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K. Henry. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papistes.

MarginaliaThe Pope maketh difference of places: but the Gospell maketh none.hys kyngdome one place holy and an other prophane: but all places are indifferent, neither canst thou more hartely & better beleue, trust, and loue God in the Temple, at the altare, in the Churchyard, thē in thy barne, vineyard, kytchen, or bed. And to bee short, the Martyrs of Christ haue honoured him in darke dungeons and prisons. &c.

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Marginalia31. Article.31 He rayleth agaynst all the rites and ceremonyes of the Masse, as he were mad. fol. 68.

MarginaliaThys place noteth onely the preposterous iudgement of them, which set more by the preceptes of men, then by the commaundementes of God: and yet herein he vseth no tailing terme.The place out of the vvhiche this Article is collected, is as follovveth. If a Nunne touch the superaltare or the Corpores (as they call it) it is a sinne. To touch the chalice is a great transgression. To say Masse with an vnhallowed Chalice, is a greuous offence. To doe sacrifice in vestimentes which are not consecrated, is a haynous crime. It is reputed for a sinne if in ministryng any Sacrament, the Priest do lacke any ornament that pertaineth thereunto. If he call a childe, or speake in the wordes of the Canon, it is a sinne. He offendeth also that doth stutte or stammer in the wordes of the Canon. He sinneth that toucheth the holy Reliques of Saintes. He that toucheth the Sacrament of the altare either with hand or finger, though it be for necessitie to plucke it from the roufe of his mouth, committeth such vilanous iniquitie, that they will scrape and shaue of the quicke fleshe from the parte which did touch it. I thinke at length they will fley the toung, the roufe of the mouth, the throte, and the bely, because they touch the Sacrament. But to hurt thy neighbour, or priuily to conuey awaye any of his goodes, or nor to helpe hym in his neede, is in a maner neuer counted for sinne, nor yet regarded. &c.

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Marginalia32. Article.32 No labour is now a dayes more tedious then saying of Masse and Mattens. &c. whiche before God are nothyng but greuous synnes. fol. 70.

Marginalia33. Article.33 The synnes of Manasses and other wicked kynges sacrificyng their owne children, are but light and childish offenses to these. The cursed sacrifices of þe Gentiles may not be compared to ours: we are vij. tymes worse Gentiles then we were before we knew Christ. fol. 70.

MarginaliaThys place may seeme to speake somewhat vehementld peraduenture, but yet I see no heresie in it.The vvordes out of the vvhiche these tvvo Articles are gathered, are these. They are so oppressed (those hee meaneth vvhiche are vnder the seruitude of the Popd lavves and Decrees) that they fulfill them onely with the outwarde worke: for their willes are cleane contrary, as we see by experience in the troublesome busines of Vigilles, Masses, and Houres, whiche both must be sayd and song. In the whiche they labour with such weerines, that now a dayes no labour is more tedious. Yet neuerthelesse the cruel exactours of these most hard workes, compell men to worke such thinges without ceasing, which before God are nothyng but greuous sinnes: although before men they bee good workes and counted for the seruice of God. Here are inuented the intisementes of the senses through organes, musicke, and diuersitie of songes: but these are nothyng to the spirite, whiche rather is extincte through these wanton trifles. Ah Christ, with what violence, with what power are they driuen headlong to sinne, and perishe through this abomination?

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It is horrible to looke in to these cruell wherlepoles of consciences, whiche perish with so great paynes and labour. what light offences to these are the sinnes wherein Manasses, and other wicked kyngs sinned by doyng sacrifice with their owne children and progenie? Marginalia3. Reg. 21.Truly the cursed sacrifices of the most rude gentles, no not of the Lestrigones, MarginaliaLestrigones were a people or giantes about the borders of Italie, who as Homere sayth, vsed to eate mens fleshe.may be compared vnto ours. The saying of Christ may be verified in vs: seuen more wicked spirites make the ende worse then the begynnyng. For I say that we gentiles are worse seuen tymes then we were before we knew Christ. &c.

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Marginalia34. Article.34 It were better to receaue neither of the partes of the Sacrament of the Aultar, then the one alone. fol. 73.

MarginaliaThe truth of this place may well be aduouched by good reason.The vvordes be these. Playnly I thincke that the whole is taken awaye, sith I see manifestly the one parte gone (for the bread and the wyne is but one Sacrament) the other is left onely for a laughyng stocke. For hee that in one parte offendeth agaynst God, is giltie in all. Therefore it were better to receiue neither of the partes, then the one alone: for so we might the more surely eschew the trāsgression of that which Christ did institute. &c.

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Marginalia35. Article.35 The law of the Pope that commaundeth euery mā to communicate together vpon one day, is a most cruell law, constraynyng men to their owne destruction. fol. 73

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place is this. Hee (the Pope hee meaneth) settyng a most cruell and deadly snare to tangle the consciences, suffereth not the vse of this Sacrament to be free, but compelleth all together on one certain day once in the yeare to commu-MarginaliaMen ought not to be driuen to the communion against theyr wille, but to be exhorted, and to theirnicate. Here I pray thee good Christen brother, how many doest thou thinke do communicate onely by the compulsiō of this precepte, whiche truly in their hart had leuer not to communicate? And al these sinne (for they do not communicate in spirite, that is to say, neither in fayth nor will, but by the compulsion of this letter and law) sith that this bread requireth a hungry and not a full hart, and much lesse a disdaynyng and hatefull minde. And of all these sinnes the Pope is authour, constrainyng all men by his most cruell law to their own destruction, where as he ought to leaue this communion free to euery man, and onely call and exhorte them, and not compell and driue them vnto it. &c.

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Marginalia36. Article.36 The spirite would that nothyng should be done, but that which is expreslye rehearsed in Scripture. fol. 81.

MarginaliaIn thynges perteyning to gods worship, it is true.In thynges appertaynyng to Gods vvorshyp and seruice, true it is that hee is not to bee vvorshypped, but onely accordyng to that vvhiche he hath reueled and expressed vnto vs in hys ovvne vvord. And this is the meanyng of the authour, as by hys vvordes doth plainlye appeare.

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Marginalia37. Article.37 Saint Thomas de Aquino sauoreth nothyng of the spirite of God. fol. 83.

MarginaliaThomas Aquine.The doctrine of Thomas Aquine referreth the greatest, or a very great part of our ryghtuousnes to opus operatum, and vnto merites. The spirite of God referreth all our righteousnes before God, onely to our fayth in Christ. Novv hovv these sauour together, let any indifferent reader iudge.

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Marginalia38. Article.38 The Pope dyd cōdemne the truth of þe word of God openly at Constaunce in Iohn Husse, perseueryng vnto this day in the same stubbernes. fol. 86.

MarginaliaIohn Hus.Touchyng the condemnation of Iohn Hus, and the maner of hys handlyng, and the cause of hys death, read his story before beginnyng pag. 701. and consider moreouer hys Prophesie of the hundreth yeares after hym expired pag. 747. hovv truly the sequele did folovv in M. Luther, and then iudge of hys cause, good reader, as the truth of Gods vvorde shall lead thee. And thus much concernyng these slaunderous Articles.

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MarginaliaArticles out of the Sūme of the scripture.¶ Here folow other heresies and errours, collected by the Bishops out of the booke named the Summe of the Scripture, with the places of the booke annexed to the same.

Marginalia1. Article.THe water of the fount hath no more vertue in it then hath any other water. fol. 1.

Marginalia2. Article.2 The water of Baptisme lyeth not in hallowed water or in other outward thyng, but onely in fayth. fol. 6.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place of these two articles gathered out of the Summe of the Scripture is this. The water of Baptisme taketh not away our sinne: for then were it a precious water, and then it behoued vs dayly to wash our selues therin. Neither hath the water of the Fount more vertue in it selfe, then the water that runneth in the riuer of Rhene. When Philip baptised the Eunuch, the seruant of Candace the Quene of Ethiope, there was then no hallowed water, nor candel, nor salt nor creame, neither white habite: but he baptised him in the first water they came to vpon the waye. MarginaliaActes. 8.Here mayest thou perceiue that the vertue of Baptisme lieth not in hallowed water, or in the outward things that we haue at the Founte, but in the fayth onely. &c. Christ hath healed vs (sayth Saint Paule) by the bathe of regeneration and renouation of the holy ghost.MarginaliaTit. 3.

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Marginalia3. Article.3 Godfathers and Godmothers bee bounde to helpe their childrē that they be put to schole, that they may vnderstand the Gospell, and the Epistles of S. Paul. fol. 15

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place of this article gathered out of the said boke, is this: The Godfathers and Godmothers be bound to helpe the chyldren that they be put to schole, to the entent that they maye vnderstand the Gospel, the ioyfull message of God, with the Epistles of S. Paule. God hath commaunded to publishe, and to shew the Gospell, not onely to Priestes, but to euerye creature. Goe ye (saith Christ vnto his Disciples) into the vniuersall world, & preach the Gospell to euery creature. MarginaliaMark. 16.For we be all equally bound to know the Gospell and the doctrine of the new testament. &c. And Saint Paule writing to the Corinth. confesseth that he sendeth his Epistles to all the Church, that is to say, to all the assemble of Christen men, and to all them that call on the name of Iesus. &c.

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Marginalia4. Article.4 We thinke when we beleue that God is God, and can our Crede, that we haue the fayth that a Christiā mā is bound to haue: but so doth the deuill beleue. fol. 17.

Marginalia5. Article.5 To beleue that the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost be one God, is not the principall that we must beleue: our fayth doth not lye principally in that: for so beleueth the deuill. fol. 18.

MarginaliaThe place annexed.The place out of the which these two articles are collected, is this: We thinke, when we beleue that God is God, and can
