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1488 [1488]

K. Henry. 8. Persecution in Scotland. Adam Wallace, Martyr.

was imagined in this countrye of before, and shall be sufficiently proued, that ye can not deny it: and I forethinke that it should be heard, for hurting of weake consciences. Now I wyll ye thee no more, and and thou shalt heare the poyntes that thou art accused of.

Adam Wallace aliâs Feane, thou art openly delated & accused for preachyng, saying & teaching of the blasphemies and abominable heresies vnderwritten. MarginaliaThe Sacrament of the popishe altar.In the first thou hast said and taught, that the bread and wyne on the altar, after the wordes of consecration, are not the body and bloud of Iesu Christ. He turned to the Lord Gouernour, and Lords aforesayd, saying: MarginaliaThe doctrine of Adam VVallace touchyng the Sacrament of the Lordes bodye.I said neuer, nor taught nothing, but that I found in this booke and writ (hauyng there a Bible at his belte, in French, Dutch and English) which is the worde of God, and if you will be content that the Lord God and hys word be Iudge to me and thys hys holy wryt, here it is, and where I haue sayd wrong, I shall take what punishment you wyll put to me: for I neuer sayde nothyng concernyng this that I am accused of, but that whych I found in thys wryt.

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What diddest thou say, sayd þe accuser? I said (quoth he) that after our Lorde Iesus Christ had eaten the Pascall Lambe in hys latter Supper wyth hys Apostles, and fulfilled the ceremonies of the olde lawe, hee instituted a new Sacrament in remembraunce of hys death then to come. He tooke bread, hee blessed, and brake it, and gaue it to hys Disciples, and sayd: Take ye, eate ye, thys is my body, which shall be broken and geuen for you: And likewyse the cuppe, bleßed, and badde them drinke all thereof, for that was the cup of the new testament, whych should be shed for the forgeuing of many. How oft ye doo thys, doo it in my remembraunce.  

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This does not follow any of the Biblical institution narratives precisely, but is closest to Luke 22:19-20.

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MarginaliaMath. 26.Then sayd þe B. of S. Andrewes, and the Official of Lowthiane, wyth the Deane of Glasgue, and many other Prelates: MarginaliaThe Archbishop of S. Andrewes speaketh.We know this wel enough. The earle of Huntly sayd: thou aunswerest not to that which is laid to thee: say either nay or yea therto. He answered, if ye wyll admit God & hys word spoken by the mouth of hys blessed sonne Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour, ye wyll admitie that I haue sayd: for I haue sayde or taught nothing, but that the word, which is the trial and touchstone sayth, whych ought to be Iudge to me, and to all the world.MarginaliaThe Earle of Huntly speaketh.

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Why (quoth the Earle of Huntly) hast thou not a Iudge good enough? and trowest thou that we knowe not God and hys word? Aunswer to that is spoken to thee: and then they made the accuser speake the same thyng ouer agayne. Thou saydest (quoth the accuser) and hast taught, that the bread and wyne in the Sacrament of the altar, after the wordes of the consecration, are not the body & bloud of our Sauior Iesus Christ.

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He aunswered: I sayde neuer more then the wryt sayth, nor yet more then I haue sayde before. For I know well by S. Paule  

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I Corinthians 11:27, 29.

when he sayth: Whosoeuer eateth thys bread, & drinketh of thys cup vnworthely, receaueth to hym selfe damnation. Marginalia1. Cor. 11.And therefore when I taught (whych was but seldome, and to them onely which required and desired me) I sayd, that if the Sacrament of the altar were truly ministred, and vsed as the Sonne of the lyuing God did institute it, where that was done, there was God hym selfe by hys diuine power, by the whych he is ouer all.

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The bishop of Orkney asked him: Beleuest thou not (sayd he) that the bread and wyne in the Sacramēt of the altar, after the wordes of the consecration, is the very body of God, flesh, bloud, and bone?

He aunswered: I wot not what that woord consecration meaneth. MarginaliaAdam Wallace aūswereth be hys Crede.I haue not muche Latin, but I beleue that the Sonne of God was conceaued of the holy Ghost, and borne of the virgin Mary, and hath a naturall bodye wyth handes, feete, and other members, and in the same bodye he walked vp and downe in the world, preached, and taught, hee suffered death vnder Pontius Pilate, was crucified, deade, and buried, andthat by hys godly power he raysed that same bodye agayne the thyrd day: and the same bodye ascended into heauen, and sitteth on the ryght hand of the father, whych shall come agayne to iudge both the quicke and dead. MarginaliaChristes naturall body can not be in two places at once.And that thys bodye is a naturall bodye wyth handes and feete, and can not be in two places at once, he sheweth well hym selfe: For the whych euerlastyng thankes bee to hym that maketh thys matter cleare. When the woman brake the oyntment on him, aunswering to some of hys disciples which grudged therat, he sayd  

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Matthew 26:11.

: The poore shall you haue alwaies with you, but me shall you not haue alwayes, MarginaliaMath. 26.meanyng of hys naturall body. And likewyse at hys ascension sayde he to the same Disciples that were fleshly, and woulde euer haue had hym remayning wyth them corporally  
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John 16:7.

: Jt is needefull for you that I passe awaye, for if I passe not away, the comforter the holy Ghost shal not come to you MarginaliaIohn. 16.(meaning that hys naturall body behoued to be taken away from them)  
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Apparently an amalgam of John 16:33 and Matthew 28:20.

: But be stout and of good chere, for I am wyth you vnto the worldes end.MarginaliaMath. 28.
Iohn. 16.

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MarginaliaThe eatyng of the very fleshe of Christ profiteth nothyng.And that þe eating of his very flesh profiteth not, may well be knowē by hys wordes which he spake in þe vj. of Iohn, where after that he had sayd  

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John 6:53, 60-63.

: Except ye eate my flesh and drinke my blould, ye shall not haue lyfe in you: MarginaliaIohn. 6.they murmuring thereat, he reproued them for their grosse and fleshly taking of his wordes, and sayd: What will ye thinke when ye see the sonne of man ascend to the place that it came fro? It is the spirit that quickneth, the flesh profiteth nothing, to be eaten as they tooke it, & euen so take ye it.

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It is an horrible heresie, sayd the bishop of Orknay. MarginaliaThe B. of Orknay speaketh.When he began to speake againe, and bad the Lord Gouernour iudge if he had right by the wryt, the accuser cryed: Ad secundam. Nunc ad secundam, aunswered the Archbishop of S. Andrewes.

MarginaliaThe second article agaynst Adā Wallace.Then was he biddē to heare þe accuser, who propoūded the second article, and sayde: Thou saydedst lykewyse, and openly dydst teach, that the Masse is verye idolatrie, and abominable in the sight of God.

MarginaliaAunswere.Hee aunswered and sayd: I haue read the Bible and worde of God in iij. tounges, and haue vnderstand them so farre as God gaue me grace, MarginaliaThe Masse not found in Scripture.and yet read I neuer that word Masse in it all: but I found (sayd he) that the thyng that was highest and most in estimation amongest men, and not in the worde of God, was Idolatrye, and abominable in the sight of God. MarginaliaArgument.And I say the Masse is holden greatly in estimation, and hye amongest men, and is not founded in the word, therfore I sayd it was Idolatrie and abominable in the sight of God. But if any man will finde it in the Scripture, and proue it by Gods worde, I will graunt myne errour, and that I haue fayled: otherwise not, and in that case I will submit me to all lawfull correction and punishement. Ad tertiam, sayd the Archbyshop.

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MarginaliaThe thyrd Article.Then sayd the accuser: Thou hast sayd and openly taught that the God which we worship, is but bread, sowen of corne, growing of the earth, baked of mens handes, and nothing els.

MarginaliaAunswere.He aunswered, I worship the father, the sonne, and the holy ghost, three persons in one Godhead, whiche made and fashioned the heauen and earth and all that is therin of naught, MarginaliaThe Popes God.but I know not whiche God you woorshyp: and if you will shewe me whom you woorshyppe, I shall shewe you, what hee is, as I can by my iudgement.

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Beleuest thou not (sayd the accuser) that the Sacrament of the altar, after þe wordes of the cōsecration betwixte the Priestes hādes, is the very body and bloud of the sonne of God, and God him self? What the body of God is, said he, & what kinde of body he hath, I haue shewed you, so farre as I haue found in Scripture.Then sayd the accuser, thou hast preached, sayd, and openly taught diuers and sondry other great errours and abominable heresies agaynst all the vij. Sacramentes, whiche for shortnes of tyme I pretermit and ouer passe. Whether doest thou graunt thy foresayd

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