hande, that Barnes was hys scholer, where as he hym selfe here refuseth Barnes to be hys Scholer, but receaueth hym as hys companion felowlyke? But to the story.

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This done, the kyng beyng aduertised of the conclusion of this matter betwene Barnes and Winchester, was contēt that Barnes should repayre to the Byshops house at London, the Monday folowyng. Whiche hee dyd, with a certeine other companiō ioyned vnto him. Who he was, Winchester there doth not expresse, only he sayth, that it was neither Hierome nor Garret. In this next meetyng betwene Barnes and the Bishop vppon the foresayd Monday  

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8 March 1540.

, the sayd Byshop studying to instructe Barnes, vttered to hym certeine Articles or conclusions, to the number of x. the effect whereof here foloweth.

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¶ Winchesters Articles agaynst Barnes.  
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This list is taken either from Gardiner's own book, where they are scattered through the text, or from the book Gardiner was rebutting: George Joye, George Joye confuteth Winchester's false articles (STC 14826: Antwerp, 1543), fos. 17v-18r. In either case there is a minor error: for this list was numbered slightly differently, and Foxe also omits the final clause of the ninth article ('You say that fayth is thassueraunce of the promyse of forgeuenes of synnes' (Gardiner, A declaration, fo. 79v)). The list preserved at the British Library, Cotton MS Cleopatra E.v fo. 107r-v (LP XV 312.1) numbers them differently and omits the last two of Foxe's clauses entirely.

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MarginaliaWinchesters articles against Doct. Barnes.
THe effecte of Christes passion hath a condition. The fulfillyng of the condition diminisheth nothyng the effect of Christes Passion.

Marginalia2.They that will inioy the effect of Christes Passiō must fulfill the condition.

Marginalia3.The fulfillyng of the condition requireth first knowledge of the condition, whiche knowledge we haue by fayth.

Marginalia4.Fayth commeth of God, and this fayth is a good gift. It is good & profitable to me: it is profitable to me to do well, and to exercise this fayth: Ergo, by the gift of God, I may do well before I am iustified.

Marginalia5.Therfore I may do well by the gift of God before I am iustified, towardes the atteynment of iustification.

Marginalia6.There is euer as much charitie towardes God, as fayth. And as fayth encreaseth, so doth charitie encrease.

Marginalia7.To the atteinment of iustification is required fayth and charitie.

Marginalia8.Euery thyng is to be called freely done, whereof the begynnyng is free and at libertie without any cause of prouocation.

Marginalia9.Fayth must be to me the assuraunce of the promises of God made in Christ (if I fulfill the condition) and loue must accomplish the condition: wherupon foloweth the attainement of the promise accordyng to Gods truth.

Marginalia10.A man beyng in deadly sinne may haue grace to do the workes of penaunce, whereby he may attayne to hys iustification.

MarginaliaThe aunswere and the reioynder of George Ioye agaynst Winchester.These Articles, for somuch as they be sufficiently aūswered and replied vnto by George Ioye in his Ioynder  

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Joye, George Joye confuteth Winchester's false articles (STC 14826: Antwerp, 1543).

, and Reioynder  
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Joye, The refutation of the byshop of Winchesters derke declaration of his false articles (RSTC 14828.5: London?, 1546).

agaynst Wynchester, I shall not nede to cumber thys worke with any new adoe therwith, but only referre þe reader to the bokes aforesayd: where hee may see matter enough to aūswere to these Popishe Articles.

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I told you before how the kyng was contented that Barnes should resorte to the house of the Byshop of Wynchester to be traded and directed by the Byshop, which Barnes then hearyng the talke of the people, & also hauyng conference with certaine learned men, within ij. daies after his cōming to the Bishops house, waxed wery therof, MarginaliaDoct. Barnes refuseth to come to Gardiner, to be instructed of hym, but onely to conferre with hym.and so commyng to the Byshop, signified vnto hym, that if hee would take hym as one that came to conferre he woulde come still, but els hee would come no more, and so cleane gaue ouer the Byshop.

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This beyng knowen vnto the kyng, through sinister complayntes of Popishe Sycophantes, Barnes agayne was sent for, and conuented before the kyng, who greuously beyng incensed agaynst hym, inioyned both him, Hierome, and Garret, at the solemne Easter
