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K. Henry. 8. Heresies falsely gathered by the Papistes.

our Crede, that we haue the fayth which a Christian is bound to haue. The deuill beleueth also that there is a God and a life euerlasting, and a hel, but he is neuer the better for it: and he tr?bleth alway for this fayth, as sayth Saint Iames: The deuils beleue, and they tremble. MarginaliaIam. 2.A man might aske, what shal I then beleue? MarginaliaWhat true faith is thatThou shalt beleue plainly and vndoubtedlye, that the father, the sonne, and the holy ghost is one onely God &c. But this likewyse beleue the wicked spirites, and are nothing the better therefore. There is yet an other fayth which Christ so much requireth of vs in the Gospell, and whereunto also Saint Paule almost in all hys Epistles so strongly exhorteth vs: that is, that we beleue the Gospell, when our Lorde beganne first to preach, he sayd (as rehearseth saynt Marke) repent and beleue the Gospel. MarginaliaMark. 1.Of this fayth, read before in the first article gathered out of the wicked Mammon, and in the. ix. and. x. of the Reuelation of Antichrist.

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Marginalia6. Article.6 If we beleue that God hath promised vs euerlastyng lyfe, it is impossible that we should perish. fol. 20.

Lo here good Reader, an other manifest example of the vnhonest dealing and false cogging of these men. For where the place of the author speaketh expressely of putting our trust in God and hys promises, MarginaliaThe place of the author falsely wrasted.the article pretely leaueth out our trustyng in Gods promise, and sayth onely: if we beleue that God hath promised. Reade the place and conferre it with the article and then iudge whether there be no difference betwen trusting in the promise that God hath made of euerlastyng lyfe, and beleuing onely that God hath made the promyse of euerlastyng lyfe. The place here foloweth as it is there written.

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When with a perfect courage we put all our trust in God & in his promises, it is impossible that we should perish, for he hath promised vs lyfe euerlasting. And for as much as he is almightie, he may well performe that that he hath promised: & in that he is mercyfull and true, he wyl performe his promise made vnto vs, if we can beleue it stedfastly, and put all our trust in hym.

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Marginalia7. Article.7 If thou canst surely and stedfastly beleue in God, he will hold hys promise. For hee hath bounde hym selfe to vs, and by hys promise he oweth vs heauen, in case that we beleue hym. fol. 21.

MarginaliaTrue doctrine made heresie.Seyng all our hope standeth onely vpon the promise of God, what heresie then is in thys doctrine to say, that God oweth vs heauen by hys promyse, which is no other to meane, but that God can not breake promise. And now iudge thou good Reader, whether is more heresy to saye, that God oweth vs heauen by hys promyse, as we say: or this, that God oweth vs heauen by the condignitie and congruitie of our woorkes, as the Papistes say?

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Marginalia8. Article.8 All Christes glory is ours. fol. 27.

Marginalia9. Article.9 We neede not to labour for to bee Christes heyres and sonnes of God, and to haue heauen: for we haue all these thynges already. fol. 24.

The wordes out of the which these two heresies are gathered, be these: We be made his heires, and all his glory is ours, as S. Paule largely declareth. This hath God geuen vs without our deseruing and we nede not to labour for these thinges, for all these we haue already. &c.

MarginaliaTrue doctrine made heresie.They which note these articles for heresie, by the same iudgement they may make heresy of S. Iohns Gospell, and of Paules Epistles, and of all together. S. Iohn sayth, the glorye which thou gauest me, I haue giuen them that they may be one, as we also are one. MarginaliaIoh. 7.As many as receiued him, to them gaue he power to be the sonnes of God. MarginaliaIohn. 1.Saynt Paule sayth: The same spirite certifieth our spirite, that we are the sonnes of God. If wee be sonnes then are we also heyres, the heyres I meane of God, and heires annexed wyth Christ.MarginaliaRom. 8.

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Marginalia10. Article.10 We neede not to labour by our good workes to get euerlastyng lyfe: for we haue it already: we bee all Iustifyed: we be all the children of God. fol. 28.

Marginalia11. Article.11 All that thinketh that good workes helpe or profite any thyng to get the gyft of saluation, they blaspheme agaynst God, and robbe God of hys honour. fol. 28.

Marginalia12. Article.12 If we bee circumcised, that is to say, if we put any trust in workes, Christ shall not helpe vs. fol. 28.

Marginalia13. Article.13 We deserue nothyng of God. fol. 30.

Marginalia14. Article.14 Wee deserue not euerlastyng lyfe by our good workes: for God hath promised it vnto vs before that we began to do good. fol. 40.

Marginalia15. Article.15 Euery Christen man must kepe Gods commaundementes by loue, and not by hope, to get for hys seruice euerlastyng lyfe. fol. 42.

Marginalia16. Article.16 The Iewes kept the commaundementes, and the law of God: yet they could not come to heauen. fol. 43.

Marginalia17. Article.17 Men trustyng in their good workes, are like to the theefe on the left side, and are such men as commeth to the Church dayly, kepeth holy dayes and fastyng dayes, and heareth Masses, and these people be sonest damned: for, this is one of the greatest errours in Christendome, to thincke that thy good workes shall helpe to thy saluation. fol. 47.

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MarginaliaTrue Christianitie turned to heresie.If these articles be made heresie, whych referre the benefite of our inheritance of life and saluati? to Gods gift, and not to our labours: to grace, and not to merites: to fayth, and not to the law of workes, then let vs shut vp cleane the new testament, & away with Gods word and set vp a new diuinitie of the Popes making, yea let vs leaue Christ wyth his hereticall Gospell, and in his stede set vp the bishop of Rome wyth hys Talmud, and become the disciples of hys decretals. And certes, except christen Princes begynne bytyme to take some zeale of God vnto them, & looke more seriously vpon the matter, the procedinges of these men seme to tend to litle better, th? to driue vs at l?gth from true christianitie, to an other kynde and forme of religion of their own inuention, if they haue not brought it welnere to passe alreadye.

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Marginalia18. Article.18 To serue God in a tediousnes, or for feare of hell, or for the ioyes of heau?, is but shadowes of good workes, and such seruice doth not please God. fol. 41.

MarginaliaThese conteine no matter eyther of errour or heresie.The place is this: Workes done in fayth, be alonely pleasant vnto God, and worthy to be called good workes: for they be the workes of the holy ghost that dwelleth in vs by this fayth. But they that are done by tediousnes and euyll wyll, for feare of hell, or for desire of heauen, be nothing els but shadowes of workes, making hipocrites. The end of our good woorkes is onelye to please God, knowledging that if we doe neuer so much, we can neuer do our duty: for they that for feare of hell, or for the ioyes of heauen do serue God, doo a constrayned seruice, which God wyll not haue. Suche people doo not serue God because he is their God and their father, but to haue their rewarde and to auoyde hys punishmentes, and suche people are hyred men, and waged seruantes, and are not children. But the children of God serue their father for loue. &c.

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Marginalia19. Article.19 We must loue death, and more desire to dye, then to feare death. fol. 36.

Although our nature be frayle and full of imperfection, so that we do not as we should, yet doyng as we ought, and as we are lead by the scriptures to do, we should not dread, but desire rather to dye, and to bee with Christ, as the place it selfe doth well declare, which is this.

MarginaliaThe place is sound and perfecte.We must loue death, and more desire to dye and to bee wyth God, as dyd S. Paule, then to feare death. For Iesus Christ dyed for vs, to the entent that we shoulde not feare to dye, and he hath slayne death and destroyed the styng of death, as wryteth S. Paule, saying: O death where is thy stinge? Death is swallowed vp in victory. Marginalia1. Cor. 15.And to the Philippians: Christ is to me lyfe, and death is to me aduauntage.MarginaliaPhilip. 1.

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Marginalia20. Article.20 God made vs hys children and hys heyres, whyle we were his enemies, and before we knew him. fol. 44.

MarginaliaHeresie made where none is.I maruaile what the Papistes meane in their Registers to condemne this article as an heresye, vnlesse their purpose be vtterly to impugne and gaynstand the scripture, and the writinges of S. Paule, who in the fyft chapter to the Romaines, and other his Epistles, importeth euen the same doctrine in all respectes, declaring in formall words, that we be made the chyldren and heires of God, and that we were reconciled vnto hym when we were hys enemies.MarginaliaRom. 5.

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Marginalia21. Article.21 It were better neuer to haue done good worke, and aske mercy therfore, then to do good workes, and thinke that for them God is bound to a man by promise. fol. 48.

Marginalia22. Article.22 We can shewe no more honour to God, then fayth and trust in hym. fol. 48.

MarginaliaWhat heresie can be drawen out of thys place.The place out of the which these two articles are gathered, is this: It were better for thee a thousand folde that thou haddest bene a sinner, and neuer done good deede, and to acknowledge thine offences and euyll lyfe vnto God, asking mercy with a good hart, lamenting thy sinnes, then to haue done good workes and in them to put thy trust, thinking that therefore God were bound to thee. There is nothing, which (after the maner of speaking) bindeth God, but fyrme and stedfast faith and trust in hym and hys promises. &c. For we can shewe vnto God no greater honour, then to haue fayth and trust in hym: for who so euer doth that, hee confesseth that God is true, good, mighty, and mercifull. &c.

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Marginalia23. Article.23 Fayth without good workes is no litle nor no feble fayth, but it is no fayth. fol. 50.

Marginalia24. Article.24 Euery man doth as much as he beleueth. fol. 50.

The place out of the which these two articles be gathered, is this: If thy fayth induce thee not to do good workes, then hast thou not the right fayth: thou doest but onely thinke that thou hast it. For S. Iames sayth, that fayth without woorkes is dead in it selfe. MarginaliaIames. 2.He sayth not that it is litle or feeble, but that it is dead, and that is dead, is not. MarginaliaHeresie picked out where none is.Therfore when thou art not moued by fayth vnto the loue of God, and by the loue of god vnto good workes, thou hast not faith, but fayth is deade in thee, for the spirite of God that by fayth commeth into our hartes to styrre vp loue, cannot be idle. Euery one doth as muche as hee beleueth, and loueth as much as he hopeth, as writeth S. Iohn. He that hath this hope that he is the s?ne of God, purifieth him selfe as he is pure. Marginalia1. Iohn. 3.He saith not, he that purifieth him selfe hath this hope: for the hope must come before, proceeding from the fayth, as it behoueth that the tree must first be good which must bring forth good fruite.

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