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K. Henry. 8. Hersies falsely gathered by the Papistes.

deede of a Prophet, and mayntaineth it, the same hath the same spirite & earnest of euerlasting life, which the Prophet hath, and is elect as the Prophet is.

MarginaliaNo difference of mē before God in respecte of deedes, but only in respecte of fayth.Now if thou compare deede to deede, there is difference betwixt washing of dishes, and preaching of the woorde of God. But as touching to please God, none at all. For neither that nor this pleaseth, but as farreforth as God hath chosen a man, hath put hys spirite in hym, and purified his hart by fayth and trust in Christ. &c.

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Marginalia23. Article.23 Ceremonyes of the Church haue brought the world from God. fol. 45.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.Read the place of Tyndall. Seeke the worde of God in all thinges, and without the worde of God do nothyng, though it appeare neuer so glorious. What so euer is done without the worde of God, that count idolatrie. The kyngdome of heauen is wythin vs. Luke. 17. Wonder therefore at no monstrous appearaunce, nor at any outward thing without the word. For the world was neuer drawne frō god, but with an outward shewe & glorious appearaunce & shinyng of hipocrisie, and of fayned and visured fasting, praying, watching, singing, offering, sacrificing hallowyng of superstitious ceremonies, and monstrous dysguysing. &c.

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Marginalia24. Article.24 Beware of good intentes: they are damned of God. Fol. 46.

Marginalia25. Article.25 See thou doo nothyng but that God byddeth thee. Fol. 46.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The vvordes of Tyndall out of the vvhich these tvvo Articles are gathered, are these. Beware of thy good intent, good mynde, good affection, or zeale as they call it. Peter of a good mynde, and of a good affection or zeale, chidde Christ, because hee sayd that hee must goe to Ierusalem, and there be slaine. But Christ called him Satan for hys labour: MarginaliaMath. 16.a name that belongeth to the deuill, and sayde that hee perceiued not godlye thinges, but worldlye. Of a good entent, and of a feruent affection to Christ, the sonnes of Zebede woulde haue had fire to come downe from heauen, to consume the Samaritans: but Christ rebuked them, saying, that they wyst not of what spirite they were: MarginaliaLuke. 9.that is, that they vnderstode not howe that they were altogether worldly and fleshlye mynded. Peter smote Malchus of a good zeale, but Christ condemned hys dede. MarginaliaGood intentes.The Iewes of a good entent and of a good zeale slew Christ, and persecuted the Apostles, as Paul beareth them recorde. Rom. x. I beare thē record (sayth he) that they haue a feruent minde to Godvvard, but not according to knovvledge. MarginaliaRom. 10.It is an other thing then to do of a good mynde, and to do of knowledge. Labour for knowledge, that thou mayest know Gods wyll, and what he would haue thee to doe.

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Our mynde, entent, and affection, or zeale are blynd, and all that we do of thē, is dāned of God, and for that cause hath God made a testament betwene hym and vs, wherin is conteyned both what he woulde haue vs to doe, and what hee would haue vs to aske of hym. See therefore that thou doe nothing to please God withall, but that hee commaundeth, neyther aske any thyng of hym, but that hee hath promysed thee. &c.

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Marginalia26. Article.26 Churches are for preachyng onely and not as they be vsed now. fol. 47.

Thys Article contayneth neyther errour nor heresie but is plaine inough of it selfe, to all them that haue theyr mindes exercised in the Scriptures of God.

Marginalia27. Article.27 To worshyppe God otherwyse then to beleue that hee is iust and true in hys promise, is to make God an Idoll. fol. 47.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.Read the vvordes of Tyndall vvith thys Article. God is honoured on all sides, in that we counte hym righteous in all hys lawes and ordinaunces, and also true in all his promises. Other worshyp of God is none, excepte wee make an idoll of hym. &c.

Marginalia28. Article.28 Pharao had no power to let the people departe at Gods pleasure. fol. 61.

Marginalia29. Article.29 Our Prelates in synne, say they haue power. fol. 61.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.Read the place in the vvicked Mammon out of the vvhich these tvvo Articles are gathered. Sainct Paule sayth: If thou confesse vvith thy mouth that Iesus is the Lorde, and beleue vvith thine hart that God raysed him vppe from death, thou shalt be safe: MarginaliaRom. 10.that is, if thou beleue he raysed him vp agayne for thy saluation. Many beleue that God is rich and almightie, but not vnto them selues: and that hee wyll bee good to them, and defende them, and bee their God. Pharao for payne of the plague was compelled to confesse hys. sinnes: but had yet no power to submit him selfe vnto the wyll of God, and to let the children of Israell go, and to lose so great profit for Gods pleasure. As our Prelates confesse their sinnes, saying: though we be neuer so euyl, yet haue we the power. And agayne, the Scribes and the Phariseis (saye they) sat in Moyses seate, doe as they teach, but not as they do. Thus confesse they that they are abominable. &c.

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¶ Here folow other heresies and errours, collected by the Bishops out of the booke named the obedience of a Christian man, with the places of the booke annexed to the same.

MarginaliaArticles of heresie gathered by the Papistes out of W. Tyndalls Obedience.1 HE sayth we are bound to make satisfactiō to our neyghbour, but not to God. fol. 70.

Satisfaction is a full recompence, or a mendes making to hym vvhom vve haue offended, vvhich recōpence vve are able to make, one man to an other, and are bound so to doe: But to God no man can make any mendes or recompence, but onely Gods ovvne sonne Christ Iesus our Sauiour. For ells if man coulde haue made satisfaction to God, then had Christ dyed in vayne, Gallat. 2. Loe, vvhat heresie or errour is thys article?

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Marginalia2. Article.2 He sayth that children ought not to Mary without the consent of theyr parentes. fol. 49.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The vvordes of Tynd. in the Obedience be these. Let the fathers and mothers marke how they them selues were disposed at all ages, and by experience of their owne infirmities, helpe their children, and kepe them from occasions. Let them prouide marriages for them in season: teachyng them also to know, that she is not hys wyfe whiche the sonne taketh, nor hee her husband whiche the daughter taketh MarginaliaThe parentes consent in mariage.without the consent or good wyll of their Elders, or them that haue authoritie ouer them. If their friendes wyll not mary them, then are they not to blame if they mary them selues. Let not the Fathers and Mothers alwayes take the vttermost of their authoritie of their children, but at all tymes suffer with thē, & beare their weakenes, as Christ doth ours. &c.

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Marginalia3. Article.3 He sayth, that vowes are agaynst the ordinaunce of God. fol. 29.

They that say that thys Article is an heresie. Let them shevve vvhere these vovves in all the nevve Testament bee ordayned by God, especially such vovves of single lyfe, and vvilfull pouertie, as by the Canon lavve bee obtruded to younge Priestes and Nouices. S. Paule plainly forfendeth any vvidovves to bee admitted vnder the age of lx. yeares. Is not here trovve you a perilous heresie?

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Marginalia4. Article.4 He sayth that a Christian may not resiste a Prince beyng an infidell and an Ethnicke. This taketh away free will. fol. 36.

S. Peter vvilleth vs to bee subiecte to our Princes, 1. Pet. 2. S. Paule also doth the lyke. Rom. 13. vvho vvas also hym selfe subiecte to the povver of Nero: & although euery cōmaundement of Nero agaynst God, hee dyd not follovve, yet he neuer made resistaunce agaynst the authoritie and state of Nero, as the Pope vseth to doe agaynst the state, not onely of Infidels, but also of Christen Princes.

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Marginalia5. Article.5 What so euer is done before the spirite of God commeth and gyueth vs light, is damnable synne. This is agaynst morall vertues. fol. 36.

VVhat heresie Aristotle in hys Ethikes can finde by thys Article, I can not tell. Sure I am that the vvorde and spirite of God vvell considered, can finde none, but rather vvill pronounce the contrary to be a damnable heresie.

Marginalia6. Article.6 He reproueth men that make holy Sayntes theyr Aduocates to God, and there he sayth that Saints were not rewarded in heauen for their holy workes. fol. 37.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The vvordes of Tyndall bee these. They turne from Gods worde, and put their trust and confidence in the Sainct and hys merites, and make an aduocate, or rather a God of the Saint. &c. They ascribe heauen to their imaginations and mad inuentions, and receiue it not of the liberalitie of God, by the merites & deseruyng of Christ. &c.

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Marginalia7. Article.7 God moued the hartes of the Ægyptians to hate the people. Lykewise he moued kynges. &c. fol. 45.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The vvordes in the Obedience be these. In the. 107. Psalme thou readest: He destroyed the riuers and dryed vp the springes of water, and turned the fruitefull lande in to barennes, for the inhabitantes thereof. When the children of Israel had forgotten God in Ægypt, God moued the hartes of the Egyptians to hate them, & to subdue them with craft and wilynes. Psalm. 105.

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