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1418 [1418]

K. Henry. 8. The troubles at London about the vj. Articles.
Persons presented.Their causes.
MarginaliaS. Andrewes in Holborne.Nicolas Otes.  
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Cf. the account in National Archives, SP 1 / 243 fo. 66r (LP Addenda 1463).

For not commyng to the housell
at Easter he was sent to Newgate.

MarginaliaAl Halows Barkyng.Herman Peter-
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Cf. the account in National Archives, SP 1 / 243 fo. 68r (LP Addenda 1463).

Iames Gosson.

For not commyng to shriffte and
housell at the tyme of Easter. These
were committed to prison in Bred-

MarginaliaS. Olaues in the olde Iurye.Richard Whyte,  
Commentary   *   Close

Cf. the account in National Archives, SP 1 / 243 fo. 69r (LP Addenda 1463).


For saying, that hee did not thinke
that Christ was in the Sacrament of
the altar within the sepulcher, but
in heauen aboue.
MarginaliaS. Buttolphes without Algate.Gyles Harison.  
Commentary   *   Close

Cf. the account in National Archives, SP 1 / 243 fo. 72r (LP Addenda 1463).

Harison beyng in a place without
Algate, merely iestyng in a certaine
company of neighbours, where some
of them sayd let vs go to Masse: I
say, Tarye, sayd hee: and so takyng a
peece of bread in his handes, lift it vp
ouer his head: And likewise takyng
a cuppe of wyne, and bowyng down
his head, made therewith a crosse o-
uer the cuppe, and so takyng the said
cup in both his hādes, lift it ouer his
head, saying these woordes: haue ye
not heard Masse now? For the which
hee was presented to Boner then By-
shop of London. Agaynst whō came
these wytnesses.

Thomas Castell.
Andrew Morice.
W. Grene.
Iohn Margetson.

VVytneßes agaynst

Richard Bostock,  
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Cf. the account in National Archives, SP 1 / 243 fo. 80r (LP Addenda 1463), which adds that Bostock also preached, 'And thowe doste comme to me to be confessed, thowe maye nott cumme to me to spitte thy venom in my bosome, for yff thow do I wylle Spytte hit in thy bosome ayen.'


For saying, that auricular confes-
sion hath killed moe soules, then all
the billes, clubbes, and halters haue
done, sithens kyng Henry was kyng
of England, &c. Also for saying, that
the water in Thamys hath as much
vertue, as the water whiche the
Priestes do halow.

Margarete Amb-

For hauyng no reuerence to the
Sacrament at sacring tyme. Item,
for instructiō of maydens, and beyng
a great Doctresse.

Iohn Lecester.
W. Raynold..
Christofer To-
Thomas Dauid,
Thomas Mabs.
Thom. Starchey.Christofer Holy-
Martine Donam.
W. Derby.

All these noted and presented, for
maynteinyng of Barnes and such o-
ther preachers: and many of their
wiues for not taking holy bread, nor
goyng in procession on Sondayes.

MarginaliaAldermanburye.Laurēce Maxwel  
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Cf. the account in National Archives, SP 1 / 243 fo. 74r (LP Addenda 1463), where some detail of Maxwell's 'speaking and reasoning' is given.


For speakyng and reasonyng a-
gaynst auriculare confession.

MarginaliaS. Martins the great.Iohn Coygnes,
or Lyuelond.

For holdyng agaynst the Sacra-
ment of the altar, and not receauyng
at Easter.
MarginaliaS. Clementes without Temple barre.Gerard Frise.
Presented by two wytnesses, for
affirmyng that a Sermō preached is
better then þe Sacramēt of the altar,
and that he had rather go to heare a
Sermon, then to heare a Masse.

MarginaliaS. Katherines.Dominicke Wil-
liames, French-

For not receauyng the Sacramēt
of the aultar, at Easter.

Tho. Lancaster,

Layde in the Counter in the Pul-
trye, for compilyng and bringyng o-
uer bookes prohibited.
Item, Gough the Stacioner trou-
bled for resorting vnto him.
Persons presented.Their causes.
Frier Ward.  
Commentary   *   Close

From this point on the list no longer seems to refer only to the London arrests of July 1540, and mixes information from those arrests with other cases.

Layd in the Counter in Bred-
stret, for marying one Elizabeth to
hys wife, after hys vowe made of
Frier Wylcocke.  
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John Willock is also listed separately, above, as the curate of St. Catherine Coleman, Fenchurch St. This entry may relate to Bishop Bonner's injunction against unlicensed preaching, issued on 22 October 1540, which singled out Willock as a particular serious offender. David Wilkins, Concilia Magnae Brittaniae et Hiberniae, vol. III (1737), p. 855.

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Wylcocke a Scotish Frier, prisoned
in the Flete, for preachyng agaynste
cōfession, holy water, agaynst prayng
to Saintes, and for soules departed,
against Purgatory, and holding that
Priestes might haue wiues. &c.

Iohn Taylour,  
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Cf. the account in National Archives, SP 1 / 243 fo. 64r (LP Addenda 1463).

Doctour in Di

Doct. Taylour presented for prea-
ching at S. Brides in Fletestret, that
it is as profitable to a man to heare
Masse, and see the Sacrament, as to
kysse Iudas mouth, whiche kyssed
Christ our Sauiour. &c.

W. Tolwyne,  
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Tolwin is also listed separately, above, as the parson of St. Antholin's. This material, however, relates to his arrest in November 1541, following his decision to permit Alexander Seton to preach at St. Antholin's on 13 November. Tolwin and Seton both made formal, public submissions on 18 December 1541: Alexander Seton and William Tolwin, The declaracion made at Poules Crosse in the cytye of London, the fourth sonday of Aduent (RSTC 22249.5: London, 1542). That published recantation is not, however, Foxe's source for this account, as the material here on the use of holy water and ceremonial is not attested elsewhere.

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Person of S. An-

Presented & examined before Edm.
Boner, for permittyng Alexander Se-
ton to preach in his Churche hauyng
no licence of his ordinary, & also for
allowyng the Sermons of the sayd
Alexander Seton, whiche hee preached
agaynst Doct. Smith.
To the sayd Tolwyne moreouer it
was obiected, that hee vsed the space
of ij. yeares, to make holy water, lea-MarginaliaTolwyns makyng of holy water.
uyng out the generall exorcisme, be-
ginnyng Exorciso te. &c. vsyng these
wordes for the same: Benedicite: Domi
nus. Ab eo sit benedicta, a cuius latere
fluxit sanguis & Aqua: Adioinyng ther
to, commixtio salis & aquæ fiat in no-
mine patris, & filij, & spiritus Sancti.
The lyke vsage of makyng holy
water was also vsed in Aldermary
Churche, where Doct. Crome was,
and in Hony Lane.
Against this obiectiō thus Tolwyne
defended him selfe saying: that hee
tooke occasion so to do by the kinges
Iniunctions, whiche say, that cere-
monies should be vsed, all ignoraūce
and superstition set a part.
In the ende, this Tolwyn was for-
MarginaliaThe recantation of W. Tolwyn.ced to stand at Paules crosse to recāt
his doctrine and doynges.

Rob. Wisedome.
Thomas Becon,

The same time  
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A particularly cavalier piece of chronology: Wisdom and Becon recanted on 14 May 1543.

also Rob. Wisedome,
parishe priest of S. Katherins in Loth-
bery, & Tho. Becon, were brought to
Paules crosse, to recant & to reuoke
their doctrin, & to burne their bokes.

MarginaliaLitle All halowes.Syr George Par-
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This incident is otherwise undocumented, but raises some suspicion. George Parker's known period of activity as an evangelical book-smuggler was the late 1520s, and Unio Dissidentium was a commonly smuggled text of that period. Foxe's reference to 'the ordinary', rather than to Bishop Bonner, underlines the possibility that this is chronologically misplaced. On Unio Dissidentium, see C236/26.

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Person of
S. Pancrace.

This priest and Person of S. Pā-
crace, & Curate of litle All halowes
was noted, suspected, and conuented
before þe Ordinary for certain bokes,
especially for hauyng Vnio Dissiden-
tium. &c.

Syr Iohn Byrche,  
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This can probably be connected to Birch's arrest in November 1541. Brigden, London and the Reformation, p. 403.


Ioh. Byrch Priest of S. Butolphes
Lane was complayned of by one M.
for beyng a busie reasoner in
certaine opinions, which agreed not
with the Popes Churche.

MarginaliaAlex. Seton Chaplein to the Duke of Suffolke.Alexander Seton
a Scotisheman
and a. vvorthy Preacher.

Alexander Seton was denounced,
detected, and presēted by iij. Priestes,
of whom one was felowe of Whyt-
tyngton College called Richard Tay-
An other was Iohn Smith. The
thyrd was Iohn Huntyngton, who al-
terward was conuerted to the same
doctrine hym selfe.
This Seton was Chaplen to the Duke of Suffolke, and by hym was made free Denison. In his Sermon preached at S. Anthonies, his aduersaries picked agaynst hym matter conteining. xv. obiections, or rather cauillations, which for example I thought here to exhibite to the reader, to the intent that men may see, not only what true doctrine Seton then preached, cōsonant to the scriptures: but also what wrāgling cauillers can do, in deprauyng that is ryght, or in wrasting that is well ment, or