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1484 [1484]

K. Henry. 8. Persecution in Scotland. George Wysehart, Martyr.

desire to be hard for three causes.

MarginaliaThree causes why Maister Wysehart deserued to be heard.The first is, because thorow preachyng of the worde of God, his glory is made manifest. It is reasonable therfore, for the auauncyng of the glory of God, that ye heare me teachyng truely the pure worde of God without any dissimulation.

MarginaliaThe 2. cause.The second reason is, because that your health spryngeth of the worde of God: for hee worketh all thyng by hys word. It were therfore an vnrighteous thyng, if ye should stoppe your eares from me, teachyng truly the worde of God.

MarginaliaThe 3. cause.The third reason is, because your doctrine vttereth many blasphemous and abominable woordes, not comming of the inspiration of God, but of the deuill, with no lesse perill then of my life. It is iust therfore and reasonable your discretions to know what my wordes and doctrine are, and what I haue euer taught in my tyme in this realme, that I perishe not vniustly, to the great perill of your soules. Wherfore both for the glory and honour of God, your owne health, and sauegarde of my lyfe, I beseche your discretions to heare me, and in the meane tyme I shall recite my doctrine without any colour.

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MarginaliaM. Wysehartes doctrine.First and chiefly, since  

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That is, since his return from England in 1543 or 1544.

the time I came into this Realme, I taught nothyng, but the x. commaundementes of God, the xij. Articles of the fayth, and the Prayer of the Lord in the mother toūg. Moreouer, in Dundie I taught the Epistle of S. Paul to the Romaines. And I shall shewe your discretions faythfully what fashion and maner I vsed when I taught, without any humaine dreade, so that your discretions geue me your eares beneuolente and attente.

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Sodenly then with an high voyce cried the accuser, the fed sow: MarginaliaThe cry of the scribes and Phariseis.thou hereticke, runnagate, traitour and theefe, it was not lawfull for thee to preach. Thou hast taken the power at thine own hand, wythout any authority of the church. We forethinke that thou hast ben a Preacher so long. Then all the whole congregation of the Prelats wyth their complices, said these wordes: If we geue hym licence to preach, hee is so craftye, and in the holy scripture so exercised, that he wyll perswade the people to hys opinion, and rayse them agaynst vs.

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MarginaliaMaister Wysehart apealeth to the Gouernour.Maister George seing their malicious and wicked entent, appealed from the Lord Cardinall to the Lord Gouernour, as to an indifferent and equall Iudge. To whom the accuser Iohn Lauder aforesayde, wyth Hoggish voyce answered: Is not  

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A statement reflecting the fact that, while the earl of Arran remained governor in name, Cardinal Beaton dominated Scotland's government in fact. Arran was suspected to be a friend of evangelicals, if not actually one himself: hence Wishart's appeal.

my Lorde Cardinall the second person wythin thys realme, MarginaliaThe stile & titles of the Archb. of S. Andrewes.Chauncelour of Scotland, Archb. of S. Andrewes, Bishop of Meropois, Commendator of Aberbrothoke, Legatus natus, Legatus a latere? and so reciting, as many tytles of hys vnworthy honors, as woulde haue loden a shyp, much sooner an Asse, is not he (quoth Iohn Lauder) an equall Iudge apparantly vnto thee? Whom other desirest thou to be thy Iudge?

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To whom this humble man aunswered, saying: I refuse not my Lord Cardinall, but I desire the woorde of God to be my Iudge, and the temporall estate, with some of your Lordships mine auditors, because I am here my Lord Gouernours prisoner. Whereupon the pridefull and scornefull people that stoode by, mocked hym saying: MarginaliaThe wordes of the people agaynst the Lord Gouernour.Such man, such Iudge, speaking sedicious and reprochfull wordes agaynst the Gouernour and other the Nobles, meaning them also to be heretickes. And incontinent wythout all delaye they woulde haue geuen sentence vpon Maister George, and that without farther processe, had not certayne men there counselled the Cardinall to reade agayne the articles, and to heare hys aunswers thereupon, that the people might not complayn of hys wrongful condemnation.

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And shortly to declare, these were the articles following wyth hys aunswers, as far as they would geue him leaue to speake. For when he entended to mitigate their leasinges, and shew the maner of his doctrine, by and by they stopped his mouth with an other article.

Marginalia1. Article.1. THou false hereticke, runnagate, traitour, and thefe, deceiuer of the people, thou despisest the holy Church, & in like case contēnest my lord Gouernours authority. And this we know for surety, that when thou preachedst in Dundy, and wast charged by my Lord Gouernours authority to desist: neuertheles thou wouldest not obey, but perseueredst in the same: and therefore the Bishop of Brothen cursed thee, and deliuered thee into the Deuyls handes, and gaue thee in commaundement that thou shouldest preach no more. That notwithstanding thou dyddest continue obstinatelye.

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MarginaliaAunswere.My Lordes, I haue read in the Actes  

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Acts 5:29.

of the Apostles, that it is not lawfull to desist from the preachyng of the Gospell for the threates and manases of men. Therefore it is written: We shall rather obey God then men. MarginaliaAct. 5.I haue also read in the Prophet Malachie  
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Malachi 2:2.

: I shall curse your blessinges, and blesse your cursinges, MarginaliaMalach. 2.beleuing firmlye, that the Lord will turne your cursings into blessings.

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Marginalia2. Article.2 Thou false hereticke dydst saye, that the Priest standyng at the altar saying Masse, was like a Foxe wagging his tayle in Iulye.

MarginaliaAunswere.My Lordes I sayd not so. These were my sayinges: The mouing of the body outward, without the inward mouing of the hart, is nought els, but the playing of an Ape, and not the true seruing of God: for God is a secrete searcher of mens harts. Therefore who wyll truly adore and honour God, he must in spirite and veritye honour hym. Then the accuser stopped hys mouth wyth an other article.

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Marginalia3. Article.4 Thou false hereticke preachedst against the sacraments, saying: that there were not. vij. sacramentes.

Of the 7. Sacramentes.
My Lordes, and it be your pleasures, I neuer taught of the number of the Sacramentes, whether they were seuen or eleuen. So many as are instituted by Christ, and are shewed to vs by the Euangel, I professe openly. Except it be the word of God, I dare affirme nothing.

Marginalia4. Article.4 Thou false hereticke, hast openly taught, that auriculer confession is not a blessed Sacrament. And thou sayest that we should onely confesse vs to God, and to no Priest.

Confession what it is, and to whom it ought to be made.
My Lordes, I say that auricular confession, seing that it hath no promesse of the Euangel, therfore it cannot be a sacrament. Of the confession to be made to God, there are many testimonies in scripture, as when Dauid saith: I thought I woulde knowledge my iniquitie agaynst my self vnto the Lord, and he forgaue the punishment of my sinne. Psal. 32.  

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Psalm 32:5.

Here cōfession signifieth the secrete knowledging of our sinnes before God. When I exhorted the people in this maner, I reproued no maner of confession. And farther S. Iames  
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James 5:16.

saith: Knowledge your faultes one to an other, and pray one for an other that you may bee healed. MarginaliaIames. 5.When that he had said these wordes, the bishops & their complices cried and grinned with their teeth, saying: se ye not what colors he hath in his speaking, that he may begile vs and seduce vs to his opinion?

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Marginalia5. Article.5 Thou hereticke dydst say openly, that it was necessary to euery man, to know and vnderstand his baptisme, and what it was, contrarye to generall Councels and the states of holy Church.

MarginaliaAunswere.My Lordes, I beleue there be none so vnwise here, that will make marchandise with a French man, or any other vnknowen straunger, except he know and vnderstand fyrst the condition or promise made by the French mā or straunger. MarginaliaBaptisme, how necessary it is to bee knowen of all men.So likewise I would þt we vnderstode what thing we promise in the name of the Infant vnto God in Baptisme. MarginaliaConfirmation wherfore it serueth.For this cause I beleue ye haue confirmation. Then sayd Maister Bleiter Chaplen, that hee had the Deuil within him, and the spirite of errour. Thē aunswered hym a Chylde, saying: MarginaliaEx ore infantium.the Deuill can not speake such wordes as yonder man doth speake.

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Marginalia6. Article.6 Thou hereticke, traitour, and theefe, thou saidest that the Sacrament of the aultar was but a peece of bread baken vpon the ashes, and no other thing els, and all that is there done, is but a supersticious rite against the commaundemēt of God.

The Papistes reproued of lyers and misreporters.
Oh Lord God, so manifest lyes and blasphemies the scripture doth not teach you. As concerning the Sacrament of the altar (my Lords) I neuer taught any thing agaynst the scripture, the whych I shall (by Gods grace) make manifest this day, I being readye therefore to suffer death.

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The lawfull vse of this sacrament is most acceptable

YYY. iiij.