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1514 [1514]

K. Hen. 8. Appendix. The Appeale of Luther frō Pope Leo to the next generall Councell.

coumpt of their doctrine) do flye to this miserable and desperate refuge, willyngly to shut theyr eyes and stoppe theyr eares, and to say, I will not, I damne thee, I heare thee not, I allowe thee not. If I should haue played any such mad parte, how would they (I praye you) haue triumphed agaynst me? This dastarly feare declareth what cowardes they are.

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Wherfore not to burden the reader with any tedious prolixitie of matter in prosecutyng euery Article, I here proteste in these presentes, that I Marginalia* Note here, good reader, that amōgst these Articles, certaine there bee which because they semed somewhat to beare with te Pope and hys pardons, Luther comming after to more knowledge that the pope was Antichrist, confesseth him selfe in hys Assertions, that he vtterly calleth backe the same, not reuoking thē as the Pope would haue had hym, but rather aggrauating them against the Pope.* confesse all these thinges here condemned by this miserable Bull, for pure, cleare and Catholicke doctrine: whereof I haue sufficiently gyuen a compt in my bookes which bee extant abroad.

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Furthermore, I will also that the sayd my bookes beyng extant abroad, shallbe taken as a publicke accusation agaynst these wicked Sophisters and seducers of the people of God: so that vnlesse they shall gyue a count of their doctrine, and shall conuict me with good ground of Scripture, I do here, as much as in me lyeth, denounce them as gilty of errour, heresie, and sacrilege, admonishyng, desiryng and in the Lord exhortyng all them whiche truly confesse Christ, that they will beware and take hede of their pestiferous and pernitious doctrine, and not to doubt, but that the true Antichrist reigneth now by them in the world amongest vs.

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And if any shall contemne this my brotherly admonition, let him know that I am pure and cleane from his bloud, and excused in the last iudgement of Christ. For I haue left nothyng vndone, whiche Christian charitie dyd bynde me to do.

Finally, if there be no other way wherby I may resist these babling and triflyng condemners, the vttermost & last which I haue, I will geue and bestow in the quarell, that is, this lyfe and bloud of myne. For better it were for me a thousand tymes to be slayne, then to reuoke one sillable of these Articles whiche they haue cōdemned. And now as they do curse and excommunicate me for their damnable heresie, so I agayne lykewise do curse & excōmunicate them for the holy veritie of God. Christ whiche is onely the Iudge of all, iudge and determine this matter betwene vs, whether of these two excommunications, hys or myne shall stand and preuayle before hym. Amen.

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MarginaliaRead afore pag. 973.In storying the life of Luther before pag. 973. it was declared, how the sayd Luther in the begynnyng, first beyng reiected of the Cardinall Caietanus, appealed from the Cardinall vnto the Pope. When that would not serue, neither could any tolerable submission of Luther to the Pope be receaued, but that the Pope with his Cardinals, contrary to all equitie and conscience, woud nedes procede agaynst hym, and agaynst the expresse truth of Gods worde, thinkyng by mere authoritie to beare down þe veritie as he had vsed before to do, Luther folowyng the iustnes of his cause, was then cōpelled to appeale from the Pope to the next generall Councell, and so did, MarginaliaRead afore pag. before you may read pag. 974. Whiche was ij. yeares before the Popes Bull agaynst Luther came out. The tenour of which appellation before omitted, I thought here to exhibite, whereby the reader consideryng the great chaunge of Religion and state of the Church whiche since hath ensued, may also perceaue the true originall cause and occasion, how it first began, by what order and degrees it after encreased, what humilitie and submission first on Luthers part was shewed, and agayne what insolencie, wrong, and violence on þe Popes part was declared. And further, where Pope Leo in his Bull aboue prefixed seemeth to pretende certaine conditions of fauour, charitie, and money offered to Luther in the begynnyng, how false and vaine that is, by this present appeale may appeare. The copy wherof, as it was drawen by þe publicke notarie and exhibited, is this as in forme here foloweth.

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¶ The tenour and forme of the Appeale of Martine Luther, from Pope Leo to the next generall Councell.

MarginaliaThe Appeale of M. Luther from the Pope to the next general Coūcel.IN nomine Domini, Amē. Anno a natiuitate eiusdem. 1518 indicitione sexta, die vero solis vigesima octaua mensis Nouembris Pontficatus Sanctissimi in Christo patris & Domini nostri, Domini Leonis, diuina prouidētia Papæ decimi, anno sexto in mea Notarij publici testiumq; infra scriptorum ad hoc specialiter vocatorū & rogatorum presentia constitutus reuerendus Pater Dominus Martinus Luther Augustinianus Wittembergen. sacræ Theologiæ Magister, ac ibidem Lector ordinarius Theologiæ principalis, ac principaliter pro seipso citra tamen quamcunq; Procuratorum suorum quomodolibet hactenus per eum constitutorum reuocationem, habens & tenens in suis manibus quandam prouotationis & appellationis papyri schedulā animo & intentione prouocandi & appellandi Marginalia* xxx, gracis emissionem significat seu literas emissorias vnde corrupto loquendi genere Romana Curia apostolos appællat pro eo quod apostolas dici conueniebas.* apostolosq; petendi, dicens, nàrrans, prouocans, & appellans certis & legitimis de causis in eadem schedula contentis & comprehensis, ad Cōcilium proximè & immediate futurum, saltem in spiritu sancto legitimè cōgregatum, alijs vero congregationibus, factionibus, & concionibus priuatis penitus seclusis, protestans aliaq; faciens prout in dicta appellationis schedula plenius continetur, habetur, & describitur, cuius tenor sequitur, & est talis.

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MarginaliaApellationis remedium aduersus iniurias iure diurno & humano licitum, & concessum omnibus.Cum Appellationis remedium in subsidium & leuamen oppressorum a iurium conditoribus sit adinuentum, & non solum ab illatis verum etiam ab inferendis & inferri cōminatis grauaminibus & iniurijs iura appellare permittant, cumq̀; inferior de non appellando ad superiorem statuere non possit & manus superiorum claudere, sed cū satis sit in professo quod sacrosanctum Cōcilium in spiritu sancto legitimè congregatum sanctam ecclesiam catholicam representans, sit in causis fidem concernentibus supra Papam: MarginaliaConcilium generale supra Papam.euenit quòd Papa in causis huiusmodi, ne ab eo ad Concilium appelletur statuere non possit (tanquā id agens quod ad officium suū non spectet vllo modo) sitq̀; appellatio ipsa defensio quædam quæ iure diuino, naturali, & humano cuiq; cōperit, neq; per principem auferri possit. Idcirco ego frater Martinus Luther ordinis Eremitarum sancti Augustini Wittenbergen. sacræ Theologiæ Magister indignus eiusdemq; ibidem lector ordinarius principalis, principaliter & pro meipso coram vobis Notario publico tanquam publica & autentica persona, testibus hic præsentibus animo & intentione prouocandi & appellandi apostolosq; petendi, prouoco & appello, premissa tamen expressa hac & solemni protestatione: MarginaliaProtestio M. Lutheri, ante appellationem præmissa.quòd contra vnam sanctam & catholicam Apostolicamq̀; ecclesiam, quam totius orbis esse magistram & obtinere principatum non ambigo, sanctæq; sedis Apostolicæ authoritatem, ac sanctissimi Domini nostri Papæ benè consulti potestatem nihil dicere intendo. Si quid autem ex librico forsan linguæ, seu aduersariorum potius irritamento, minus rectè & non ea qua debeat, reuerentia dictum fuerit, paratissimus sum illud emendare.

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Sed cum is qui vicem dei in terris gerit, quem Papam dicimus, sit homo similis nobis, ex hominibus assumptus & ipse, vt Apostolus dicit, circumdatus infirmitate, portens errare, peccare, mentiri, vanus fieri, nec sit exceptus ab illa prophetæ generali sententia: Omnis homo mendax, MarginaliaPetrus errausis Pontifex igitur errate sanctus Petrus primus & sanctissimus omnium pontificum ab hac infirmitate liber fuerit, quin noxia simulatione contra veritatem euangelij incederet, ita vt rigida quidem, sed sanctissima reprehensione Apostoli Pauli opus habuerit corrigi, vt ad Galathas secundo scribitur:

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Quo nobilissimo exemplo per spiritum sanctum in ecclesia monstrato & in litteris sacratissimis relicto, fideles Christi erudimur & certi sumus quòd si quis summus Pontifex eadam Petri vel simili infirmitate lapsus quid præceperit vel decreuerit contra diuina mandata, non solum obediendum ei nō esse, verum etiam cum Apostolo Paulo in faciem ei resisti posse, immo debere, ac velut per inferiora mēbra infirmitati capitis pia totius corporis sollicitudine succurri: MarginaliaInfirmitari capitis per inferiora membra succurrendum.Et in huius exemplo presentem ac perpetuam memoriam non sine singulari dei consilio factam esse non obscurè intelligitur, MarginaliaPetrus a Paulo reprehensus, pontificem admonere potest, quid & illū sustinendum, quidq; cœteris faciendum sic.vt non solum S. Petrus, sed etiam salutaris eius reprehēsor Paulus sanctæ Romanæ ecclesiæ iuxta & simul patrocinarentur & possent, quò scilicet nō solū litteris, sed sensibili quoq; monumento huius summi, necessarij, ac saluberimi exempli assiduè mouerentur tam ipsa capita quam nos mēbra: Quodsi qua potentiū vi armatus tantū preualuerit vt resisti ei non possit, vnum certè illud prædictum appellationis remedium reliquum est quo oppressi releuentur:

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Ad quod & ego frater Martinus Luther predictus modo et animo predictis cōfugiens, dico & propono, quòd cū diebus superioribus indugentiæ a quibusdam Cōmissarijs (vt asserebant) Apostolicis indiscretissimè predicarentur in regione nostra Saxoniæ, MarginaliaFœda & absurda indulgētiarū venditatio, per Saxoniam.adeò vt ad exugendas populi pecunias inciperēt absurda, hæretica, & blasphema quædā predicare in seductionem animarum fidelium, & summum ludibrium ecclesiasticæ potestatis, præsertim de potestate Papæ in Purgatorio (vt continet eorū libellus qui Summaria institutio vocatur) MarginaliaPapa non habet potestatem in Purgatorium.quum tamen certum sit ex centum abusionibus Papam non habere prorsum vllam potestatem in Purgatorium: Deinde vna totius ecclesiæ sententia omniumq; doctorum consensu indulgentiæ sunt nihil nisi remissiones satisfactionis pœni-

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