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1503 [1503]

K. Henry. 8. The Bull of Pope Leo agaynst Martin Luther, in Englishe.

also of losyng their liberties to hold generall scholes, to read and professe any science and facultie: of losyng also their tenures and feofementes, & of inhabilitie for euer to recouer the same agayne, or any other: moreouer vnder payne of secluding from Christian buriall, yea and of treason also, and incurryng such paynes and punishementes expressed in the lawe, as are due for all heretikes and fautors of the same: we charge and commaunde all and singular Christen people both men and wemen, as well of the laitye as of the Clergye, both secular and also regular, of what order soeuer they be, and briefly all other persons, of what degree or cōdition so euer they be, or in what dignitie soeuer they are placed, either Ecclesiasticall or temporall: as first the Cardinals of the holy Churche of Rome, Patriarkes, Primates, Archbyshops, Bishops, with the Prelates and heades of the Churches Patriarchall, Metropolitane, or other Cathedral, Collegiate, and other small and inferiour Churches: to all Clerkes and other personnes Ecclesiasticall, as Abbottes, Priors, or Ministers generall or particular, brethren or religious men exēpt and not exempt: also Vniuersities of Scholes, & all other as well secular Priestes as regular, and religious persons of all orders, yea of the beggyng Friers also: Item, Kynges, MarginaliaBeholde how kinges come after bagges and wallets, and begging Fryers.Electours of the Imperiall crowne, Princes, Dukes, Marquesses, Barons, Capitaynes, Conductours and Seruitures, & all Officers, Iudges, Notaries, whether they bee Ecclesiasticall or secular: Communalties, Vniuersities, Dominions, Cities, Castels, Lordships, and places, with the inhabiters of the same: and finallye, all other persons what soeuer, Ecclesiasticall or regular, dispersed in what soeuer places through the whole Marginalia* Here may be a doubt, whether the man in the Moone bee exempted with hys bushe of thornes on hys necke out of thys Bull, or not.* vniuersall worlde, or whiche shalbe hereafter dispersed, but speciallye in hygh Almainy, that they shal not presume publickely or priuatly vnder any maner of pretence or colour, colourably or expressely, or how els so euer, to hold, maynteine, defende preach or fauour the foresaid errours or any of thē, or any such peruerse doctrine.

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MarginaliaThe bokes of M. Luther condemned.Ouer and besides, forsomuch as the foresayd errours and many other are conteyned in the bokes or writyngs of the foresayd Martin Luther, therfore we condemne, reproue, and vtterly reiecte and hold for vtterly condemned, reproued, and reiected the foresayd bookes and all the writynges of the sayd Martin, with hys preachyngs, in what toung soeuer they are found, wherin the said errours or any of them is cōteyned: willyng & commaundyng vnder the vertue of holy obedience, and incurryng the penalties aforesayd, to all and singular Christen people, both men and womē aboue rehearsed, that they presume not by any maner of wayes, directly or indirectly, colourably or expressely, priuely or apertly, either in their houses or in other publicke or priuate places, to read, holde, preach, print, publish or defend, either by thē selues or by others, but straight waies after þe publishing hereof they do burne or cause to be burned the sayd errours, by their ordinaryes diligently being searched out and solemnely presented in the sight of the whole Clergye and people, vnder all and singular the penaltyes aforesayd.

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Now, as touchyng the sayd Martin, O good Lorde, what haue we left Marginalia* Let vs see here what ye haue not done: First Luther gently submitted him self: but you reiected hym: he then referred him to the iudgement of 4. Vniuersities in Germanye, it would not be taken: he then appealed from the Cardinall to the Pope, the Pope refused hym: then he appealed from the Pope to the Councell, neither dyd the Pope admitte that: he required to be conuinced by the Scriptures, the Pope neyther would nor could so do. And yet the Pope sayth he left nothyng vndone.* vndone? What haue we left vnattēpted? what fatherly charitie haue we not shewed, whereby to haue reduced hym from these errours? For after that we did cite him, thynkyng to procede with hym more fauorably, we inuited and exhorted hym as well by diuers tractatiōs had with our Legate, as by our owne letters, that he would relinquish þe foresaid errors, or els hauing safeconduct offered to him with money necessary for his iorney, to come to vs without any feare or dread, whiche perfect charitie ought to cast out, and so after the example of our Sauiour and hys Apostle S. Paul, hee would speake, not in corners and in secret, but opēly to our face. Whiche if he had done, of truth we thinke no lesse, but that reformyng hym selfe, he would haue recognised hys errours, neither should haue found so many faultes in the Court of Rome, which he beyng seduced with the rumours of malicious people more then he ought, doth so much reprehend. Where we would haue taught hym to see more clearely then the light day, that the holy fathers of Rome our predecessours (whom he without all modesty most iniuriously doth rayle vppon) did neuer erre in their Canons and constitutions (which hee so much depraueth.) For as sayth the Prophet: Neither is there rosine nor Phisicion lackyng in Galaad. MarginaliaIerem. 8.But he hath alwayes shewed him selfe disobedient, and refused at our Citation to appeare, and yet to this present day continuyngstill in hys stubburne mynde and hart indurate, hath remayned now more then a yeare vnder our curse, yea and moreouer addyng mischief to mischief (whiche is worst of all) he hearyng of this our Citation, burst out into a a presumptuous Appellation from vs, vnto the next generall Councell, MarginaliaHere note, good reader, that Luther appealed frō the Pope to the Councell two yeares before thys Bull: which was, an. 1318.agaynst the constitution both of Pope Pius the second, and Pope Iulius the second our predecessours, whiche so decreed that all they whiche so did appeale, should be punished as heretickes.

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In vayne also he seketh refuge to the generall Councell, which professeth hym self not greatly to regard such Councels. So that now we myght lawfully procede agaynst hym as agaynst one notoriously suspected of hys faith, yea a very heretick in dede, without any further Citation or delay, to the condemnation of hym as of an hereticke, and to the seueritie of all and singular paynes and censures afore written. Yet we notwithstandyng by the counsell of our brethren aforesayd, folowyng the clemency of almighty God, VVhiche vvill not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should conuert and lyue, and forgettyng all iniuries heretofore done vnto vs and to þe Sea Apostolicke, haue thought good to vse al fauourable meanes toward hym that we might, and so to worke (as much as in vs lieth) that he by this way of manseutude, might be brought to reformation: so that he forsakyng hys former errours, might be receyued as the lost child, and returne home agayne vnto the lappe of hys mother the Church.

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MarginaliaThe Popes exhortation to Luther.Wherfore in most hartye wise we exhorte and besech the sayd Martin and all hys adherentes, receiuers, and fautors, by the bowels of the mercy of our God, and by the sprinklyng of the bloud of our Lord Iesu Christ, in whom and by whom is made the redemption of mankynd and the edification of holy mother Churche, that they will ceasse to disturbe the peace, vnitie, and verity of the sayd Church, for the whiche our Sauiour so instantly prayed to hys father, and that they will abstayne from such pernicious errours aforesaid. Who in so doyng shal fynde with vs (if they shall obey, or shall certifye vs by lawfull witnesses to haue obeyed effectually herein) the affection of fatherly charitie and a full fountayne opened of all mercy and clemency: Willyng and chargyng the sayd Martin notwithstandyng from henceforth that hee vtterly desiste in the meane time from all preachyng and office of preachyng. Or els if the loue of Iustice and vertue shall not restrayne the sayd Martin from sinne, neyther the hope of our pardon shall reduce hym to repentaunce: MarginaliaThe Pope threatneth M. Luther with the intent that the terrour of punishment and of discipline may bridle hym, we require and admonishe the sayd Martin and his adherentes, abettours, fautours and receiuers, by the tenour hereof, in the vertue of holy obedience and vnder incurring of all the penalties aforesayd, districtley chargyng and commaundyng that within lx. dayes, (wherof xx. we assigne for the first, xx. for the second, and the other xx. for the thyrde and peremptory terme) immediatly folowyng after the settyng vppe of these present letters, that the sayd Martin, his abettours, fautours, adherētes and receyuers aforesayd, do surcease from the foresayd errours, and from the preachyng, publishyng, maynteyning and defendyng of the same: also from settyng out of bokes or Scriptures vpon the sayd errours or any of thē: and furthermore, that they burne or cause to be burned all and singular such bookes and Scriptures as conteyne the foresayd errours or any of them by any maner of way.

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Also that the sayd Martin doe vtterly reuoke those errours and assertions, and so to certifie vs of the reuokyng therof by publicke testimonie in due forme of law, signed by the handes of two Prelates, to be sent vnto vs within the terme of other lyke lx. dayes, or els to bee brought by hym vnto vs if he him selfe will come (which woulde please vs much rather) MarginaliaThe popes safeconduct to Luther offered.with a full safeconduct aboue mēcioned, which frō henceforth we are content to offer vnto hym, to the entēt that no scruple of doubt touching his true obedience should hereafter remayne.

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Contrarywise, if the sayd Martin (whiche God defend) hys abettours, fautors, adherentes and mainteyners aforesayd shall otherwise do, or shall not fulfill to euery effect and purpose, all and singular the premisses within the terme aforesayd, we then folowyng the doctrine of the Apostle, which teacheth vs to auoyde an hereticall person after the first and second correction, as well now as before, and as well before as now, declaryng by our authoritie the sayd Martin, hys abettours, fautors, adherentes, maintayners & receyuers as withered braūches not remainyng in Christ, but teachyng and

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