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1472 [1472]

K. Henry. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papistes.

Marginalia23. Article.23 If thou bynde thy selfe to chastitie to obteyne that whiche Christ purchased for thee, so surely art thou an infidell. fol. 145.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.Read & conferre the place of Tindall, vvhich is this. >Chastitie canst thou not geue to God, further thē God lendeth it thee. If thou canst not liue chaste, thou art bound to marye, or to be damned. &c.

MarginaliaChastitie.For what purpose thou byndest thy self, must be seene. If thou do it to obtayne therby that which Christ hath purchased for thee, so art thou an Infidel, & hast no part with Christ. If thou wilt see more of this matter, looke in Deuteronomy, and there shalt thou finde it more largely intreated. &c.

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Marginalia24. Article.24 He denyeth, rebuketh and dāneth miracles. fol. 147.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The vvordes in Tindalls Obedience, be these. MarginaliaMiracles how farre to be beleued.And when they crye miracles, miracles, remember that God hath made an euerlasting Testament whiche is in Christes bloud, against whiche we may receiue no miracles, no neither the preaching of Paul him selfe if he come agayne, by his owne teaching to the Galathians, nether yet by the preaching of the Aungels of heauen. &c.

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The end of Gods miracles is good: the end of these miracles is euyll. For the offeringes which are the cause of the miracles, do but minister and maintaine vice, sinne and all abomination, and are geuen to them that haue to much, so that for very aboundance they fome out their owne shame, and corrupt the whole world with the stinch of their filthynesse. &c.

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Marginalia25. Article.25 He sayth that no man should serue God with good intent or zeale: for it is playne Idolatry. fol. 149.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place is this in the Obedience. Remember Saul was cast away of God for euer, for hys good entent. MarginaliaGood intentes without Gods word, God abhorreth.God requireth obedience vnto his worde, and abhorreth all good intentes and good zeales whiche are without Gods worde: for they are nothing ells but playne idolatrie and worshipping of false Gods. &c.

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¶ Here folow other heresies and errours collected by the Byshops, out of the boke called the Reuelation of Antichrist, with the places of the booke, out of the which they were gathered, annexed to the same.

MarginaliaArticles out of the boke called the Reuelation of Antichrist.1 TO bynde a man perpetually to any vowe of Religion, is (without doubt) an errour. fol. 19.

The place of the booke called the Reuelation, vvhence this article is gathered, is this as folovveth. Which the Fathers did neither make nor keepe (he meaneth vovves) but with the libertie of the spirite, binding no man perpetuallye to them. For if they did, (without doubt) they erred according to mans fragilitie. &c.

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Marginalia2. Article.2 To say the Constitutions of Religion are good, because holy men dyd ordeyne them as Augustine, Benedict, Fraunces, Dominicke, and such other, and to folow such examples of fathers, is to leaue the fayth. fol. 19.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place of the article is this. But they obiect: the statutes and ordinaunces are good. Holy men did make thē, as Augustine, Benedict, Bernard, Frances, Dominicke, and such other. To this I aunswere: That is euen it that Christ and the Apostles dyd meane, that these woorkes shoulde be like to those thinges which are taught in the gospell: Marginalia2. Pet. 2.for that they call counterfeiting of the doctrine, and priuely bringing in of sectes and heresies, because they take onely of the fathers, examples of works, & leaue the faith. &c.

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Marginalia3. Article.3 All morall Diuines haue a wicked conscience full of scrupulositie. fol. 3.

Morall Diuines, be they, vvhose doctrine, and hope of saluation consisteth in Morall vertues, rather then in Christian fayth apprehendyng the free promises of God in Christ. And they that bee such, can neuer be certified in conscience of theyr saluation, but alvvayes be full of feare and scrupulositie. S. Paul therfore sayth: It is therfore of fayth that it myght come by grace, and the promyse myght be firme and sure to the whole seede. Rom. 4.MarginaliaRom. 4.

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Marginalia4. Article.4 Morall vertues, as iustice, temperaunce, strength, chastitie described by naturall reason, maketh a Synagoge, and corrupteth Christes fayth. fol. 64.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this: So many he (the Pope he meaneth) corrupteth, as he hath subdued & lead vnder his lawes and imperie: And who is he in the world that is not subiect vnder him, except they be infants, or peraduenture some simple persons, which are reserued by the inscrutable coūsell & prouision of God? O thou mā of sinne: O thou sonne of perdition: O thou abomination: O thou corrupter: O thou author of euyll consciences: O thou false maister of good consciences: O thou enemye of faith and Christen libertie, who is able to rehearse, yea or to comprehende in his minde the infinite waues of this monstrous Marginalia* By thys king he meaneth the kyng of faces which Daniell speaketh of in the 8. chapter.* Kinges euills.

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If he had ordayned these his lawes in those woorkes of vertues that are cōmended in the. x. preceptes, or els in such as the Philosophers and naturall reason did describe, as are iustice, strength, temperance, chastitie, mildnes, truth, goodnes, and such other: peraduenture they shoulde onelye haue made a Sinagoge, or els haue ordeined in the worlde a certaine ciuil iustice: for through these also faith shoulde haue bene corrupted, as it was amongest the Iewes. Howbeit now he keepeth not him selfe within these boundes, but rūneth at riot and more at large, raysing infinite tempestes of mischiefe, entising and drawing vs to ceremonies and hys own fayned traditions, and bindeth vs like Asses, and ignorant fooles, yea and stockes, vnto them. &c.

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Marginalia5. Article.5 Christ tooke awaye all lawes, and maketh vs free and at libertie, and most of all he suppresseth all ceremonies. Fol. 65. 63.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this: Christ taking awaye all lawes to make vs free and at libertie, did most of all, suppresse and disanull the ceremonies which did consist in places, persons, garmentes, meates, daies and such other, so that their vse shoulde bee to all men most free and indifferent. &c.

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VVhat he meaneth by taking avvay all lavves, he declareth a litle before, saying: he hath not deliuered vs from the lawe, but from the power and violence of the lawe, which is the verye true losing. But for all that, hee hath not taken awaye from the powers and officers their ryght, sword, and authoritie to punishe the euill, for suche pertayne not to his kingdome, vntill they are made spirituall, & then freely and with a glad hart they serue God.

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Marginalia6. Article.6 If the Pope would make all þe obseruations of þe ceremonies, as Lent, fastyng, holy dayes, cōfession, matrimony, Masse, Mattyns, & Reliques. &c. free & indifferēt, he should not be Antichrist: but now because he cōmaundeth them in the name of Christ, hee vtterly corrupteth the Church, suppresseth the fayth, and aduaunceth sinne. fol. 67.

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If the Pope vvill inferre a neceßitie of those thynges, vvhich Christ leaueth free & indifferēt, then vvhat doth he make him self but Antichrist? The Article is playne and is founded vpon the doctrine of Christ, and S. Paul.

Marginalia7. Article.7 To beleue in Christ maketh sure inheritours with Christ. fol. 1.

Marginalia8. Article.8 If a man say, then shall we no good workes do? I aūswere as Christ did: This is the worke of God to beleue in hym whom he hath sent. fol. 1.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place of these tvvo Articles gathered out of the Reuelat. is this: Who is thys lyght that we are exhorted to beleue in? Truly it is Christ, as S. Iohn doth testifie: Hee vvas the true light that lightneth all men vvhich come into the vvorld. MarginaliaIohn. 1.To beleue in this light, maketh vs the children of light, & the sure inheritours with Iesus Christ. Euen now haue we cruell aduersaries, which set vp their bristles, saying: why? shal we thē do no good workes? To these we answer as Christ did to the people, in the. vj. of Saint Iohn, which asked him what they should do, that they might worke rhe workes of god? Iesus aunswered and said vnto them: This is the vvorke of God, that ye beleue on hym, vvhō he hath sent. And after it followeth: Verely, verely I say vnto you, he that beleueth on me, hath euerlasting lyfe. MarginaliaIohn. 5.To this also condescendeth S. Iohn in his Epistle saying: These thinges haue I vvritten vnto you that beleue on the name of the sonne of God, that you may surely knovv hovv that you haue eternall lyfe. What is the name of the sonne of god? Truly hys name is Iesus, that is to say, a Sauiour: therefore thou must beleue that he is a Sauiour.

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But what auayleth this? The Deuils do thus beleue and tremble. They know that he is the sonne of god, and sayd vnto him, crying: O Iesu the sonne of God, vvhat haue vve to do vvith thee? MarginaliaIacob. 2.
Math. 8.
They know that he hath redemed mankinde by his passion, and labored to let it. For when Pilate was sette downe to geue iudgement, his wyfe sent vnto hym, saying: Haue thou nothing to doo vvith that iust man, for I haue suffered many thinges this day in my sleepe about hym. MarginaliaMath. 27.No doubt shee was vexed of the Deuill, to the entent that she shoulde perswade her husbande to geue no sentence vpon him, so that Satan might the longer haue had iurisdiction ouer mākynd. They know that he hath suppressed sinne and death, as it is

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