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1501 [1501]

K. Henry. 8. The blinde Bull of Pope Leo. x. agaynst M. Luther.

num, omnesq̀; & singulos supradictos, qui elapso termino mandatis nostris non paruerint, in eorum Ecclesijs, dominicis & alijs festiuis diebus, dum inibi maior populi multitudo ad diuina conuenerit, hæreticos condemnatos publicè nuncient, faciantq̀; ab alijs nunciari, & ab omnibus arctius euitari: simulq̀; præsentes litteras, vel earū transumptum in eorum Ecclesijs affigi faciant.

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Excommunicamus quoq̀; omnes & singulos, cuiuscunq̀; status, gradus, conditionis, præeminentiæ, dignitatis aut excellentiæ fuerint, qui quo minus præsentes literæ aut earum transumpta affigi & publicari poßint, quoquo modo procurauerint per se vel alium seu alios, publicè vel occultè, directè vel indirectè, tacitè vel expreßè. &c.

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Nulli ergo omnino homini liceat hanc paginā nostra dānationis, reprobationis, reiectionis, decreti, declarationis, inhibitionis, volūtatis, mandati, hortationis, obsecrationis, requisitionis, monitionis, aßignationis, confeßionis, condemnationis, subiectionis, excommunicationis, & anathematizationis, infringere vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attentare præsumpserit, indignationem omnipotentis dei, ac beatorū Petri & Pauli Apostolorum eius, se nouerit incursurum.

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Datum Romæ apud S. Pet. an. 1520. 17. Calend. Iulij. Pontificatus nostri. 8.

Concordat cum Originali.

¶ The said sclaūderous and barbarous Bull of Pope Leo the. x. against Luther, in English, with the aunswere of Luther ioyned to the same.

MarginaliaThe Popes Bull in Englishe.LEO Bishop, seruant of the seruantes of God, for a perpetuall memory hereof. Rise vp O Lord, & iudge thy cause. Remēber the rebukes wherwith we are scorned all the day long of foolish rebukers. Encline thyne eare to our prayers: for Foxes are risen vp, seking to destroy thy vineyard, the vinepresse wherof thou only hast troden, and ascending vp to thy Father, hast committed the charge and regiment therof vnto Peter as chief head, and to thy Vicar & his successors. The wylde Bore out of the wood seeketh to exterminate and roote vp thy vineyard. Rise vp Peter, and for this thy pastorall charge cōmitted to thee from aboue, entend to the cause of the holy Church of Rome, the mother of all Churches, and of our faith, which thou by the commaundement of God dydst consecrate with thine owne bloude: MarginaliaNote here and marke good reader, how the Church of Rome holdeth by the bloud of S. Peter, and not by the bloud of Christ.agaynst whych (as thou hast foretolde vs) false lyers haue risen vp, bringing in sectes of perdition, to their own speedy destruction. Whose tong is like fyre, full of vnquietnes, and replenished with deadlye poyson: who hauyng a wycked zeale, and nourishing contentions in their hartes, doo bragge and lye against the veritie.

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Rise vp Paule also, we pray thee, which hast illuminate þe same church with thy doctrine & lyke martyrdome. For now is sprong vp a new Porphyrie, who, as þe said Porphyrie then vniustly did sclaūder thy holy Apostels, so sēblably doth this man now sclaunder, reuile, rebuke, bite, and barke against the holy bishops our predecessors, not in beseching them, but in rebuking them. And where he distrusteth hys cause, there hee falleth to obprobrious checkes and rebukes, after the wonted vse of heretickes, whose vtmost refuge is thys (as Hierome saith) that whē they see their cause go to wrack, then like Serpents they cast out their venome with their tong, and when they see them selues neare to be ouercome, they fall to rayling. For though heresies (as thou sayest) must needes bee, for the exercise of the faithfull: yet lest these heresies should further encrease and these Foxes gather strength against vs, it is needefull that by thy meanes and helpe, they be suppressed and extinguished at the beginning.

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Finally let all the whole vniuersall Church of Gods Saintes and Doctors ryse vp, whose true expounding of holy scripture being reiected, certayne persons (whose hartes the father of lyes hath blinded) and wyse in theyr own conceites (as the maner of hereticks is) do expound the scriptures otherwyse then the holye Ghost doth require, following onely their own sense of ambition and vainglory: yea rather do wrast and adulterate the scriptures: so that as Hierome sayth, now they make it not þe gospel of Christ, but of mā, or which is worse, of þe deuill.

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Let all the holy Church I say, ryse vp, and wyth the blessed Apostels together make intercession to almighty God, that the errours of all schismatickes being rooted and stocked vp, hys holye Church maye be conserued in peace and vnitie.

For of late (which for sorow we cā not expresse) by credible information & also by publicke fame it hath come to our eares, yea we haue seene also & read with our eyes, diuers & sundry errours, of which some haue ben condēned by Councels & constitutions of our predecessours,contaynyng expreslye the heresie of the Grekes and of the Bohemians: MarginaliaRespectiuely.some againe respectiuely, eyther hereticall, or false, or sclaunderous, or offensiue to good eares, or such as maye seduce simple myndes, newlye to be raised vp, by certaine false pretensed Gospellers: who by curious pride, seeking worldly glory against the doctrine of the Apostle, would be more wyse then becōmeth them, whose babling (as S. Hierome calleth it) without authoritie of þe scriptures, should finde no credite, vnlesse they should seme to cōfirme their false doctrine euē with testimonies of the scripture, but yet falsely interpreted. Which worketh vs so much þe more griefe, for that those heresies be sprong in þe noble nation of þe Germanes, vnto the which nation we with our predecessours haue alwaies borne speciall fauour & affection. For after þe Empyre was first translated by the church of Rome, from the Grekes vnto the Germanes, MarginaliaThe Germanes in olde tyme most addicted to poperye aboue all other nations.the sayd our predecessours & we, haue alwayes had thē as speciall fautours & defenders of this our church, & they haue alwayes shewed thē selues as most earnest suppressours of heresies: as witnes wherof remaine yet those laudable constitutions of the Germane Emperours, set forth & confirmed by our predecessors, for the libertie of the church, & for expulsing heretickes out of all Germanie, and that vnder greuous penaltie and losse of all their goods and landes. Which constitutions, if they were obserued this present daye, both we & they should now be free frō this disturbance.

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Furthermore, the heresie of the Hussites, Wicleuistes, & of Hierome of Prage, being condemned & punished in the Councell of Constance, doth witnes the same. Moreouer doth witnes þe same, so much bloud of the Germanes spilt fightyng agaynst the Bohemians. To conclude, the same also is confirmed and witnessed by the learned and true confutation, reprobation and condemnation set forth by the Vniuersities of Colene and Louaine in Germany against þe foresayd errours. Many other witnesses also we might alledge, which here, least we should seme to write a story, we pretermit.

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Wherfore we for the charge of our Pastorall office cōmitted vnto vs, can no longer forbeare or wincke at the pestiferous poyson of the foresayd errours: of the whiche errours we thought here good to recite certain. The tenour of which is this, as foloweth.

MarginaliaArticles of Luther.It is an olde heresie to say, that the Sacramentes of the new law doth geue grace to thē, qui non ponunt obicem. I. which haue in them selues to the contrary, no let.

In a child after his Baptisme, to denye that sinne remayneth, is to tread downe Paul and Christ vnder foote.

The origine of sinne, although no actuall sinne do folowe after, doth staye the soule leauyng the body, from the entraunce into heauen.

Vnperfite charitie of a man departyng, must nedes bring with it great feare, whiche of it selfe is inough to deserue the payne of Purgatory, and stoppeth the entrāce into the kingdome of heauen.

To say that penaunce standeth of three partes, to wytte, contrition, confession, and satisfaction, is not founded in holy Scripture, nor in auncient, holy and Christian Doctours.

Contrition, whiche a man stirreth vp in hym selfe, by discußyng, remembryng, and detestyng his sinnes, in reuoluyng his former yeares in bytternes of soule, and in ponderyng the wraight, nūber, and filthynes of hys sinnes, the leesing of eternall blisse, and gettyng of eternall damnation: this contrition maketh a man an hypocrite, yea a greater sinner.

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It is an old prouerbe and to bee preferred before the doctrine of all that haue written hetherto of contrition: from hence forth to transgresse no more. MarginaliaBest repentance is a new life.The chiefest and the best penaunce is a new lyfe.

Neuer presume to confesse thy veniall sinnes nor yet all thy mortall sinnes, for it is impoßible to remember all the mortall sinnes that thou hast committed, and therfore in the primitiue Churche they confessed the mortall sinnes, which onely were manifest.

While we seeke to nūber vp all our sinnes syncerely vnto the Priest, we meane nothing ells herein, but that we will leaue nothyng to the mercy of God, to be forgeuen.

In confeßion no man hath his sinnes forgeuen, except hee beleue, when the Priest forgiueth, the same to bee remitted: yea otherwise his sinne remayneth vnforgiuen, vnlesse he beleue the same to be forgiuen. For els remißion of the Priest,
