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1467 [1467]

K. Henry. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papistes.

MarginaliaThe vntrue dealyng of the Papistes, in gatheryng heresies where none is.For somuch as it is, and hath alwayes bene the common guyse and practise of the Popes Churche to extinct, condemne, and abolishe all good bookes and holesome treatises of learned men, vnder a false pretense of errours and heresies, wherof examples abundantly may appeare in this history aboue, pag. 550. 624. 627. 707. 769. 995. 1157. 1159. 1294. 1363. &c. Now for the better triall hereof, to see and trye the impudent and shameles vanitie of these Catholicke Clergiemen, in mistakyng, falsifiyng, deprauyng, blasphemyng and sclauderyng, where they haue no cause, agaynst all right, and honest dealyng, yea agaynst theyr owne knowledge, conscience, and manifest veritie of Gods word, I shal therfore desire the attentiue reader, before we passe any further, to consider and expende here ij. thynges by the way: First what opinions and Articles these men gather out of their bookes for errours and heresies. Secondly how wittyngly and willyngly they wrast, peruert, and misconstrue their sayinges and writinges, in such sense as the writers neuer spake nor mēt, and all to bryng them into hatred of the worlde, aftter they haue burned their bookes.

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MarginaliaArticles of Wicklieffe, and others, falsified by the Papistes.So did they before with Ioh. Wickleffe, Ioh. Hus, & Hierome. So did they with Martin Luther, Tyndall, Frith, Lambert, Barnes, Ioy, Roy, Seton, and briefly yet do still withall the Protestantes, either peruertyng their sayinges, otherwise then they ment: or noting for heresies such as are manifest principles and groundes of our Religion: or els falsely belying them, or vntruly mistakyng them, either in manglyng the places, or addyng to their woordes, as may serue for their most aduauntage, to bryng thē out of credite with Princes and all the people.

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For the more euidēt probation and experience wherof, thou shalt see here (Christian reader) as in a Table layd before thyne eyes, the booke or catalogue of such errours, blasphemies & heresies, which the Catholicke Papistes in their owne Registers haue extracted out of their bookes, whom in this and other proclamatiōs they haue cōdemned. Whereunto moreouer, we haue annexed the very places also of the authors, out of whiche euery Article is gathered, kepyng the same signature of verse and page, whiche they in their Registers do send vs vnto. So that with a litle diligēce thou mayst now (louyng reader) easely perceaue, cōferryng the Articles and places together, what truth and fidelitie these bloudy Catholickes haue vsed, toward the children of God: first in burnyng vp their bodyes, then in consuming and abolishing their bookes, and afterward drawyng out Articles, such as they lyste them selues out of their woorkes, to make the people beleue what damnable heretickes they were, as by these Articles here vnder ensuyng, collected and conteyned in theyr owne Registers, may well appeare. In all whiche Articles, there is not one (speakyng of these writers, which here they haue condemned) but either it is a perfect truth, and a principle of Christian doctrine, or els it is falsely gathered, or peruersely recited, or craftely handled and maliciously mangled, hauyng either some thyng cut from it, or some more added, or els rackte out of hys right place, or wrasted to a wrong meanyng, whiche the place gyueth not, or els whiche some other place folowyng doth better expound and declare. This false and malicious dealyng hath alwayes bene a common practise amongest Gods enemies from the beginnyng, to falsifie, wrast, and depraue all thynges, what soeuer maketh not to their faction and affection, bee it neuer so true and iust. MarginaliaThe wordes of S. Steuen falsely depraued. Act. 6. 7.So began they with Steuen, the first Martyr of Iesus Christ, and so haue they cōtinued still, and yet do to this present day.

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Long it were to recite, but more greuous to behold what spite & falsehode was vsed in þe Articles of þe Albingenses, Waldēses, Wickleffe, Swynderby, Brute, Thorpe, Armachanus, Sir Ioh. Oldcastle, Ioh. Hus, the Bohemians, & such other. Which thyng, if þe bookes & places whence these articles were gathered agaynst thē, had ben suffred to remaine, we might more plainly vnderstād. In the meane season as touchyng these Articles here present, for somuch as the Byshops owne Registers haue offered them vnto vs, and do yet remayne, with the selfe same bookes, from whence they be excerped, I shall therfore desire thee (frendly reader) first to consider the Articles, and lay them with the places, whiche the Registers them selues do assigne, and then iudge thy selfe, what is to be thought therof. The Articles gathered out of the foresayd bookes, with the Byshops Decree prefixed before the same, is as here vnder foloweth.

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¶ A publicke Instrument, by the Byshops, for the abolishyng of the Scripture, and other bookes to be read in Englishe.

MarginaliaA wryting of the Byshops agaynst Englishe bokes.IN the name of God, Amē. Be it knowē to al & singular, true, & faythful people, to whō these presēt letters testimonial, or this present publicke & authentike instrument shall come to be sene, read, heard or vnderstand, and whō this vnder written shall or may teach, or appertaine vnto in any maner of wyse in tyme to come, William by the suffraunce of almighty God, Archbyshop of Caunterbury, Primate of all the Realme of England, sendeth greetyng in our Lord God euerlastyng. We signifye vnto you all, & let you well wit and know by these presentes, that the kyng our soueraygne Lorde, hearyng of many bookes in the Englishe toung, containyng many detestable errours, and damnable opinions, prynted in partyes beyonde the Seas, to bee brought into diuers townes, and sondry parties of this hys Realme of England, and sowen abroad in the same, to the great decay of our fayth Catholicke,and perillous corruption of hys people, vnlesse spedy remedy were briefly prouided, hys hyghnes wyllyng euermore to employ all his study and mynde in the hygh degree, whiche almyghty God hath called hym vnto, to the wealth of hys subiectes, that they myght lyue, not onely in tranquillity and peace, but also be kept pure and cleane of all contagion, and wrong opinions in Christes Religion: consideryng also that he beyng defendour of the fayth, would bee full loth to suffer such euill seede sowen amongest hys people, and so take roote that it might ouergrow the corne of the Catholike doctrine before sprong in the soules of hys subiectes: for the repellyng of such bookes, callyng vnto hym of hys great goodnes, and gracious disposition, not onely certayne of the chief Prelates and Clerkes of hys Realme, but also of ech Vniuersitie a certayne number of the chief learned men, proposed such of those bokes, as hys grace had ready to bee read vnto them, requiryng to heare in that behalfe theyr aduise and iudgement of them. Who both by great diligence and mature deliberation, perusyng ouer the sayd bookes, found in them many errours and heresies, both detestable and damnable, beyng of such a sorte, that they were lyke briefly to corrupt a great part of hys people (if they myght be suffred to remayne in theyr handes any space) gatheryng also out of thē many great errours, and pestilent heresies, and notyng thē in writyng, to the intent to shewe for what cause they reputed the sayd bookes damnable, of whiche hereafter out of ech booke gathered many do ensue: albeit many more there bee in the sayd bookes, whiche bookes totally doo swarme full of heresies and detestable opinions.

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MarginaliaHeresies falsely gathered by the Papistes, out of the wicked Māmon.¶ Heresies and errours collected by the Bishops out of the boke of Tyndall, named the wicked Mammon, with the places of the booke annexed to the same, out of which euery Article is collected.  
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Heresies charged against Protestants

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008).

Marginalia1. Article.
The Papistes of the principles of diuinitie, make heresie.
1 FAyth onely iustifyeth. Fol. 2.

Thys Article being a principle of the Scripture, and the ground of our saluation, is playne inough by Sainct Paule, and the vvhole bodye of the Scripture: Neyther can any make thys an heresie, but they must make S. Paule an hereticke, and shevv them selues enemyes to the promises of grace, and to the crosse of Christ.

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Marginalia2. Article.2 The lawe maketh vs to hate God, because we bee borne vnder the power of the deuill. fol. 2.

Marginalia3. Article.3 It is impossible for vs to consent to the will of God. Fol. 2.

The place of Tyndall from vvhence these Articles be vvrasted, is in the vvicked Mammon, as follovveth. VVhich place I beseche
