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1473 [1473]

K. Henry. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papistes.

written: Death is consumed into victory. Death vvhere is thy styng? Hell vvhere is thy victory? The styng of death is sinne: the styng of sinne is the lavv. But thankes be vnto God, vvhich hath geuen vs victory through our Lord Iesus Christ: MarginaliaOse. 13.
Heb. 2.
1. Cor. 15.
Rom. 8.
Who by sinne, damned sinne in the flesh. For god made him to be sinne for vs, that is to say, a sacrifice for our sinne (and so is sinne taken in many places) which knew no sinne, that we by his meanes should be that righteousnes which before god is allowed. It is not therfore sufficient to beleue that he is a Sauiour & redemer: but that he is a Sauiour and redemer vnto thee. &c

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Marginalia9. Article.9 Nombring of sinnes maketh a man a more sinner yea a blasphemer of the name of God. fol. 3 .

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this: Knowledge thy selfe a sinner, that thou mayest be iustified. Not that the n?bring of thy sinnes can make th? ryghteous, but rather a greater sinner, yea and a blasphemer of the holy name of God, as thou mayest see in Cain, which sayde that his sinnes were greater then that he might receaue forgeuenes, and so was a reprobate. &c.

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Marginalia10. Article.10 God byndeth vs to that which is impossible for vs to accomplishe. fol. 3.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this: If thou aske of me why he bindeth vs to that which is impossible for vs to accomplish: thou shalt haue S. Augustine aunswere, which saith in the second booke that he wrote to Hierome, that the law was geuen vs, that we might knowe what to do, and what to eschew, to the entent that when we see our selues not able to do that which we are bound to do, nor auoyd the contrary, we maye then knowe what we shall pray for, and of whom we shall aske this strength: so that we may say vnto our father: Good father commaund what soeuer it pleaseth thee, but geue vs the grace to fulfil that thou commaundest. And when we perceiue that we can not fulfill hys will, yet let vs confesse that the law is good and holy, and that we are sinners and carnall, sold vnder sinne. MarginaliaRom. 7.But let vs not here sticke: for now are we at hell gates, and doubtles should fall into vtter desperation, except God did bryng vs againe, shewing vs his gospell and promise, saying: Feare not litle flocke, for it is your fathers pleasure to geue you a kingdome. &c.MarginaliaLuke. 12.

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Marginalia11. Article.11 Synne can not condemne vs: for our satisfaction is made in Christ whiche dyed for vs. fol. 4.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this: Synne hath no power ouer vs, neither can condemne vs, for our satisfaction is made in Christ, which dyed for vs that were wicked, and naturally the children of wrath. But God vvhich is rich in mercy, through the great loue vvhere vvith he loued vs, euen vvhen vve vvere dead through sinne, hath quickned vs vvith Christ, and vvith him hath raysed vs vp, and vvith hym hath made vs sit in heauenly thinges through Iesus Christ, for to shevv in times to come, the exceeding ryches of his grace in kindnes tovvardes vs through Christ Iesus: for by grace are ye saued through faith, and that not of our selues, for it is the gifte of God, and commeth not of vvorkes, least any man should boast hym selfe. &c.MarginaliaEphes. 2.

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Marginalia12. Article.12 I will shewe thee an euident argument and reason that thou mayest know without doubte, who is Antichrist. Al they that do pursue, are Antichrists. The Pope, Byshops, Cardinals and their adherentes doe pursue: therfore the Pope, Byshops, and Cardinals, and theyr adherentes are Antichristes. I weene our Sillogismus bee well made. fol. 9.

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MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this: I wyll shewe thee an euident reason that thou mayest know without doubting which is the very Antichrist: and thys argument maye bee grounded of their furious persecution, which Paule doth confirme writing to the Galathians VVe (deare brethren) are the children of promise as Isaac vvas (not the sonnes of the bond woman as Ismael): but as he that vvas borne after the flesh did persecute him that vvas borne after the spirite, euen so is it novv. MarginaliaGalat. 4.Marke Paules reason. By Isaac are signified the elect, and by Ismael the reprobate. Isaac dyd not persecute Ismael, but contrarye, Ismaell did persecute Isaac. Now let vs make our reason.

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All they that do persecute are Ismaell, the reprobate,
and Antichristes.
But all the Popes, Cardinalls, Bishops, and their adhe-
rentes do persecute:
Therfore all the Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, and their
adherentes be Ismael, the reprobate, and Antichristes.

I wene our Syllogismus is wel made, and in the first figure.

Read the place and see hovv he proueth the partes of this argument more at large.

Marginalia13. Article.13 I thinke verely that so long as the successors of the Apostles were persecuted and marytred, there were good Christen men and no longer. fol. 10.

The bishops of Rome in the primitiue church vvere vnder persecution, the space vvelneare of. 300. yeares, vnder the vvhich persecution, as good as. 30. of them and moe dyed Martyrs. Since that time haue succeded. 204. Popes, vvhich haue lyued in great vvealth and abundance, amongest vvhom if the booke of Reuelation thincke that there is not. 4. to be found good christen men, I thinke no lesse but that he may so thinke vvithout any heresie.

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Marginalia14. Article.14 It is impossible that the worde of the Crosse should be without affliction and persecution. fol. 10.

S. Paule sayth: vvho so euer vvyll lyue vertuously in Christ Iesu, shall suffer persecution. And hovv th? can this be true in Paul, and in this man heresie?Marginalia1. Tim. 3.

Marginalia15. Article.15 That the Apostles did curse euer any man, truly we can not read in Scripture: for Christ comma?ded them to blesse those that cursed them. fol. 11.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.Vpon vvhat good ground of the Reuelation this heresie is vvr?g out, let the place be conferred, vvhich is vvritt? in these vvordes folovving: They are as mercifull as the Wolfe is on his pray. They wer ordeined to blesse men, but they curse as the deuil were in them. Paule sayth that he hath power to edifie, Marginalia1. Cor. 10.and not to destroy. Marginalia1. Cor. 13.But I wot not of whom these bloudy beasts haue their authoritie, which do so muche reioyce in cursing and destruction. We reade how Paule did excommunicate the Corinthian (and that for a great transgression) to the entent that he might be ashamed of his iniquitie,Marginalia1. Cor. 5.and desired agayne the Corinthians to receiue him with all charitie, Marginalia2. Cor. 2.but that the Apostles did curse any man, truely we can not reade in scripture, for Christ comma?ded them to blesse those that cursed them, and to pray for those that persecuted them. &c.

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Marginalia16. Article.16 By workes, superstitions, and ceremonyes, we decay from the fayth, which alone doth truly iustifye and make holy. fol. 15.

Note here (good Reader) hovv peruersly and corruptly this Article is dravven. For vvhere the place of the booke, vvhich is vvritten, fol. 15. expresly speaketh of trusting to vvoorkes, meaning that vve should put no confidence in vvoorkes, but onelye in fayth in Christ Iesus, MarginaliaFalse wrasting.thys Article to make it appeare more infamous and hereticall, leaueth out the false trust, and speaketh simply, as though vvorkes should decay fayth. Reade the place, vvhich is vvriten in these vvordes folovving: Daniell calleth not this word Peschaim any maner of sinne, but those speciall and chiefe sinnes which resist and fight against the truth and the fayth: as are the trusting in workes, superstitions, and ceremonies, by the which we decay from the fayth. &c

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Marginalia17. Article.17 The abusion of the Masse with all his solemnities, with vigils, yeare myndes, foundations, burials, and all the busines that is done for the dead, is but a face and a cloke of godlynes, and disceauyng of the people: as they were good woorkes, rather for the dead, then for the quicke. fol. 24.

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True godlynes consisteth in fayth, that is in the true knovvledge of the sonne of God vvhom he hath sent, and in the obseruation of Gods commaundementes. All other rites and additions instituted by man, are no part of true godlynes. And vvho so putteth confidence and trust therein, as beyng thynges meritorious for the dead, is deceaued. Such funerals S. Austen calleth rather resreshynges of the liuyng, then relieuinges and helpes of the dead.

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Marginalia18. Article.18 To keepe and obserue one day to fast, and an other to abstayne, to forbeare such a meate vppon the fastyng daye to deserue heauen thereby, is a wicked face and cloke, and agaynst Paul. fol. 29.

The truth of this Article is manifest enough, to be voyde of all errour and heresie, vnlesse it be heresie, to beleue and hold vvith the Scripture. S. Paul sayth, if heauen, and our righteousnes come by the lavv, then Christ dyed in vayne. Gal. 2.MarginaliaGalat. 2.

Marginalia19. Article.19 The multiplication of holy dayes, of feastes of Corpus Christi, of the visitation of our Lady. &c. is a wicked face and colour, and in deede foolishe, vnprofitable, and vayne. fol. 30:

This Article likevvise nedeth no declaration, conteynyng in it a true and necessary complaynt of such superfluous holy dayes of the Popes making. VVhich as they bryng vvith them much occasion of vvickednes, idlenes dronkennes, and vanitie, so hauyng also ioyned vnto th? opinion of Religion, and meritorious deuotion and Gods seruice, they gender superstition, and nourishe the people in the same.

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Marginalia20. Article.20 Keepyng of virginitie and chastitie of Religion is a deuilishe thyng. fol. 30.
