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1489 [1489]

K. Henry. 8. Persecution in Scotland. Adam Wallace, Martyr.

Articles that thou art accused of, or no, and thou shalt heare them shortly? and then repeted the accuser the iij. Articles aforesayd shortly ouer, and asked him whether he graunted or denyed them.

Hee sayd hee had aunswered sufficiently before: & that he sayd nothing, but agreeyng to þe holy worde as he vnderstode, so God iudge him, & his owne cōscience accuse him, & therby would hee byde vnto the tyme hee were better instructed by Scripture, and the contrary proued, euen to the death: and said to the Lord Gouernour & other Lordes: MarginaliaThe words of Adā Wallace to the Lorde Gouernour and the lordes.if you condemne me for holding by Gods worde, my innocent bloud shalbe required at your handes, when ye shalbe brought before the iudgement seate of Christ, who is mightie to defend my innocent cause, before whom ye shall not deny it, nor yet be able to resiste his wrath: to whom I referre the vengeaunce, as it is written  

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Hebrews 10:30, quoting Deuteronomy 32:35.

: Vengeaunce is myne, and I will rewarde.MarginaliaHeb. 10.

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MarginaliaSentence of condemnation geuen agaynst Adam VVallace.Then gaue they foorth sentence, and condemned him by the lawes, and so left him to the secular power, in the handes of Syr Iohn Campbell Iustice deputie, who deliuered hym to the Prouost of Edenbrough to be burnt on the Castle hill, who incontinent made him to bee put in the vppermost house in the towne with Irons about his legges and necke, and gaue charge to MarginaliaSyr Hew Terrye an impe of Sathan.Sir Hew Terrye to keepe the key of the sayd house, an ignoraunt minister and impe of Sathan, and of the Byshops, who by direction, MarginaliaFryers sent to instructe Adam VVallace.sent to the poore man two Gray Friers to instruct him, with whom he would enter into no communing. Soone after that, was sent in ij. Blacke Friers, an Englishe Frier, and an other subtile sophister called Arbirtromy, with the whiche Englishe Frier hee would haue reasoned and declared his faith by the Scriptures. Who aūswered, he had no cōmission to enter in disputation with him, and so departed and left him.

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MarginaliaThe Deane of Roscalrige sent to Adam VVallace.Then was sent to him a worldly wise man, and not vngodly in the vnderstandyng of the truth, the Deane of Rosealrige, who gaue him Christiā consolation, amongest the which hee exhorted him to beleue the realtie of the Sacrament after the consecration. But hee woulde consent to nothing that had not euidence in the holy Scripture, and so passed ouer that night in singing, & lauding God to the eares of diuers hearers, hauing learned the Psalter of Dauid without booke, to his consolation: For before they had spoyled him of his Bible, whiche alwayes till after he was condemned, was with him, where euer he wēt. MarginaliaThe bookes of the good man taken from hym.After that, Syr Hew knew that he had certaine bookes to read and comfort his spirite, who came in a rage and tooke the same from him, leauing him desolate (to his power) of all consolation, and gaue diuers vngodly and iniurious prouocations by his deuilishe venome, to haue peruerted him a poore innocent, from the pacience and hope he had in Christ his Sauiour: but God suffered him not to bee moued therewith, as playnly appeared to the hearers and seers for the time.

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So all the next mornyng abode this poore man in Irons, & prouision was cōmaunded to bee made for his burning agaynst the next day. Whiche day the Lord gouernour, and all the principall both spirituall and tēporall Lordes departed from Edenbrough to their other busines.

MarginaliaThe Deane commeth agayne to Adam VVallace.After they were departed, came þe Deane of Roscalrige to him agayne and reasoned with him after his witte. Who aūswered as before, he would say nothing cōcerning his faith, but as the Scripture testifieth, yea though an Aungell  

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Galatians 1:8.

came from heauen to persuade him to the same: sauing that hee confessed him selfe to haue receaued good consolation of the sayd Deane in in other behalfes, as becommeth a Christian.

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MarginaliaSyr Hew Terrye commeth agayne to Adam VVallace.Then after came in þe sayd Terrye again & examined him after his olde maner, and sayd, hee would garre deuils to come forth of him ere euen. To whō he aunswered: you should be a godly mā to geue me rather conso-lation in my case. When I knewe you were come, I prayed God I might resiste your temptations, whiche, I thanke him, he hath made me able to doe: therfore I pray you let me alone in peace. Then hee asked of one of the Officers that stode by, is your fire makyng ready? Who tolde him it was. He aunswered, as it pleaseth god: I am ready soone or late, as it shall please him: and then he spake to one faithfull in that company, and bad him cōmend him to all the faithfull, beyng sure to meete together with them in heauen. From that tyme to his foorth cōming to the fire, spake no man with him.

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MarginaliaThe Prouoste of Edenbrough forbiddeth hym to speake to any man.At his forth commyng, the Prouost with great manasing wordes forbad him to speake to any man or any to hym, as belike hee had commaundement of his superiours. Cōmyng from the towne to the Castle hill, the cōmon people sayd, God haue mercy vpō him. And on you to (sayd he). Beyng beside the fire he lyfted vp his eyn to heauen twise or thrise, and sayd to the people: MarginaliaThe wordes of Adam Wallace to the people.Let it not offēd you, that I suffer the death this day, for the truthes sake, for the Disciple is not aboue his maister. Then was the Prouost angry that hee spake. Then looked he to heauen agayne, and sayd:

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¶ The burnyng of the blessed Martyr Adam Wallace.

¶ The burnyng of the blessed Martyr Adam Wallace.
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MarginaliaThe constant Martyrdome of Adam Wallace.

They will not let me speake. The corde beyng about his necke, the fire was lighted, and so departed hee to God constantly, and with good countenaunce to our sightes. Ex testimonijs & literis è Scotia petitis. an. 1550.

¶ The schisme  
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This incident is unattested outside Foxe, although comments by Sir David Lindsay (David Lindsay, 'Ane dialog betuix Experience and ane Courteour', The Works of Sir David Lindsay, ed. J. H. Murray (London, 1865-71), lines 2624-31; idem., 'Ane satyre of the Thrie Estaitis', Works, line 4604) give some support to his account. See Ryrie, 'Reform without frontiers', 44-5.

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that arose in Scotland for the Pater noster.

MarginaliaA schisme in Scotland by a sermon of Richard Mershall a blacke fryer, preaching that the Pater noster should not be sayd to Saintes.AFter that Richard Mershall Doctour of Diuinitie and Priour of the Blacke Friers at the new Castle in England, had declared in his preachynges at S. Andrewes in Scotland, that the Lordes Prayer (commonly called the Pater noster) should be done only to God and not to Saintes, neither to any other creature: the Doctours of the Vniuersitie of S. Andrewes together with the Gray Friers, who had long agoe taught the people to pray the Pater noster to Saintes, had great indignation that their olde doctrine should be repugned, and stirred vp a Gray Frier called Frier Toittis, to preach agayne to þe people that they shoulde and might pray the Pater noster to Saintes. Who findyng no parte of the Scripture to founde his purpose vpon, yet came to the pulpit, the first of Nouember, beyng the feast day of Allhallowes. an. 1451. and tooke

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