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1498 [1498]

K. Hen. 8. The Bull of Pope Leo. x. agaynst M. Luther.

singular the premisses, in all effectuall maner, is to bee condemned and compelled hereunto by all remedies of Marginalia(F) By hys owne Canon law, he meaneth, and not by the law of God.f the law, & enforced, according as we do condemne, compell, and enforce hym so to doo, prouiding that all molestations and refusals whatsoeuer, made by the sayd kyng Henry agaynst the sayd Quene Catherine, vpon the inualiditie of the sayd mariage, to haue bene and to be iudged vnlawfull, and vniust: and the sayde king from henceforth for euer to holde hys peace, and not to be heard in any court hereafter Marginalia(G) Here thou mayst see (good reader) howe the Pope may and doth erre lyke a false prophete. For where he thought to put the kyng to silence, the same silence lighted vpon him selfe, and wherby the Pope is driuen hymselfe to stand mute in England, and God graunt hee may so stand for euer, Amē.g to speake touching the inualiditie of the sayd Matrimonie: like as we also do here will and charge him to hold hys peace, & do put hym to perpetuall silence herein: Willing moreouer and adiudging the sayde Kyng Henry to be condemned, & presently here do condemne him in the expenses on þe sayd Queene Catherines behalfe here in our court, exposed and employed in trauersing the foresayd cause, the valuation of which expenses, we reserue to our selues to be limited and taxed, as we shall iudge meete hereafter.
We do so pronounce. .I.
At Rome in our Apostolicall palace publickly in our Consistory. 23. Mart. M. D. XXXIIII.

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Now as you haue heard the presumptuous and arrogant Sentence of Pope Clement, wherein hee taketh vpon hym, contrarye to the ordinaunce of God in hys leuiticall law (as before is shewed pag. 1197.) and contrary to the best learned iudgementes of Christendome, to commaund and compell the kyng against hys conscience, to reteine in Matrimony his brothers wife: here followeth in like order to be inferred, according to my promyse, MarginaliaPope Leo hys Bull agaynst Luther, and the appellation of M. Luther from the Pope, by way of an other like wycked, blasphemous, and sclaunderous Bull of Pope Leo against Martin Luther,  

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Exsurge Domini

Martin Luther's excommunication by Pope Leo X was a classic moment of definition as far as the Reformers were concerned, and there are numerous biographies and other studies of Luther's development to this point. The best are probably H. Boehmer, Martin Luther: Road to Reformation (trs.J.W. Doberstein and T.G. Tappert) (London, 1946); R.H. Fife, The Revolt of Martin Luther (London, 1957); and M. Brecht, Martin Luther: His road to Reformation, 1483-1521 (trs J. L. Schaaf) (Minneapolis, 1985).

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David Loades
University of Sheffield

wyth the iust Appellation also of the sayd Martyn Luther, from the Pope to a generall Councell. Wherin may appeare to all men the lying spirit of the Pope, both in teaching most heretical doctrine, derogating frō the bloud of Christ, and also falsely deprauing and peruerting the sound doctrine of Luther, falselye and vntruly chargyng hym wyth heresy, when he is the greatest hereticke him selfe. For what hereticke woulde euer say that the Church of Rome was consecrate and sanctified by the bloud of Peter, but onelye the Pope? Or who woulde call this heresie, to referre al our saluation and sanctification onely and totally to the bloud of the sonne of God, vnlesse he were an hereticke of all heretickes him selfe? MarginaliaThe Pope playeth with Luther, as Achab plaied with Elias, saying that he was the troubler of Israell, when it was he him selfe and his fathers house that so dyd.After the like dealing we reade 3. Reg. 18. of wicked kyng Achab, who being onelye the disturber of Israel him selfe, cryeth out vpon Elias, for troubling Israel. So here in semblable wyse Pope Leo, with what heape of tragicall woordes and exclamations doth he fare and rage agaynst the true seruāt of God poore Luther, for disturbing the church of God, when it is the Pope onely and hys fathers house that troubleth, and longe hath troubled the true Church of the Lord, as by hys doinges all the worlde maye see enough and to much. In the meane time reade, I beseech thee, wyth iudgement this impudent and false sclaunderous Bull of the Pope, with the appeale also of Luther agayne from the sayde Pope. The copye wherof because they be rare to be gottē, & hath not ben hetherto cōmōly seene,  
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The Bulla contra errors M. Lutheri et sequacium, had been published by J. Schott in Strasbourg in 1520. Luther's response had been published at once, but the version which Foxe probably used appeared in the Tomus primus omnium operum, published in Wittenberg by Johannes Lufft in 1545. The translation and commentary appear to be Foxe's original composition. The Latin texts of both the Bull and of Luther's response were omitted after 1563.

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being before omitted I thought to commit here to history, as I had it out of certaine Registers: the maner & tenor wherof is this as foloweth.

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¶ A copye of the Bull of Pope Leo x. no lesse sclaunderous then barbarous, against Martin Luther and hys doctrine. Leo Papa. x.

MarginaliaThe Bull of Pope Leo agaynst M. Luther.LEo Episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad perpetuam rei memoriam: Exurge domine & iudica causam tuam. Memor esto impropriorum eorum quæ ab insipientibus fiunt tota die. Inclina aurem tuā ad præces nostras, quoniam surrexerunt vulpes querentes demoliri vincam, cuius tu torcular solus calcasti, & ascensurus ad patrem,eius curam, regimen, & administrationem Petro tanquam capiti, & tuo vicario eiusq; successoribus instar triumphantis ecclesiæ commisisti. Exterminare nititur aper de sylua, & singularis ferus depascit eam. MarginaliaNum Paulus aut Petrus crucifixus est pro vobis? 1. Cor. 1. Item, Christus factus est sapientia a deo, iusticia, sanctificatio & redemptio. Vt qui gloriatur, in Domino glorietur. ibid. Que igitur hæc blasphema est vox pontificis, qui cōtra scripturas gloriatur in sanguine Petri?Exurge Petre, et pro pastorali cura præsata, tibi (vt præsertur) diuinitus demandata, intende in causam sancta Romanæ ecclesiæ matris omnium ecclesiarum ac fides nostræ, quā tu (iubente deo) tuo sanguine consecrasti, contra quam (sicut tu præmonere dignatures) insurgunt ministri mendaces introducentes sectas perditionis, sibi celerem interitum superinducentes, quorum lingua ignis est, inquietum malum, plena veneno mortifero, qui zelum malum habentes, & contentiones in cordibus suis, gloriantur, & mendaces sunt aduersus veritatem.

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Exurge tu quoq; quesumus Paule, qui eam tua doctrina, ac pari martyrio illuminacti atq; illustrasti. Iam enim surgit nouus Porphirius, qui sicut ille olim sanctos Apostolos iniuste momordit, MarginaliaObsecrauit Lutherus in initio pontificem, & audiri non potuit. Nunc increpat Lutherus pontificem, & ferri non potest. Et quid hic Lutherus fecit nisi iuxta doctrinam Apostolicam quæ ait: Argue insta, increpa. &c. 2. Tim. 4.ita hic sanctos pōtifices, predecessores nostros, cōtra tuā doctrinā eos nō obsecrādo sed increpando mordere, lacerare, ac vbi causæ suæ diffidit, ad conuitiæ accedere non veretur, more hereticorum, quorum (vt inquit Hieronimus) vnltimum præsidium est, vt cum conspiciant causa suas damnatum iri, incipiant virus serpentis lingua diffundere, & cum se victos conspiciant, ad contumelias prosilire. Nam licet hæreses esse ad execitationē fidelium, tu dixeris oportere, eas tamen ne incrementum accipiant, neuè vulpeculæ coalescant in ipso ortu, te intercedente, te adiuuāte extingus neceße est.

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Exurgat deniq; omnis sanctorum ac reliqua vniuersalis ecclesia, cuius vera sacrarum literarum interpretatione posthabita, quidam quorum mentem pater mendacij excecauit, ex veteri hæreticorum instituto apud semetipsos sapiētes, Scripturas easdē alitèr quam spiritus sanctus flagitet, proprio duntaxat sensu ambitionis, auræ quoq; popularis causa, teste Apostolo, interpretantur: imo vero & torquet & adulterant: ita vt, iuxta Hieronimum, iam non sit Euangelium Christi, sed hominis, aut, quod peius est, diaboli.

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Exurgat, inquam, præfatæ Ecclesia sancta dei, & vnà cū beatißimis Apostolis præfatis, apud deum omnipotentem intercedat, vt purgatis omnium schismaticorum erroribus, eliminatisq; a fidelium finibus hæresibus vniuersis, Ecclesiæ suæ sanctæ pacem & vnitatem conseruare dignetur.

Dudum siquidem (quòd præ animi angustiæ & mærore exprimere vix possumus) fide dignorū relatu, ac fama publica referente, ad nostrum peruenit auditū, imo vero (proh dolor) oculis nostris vidimus ac legimus, multos & varios errores, quosdam videlicet per Conciliæ, ac predecessorum nostrorum constitutiones damnatos, heresim etiam Grecorum & Bohemicam expresse continētes, MarginaliaTunc es ille qui conturbas Israell. 3. Reg. 18.alios vero respectiuè vel hæreticos, vel falsos, vel scandalosos, vel piarum aurium offensiuos, vel simplicium mentium seductiuos, a falsis fidei cultoribus qui per superbam curiositatē mundi gloriam cupientes, contra Apostoli doctrinam plus sapere volunt quam oporteat, quorum garrulitas (vt inquit Hieronimus) sine scripturarum authoritate non haberet fidem nisi viderentur peruersam doctrinam etiam deuinis testimonijs, malè tamen interpretatis, roborare (à quorum oculis dei timor receßit) humani generis hoste suggerente nouitèr suscitatos, & nuper apud quosdā leuiores in inclyta natione Germanicæ seminatos. Quod eo magis dolemus ibi euenisse, quòd eandem nationem & nos & prædecessores nostri in visceribus semper gesserimus charitatis. Nam post translatum ex Græcis æ Romana Ecclesiæ in eosdem Germanos imperium, ijdem prædecessores nostri & nos eiusdem Ecclesiæ aduocatos defensoresq; ex eis semper accepimus. Quos quidem Germanos, catholicæ veritatis verè Germanos, constat hæresium acerrimos oppugnatores semper fuisse. Cuius rei testes sunt laudabiles illa cōstitutiones Germanorum Imperatorum pro libertate Ecclesiæ proq; expellendis, exterminandisq; ex omni Germaniæ hæreticis, sub grauißimis pœnis, etiam amißionis terrarum & dominiorum contra receptatores, vel non expellentes, olim æditæ & a nostris prædecessoribus confirmatæ: quæ si hodie seruarentur, & nos & ipsi vtiq; hac molestiæ careremus.

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Testis est is concilio Constatiensi, Hußitarum ac VVickleuistarum, nec non Hieronimi Pragen. damnata ac punita perfidia. Testis est totiens contra Bohemos Germanorum sanguis effusus. Testis deniq; est prædictorum errorum ex eis per Coloniæ & Louaniæ vniuersitates vtpote agri Dominici pijßimas relgiosißimasq; cultrices, nō minus docta q̃ vera ac sancta confutatio, reprobatio & damnatio. Multa quoq; alia allegare poßimus, quæ ne historiam sexere videamur, prætermittenda censuimus.

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Pro pastoralis igitur officij, diuina gratia nobis iniuncti cumquam gerimus, prædictorum errorum virus pestiferum vlterius tolerare seu dißimulare, sine Christianæ religionis nota atq; orthodoxæ fidei iniuria nullo modo possumus. Eorum autem errorum aliquos præsentibus duximus inferendos, quorum tenor sequitur, & est talis.

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Heretica est sententia sed vsitata, Sacramenta nouæ legis iustificātem gratiam illis dare, qui non ponunt obicem.

MarginaliaArticuli Lutheri quos Papa tanquā hæreticos damnauit.In puero post Baptismum negare remanens peccatum: est Paulum est Christum simul conculcare.
