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1474 [1474]

K. Henry. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papistes.

MarginaliaAn other place falsly depraued by the Papistes.The place cited in the booke of the Reuelation of Antichrist, doth sufficiently open it selfe, speaking and meanyng onely of those Monkishe vovves, vvhiche by the canonicall constitution of the Pope are violently forced vpon Priestes & Monkes, the coaction vvhereof S. Paul doth rightly call the doctrine of deuils. And here note by the vvay an other tricke of a Popishe cauiller. For vvhere the vvordes of the booke speake playnly of the chastitie of the Religious, fraudulently turnyng it to an vniuersalitie, sayth, the chastitie of Religion, vvherby it might seme to the simple reader more odious and hereticall. The vvordes of the place be these.

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Keping of virginitie and chastitie of the religious, semeth to be a godly and a heauenly thing: but it is a deuilish thing. Of the which it is spokē in the 4. of the first Epistle to Timothee: Forbidding to marye. &c. Marginalia1. Tim. 4.where as againe our most reuerende father maketh that thing necessary, that Christ would haue free, whereof Daniel in the. xj. chap. speaketh: He shall not be desirous of vvomen. MarginaliaDan. 11.Here Daniel meaneth that he shall refuse and abstaine from mariage, for a cloke of godlynes, & not for loue of chastitie.

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Marginalia21. Article.21 Worshypping of Reliques is a proper thyng and a cloke of aduauntage agaynst the precept of God, and no thyng but the affection of men. fol. 30. 31.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.These be the vvordes in the Reuelat. This (the vvorshipping of Reliques he meaneth) is a proper and most frutefull cloke of aduauntage. Out of this were inuented innumerable pilgrimages, with the whiche the foolishe and vnlearned people might lose their labour, money and tyme, nothyng in the meane season regardyng their houses, wiues & children, cōtrary to the commaundement of God: when as they might do much better dedes to their neighbours, which is the precepte. &c.

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Marginalia22. Article.22 There is but one speciall office that pertayneth to thyne orders, & that is to preach the word of God. fol. 36.

MarginaliaRead afore pag. 1432. col. 2. lin. 75Of this matter sufficient hath bene sayd before in the 22. Article alledged out of the booke of the Obedience.

Marginalia23. Article.23 The Temple of God is not stones and woode, neither in þe tyme of Paul was there any house which was called the Temple of God. fol. 37.

The place of this Article is this. Whiche is an aduersary (the Pope he meaneth) and is exalted aboue all that is called God or that is worshipped: MarginaliaThe place speaking of the temple where Antichrist sitteth, is not so greuous as the Article that hee shall sit in the Temple of God and shewe hym selfe as God. Doth not he sit in the Tēple of God, whiche sayth and professeth hym selfe to be the master in the whole Churche? what is the Temple of God? Is it stones and woode? Doth not Paul say: The Temple of God is holy, whiche Temple are ye? Neither in the tyme of Paul was there any house, whiche was called the Temple of God, as we now call them. What meaneth this sittyng, but reignyng, teachyng, and iudgyng? Who syth the begynnyng of the Church, durst presume to call hym selfe the master of the whole Church, but onely the Pope? &c.

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Marginalia24. Article.24 He that fasteth no day, that sayth no Mattens, and doth none of the preceptes of the Pope, synneth not, if he thinke that he doth not sinne. fol. 43.

MarginaliaThe place is cleare and plaine without any daunger of heresie.The place in the Reuelation is this: Because hee feareth the consciences vnder the title & pretence of Christes name, he maketh of those thynges whiche in thē selues are no sinnes, very greuous offences. For he that beleueth that hee doth sinne if he eate flesh on the Apostles euen, or say not Mattens and Prime in the mornyng, or elles leaue vndone any of the Popes preceptes, no doubt he sinneth: Not because the dede whiche he doth is sinne, but because hee beleueth it is sinne and that agaynst this foolishe belief and conscience he offendeth. Of the whiche foolishe conscience onely the Pope is head author. For an other doyng the same deede, thynkyng that hee doth not sinne, truly offendeth not. And this is the cause that the spirit of Paul complaineth that many shall departe frō the fayth. MarginaliaTraditions how they doe hurte.And for this folish conscience mens traditiōs be pernicious & noysome, the snares of soules, hurting the faith and the libertie of the Gospel. If it were not for this cause, they should do no hurt. Therefore the deuill through the Pope abuseth these consciences to stablishe the lawes of his tyranny, to suppresse the faith and libertie, and to replenishe the world with errour, sinne and perdition. &c.

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Marginalia25. Article.25 Christ ordeyned the Sacrament of the aultar, onely to nourish the fayth of thē that liue: but the Pope maketh it a good woorke, and a sacrifice to bee applyed both to quicke and dead. fol. 48.

MarginaliaThe place toucheth the abuse of the Sacrament & is not agaynst the Sacrament.The place is this. Sathan hated the Sacrament and knew no waye how to suppresse and disanull it: Therfore he founde this craft, that the Sacrament (whiche Christ did onely ordeyne to nourishe and stablishe the fayth of them that lyue) should be counted for a good worke and sacrifice, & bought and sold: And so faith is suppressed and this holesome ministery is applyed, not to the quicke, but vnto the dead, that is is to say, neither to the quicke, neither yet to the dead. O this incredible fury of God. &c.

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Marginalia26. Article.26 These signes (hee speaketh of miracles & visions or apparitions) are not to the increase of the faith and Gospel, for they are rather agaynst the fayth and Gospel, and they are the operatiō of Sathan, and lying signes. fol. 49.

MarginaliaThe place cōteyneth a true complaint of false illusions, and may well be borne.The place is as folovveth. Who is able to number the monstrous marueils onely of thē that are departed? Good Lord, what a Sea of lyes hath inuaded vs, of apparitions, coniurynges, & aūsweres of spirites? By the which it is brought to passe, that the pope is also made the king of thē that are dead, and reigneth in Purgatory, to the great profit of his Priestes, whiche haue all their liuyng, riches, and pompe out of Purgatory: Howbeit they should haue lesse, if they did so well teach the fayth of them that lyue, as they do ridles of them that are dead. Neither was there syth the begynyng of the world, any worke found of so litle labour and great aduauntage. For truly to this purpose were gathered almost the possessions of all Princes and riche men. And through these riches sprang vp al pleasures & idlenes, and of idlenes came very Babylon and Sodoma. &c.

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Neither are these signes to the increase of the faith and Gospell (for they are rather agaynst the faith and Gospell) but they are done to stablishe the Tyrannye of these Marginalia* This booke of the Reuelation of Antichrist treating vpon the 8. chap. of Daniell, which there speaketh of the kyng of faces & ridles, alludeth here to the same.The place is sound & standeth well with Scripture.* faces and rydles, and to set vp and confirme the trust in workes. Amōg these illusions are those miracles to be reputed, whiche are shewed in visions, pilgrymages, and worshyppynges of Saintes, as there are plenty now a dayes, whiche the Pope confirmeth by his Bulles, yea and some time doth canonize Saintes that he knoweth not. Now behold what is the operation of Satan in lying signes. &c.

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Marginalia27. Article.27 The people of Christe doth nothyng because it is commaunded, but because it is pleasaunt and acceptable vnto them. fol. 63.

MarginaliaThe place giuen an other meaning then the article pretendeth.The vvordes out of the vvhich this article is gathered, are these: They are the people of Christ, which willyngly do heare & folow him: not for any feare of the law, but only intised and lead with a gracious libertie and faythfull loue: not doyng any thyng because it is commaunded, but because it is pleasaunt and acceptable vnto them though it were not cōmaunded: for they that would do otherwise should be counted the people of the law and Synagoge. &c.

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Marginalia28. Article.28 In the whole new law is no vrgent precept nor greuous, but onely exhortations to obserue thynges necessary for soule health. fol. 63.

MarginaliaThe place is sound & standeth well with Scripture.The place of this article gathered out of the Reuelat. is thys: A Christian shoulde woorke nothing by compulsion of the lawe, but all through the spirite of libertie, as Paule saith in the. 2. of the first Epistle to Timothee. The lavve is not geuen to a righteous man. Marginalia1. Tim. 2.For whatsoeuer is done by compulsion of the law, is sinne: for it is not done with a glad and wylling spirite, but with a contrarye wyll, and rebelling against the law, and this truly is sinne. Therefore in the. 4. of the second Epistle to the Corinthians, he calleth the preachers of the new testament, the Ministers of the spirite, and not of the letter, because they teach grace, and not the law. Marginalia2. Cor. 4.Wherefore in the whole new testamēt are ther no vrgent or greuous precepts, but onely exhortations to obserue those thinges which are necessarie to our health. Neyther did Christ and hys Apostles at any time compell any man. And the holy ghost was for that cause called Paracletus, that is to say, an exhorter and comforter. &c.

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Marginalia29. Article.29 All things necessary are declared in the new Testament: but no man is compelled, but to doe accordyng to theyr own will. Therfore Christ teacheth Mat. 18. that a rebell should not be kylled but auoyded. fol. 63. 66.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The vvordes in the Reuelat. are these. In the new Testament are all thynges declared, whiche we ought to do and leaue vndone:what reward is ordeyned for them that do & leaue vndone: and of whom to seeke, finde, and obteine helpe to do and leaue vndone: But no man is compelled, but suffered to do accordyng to their owne will. Therefore in the 18. of Matthew he teacheth that a rebell should not be killed, but auoyded and put out of company like a Gentile. &c.

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Marginalia30. Article.30 Chirst forbad that one place shold bee taken as holy and an other prophane: but would that all places should be indifferent. fol. 65.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place is this. Chirst takyng away the difference of all places, will be worshipped in euery place. Neither is there in
