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1471 [1471]

K. Henry. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papistes.

In the seconde chapter of the first booke of the kynges, God was angry with the people, and moued Dauid to number them, when Ioab and the other Lordes wondered why he would haue them numbred, and because they feared lest some euyll should follow, diswaded the kyng: yet it holpe not, God so Marginalia* God sometimes hardneth the harts of good Princes for the wickednes of the people.* hardened hys hart in hys purpose, to haue an occasion to sley the wicked people. &c.

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8 Paul was of hygher authoritie then Peter. fol. 58.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The vvordes in the Obedience, bee these. I suppose sayth hee (speaking of Paule) that I was not behinde the high Apostles, meaning in preaching Iesus Christ and hys Gospell, and in ministring the spirite. And in the same chap. he proueth by the doctrine of Chirst, that he was greater then the high Apostles. For Christ saith, to be great in the kyngdome of God, is to do seruice and take payne for other. Vpon whiche rule Paule disputeth, saying: If they be the Ministers of Christ, I am more: in labours more aboundant: in stripes aboue measure: in prison more plenteous: in death oft. &c. If Paule preached Christ more then Peter, and suffered more for hys congregation, then is he greater then Peter by the testimonie of Christ. &c.

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Marginalia9. Article.9 A Priest ought to haue a wife for ij. causes. fol. 71.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The vvordes of Tyndall, bee these. He must haue a wyfe for two causes: One, that it maye thereby be knowen who is meete for the roume. He is vnapt for so chargeable an office, whiche had neuer houshold to rule. MarginaliaTruth turned to heresie.An other cause is, that chastitie is an exceeding seldome gift, and vnchastity exceding perelous for that degree, in as much as the people looke as well vnto the liuing, as vnto the preaching, and are hurt at once if the lyuing disagree, and fall from the fayth and beleue not the word. &c.

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Marginalia10. Article.10 He condemneth auricular confession. fol. 83.

MarginaliaRead afore pag. 1339.Of thys Article read aboue, pag. 1339.

Marginalia11. Article.11 Euery m? is a Priest and we neede no other Priest to be a meane for vs vnto God. fol. 91.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The vvordes in the Obedience, be these. There is a worde called in Latin Sacerdos, in Greke xxx, in Hebrew Cohan: that is, a Minister, an Officer, a Sacrificer, or a Priest, as Aaron was a Priest and sacrificed for the people, and was a mediator betwene God and them: and in the Englishe shoulde it haue had some other name then Priest. MarginaliaAnd made vs Kinges and Priestes to God hys father. &c.
Apoc. 1.
But Antichrist hath deceiued vs with vnknowen and straunge termes, to bring vs into confusion and superstitious blyndnes. Of that maner is Christ a Priest for euer, and all we are Priests through hym, and nede no more of any such Priest to be a meane for vs vnto God. &c.

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Marginalia12. Article.12 Hee destroyeth the Sacramentes of Matrimonye and orders. fol. 90. 91.

As truely as Matrimonye and orders be Sacramentes: so truely is thys Article an heresie.

Marginalia13. Article.13 He sayth that Purgatory is of the Popes inuenti?, and therfore he may do there what soeuer he wil. fol. 101.

One of the Popes ovvne vvriters sayth thus: MarginaliaIoannes Angelus.Soules being in Purgatorye are vnder the Popes iurisdiction: and the Pope may, if hee vvill, euacuate all Purgatorye. Furthermore, the olde Fathers make litle mention of Purgatorye: the Greke Church neuer beleued Purgatorye: S. Augustine doubteth of Purgatorye: and the Scriptures plainlye disproue Purgatorye. Sainct Iohn sayth: The bloud of Iesu Christ the Sonne of God purgeth vs from all sinne. Marginalia1. Iohn. 1.And the Pope sayth: Sinne can not bee purged but by the fire of Purgatorye. Novv vvhose inuention can Purgatory be, but onely the Popes?

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Marginalia14. Article.14 Saintes be saued not by theyr merites, but onely by the merites of Christ. fol 103.

MarginaliaVeritie made heresie.VVhat can bee more manifest and playne by the Scriptures, then thys? Esay sayth: All we haue erred, euery man in hys owne wayes: And God hath layde vpon him all our iniquities. &c.

Marginalia15. Article.15 He sayth, no man may be hyred to pray. fol. 110.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The vvordes in the Obedience be true, vvhich are these: To pray one for an other are we equally bounde, and to praye is a thing that we may alwayes doe what so euer we haue in hand, and that to doe, may no man hyre an other: Christes bloud hath hired vs already. &c

Marginalia16. Article.16 Why should I trust (sayth hee) in Paules prayer or holynes? If Saint Paul were alyue, he would compare hym selfe to S. Paul, and be as good as he. fol. 117.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The vvordes of Tyndall, be these. Why am not I also a false Prophet if I teach thee to trust in Paul, or in his holynes or prayer, or in any thing sauyng in Gods word, as Paul did? If MarginaliaThe wordes of Tyndall importe no such meaning as is in the Article.Paul were here and loued me, as he loued them of his time, to whom hee was a seruaunt to preach Christ: what good coulde hee do for me or wishe me, but preach Christ, and pray to God for me to op? myne hart, to giue me hys spirite, and to bryng me vnto the full knowledge of Christ? Vnto which porte or hauen when I am once come, I am as safe as Paul, ioynt heire wyth Paul of all the promises of God. &c.

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Marginalia17. Article.17 He sayth that all that bee Baptized, become Christ hym selfe. fol. 124.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.VVith this Article conferre the vvordes of the Obedi?ce, vvhich be these. In Math. 28. sayth Christ: in as much as ye haue done it to any of the least of these my brethren, ye haue done it to me. And in as much as ye haue not done it vnto one of the least of these, ye haue not done it to me. Here seest thou that we are Christes brethr?, and euen Christ him selfe, and what soeuer we do one to an other, that do we to Christ. &c.

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Marginalia18. Article.18 He sayth that the children of fayth be not vnder no law. Folio. 124.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.
The Article is true, being truly taken.
The vvordes of Tyndall, are these. I serue thee not because thou art my Maister or my king, for hope of reward or feare of payne, but for the loue of Christ. For the children of faith are vnder no law, as thou seest in the Epistle to the Romaines, to the Galathians, and the first to Timothy, but are free. The spirite of Christ hath wrytten the liuely lawe of loue in their hartes, whiche driueth them to worke of their own accorde, freely and willinglye, for the great loue sake onely which they see in Christ, and therefore neede they no law to compell them. &c.

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Marginalia19. Article.19 There is no deede so good, but that the law c?demneth it. fol. 131.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place in the Obedience, is thys. Thou hast the story of Peter, howe hee smote of Malchus eare, and howe Christ healed it againe. There hast thou in playne text, great fruite and great edifying, whiche I passe ouer. Then come I, when I preache of the lawe and the Gospell, and borrowe this example to expresse the nature of the lawe and of the Gospell, and to painte it vnto thee before thine eyes: MarginaliaWhat heresie is in thys.and of Peter and his sworde make I the law, and of Christ the Gospell, saying: as Peters sworde cutteth of the eare, so doth the law. The law damneth, the law killeth and mangleth the conscience. There is no eare so righteous, that can abide the hearing of the law. There is no deede so good, but that the law damneth it. But Christ, that is to say the Gospell, the promises and Testament that God hath made in Christ, healeth the eare and conscience, whiche the law hath hurt. &c.

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Marginalia20. Article.20 To aske of God more then hee hath promised, commeth of a false fayth, and is playne Idolatry. fol. 139.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The vvordes of Tyndall are these. Looke wherein thou canst best keepe the commaundementes, thether get thy selfe, and therein abyde. &c. If wee haue infirmities that draw vs from the lawes of God, let vs cure them with the remedies that God hath made. MarginaliaWhat heresie is in thys.If thou burne, marrye, for God hath promised thee no chastitie, as long as thou mayest vse the remedy that he hath ordayned: no more then he hath promised to slake thine hunger without meate. Now to aske of God more then he hath promised, commeth of a false faith, and is playne Idolatry. &c.

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Marginalia21. Article.21 Our payne taken in keping the commanudements, doth nothyng but purge the synne that remayneth in the fleshe. But to loke for any other reward or promotion in heau? then God hath promised for Christes sake, is abominable in the syght of God. fol. 139.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.Consider the place in the obedience, vvhiche is this. To looke for any other reward or promotion in heauen, or in the lyfe to come, then that which God hath promysed for Christes sake, and whiche Christ hath deserued for vs with hys payne taking, is abominable in the sight of God: For Christ onely hath purchased the rewarde, and our payne takyng to keepe the commaundementes, doth but purge the sinne that remaineth in the flesh, and certifie vs that we are chosen and sealed with Gods spirite, vnto the rewarde that Christ hath purchased for vs. &c.

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Marginalia22. Article.22 The Pope hath no other authoritie but to preach onely. fol. 142.

MarginaliaThis heresie is only to the Pope: but none at all to God.Christ sayd to Peter: Feede my sheepe. Iohn. 21. And, thou being conuerted, confirme thy brethren. Luke. 22. And to hys Apostles he sayd: Goe ye into all the worlde and preache the Gospell. &c. Agayne, S. Paule. 1. Corinth. 1 sayth: That Christ sent hym not to Baptise, but to preach. To vvhat other office or function hee sent the Pope, let them iudge vvhich consider the Scriptures.

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